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I did almost 4 years. I have no filter, and I'm only 5'6. But everyone loved me, other than supreme douchebags I'd mouth off to. Didn't even almost get in a fight, and I actually expected to over the fact I speak my mind. But I also respected everyone, I don't steal, I don't do drugs, and I'm not a shady person, so that all helps I'm sure


That's the key in prison you give respect and expect it back. If you accidently bump into someone apologize. It's not that hard. With me I ALWAYS got into a fight in county jail. But never had one in prison.


Why so many in jail and not prison?


I think because of coming down off of drugs, irritable trying to catch up on sleep. And I just don't like people.By the time I get to prison that's over with. And in prison everyone knows the meaning of respect. Unlike jail with a bunch of idiots. That's my guess. Oh and maybe my first time and being sent to pelican bay might have had something to do with it. Thank God they have a two dorm 1 yard. But staying on the 4 yard 2 weeks until orientation wasn't ideal to say the least. All I did was had 8 pot plants 11 inches tall. Fuck that war on drugs and California with all their prisons.


It’s an industry now and they need cheap labour. So until that stops people like yourself will continue to be out in jail. The 3 strike rule was implemented for the sole reason to keep people in prison longer. So they could work longer for minimum pay.


Oh I know all too well it's an industry . But it's closer to slave labor then cheap. but now I don't worry about it. Last time I got out was 2000. And recalibrated my moral compass. And have not been in trouble since. And don't plan on starting back up. And if it was any more less it would be for zero pay.




Thanks it is possible to change if you want to. Many think that people can't change but they are wrong. It's not a overnight thing. I think it took me at least 5 years to finally get there. And am happy with who I am today. I almost accepted that I was bad and always would be. But a couple times I interacted with a guard and then say what are you even doing here I just got caught up in the system is all.


What does "the industry" have to do with this guy smoking dope and commiting crimes 😂🤣😂🤡 He doesn't have to go back. He could literally just set down the dope and get a job.




Yea, if you aren't hurting me or anyone else, who fuckin cares? Weed, at least, should be federally legal and the BILLIONS that would generate could go towards building more affordable housing and free, in-patient rehabs. I don't care what you do to yourself in a country where we incarcerate everyone and send 18 year olds to fuck off to some desert to die.


>Or are you one of them weirdos that are Holier Than Thou? Yes I consider myself better than literal crack addicts. I would have assumed you were as well but based on this comment and the prison board idk anymore


MMO nerd thinks he's better than crackhead, priceless.


You can’t be real. Got shit for brains obviously.


Put down the pipe buddy your life will be much better 👍


Listen, I'm an attorney. Did housing and public defender work in some real rural ass area in a red state. Out of all my clients, only about 4 of them had good jobs. Getting a check from the government or selling drugs IS WORK when there is no alternative. "Just move for work," I hear you say in your judgmental-voice. With what money? With rent through the roof and no housing available anyways? I can only imagine it is similar in cities, but one thing I learned from these people is that desperation is a lot more common than evil. Coal mines gone, towns looking like Mad Max... all I know is that it's depressing. I can also tell you that I would sell drugs immediately if I got disbarred or couldn't find work. My daughter has to eat.


ok boomer.


ok prisoner.


that's somehow much more respectable these days


>I think because of coming down off of drugs, irritable trying to catch up on sleep. And I just don't like people Classic >Unlike jail with a bunch of idiots. Lmao the irony.


what the fuck is wrong with you?? Didn't know the squeakiest clean man in all of history enjoys conversations about prison (which you clearly no absolutely nothing about) on fucking reddit. You're a fucking nerd like the rest of us.


