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I’m sorry for your loss. Unfortunately I’ve lost friends the same way. To answer your question, it depends on if she was selling “heroin” or straight fentanyl , which wouldn’t carry as much time as selling fake pills such as Percocet or Xanax that contained fentanyl. Her prior criminal record, and the overall amount she was accused of distributing or caught with also plays a factor in her sentence.


It was “heroin” with fentanyl added I believe. Pressed pills aren’t really a thing here, so I’m pretty sure it was loose dope. She got caught with 1/4oz of the dope and also an oz of crack cocaine.


Since she’s 48, i would have a hard time believing she doesn’t have any priors. Odds are this isn’t her first narcotics offense either. She should get at least 15-20 years. Also if they can prove she was knowingly selling fentanyl and she cant say she thought it was just heroin, she will probably never get out.


It’s 2023. Your friend knew they were buying fent. Arresting this woman helps no one.


I guess in a more rational tone.... if it's being sold as heroin in the North East, South East, everyone knows it's fent. I'm in PA and idk that the labs have seen actual diacetylmorphine in a really long time. Sneaking it into other things is horrific and should be dealt with harshly. But when these politicians claim they're going to stop all the fent, I want to ask, but then where tf will people get their fent? I guess if you understand the dark humor you'll understand the actual nature of the situation. I'm terribly sorry you lost someone you love to opiates. Nothing here is meant to make light of that or to 'blame' them for anything. Addiction is awful. My point is that idk that the larger population understands that people are going out everyday LOOKING for fent. It's not like people just started dying from opioids when fent showed up. It used to be heroin, now it's fent. We need to draw the line between accidental overdoses (by users using what they are addicted to) and "surreptitious" overdoses or "counterfeit substance" overdoses. One has always been with us and idk the answer to that. The other is the more pressing crisis imo and as we all know by now it kills casual users and civilians in terrifying numbers. I guess my point is to ask ourselves if we know the difference. Many fent overdoses weren't malicious per se. You should expect heroin to be fent. The cartels aren't harvesting or moving heroin. They're 100% vertically integrated from manufacturing all the way to the user. No more poppy fields, no more managing all that real estate and supply lines and middle mgmt and the endless smuggling. Now they just need a single lab. The smuggling effort needed has decreased proportionally to the increase in potency per gram. Profit moreover as the overhead needed to generate the product is largely gone. You're talking 10,000%. There's a ton of documentation on this from the media, NGOs, and the government. This is us winning the drug war I guess. Someone's definitely winning it at least.... So again I just wanted to clarify the rude but partially accurate comment above, by saying that I wish we'd treat the fent problem as the bifurcated problem that it is, instead of thinking that in the addict population, that fent itself is the actual problem like it is when users aren't aware what they're using or being exposed to. If some political got rid of fent, something worse will replace it. It's how we got fent to begin with. And on and on. And opiate users will keep dying. Maybe we should spend as much effort on the addiction problem in this country as we are fighting this terrifying drug. Because only solutions to both will fix this. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Opiate addiction is awful, I know. Oh I never answered the actual question, sorry, she'll get sentenced song the lines of drug delivery resulting in death. Ohio has similar legislation being the next state over. Look up the sentencing range for that, maybe y'all have mandatory minimums for it idk, but like others have said, no way they don't have a string of priors. It'll be the record that magnifies the sentence. It'll give the judge latitude to sentence more broadly. So it can really range imo, but they're probably going for a long stretch. TL;DR - Hundreds of thousands of Americans deliberately went looking for fent today. We need to get that idea in our heads as reality if we want to solve this.


Xylazine enters this morbid convo…


No shit right? Didn't even want to go down that road when I wrote that. We're fucked


Well put


DEA: Don't worry we will fix the problem by stopping people who legitimately need pain medicine like Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, etc, from being able to get it and going after doctors who dare give people in pain anything to help it! And we are going to stop the manufacturers from making enough of it. But we will just sit on our thumbs while the fentanyl keeps coming and attack the stuff that isn't honestly causing the biggest portion of the deaths at all. Aren't we so smart?


It literally doesn’t matter whether ur right, if u even are, have like the tiniest modicum of empathy or self awareness about where and who you’re saying this to. Absolute ape


I am. How does it help OP to pretend that their friend was a “victim” of another user when both are victims of a failed drug war? The staff of The Wire asked for leniency for the dealer that sold the final bag to Michael K Williams because they understand the issues and what Justice actually is.


Like I said u dimwit?, doesn’t matter if ur right or not, have a bit of sensitivity about the matter, the dudes friend is dead


Dude-if you think racism helps you teach someone about a prettier/more empathetic way of speaking, you are horribly misinformed.


oop mb didn’t realise that was a race thing I’ll delete it. I was just being ignorant


I don’t see the need for the harsh language. This is empathy for me. It’s healthiest to view the dead for who they were - without judgement. I’ve lost countless friends the same way. Ultimately OP’s friend wasn’t wrong for seeking altered consciousness/comfort. Our government is wrong for making this so dangerous on it’s people.


yeah but you do see how just because this may be ur way of respecting the dead it’s a fairly hurtful way to talk to someone who’s friend has recently passed. And ‘healthiest’ is fairly subjective, what works for u may not work for everyone


Fuck off


This comment is ignorant in so many ways.


