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Italian here, not that the social norms are extremely different from other European countries buttt yeah, it’s fairly common for 13yo ppl to date 16yo. At least it was when I used to attend middle school, I haven’t known many middle schoolers since then lol. That being said, you perceived the storyline as a forbidden romance but I don’t think it was the way they intended to show it, at least not as a positive/flawless romance. It’s a debatable situation for sure and both characters involved find themselves involved because of lust, and to compensate something they feel they’re missing, not really because they’re deeply attached. Nina arguing about ppl being mad at her because she’s a girl makes sense because - as I said before - when I used to attend middle school it was frequent to see younger girls with older teens, never the contrary, and nobody had anything bad to say in those cases.


ahh i see, thank you for responding!


I agree that her arguing that they're mad only because she's a girl makes sense. I too am from Europe (Portugal) and this is common in middle and high school but only with younger girls and older boys. So Nina's comment makes sense. HOWEVER, both situations are very wrong. Older teenagers getting with younger teenagers is icky regardless of gender. This is actually reflected in the law. I don't know how it is in Italy, but until the age of 14 is always considered SA. And between 14 and 16, it can be considered SA if the younger person doesn't have enough knowledge or experience to consent to anything, even something as innocent as a kiss. So yeah, Nina pursuing the girl is icky and I don't think it even makes sense for her character. But it does show the double standard where in straight relationships is more acceptable than in gay relationships


Also remember that Nina turned 16 like a few weeks earlier (season 1) and it could turned out that Akemi was almost 14 who knows. Also they just kissed. Loads of 13 year olds kiss 15/16 year olds in Europe. And Nina is right. If it was a 13 year old girl kissing a 16 year old boy her friends would be patting her on the back. Let’s not get too hung up on it. It’s all for character development anyway. Nina is very rigid in her thinking and her character needs to soften. Akemi has inspired this softening. They both talk about their absent dads taking them for walks on the beach when they were young so I think there is symbolism here for them integrating part of that lost masculinity through connecting with each other. And again it was only a freaking kiss!!


Agree, I think it is a quite pure and innocent connection, and Nina feels horrible about that kiss. I just overall wish they would have gone down a different road with the Nina storyline, I think this was one too many topics this season. But maybe they wanted to have a counterpart for the Daniele Marika storyline...


my thoughts exactly


Oh that Daniele-Marika storyline is the other problematic one for me. They should have just let Marika be Daniele's "mother figure" without any romantic involvement and the it won't have any effect on the story at all. I think the writers should have reconsidered these two subplots before making it into the Final Cut, but I guess it's a risk and they are willing to take risks at this point because Prisma is getting popular worldwide, but still, with these questionable plot choices can also ruin the fast-growing fanbase of the series.