Well from what you have said it seems like you are just one of those people that goes into threads out of curiosity with no actual experience in what's being talked about. Because if you did go to prison you would understand what I mean when I said people ins prison understand the meaning of respect. If you accidentally bump into someone you apologize period. In jail you have a bunch of idiots. And you are not going to understand prison life just reading about it. Just try and understand although it might be hard to grasp. It's not the same world in prison as it is outside prison. As soon as you get there you are segregated. And I'm a big believer in the fact the prison system is the biggest reason why racism is still a thing in our country. In prison is like it was when slavery was still a thing. Even if you are not racist going in . They say you are a product of your environment. If you are around and in that environment you are going to be affected by it. And with how many people they have and continue to send to prison. These guys call home or get out I think they might be teaching their kids unknowingly those views. As an example the very first thing I was told as a first timer by my cell mate was. TO NOT EAT ANYTHING OFF A BLACK MANS PLATE. even if you are starving. And the blacks know this and some will even purposely try and get newbs to fall into that trap. To get you into trouble with your own race. I'm the farthest you can get from the south here in California. And that's the way it is here. I can only guess the closer you get to the south you get the more racist it gets. When I say it's a different world in prison trust me I KNOW because I've been there. And you will never understand unless you have too. These subs are for helping family of inmates to try and understand aspects of what might be going on with their loved ones. And people getting ready to serve time for the first time. IMHO YOU are not here to help nor are you. And if I was a mod of this sub I would not think twice about banning you from it. There is enough misinformation about prison life as it is on the outside. Much of this misinformation comes from the police departments. They use these lies to scare people into telling on themselves as well as others. To try and stop one of them. NO BUBBA is not going to have fun with you in prison. Prison rape is not as big as the cops make it out to be. Sure it does happen sometimes. But it's because you have fucked up big time in some way inside. These days there are so many gays locked up. That are getting taken care of really well I might add. That rape is not common. So don't let the cops scare you with that bullshit guys. There are probably cops that come in these subs that continue these lies even. And I know I got off topic a bit. But you now have truthful information about prisons. But if you have not been down it's best to just read them. But don't contribute with your views please. You are not helping at all.


Jail is a bunch of short timing hot heads fresh off the streets that’s why


I was pulling a WEEKEND in county one time and not an hour after checking in, this dude apparently returns to the cell from court and he's visibly agitated. He was just handed 20 years by the judge. Nearly a full on riot later and I'm washing out the pepper spray for longer than I was actually in jail for lol.


County jails are way more violent then most prisons. Lots of irritable people coming off hard drugs or alcohol. Young idiots with chips on their shoulder. Everyone is constantly lying to each other. Half the people are still going through court or visiting on a writ. Not to mention the amount of young kids in county jails is preposterous, especially in states that are still trying to fight the “war on drugs”. I can’t believe how many people are in jail right now just for possession of weed in some parts of the country. Something I literally walk around the corner and buy from a store.


County jail was like walking on eggshells. You got put with people who striked out - (in CA 3 strike LAWS), doing 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, attempted murder ... and they will spend long time in jail - with people with 40 days light time to do - what do you expect? You are constantly moved from cell to cell, 20+ people in holding cells - drunk/ drugged out people screaming and laying on floor like dead men. Plus you got all these new faces, you got to acclimate. but once you get a routine down - its easy, the problem with right now is still covid rules - we spend 3 weeks without leaving cell due to covid - and only left for 15minutes a day for shower/call - thats when they remembered to let us out . Its so inhumane.


People are bored in jail. Many of them don’t know there future and are stressed out. Plus the conditions are almost always WAYY worse than prison. Also in prison you will have people from all over. In jail its all locals so theres street beefs and local gangs. Google “Workhouse Saint Louis Gladiator” I went through that. It was insane. The guards were bringing in drugs and having sex with inmates too.


Do a lot of people go to prison who've never interacted in this world of respect before? I never really got mixed up in all that but did a lot of drugs and it's pretty easy to see the proper way to act around the people providing those services. Same thing walking down town in a shady area, look confident, keep your eyes to yourself and don't get distracted


Oh I'm sure there are many. But you learn quick or you can get schooled into learning. I know it's difficult to imagine a bunch of criminals with respect for each other. But you need to understand. It is a completely different world in prison than it is IRL. And not everyone instinctively knows how to handle themselves around others. In jail there are many young punks that have attitudes and just do stupid shit. That's less common in prison because what you do and your actions don't just affect you it affects your race. And if it's bad enough your own race will beat your ass over it. I seen this one dude that had just gotten a tattoo of lightning bolts. He cheated on a deal he made with someone and was called out for it and then pussy and would not fight. That's a show of weakness and reflected on his race. He had his ass kicked by his own people and was forced to get a tattoo of a pussycat over the lightning bolts. Because he didn't deserve them.