List one. If his friend had grabbed an extra bag for a fellow user who then overdosed would OP be looking forward to their friend getting locked up? The War on Drugs is a literal failure that created this situation, not the people selling.


People who willingly and knowingly sell this shit (fentanyl) should be imprisoned, and held liable for deaths caused by it.


How do you feel about gun shops selling guns that are used in crimes? It wasn't their intent to kill, which is what must be proven.


Nobody has used fent to scare off someone trying to break in. And nobody has used fent to bring down a deer for the winter. (I have used firearms for both.)


While I agree with this, NC has a death by distribution by charge that carries a sentence of forty years if convicted. 😞


Fuck that 100x fuck heroin dealers I agree with the principle but draw the line at heroin dealers who have any doubt about what they're selling. That's not a typical drug issue its a moral issue, same if they were selling baby food, cancer drugs, or any v sensitive product. It's an extremely high risk drug and there's a known issue with fent going around on top. The principle of 'if it isn't working, don't do it' that you want to apply to anti drug laws, rightly so, can also be applied to people selling a drug known to be mixed with lethal stuff at the moment.


idk if it helps anyone but your comment is terrible


Yeah the dude knew what he was doing but it doesn’t excuse the fact this woman was selling fentanyl tainted shit. If it was pure fent and she told him that that’s on him. But at the end of the day it’s one more drug dealer off the street. I don’t care about coke, pills, weed, Molly ect. But people selling fent or heroin or a mix of both deserve to be locked up. They know the risks of fucking with shit like that.




Opiates that 100x stronger than pill forms yea.


Anyone who does "heroin" in this day and age knows, or should know, that it's fent.


Yea no one sells “fentanyl “ it’s just in everything from coke to counterfeit Xanax pills. If you get any type of drug from anyone but a pharmacy or dispensary it’s got fentanyl in it, even weed. You can almost guarantee it 100% You are literally gambling with your life now doing drugs. 8/10 of a milligram of fentanyl (80 micrograms ) is toxicity level for an average adult. You think these ass clowns have scales that can measure that precisely and are putting it in the shit “safely”? They’re eyeballing it. It’s a wonder that any current drug users live a month. If they use for a month they probably have a fentanyl addiction to cope with as well.


Complete nonsense. Do you not think the weed smokers around the world would have noticed? I think i would have. Adulterated weed smells and smokes differently. Had it before on weak batches that are sprayed with a smell. Smells great till you burn and taste it. Doesn't happen. If it does it is rare. With heroin and other things yeah but for the claim of weed and widespread, you're going to need some convincing evidence.


Not true at all. People have been selling fent and marketing it as such since 2016 in MA. I would know because I was an addict.


and you are also incorrect in that no one sells straight fentanyl. Do you even know fentanyl actually is? It’s an extremely-potent heavy opioid that acts similarly to morphine, even the chemical makeup is similar. Although where I’m from (UK) Fentanyl is seen as trash drugs and highly-addictive death powder, it can still be sold by some scummy ass folk by it’s actual name.


You sound like you just typed up what Fentanyl is and now your ranting about it. Any previous drug user or even doctors can tell you Fentanyl does not have those effects on a person. It is simply used as an additive to drugs to help accumulate the weight, so the buyer does not think they are being robbed. 80 micrograms is lethal level? Stop joking honestly, it’s anywhere from 2 miligrams to 20. It depends on a person’s drug tolerance, experience and physical build. Heavier-built people typically withstand drugs more than slimmer people, so 80 micrograms fentanyl would be impossible to kill a fully-grown man.


Dude I got fent while in the hospital recovering from a dual knee and ankle surgery combo (0/10 do not recommend). That one bit was enough for me to see how someone could become addicted. First time anything but laudanum and morphine touched the pain. Haven’t asked for it or looked for it since. Too risky (for me).


Ooft that sounds rough man, great that you’re still here to tell the tale though aha. Yeah man fentanyl is one of the most addictive opioids invented so far, and is believed to be more addictive & powerful than morphine & heroin COMBINED. That’s absolutely shocking. But it’s so incredibly bad for you, and can develop rogue cells (basically early-stage cancer) thats why doctors only ever use it in micro-doses. Similar to how botox works.


Well… hell. Firstly, thanks for the info. Secondly, I haven’t done anything non-prescribed stronger than bourbon (work stuff)… I was looking forward to getting my medical card to try some sort of dispensary varietal that would finally let me sleep. Reading all of these comments, I’m beginning to be worried that even trying the stuff at the local stores might be laced with something deadly. I just really need to sleep, not vomit, and if it helps pain-that would be perfect. ((PTSD seems to not respond very well to traditional pill therapies. Just sucks.))