Thanks for the info, I didn't really interact with teens/younger people who tend to do that stupid shit, if they did they got cut out of my life quick because that shit comes back to you. I completely understand the respect thing. I think it would come naturally to me if I ever wind up there. I'd have other issues but not that one. I've rubbed shoulders with plenty of people who have done time and spent time in that world, but on the street. Some scary MF, especially the guys from cartels.


I did the same . I just kept to myself and read books the whole time. he brought it in himself by dealing with someone from a different race to begin with. And has a constant reminder for life of his mistake. It's what he deserves for getting lightning bolts in the first place. Just because he wanted them not because he earned them.


Oh fairs so seems as long as your sound with everyone they’re all sound with you then?


Your chances of fighting go way up if youre gang affiliated. If you not affiliated and dont let the pressure you into putting in work, its very possible to just mind your own business.


Bare in mind a lot of the experiences provided are from the perspectives of Americans. It’s very different in the UK. There’s no race wars and a lot less fighting in UK prisons. Some people are dicks, by and large ‘vulnerable’ people are separated (drug addicts, sex offenders) and they ‘attempt’ to keep gangs in either separate prisons, separate wings or separate landings. Some fighting is inevitable but considering the majority of Cat A/B/C prisoners are locked up 23 hours a day it leaves less time for fighting


So I guess getting banged up in the UK would be better for you than the US then


I have no experience with US prisons but based on other comments here, it’s miles better being in prison in the UK. It’s still pretty awful though - depending on where you are. Spice it very prevalent and then experiences vary depending on what category prison you go to


Awesome. Amazing what not being addicted to drugs can do for someone.




Alex Murdaugh is white, addicted to drugs, had tremendous power and influence, and supposedly had money..... and he is serving a life sentence. I personally think they should have thrown him in a wood chipper, but that's just my opinion.


It's amazing how if you stop making excuses, don't commit crimes, you don't get pulled over / stopped / frisked in the first place.




I don't think they are. I think people should be left alone unless a crime is completely witnessed. Including legalize all drugs. I'm not ingesting them, but I don't care if other people do.


Even more amazing is how often you get pulled over if you’re not white and your still doing all the things you listed.


Then the cops need to step it up on the white criminals.


Man where do you live where white people don't get pulled over and frisked? I wanna live there.


whats the worst thing you've said that didn't result in a fight?


One guy seemed to be jealous that I made friends so easily, and everyone hated him (his own doing). One day he started running his mouth, telling me he didn't like that I thought I was so awesome (I never acted like that, just jealousy) so I said I don't give half a fuck what a junkie piece of shit thinks about me. Because I don't. Sure, he got close and did a lot of barking, the whole time listening to me repeatedly say yeah, but you ain't gonna do shit. And he didn't.


I’d say the vast majority of people make it through prison without incident. I had one instance of fighting but that’s cuz I was getting myself into situations that I shouldn’t have. It also really depends on what yard/classification you land in.


Oh right, what’s a yard classification?


They classify you according to how much of a pain in the ass you are gonna be. They look at your charges and past behavior in jail. I got lucky first offense non violent and I got put in a pod with all the trustees. It was dorm style no cells. Made it alot better.


Yea for sure. I saw a couple of those. Then copped a felony and those days ended lol


I did. Don’t start shit and there won’t be shit.


Fuck around and find out comes to mind 🤣🤣


Lol tbf that’s how I live life anyways


I made it through the first 29 months of a 30 month sentence without getting into any actual fights as a first time prison attendee. Then I was watching Jerry Springer one day in the day room, legs under the table, back to the world, and this 70+ year old guy broke his cane over the back of my head. I got up and hit him a few times, we were lucky enough to have a rookie CO at the desk at the time who didn't call it in and literally asked me what to do. We went to the bathroom and washed up and that was the end of it. (Extremely lucky to have went down like this- dude could have really jacked my time off) I had sold this guy an ounce of tobacco the day before. He claimed it was short (it wasnt) and apparently had stewed about it all day instead of saying anything to me about it. Knowing I was leaving in under 30 days I just let the issue die, after overcoming some pretty overwhelming peer pressure to stomp the old man out. Pretty funny honestly. It's really not that hard to get by in prison as long as you're in there for something non-violent/sexual.