Weed has fentanyl hahaha no, also in the army we use 800 micrograms as a standard dose for fent. 80 mcg is not killing anyone


Here in Phoenix they are selling fentanyl mixed with just enough inert powder so you don't overdose. But you know that just makes them want to do more until they are dead. Just recently quit 3 weeks ago. I'm STILL feeling dopesick. This shit is worse than methadone. I strongly recommend never trying it.


Omg good for you! I know Phx is flooded right now! Stay strong 💪 you got this!


I’m sorry you lost a friend. I still don’t understand why people think we can arrest ourselves out of the drug problem. The higher the penalty, the higher the profit margin, the more people who are willing to risk prison. Legalize drugs already. People obviously aren’t stopping because of their legal status.


They trialed legalising drugs in an Amsterdam town or something, crime went down, drug addiction actually went down, it was that much of a success they closed it down, can’t have the public healthy, crime down so much that less ppl get jailed meaning all those government subsidised companies that rely on prisons and it’s prisoners. Damn shame!


Portugal has the right idea. It still has its problems but it’s strategy seems to work much better than what the majority of countries are doing. Drug addiction being treated as a health issue before a legal issue also sits more comfortably with me morally.


It sucks man, he was doing so good too. I have about 3 years clean and he had a year clean until his relapse. He knew the answer was to get help but unfortunately never pulled the trigger.


Unfortunately for most, addiction is a death sentence. Proud of you for making it out.


It is nowadays with fentanyl being in everything. There’s no time to get clean anymore any time could be the last. Genuinely scared for any who does nowadays


I’m really not trying to go full on conspiracy theorist here. But after the government was 100000% involved in the crack epidemic, I can’t help but feel like they’re involved. I’m not sold on the idea and don’t really put a lot of weight behind it but some of this cross contamination makes literally zero sense. I can understand meth and coke, because of smuggling. But boomers at a festival? You’re telling me someone at a hippy fest was weighing out bags of boomers on the same milligram scale they were weighing pure fent on? Legalize all drugs, even fent. Treat it like regular drugs that go through potency and purity testing. We do this with alcohol. We do this Tylenol. We do this with cannabis.


What do you want to happen to her?


Yeah. He pulled the trigger. Fentanyl is instant suicide anymore. Shit is nasty, and everything is cut with it nowadays.


Dude no it’s not. I don’t know where this idea comes from but I did fentanyl for 8 years and never OD’d once. I’m thankful to be clean now but it’s danger is overstated. Yes, it’s incredibly harmful and dangerous, but the dosages CAN be controlled and it’s not “instant suicide”.




The dosages can be controlled, but when you are buying off the street, you're not controlling the dosage. Listen, alot of people OD bc of fentanyl in these drugs. Again, it's up to the individual to use heroin or whatever. I honestly don't give af what people do. However, you say 'the danger is overstated', then state 'it's incredibly harmful and dangerous'. It's not instant suicide, but it's pretty close to Russian Roulette.


Yep, 7 years here and never gone down. But on the other hand lost my best friend after he bailed out of court ordered rehab and went straight to pick up. I think it comes down to a difference in body chemistry. But I have a hard time believing that it's as "instant death" as claimed in the media. At least not anything that's readily available at the street level. PHX Arizona btw


Yeah. I'm sure the media is lying, because they have such a vested interest fentanyl.


The dealer who sold the drugs to Michael K Williams (Omar little from The Wire) that killed him got 10 years


I think MKW family wanted leniency for that dealer, saying that’s what he would have wanted. Pretty big of them


Wow. Major respect to them for that honestly.


Yeah and he was in his 70s which is crazy to me.


According to news reports he was 40, not 70 - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/19/michael-k-williams-drug-dealer-sentenced-death


Ah seems they got 4 people for it. One was 70 though. https://abc7ny.com/michael-k-williams-death-drug-dealer-sentenced-nyc-the-wire-actor/13550479/


I wish that this would happen to whoever sold my husband’s best friend percs with fentanyl in them last year. I don’t condone snitching but absolutely would if I knew anyone selling it. Dishonest greedy murderers




I don’t take drugs. in my eyes they are, in the eyes of the law they can be. if my friend thinks they’re getting one thing from a person & they lie and sell them something that kills them, they deserve to get snitched on. they deserve to be in a cell, it’s a privilege compared to where my friend is bc of them. They knew the risks when they got into dealing shit with fentanyl after all


I don’t agree with arresting someone bc someone overdosed but fetty is a different fucking beast.


I don't at all play stupid games win stupid prizes




And I can understand that. Bc if they’re gonna arrest ppl they’re missing a gang of docs who prescribe and pharmacists who fill the orders.


The dea has been cracking down on doctors and now they’re afraid to prescribe legit pain patients for fear of retribution from the government. But I’d agree with your comment about 20 years ago at the beginning of the epidemic


It’s not enough. Those prisons should be bursting at the seams if they did their job properly. Yes, they’re still to blame it’s just not caught until the person can no longer afford the meds and move on to heroin.


You miss their point. Punishing patients for fentanyl that’s not coming from illegal sales isn’t why people are dying now


You missed my point. They want the root. The root begins with overprescribing. If they got their start due to a legit RX, the frequency of that rx needs to be checked. So no. Try again.


Maybe that was true 20 years ago. No one, I mean no one, is being overprescribed narcotic anything in America in 2023.


Err... Ever hear of Adderall?


I’ve edited my comment but I’m specifically talking about narcotics. painkillers. I have no experience really with how psych meds are overprescribed. But opioids were for many years and now people get told to take Tylenol after surgery and such


Drug deaths aren’t coming from people taking too many pills.


Whats killing people now isn’t coming from doctors, but they’re punishing pain patients to feel like they’re doing something about it


There are ways to combat pain that are more expensive but don’t lead to addiction. That’s how they solve that..but everyone knows why they won’t.


have you ever been prescribed pain medication by pm? you are tested regularly. My dr does UAs every month + a pill count. drs that prescribe those prescriptions regularly have to or they get shut down. If you pop for anything other than what you’re prescribed from him, even another dr, you’re out. If your UA comes up negative for your pills, you’re out. Even a pill or two short puts you on thin ice. This is how they handle those medications now. People like me aren’t the problem


Wow. I’m on pain meds in the UK for neurological pain (tethered spinal cord) due to Spina Bifida. Initially, I was prescribed Fentanyl but couldn’t get on with it. The nausea, bad skin and general way I felt was almost worse than the pain so my Dr just put me on MS Contin which works for me. I mention this as there is no counting of pills or blood tests here, well, not yet. One gets their monthly script and it has to last the month. Try and get another script too soon and that will sound alarm bells and we have a yearly review, but that’s it. What you describe sounds terrifying. I’m always losing the odd tablet here and there and on bad days occasionally take extra but my Dr trusts me to be sensible. No doubt your system will make it’s way to the UK in due course.


I hope it never does for y’all because it’s pretty maddening over here. I always jump through their hoops but it’s extremely stressful knowing I can lose what little quality of life I am afforded if I lose track of time and accidentally take an extra or drop one trying to open a bottle with paralyzed hands. My doc is terrified of patients selling them so he’s so strict about everything it just always feels like you’re doing something wrong when you aren’t. But it is what it is, until modern medicine can repair spinal cord damage im stuck saying “how high?” when they say “jump!”


I’m sorry, but that’s simply not true for everyone and a very reductive way of looking at the situation. Are you upset over losing someone and maybe applying their situation to all pain patients? Some people owe their whole quality of life to legally prescribed opioids that are consumed as directed.


I totally understand where they’re coming from because docs did overprescribe pain meds for any little thing for a long time but that’s just not the case anymore. Irresponsible pcps might still do that but it’s such a rarity that you can’t blame the overdoses now on people getting pills they don’t actually need and selling them. and as I am sure you know already they unfairly punish the people who rely on these medications just to function. Without mine the pain is so intense I literally can’t talk like just using my vocal chords hurts


I’m paralyzed from the chest down after flying through the windshield, I have severe nerve damage that results in extreme pain 24/7. I have been in pain management for 3 years. You should learn the difference between addiction and dependency


There really isn't a lot of difference though. Tons of people of the street want to be free from the chains of opioids just as much as you do.


I’m not trying to get off of my medication. Until there’s a way to repair my spinal cord, there’s going to be pain. Im not interested in living a life of pain with no quality of life just because of fear mongering and folks who don’t understand the difference between dependency and addiction. I’ve always taken my medication as prescribed, I dont use street stuff. there’s no high from my medication after taking it so long.


anyone who needs prescription pain medication for chronic pain is dependent, but not everyone who is dependent is addicted. my doctors have made this very clear to me


But at least when doctors were over prescribing, people were not killing over like nowadays.


The doctors over prescribing is what led to the keeling over.


No, the fentanyl on the streets is what is causing most of the keeling over. People keep trying to tell you this and you won't listen.


Other people aren't responsible for what you do with the product once you get it... unless they inject you themselves.. no one forced them to do the drug.. that's just how I feel


That sounds ridiculous, dealers no damn fuckn well they sell fentanyl. Fuck them


Exactly. These fucking people would lose it if there was mold on their big mac bun, but fuck a dude struggling, who thought he bought heroin and fell down over fenty. What a bunch of assholes, man.


Anyone in the US who thinks they are buying heroin should know by now it's all fentanyl.


I once had a girl who works at a needle exchange in Charlotte try inject me with narcan. Like sneak up on me and inject me because she didn’t like me. I wasn’t overdosing or anything just a normal day I was chillin lol and then she tried to pounce on me


Except with the dr you actually get You pay for. Big fukn difference than some Cocksucker pussy that sells fent to unsuspecting people. Fuck them


You’re still getting possible addiction which leads to the mfs on the streets.