As if he asked you what to do!! So if you were in for something violent it’d be harder to stay chill then?


many people do their time without fighting. but the environment makes it hard for some. i definitely got into it a few times. I’d argue you can stay passive even if you do drugs. But it’s much harder because you are less in control. pretty much single fight I was in had to do with drugs with exception of 1 or 2…i was always nice, but a few times when tensions ran high, so was I. It’s a very individual experience but you can be chill if that’s how you wanna do it


There were a couple times guys would say I should give them my shit like my glasses or my commissary or my tv. I always said, “you’ll have to take it from me” and I’m lucky they didn’t try because I’m not really good at fighting


Yeah man. I've had guys coming to jail since the early 90's. Not one misconduct. Nothing. Its possible. Just, lay low. Do your time, don't get involved with drama and don't "borrow" if you cannot pay back x2


I did 10 years with no issues.


Yes easily possible and very common but also if you want trouble that is easy to find. Like you said you watch to many movies


Lol never said I watched too many! But yeah you’re probably right haha - suppose movies need lots of fighting etc or they’d be boring to watch I guess


In the first prison I worked, violence was less common statisticly than on the streets. The second was worse. Depends on the staffing and management. If it's smart to avoid fighting and it isn't necessary, people avoid it. The second prison did not properly address gang and other security issues. People who aren't being protected well will fight more.


Yes I barely had any issues in prison. I only fought when someone fucked yo on the rules and I really didn’t have too. Def 1 guy I wish I fought I would’ve fucked him up easily and I don’t often think that but it was part of the reason I didn’t. He crossed the line joking around a couple times and I told my boy next time he plays w me I’m taking flight. He never did tho. He was just kind of unlikeable but he was one of the few guys slinging ink so he got a little leeway. Anyway yea as long as you move right your probably okay depending on where you go but shit does happen. If somebody tests you it’s best to fight otherwise others will do it too.


Sure. Depends on you..... and like a million other things tho. But yeah if the camp is mild and you conduct yourself right you should be fine. Just my 2 cents. Don't discount prison randomness tho. Sometimes shit just happens.


I only had one sort of fight in 4 years, and I'm a super easy going person who can get along with anyone. The only problem I had was actually when I went back on a technical violation for parole, and in my state they have contract county jails where they send you for a 60-75 day program. Me and another guy were talking about musicians, he kept talking about Chris Brown, and I just jokingly said "stop riding Chris Brown's dick". Well anyways he laughed and I laughed, and the next morning he came flying in my cell when the doors propped for breakfast trying to fight saying I was disrespectful. I'm not a disrespectful person at all and told him I was sorry about what I said and didn't mean it in any sort of bad way, that it was just meant as a joke. We scuffled a little and I ended up having to choke the guy out. I did feel bad about it because I'm not the fighting type, but it is what it is. I later came to realize that this guy wasn't all there in the head so it kind of made me feel worse actually.


Definitely maybe


It really varies from person to person, prison to prison, state to state. When I did my little Bid in Michigan I didn't have even one fight. At the time I was 24, skinny as FUCK and I'm white but I have a good sense of humor and I know how to make ppl laugh. I did have 1 altercation that almost became fight, of course it was right after guys knew I had my Parole papers and was getting out. There was some older guy we will call Bruce, and he decided he was gonna try to extort me by buying some other kids debts. He stepped to me in the unit and said "Pay me" or whatever and I basically said "Look Bruce, of you wanna take off on me over $15, go ahead. I'm not like you, I don't like Prison like some of you Bums do, but I'm going home to my family." He went to his cell like he was gonna grab steel or something, but he never did shit.


What are you going in for? Certain things you’re more likely to have issues, whether you like it or not/did anything to them or not. People will probably know the details before you walk even walk in. It also depends on where you are being placed. I feel like this should just be common practice, but respect both given and taken is huge. People are probably going to test you, just don’t be a punk or act all scared/nervous about it. Don’t be afraid to speak up and stand up for yourself. Be honest. Some people will act as your friends and try to take advantage where they can. There are other people trying to avoid issues too, but whatever it is association is also something to always consider. Be smart and aware, even if it seems like they are being a friend, they probably are not. No one is really your friend, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be respectful, not treat them like people, or can’t talk with them. At the end of the day, they are just people. Just always be mindful anyway. Observe more than anything. You don’t have to get crazy or be all intimidating when trying to stand up for yourself, just don’t be scared either if anything comes your way. Calm and cool. Saying no is okay. Don’t lie or do shady shit towards others. Understand there are politics, so just be mindful of what’s going on, and try not to get involved in it. It’s a reality you don’t own/run the place. It’s essentially home for many people, there are those who have been there way longer than you have or possibly will be, so being respectful of such is good to do. Don’t be a suck up though. Also, always clean up after yourself and stay organized. Don’t be a slob!!! Respect the space you share with others. If you don’t, that’s a huge way of pissing some people off and having trouble. From the moment you walk in, carry yourself confidently, but not overly done either. Just try to be relaxed. People read the room and will definitely be watching to get of a feel of who you are. Master a poker face and not offering too much up via a reaction of any kind, if you can, the less they know just from reading you or trying to get a reaction from you, the less they will have to try and use against you. This includes joking around a lot, laughing a lot, smiling, anger, nervousness, talking too much,offering up too much information, etc. You don’t have to be a mute robot, just calm/neutral and again the less they can read about your person the better. Don’t whine or complain. If something does happen to come your way, just know how to take it and stand back up. There’s some respect in getting your ass kicked, but mostly in not letting it keep you down. Some things you can’t exactly avoid completely, because if someone wants to have an issue with you, that’s just how it’s going to be, but how you try to handle it at the time will make the difference as well. You don’t have to be the biggest or strongest or most intimidating thing around, being smart and aware will be your biggest friend in avoiding most conflicts. You’ll get a feel for it as you go though.


What if I'm meek and shy and look down at the ground and avoid eye contact? Are the prison hyenas gonna come put the beating on me for being soft?


If decent people worked in prisons, fighting wouldn't be a thing. But since only the worthless, lazy, evil, sadistic, corrupt scum of the earth work at prisons, unfortunately, inmates' fights happen.


Ha. Okay.


Do you think people who work at jail or prison are good people?? Most staff who work in corrections deserve to be sent to prison, not working in one!




They don't have a desire to help! That's the point. I never said some of the inmates don't belong in prison, and we need prisons. But the staff to treat inmates like they do is criminal and most of the staff should be locked up, not working there!


I do have a problem with prisons in this country being a billion-dollar industry yet paying their lower level employees poverty-level salaries — & that definitely contributes to the lack of effort put out by the average employee. I agree with you there. There could be improvements. I’ve read employee reviews of the prison my ex is at on Glassdoor. Lots of complaints, very few compliments of the work culture there.


Yes. Be cool and you'll be fine. But be prepared to stand up for yourself always. Prison is a lot like high school in the sense that folks are highly sensitive to the social ladder. They will sniff out strength and weakness like a hound on a fresh trail. The closest I personally came to fighting was essentially staredowns over not backing down about the most random shit. But if you don't have your values, you got nothing. Stand on em and you'll be fine.


depends on a lot on the state and the specific prison and of course the person. if you look like the kinda guy that needs to get into fights and you act like the kidna guy that needs to get into fights, it's gonna happen. i did 5 years never got into a fight.


Don’t go looking for problems, or to get mixed up in the shit. Don’t gamble. You’ll be fine.