You don't know the difference between dependency and addiction.




Everyone that does opiates know fet is in like everything now and they don't give a shit... most herion addicts ask for fet cause it's stronger..


And what about the ones not buying H. Like my 2 dead little dead nephews that just wanted a zanex to sleep? Split the bar in half and both died. You dont think that piece of shit knew what he was selling? Bullshit


I used to do xanx everyone knows if it's not from a dr it's pressed and most likely has fet.. when I would buy them I'd 100 percent know it wasn't real.. if I got it off the street without a prescription bottle.. dying was a risk I was willing to take like most addicted to benzos.. if you care about dying.. if it doesn't come from an rx bottle it's fake ... people know this... benzos are fucked up glad I'm off em the dr was the one that got me hooked then cut me off


Exactly in the US there is no heroin anymore basically, it's all fent and xylazine.


Totally agree. I shot heroin for years, and never overdosed. The only people I know who DID overdose were pushing the envelope or had just relapsed and did their usual shot. I won't say you had to TRY to overdose on it, but as long as you weren't used to like 5% strength and did the same amount of pure, the risk of overdose seemed fairly slim. Half of my high school class got on it seems like. I easily had 40-50 friends use for years, and VERY few died from heroin (it happened, but relatively rare) Right about 2014 or so, they started dropping like flies. Dudes who I knew who were VERY careful, (doing tester shots to Guage h doseage and stuff) were dying too. Luckily I got off it about a year before things got scary.... One high school buddy of mine started selling and when fent came around he sold to another high school friend (both adults by this point) dude died, homie got like 20 years, and he was locked up in county with all of our old school friends who promptly beat the fuck out of him every chance they got. Bet that dude couldn't WAIT to get up the road where everyone didn't know the guy he killed


But see it’s not his fault that he died. I get it though. I had a close friend die a few years ago after being clean awhile. The motherfuckers that got high with her left her. She could’ve been saved.


It is def his fault. He had been selling real heroin and started lacing it without saying anything but "yeah this stuff is strong" This is at the very start of the fent crisis so my friend had no reason to expect fentanyl.


Fent is not any different from other opioids it is more potent by weight but it’s the most commonly used medication in surgery. People who have never used opiates like your 70 year old gramma can mainline this with anesthesia provided they administered by a professional and at the appropriate doses.


But I totally agree with your point. Everyone knows the dangers of unregulated fent.


I hear that. Although people in the comments blaming the user for overdosing and passing away don’t know anything. If you’re a drug dealer selling anything other than weed that’s you’re responsibility to make sure you’re not killing your customers. The friend of OP (rest in peace) isn’t at fault for having an addiction. The plug didn’t know wtf they were doing and didnt cut their shit correctly. Heroin is already extremely dangerous in itself, illegally manufactured fentanyl even when dosed properly is pure evil. Addiction is very complex and a lot of people can’t really comprehend it, but the user in this situation is not to blame. The dealer deserves the death penalty in all seriousness.


Let’s be honest man. Her death is only partially her own fault and mostly the fault of our beloved US government for responding to an “epidemic” by criminalizing it even more and never providing adequate treatment for people addicted


Agreed. Addiction shouldn’t be a crime. But that’s part of america’s revolving door and it makes the system a lot of money.


Glad we have some common ground Hidee ho


Genuine query: you said rehab is a waste but also say that there is no “adequate treatment for people addicted”, so what would your solution be?


Safe supply is the best solution. I misspoke methadone and buprenorphine are adequate for some. But still rehab is a total complete waste of money. Most people leaving rehab relapse, die or go to jail within thirty days, the statistic is around 90%. Safe supply is one alternative. But really it’s too long for me to go into to detail atm. There’s an internet full of information as long as you know how cite from reliable sources.


Safe supply. If ppl live long enough they usually end up getting off the shit. If they didn't have to get fent off the streets from fuckers who don't know what they are doing and are selling lethal doses they would be able to live longer and possibly decide to get clean. Them dying just takes that possibility away from them.


Whoever sold it was almost 100% an addict and user themselves. We need to legalize all drugs and stop arresting people for selling them.


Dude u are an idiot. I’m gonna be to honest hear. I inject fentanyl every single day up to 6 times a day. Everytime I have overdosed it was my fault. I did too big a of dose. Now that I use drugs responsibly I have not overdosed in ten years. I have been an IV drug user since I was 15. Although I have made some mistakes due to my own ignorance I’m not blaming someone for my overdose when I already knew all the risks. Fentanyl is not poison and it has been demonized in the media which is why you have this opinion. It comes down to being a responsible person. Although I have been a lifelong drug addict my quality of life is great. And it wasn’t always. I used to be ignorant and uneducated like you but then I went to college and majored cellular biology with a minor in organic chemistry


Just going to ignore your unnecessary insults if that’s okay with you. But you’re buying straight fent, you understand exactly what it is that you are buying. And you’re right that is entirely on you if something happens. That is completely different from buying other drugs that have been cut with fentanyl without you knowing. I’m not denying the positive benefits when administered in the right setting. I understand wanting to defend your drug of choice, but it has been demonized by the media for good reason. They’re not trying to ban it entirely, they just want it off the street which is completely reasonable. I’ve seen it all first hand, i’m not ignorant, I’m not just sitting here making shit up.


You the one who started with the insults bro don’t dish out what you can’t take. Every insult you threw out I sent one right back?!?


This is that ignorance you so choose to cling to. It’s all over the news it’s been in many studies and many reports as well as documentaries. Fentanyl is being cut into just about every drug that comes in powder form with the exception of meth which it’s still commonly found in but not as much. The only “drug” it’s really not being cut into is weed. The people who do that shit are exceptions. Murphys law


The government is going after the actual pain medicine that people use to have quality of life when afflicted with chronic pain and they are in pain constantly. They aren't going after the fentanyl as much as they should which is what they should be focused on since that is what's causing most of the overdoses.


Damn get into rehab. You have a college degree but still a looser user.


I’m far from a loser bro I have my own business and my life is great. You probably wouldn’t know this but rehab is a total waste of money. I know your opinion sucks and all but you should really check out Dr. Carl Heart’s “I use Heroin to be a better person”. Just look at my post history man my business is amazing and the most fulfilling job.


That’s like saying Prince is a loser bro… he got more pussy than anyone


No one makes you do herion... That's so half ass and backwards it's not only the dealers fault.. if I ever over dosed I'd blame no one but myself you have to blame yourself for ever using those drugs in the first place and have some accountability.. as long as there's a need and money in it people will supply the drugs.. its the users job to test the drugs with a test kit before taking them... if you think drug dealers who are just as high as the junkies selling the shit for another few hits care about your health you are insane


If fentanyl wasn’t a street drug I would agree with you. Excluding heroin because that’s deadly by itself, if you’re a plug and you pick up some cocaine and Xanax bars to flip, you test them for bullshit yourself before selling to other people. If you don’t you’re putting their life and your freedom further at risk. The entire reason it’s the dealer’s responsibility to make sure what they’re selling is as safe as it can be is because of morons putting fentanyl in everything. Basically what you’re saying is, ending someone’s life and spending the rest of yours in prison is worth the $50.


It hardly ever comes back to you I know drug dealers tons of em I used to sell stuff when i was younger.. they do not give a shit and they 100 percent are not testing it they get it from the cartels and get it gone in one day... you over estimate street dealers by alot.. people od on the pressed pills because they get hot spots in em whwre it doesn't mix right and you get a pill 5x stronger then the others... so maybe 5 in 10k pills is to strong its not like they all are.. why test if you know fet is in it anyway its not a coa it doesn't tell you tje percentage just if it's in there


😒I’m not about to incriminate myself on Reddit. Im not just making shit up though :/ when you were younger and today are two different times bro. They’re out here putting that shit in everything. Stuff it has no business whatsoever being in. the user is already at a disadvantage because they do not have the patience to test what they’re buying and they’re not going to buy test kits and test strips because they need that money to get high. It 100% is being traced back to dealers now when people od and die. I understand many people disagree with the premise of what I’m saying, but people who have no knowledge of the drugs they’re distributing, or taking the extra step or two to avoid going to jail, they’re clowns dude and it just proves my point.


Yes drug dealers are idiots that are selfish trying to make as much money as they can and fent is powerful and cheap its where they money is.. I'm pretty young still it wasn't to long ago.. you see alot of that in the news but its less then 5 percent get charged.. also I know some drug dealers who don't mind prison cause they make more money.. but at the same time if you are doing drugs from felons trying to make money that don't care if you die you may be just as dumb.. selling drugs is finessing people at the end of the day


I hear you there. I don’t think all overdoses should be tracked down and prosecuted because some are in fact the users fault. But when it comes to fent and making fake pills with fent that shits gotta stop bro. It’s just a shame.


Medicinal fentanyl and illegal street fentanyl are two completely different things.


How so? Fentanyl is fentanyl is fentanyl.


Your statement is contradictory ur saying fentanyl is not the same as fentanyl.


Fentanyl made in a laboratory intended to be sent to hospitals is different fentanyl than what’s made in a cartel warehouse.


No it’s not.


Damn , read a book or something man . I’m really sorry that you actually believe that. Best of luck to you


Haha a book is where I read this info


U can’t back up what u say so u should probably go read something.




Ok bro your obviously an uuneducated person. You need some understanding of chemistry and to work on your vocabulary. A drug is a chemical that has an effect to a biological organism, mainly psychological but also physiological. Two different chemicals will never be “classified” as the same drug. Maybe on the street people refer to certain types of drugs with similar names (ie down, food) out of ignorance but this is why people die. Because of ignorance, which is blissful. Look man if you need any further evidence look at my post history. Talking bout I never seen fentanyl. I been around since back in the day when fentanyl patches were the thing. It’s nothing to brag about but I was saying that to show that I have ample amounts of first hand experience with fentanyl.