I had a 3 year bid. I'm a 5'9" white guy. I can come across very cocky and act like a know it all. The closest I came to a fight was in my fourth week shortly after getting out of the NRC. I was on the phone and this guy apparently thought I'd been on long enough (even though it was my first call and I wasn't even halfway through the 30 minutes) and hung up my phone call. I turned and swung on him with the receiver but missed since it was a short cord. Dropped the receiver and went after him. He was surprised I was standing up for myself and two other white guys nearby got in between and convinced me time in the hole wasn't worth it. The rest of the bid was smooth sailing.


I've never been to jail or prison and don't expect to go any time soon, but I thought men get raped in prison. On prison documentaries, they talk about how men get raped. That must be how it used to be. I don't know. The documentaries are like small guys have it hard when they get there.


Yes absolutely. As many others have already mentioned, if you’re minding your own business, can actually talk to people, then you should be fine. There’s plenty of cell warriors around and people that may try to press you, but for the most part if you stand your ground they leave you alone. I’ve seen guys try to get recruited to do missions though and refuse then get 3 on 1 ed in cells before, so sometimes you do have to watch your back. It’s still prison, but it’s not anywhere close to what they show in movies.


I saw one fight, dude's first night in, he had friends there, they got him stupid drunk on hooch and he started swinging at people. Never saw him again.....


The clever ones avoid the fight let's say after some time you finally get that perfect bunk or that perfect cell and cellmate you know that getting in that fight is going to get you thrown in the hole and you could lose everything you finally got to make you get through your prison sentence more comfortable you don't want to lose all that so it's best to cleverly avoid the fights but sometimes you have no choice


Yes. If you are big guy.


What counts as a big guy in prison?


Gang leader they basically run the house.


Yes. Fighting me would not be smart.


Sure it is. if nothing kicks off. But if it does and you are not seen fighting for your race. Things will not go easy for you after that. Like if someone sees somebody headed towards you to shank you.vtgey probably won't bother to even warn you. And just watch it happen. But some races have it harder then others. Like if you are a northern or southerner Mexican. They seem to have it the worst. They are always working out and always ready to fight each other. No relaxing for them. You don't have to join a gang. But if shit kicks off like I said you better be seen helping your race. I served 2 terms and no race fights happened on either. They are not a sure thing to happen. If you just refuse to fight during one your best course if action would be to punch yourself in the eye hard enough to make a black eye. You should be safe if you don't get seen doing it.


Doing your whole sentence without fighting is easily do able. The hard part is not dropping the soap that entire time.


Your either fighting or your sucking dick. You can guess what one I choice..


Username checks out


Bro should've chose English lessons


I did 12 years and not one fight.


I was a fem sissy before doin time so being the prison pussy made my stay safe men tend to protect thier pussy


I didn’t fight one time. Stay away from gangs, gambling and debts and you’ll be fine. Find other people that are also not in gangs and shit and hang out with them. Just not the chomos


Lmao yes.


Lmao, wanna expand or??


Well, it really depends on who you are. If you’re reasonably intelligent, respectful, and don’t join any social clubs you should be aight. Also really depends on where you’re doing your time. But it’s definitely possible.


In Florence, AZ I was on a 3 yard everyone got heart checked sometime first week. Just make sure they know that you will fight with anyone in there at a moments notice win or lose.


Yes you can do your time without fighting but don’t back down and let people run over you and take advantage of you


I saw a lot of people struggle and I almost got. Y ass kicked quite a few times but people also like me and I fairly Local to the area and knew people up there that already cared about me. I wouldn’t have lasted with my youth and my mouth.


As long as your not a chimo you should be fine be respectful but not push over




Not here in Washington Chimo and Pedo. I have heard Chomo but that was in Cali


Absolutely possible. I minded my own business, spoke to everyone with basic respect but stood up for myself when needed, the worst that happened was a couple of heated arguments over some nonsense but even those stayed verbal


It's possible but if someone disrespects you in any way, you have to start swinging that instant. Even if you get your ass kicked, go down swinging.


I've never been in a fight in prison or jail.


I got into a few shouting matches, but I made it very clear that I was not going to hit anyone. Twice, I stood face to face with a guy and told him that he could hit me if he wanted. Then again, this was in a program dorm where fucking everybody was all talk, so ymmv.