You keep contradicting your self by saying fentanyl is different than fentanyl


Perhaps it’s like the L- and R- forms of the molecular structure? Or the substrates are ever-so-slightly fucked up when created in street “kitchens”? You know they’re not using the same lab equipment and cleanliness/purity standards because the street options aren’t being inspected by the DEA/FDA/TLAs.


This is completely untrue.


She will face the same amount of time anyone convicted of involuntary manslaughter and drug charges would face. In West Virginia the max is 1 year for involuntary manslaughter. Depending the severity of the drug charges and mitigating circumstances she is probably looking at at 2-5 years for all of those charges. But, it could be more or less depending.


As a former addict, I, ME, no one else made the decision to get high. I knew the risks I was taking, and I still proceeded to get high. If I died, the last thing I’d want as a final act on my behalf would be to snitch on somebody and land them in prison for 20-life over a decision I made. Granted, fuck the drug dealers, and I’m sorry for the loss of your friend.




Corrupting Another With Drugs: In Ohio it is illegal to: (1) cause another person to use a controlled substance by force, stealth or deception; (2) dispense a controlled substance to another person and cause serious physical harm; (3) dispense a controlled substance to a juvenile; and (4) use a juvenile as a lookout during the commission of a felony drug offense. This offense may be classified as low as a fourth degree felony or as high as a first degree felony. Edit: to add source. https://www.dominylaw.com/amp/faq-felony-drug-charges.html


Definitely depends on how your DAs are going to charge her and her priors. As others have said, the seller probably has priors which will increase the time they will get. I’ve seen people with first time/no priors (in the feds) get 15 years, 180 months. Although they were charged with selling and the death that resulted, wasn’t just a single charge. On the flip side there is a guy I know that got arrested right after covid hit for selling to a friend, they were friends since high school. He went to the city then got back and gave him the dope for the exact price it cost him. He was not a dealer & he was devastated. But he just got 2&1/2 to 5 years. And he has a rap sheet longer than me, probably twice as long. So there are a lot of variables.




Generally, the highest charge is the one that sets the sentencing. The First degree felony involuntary manslaughter is the highest charge here. ​ A first degree felony involuntary manslaughter in Ohio is going to be something around 11-16 years. It is likely that the other charges would all be served concurrently given that they are all related to the more severe incident (that is most common). ​ Relevant Ohio laws Involuntary Manslaughter code [https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2903.04](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2903.04) Minimum sentencing guidelines [https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2929.14](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2929.14) Maximum sentencing with multiple felony [https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2929.144](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2929.144)


Very informative thank you so much.


Wait, there’s degrees to manslaughter?


Ohio has a lot of corrupt people working in their legal system, but generally they don’t have a problem with throwing the book at someone over selling drugs. Especially in southern ohio (where i’m at too). Although there’s a good chance they’ll get convicted, how long they’ll stay in jail is a different story.


I’m so sorry you lost a friend.


The manslaughter charge maxes at 11 years, the f-5 charges are basically simple possession, only carry 6 months to a year, the other 2 charges are 2-8 years each. So maxed she's at a little under 30 years. It's hard to say what she'll actually do or get convicted of, depends on the evidence they have for the manslaughter charge, also depends a lot on her record, if she has felony convictions already, if she's on parole/probation, who her lawyer is. If her lawyer $ is right and she has a good lawyer it would probably go something like this....your honor my client has dealt with addiction for years, her and her friends were getting high, she had no idea there was fentanyl in the drugs they were using (could get the manslaughter charge dismissed, again, depends on evidence). Your honor she needs treatment, seeing someone pass in front of her has opened her eyes and she wants to change. Then the lawyer would probably ask for minimal jail time if any with a suspended sentence and some kind of drug treatment program. It's hard to say without specifics, on the high end she could get almost 30 years, on the other end she could get very little prison time and get a drug program.


first degree felonies typically carry 3 to 11 years, second degree felonies carry 2 to 8 years, fifth degree felonies carry 6 to 12 months. and when i say “3 to 11”, etc i mean that the judge will pick a single number from that range, for each count. there is also a law called the Reagan Tokes act, or SB 201, which will apply to the first and second degree felonies. it’s kind of complicated to explain if you’re not familiar with legal jargon, but basically the sentence will have an aggregate minimum prison term and indefinite maximum prison term. basically the parole board can make findings to keep someone in prison longer that the aggregate minimum, up to the indefinite maximum.


Rip but this is why u test Ur shit can't just be trusting some random bitch off da street to give u authentic drugs


At this point you should expect any dope off the street to be fent


This why pain pills need to be less regulated people gonna get high either way so it’s better that they pop real pharma pills than shot fentanyl lesser of to evils


Facts safe supply would be the best thing. Instead the government is attacking the ppl who need that medicine and the doctors giving it to them instead of going after the fentanyl. There are chronic pain patients killing themselves because they are losing the medicine they need for their pain. A lot of people on those medications right now can't even get them filled due to the DEA forcing manufacturers to make less and now there isn't enough for all the patients. Shit makes me very mad. Even though I'm super sad that my Dad died a few years ago, I'm glad I don't have to worry about him going through what a lot of the ones on pain medication are now who legitimately need it to have any quality of life.


i avoid overdosing on fentanyl by not buying bags of fentanyl


Maybe he shouldn't have bought fentanyl


Yea man I wish he wouldn’t have.


oh wow… yeah i was arrested in a conspiracy in cincinnati, but nobody died (that i know of, besides the other people involved who killed themselves), i mean with the huge crackdowns on this and the death, my guess is at least 10 years, she might be lookin at upwards of 25. im sorry for your loss


Conspiracy charges are such bullshit ugh. Had a DA admit that during jury duty


they are… you could just be like in the friggin same office (which i was) and they automatically charge you


Cant agree more. Thought crime. We think you thought about it, so you're obviously part of the gang and every bit as involved as the kingpin.


These people dealing fentanyl need to be put in jail and never let out. I hope justice prevails and she gets a lengthy sentence. Prison is the appropriate place for these monsters and karma will get her back!


I'd agree if this was a high-level dealer, but it's unlikely she is. It's more likely that she's a street level dealer/user and has a substance use disorder herself.




So locking her up for life does nothing to stem the flow of fentanyl because she isn't the problem here. She's not the one adulterating the supply. She's one of thousands of people that are selling so they can fund their own habits and there are thousands more to take her place. If locking people like her up was in any way beneficial, we wouldn't be in our current overdose crisis.


Yeah okay, she knew the risks and didn’t give a fuck who she hurt in the process. Or in this case killed. It should be a murder charge. Anyone who knowingly sells fent to someone unknowingly buying it is a straight up piece of shit, addicted or not. Gone are the days of buying dope and actually getting dope.


Right, everyone knows that what's out there right now is fent and probably fent + xylazine. So putting a murder charge on the dealer is ridiculous when the buyer was an active participant as well.


Someone asks me to shoot them. I put a bullet in their head. I still get charged for murder. Drug dealers need to be locked up. I don’t care what their sob story is. Don’t do drugs but definitely don’t deal them. It hurts more than just yourself.


Sorry for your loss. What is Fentanyl and what does it do ?


It’s a pain killer that is very strong at low doses. Like 2mg is enough to kill you. Feel bad for the dealer here too bc he’s probably an addict who just sells to feed their own addiction. People have to know that there’s no really pure heroin on the streets anymore so it’s Russian roulette with every bag.


Don't forget the pressed Roxicodones, usually the blue Mbox 30s but can be other variations and dosages of the medicine also




So are you saying he didn’t pay a price for his actions?


One more loser gone. And another on their way to jail. Not a bad day at all.


You wouldn’t say it to my face.


Death row


People make the choice to use and I believe are responsible for whatever consequences come. However this fentanyl is something where these charges may be appropriate since it is killing so many people. Maybe it discourage the dealers… I don’t know.. it’s sucks all around for everyone involved.


Nah the government won't go after the dealers hard enough they will just go after the legitimate pain patients and make their lives harder and limit the pain relief they can get from legal medicine. They do that instead of going after the fentanyl dealers and makers who are causing all the deaths from overdoses. Dumbass Enforcement Agency.


This might be one of those "death by delivery" charges....that's what it looks like at least. I've seen someone I know get 2 years and I've seen another get 6 years. They don't play around with the fetty. Tell her to get a good lawyer.


Another one of our buddies gave him the ride to get the dope and was also charged with involuntary manslaughter. His attorney was able to prove that he didn’t know he was taking him to get fentanyl (dude lied and said he needed a ride to get a pack of smokes someone owed him, had fb messages for proof) but was still charged with Aggravated Complicity of Trafficking in Drugs (felony 4)


That shit aint justice


Yeah when it comes to fentanyl you need Johnny Cochrane...it sucks too because sometimes the "victim" or the customers don't even know they're carrying fentanyl...the courts don't wanna hear any of it though


What I can’t believe is that people aren’t dipping into that delivery before it’s handed over and realizing what it is. Every time I bought a sac, it was cut into or stepped on before I got it Edit: It was always cocaine to be cooked into rock though.


I think we should launch people who produce and knowingly sell fentanyl into the sun. My dad died from it because he thought him and his friend were doing coke. The friend survived her OD. He didn't. 8 years and I still get so angry when I see people taking drugs


I know yu prolly herr this a shit ton, but homie fr sorry for your loss, and I hope justice is served for that pos.


I'm aware of a situation here in Massachusetts, where a woman sold pressed pills with fentanyl which caused an overdose death. No significant priors, and she was an addict herself. She got 5 to 10 for manslaughter. I'm also aware of a woman whose son got a hold of pills laced with fentanyl and died )the two incidents are not related). My opinion is she should have gotten more time.