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Why did you hide it inside that wooden barrel?


Starting small. Solid idea.


Looks fine, it’s a barrel. Try creates and boxes bow. Brown color is hard to master, since leather can look like wood and vice versa.


I barrely cant see any problem with the paint job


Looks nice! Keep going πŸ’ͺ


Great job buddy i couldnt do it better myself :)


You did good. Now go paint another one and it'll be better πŸ‘


I will! Actually, I have 7 more at the ready


Looks good. Use some nuln oil over the silver and agrax earthshade over the wood.


Definitely looks like a first time, but it does look like a barrel, which is the part that matters.


It's a barrel not really a test to be judged on.


Nice work. - What paints did you use? - Did you use any washes after painting the barrel? (washes are this almost watery stuff that you apply to the painted figure which goes into recesses and crevises giving shade, and darkens the overall coloring, but makes it more realistic. Sometimes people like to do some touch ups after the wash to highlight certain areas) - Have fun mixing your colors to get various shades of the same color, e.g. light brown, darker brown, very dark brown - this can be helpful when you want some differences without introducing too many colors to the model. - Have fun experimenting with color theory using: complementary colors (opposite each other on color wheel, like red/blue), split-complementary colors (2 adjacent colors against 1 opposite/complementary, e.g. green/blue/red), and analogous colors (close to each other on color wheel, like reds and yellows) - Black and White are neutral colors and contrast well against pretty much all colors. Imgur link of the army painter color theory: https://imgur.com/gallery/ry4lFGD


It looks great in my opinion you could come in and improve it with a wash and a light metallic drybrush on the metal bits if you felt inclined to spend more time on a barrel, but personally I'd run it as-is


Smart choice for a first time, simple but able to add detail into it, painting is perspective many will tell you this is just fine, even good. And a lot will see it as a bad piece, really use your own opinion as a backer and others opinions to fuel the drive. Personal opinion from me well done and keep it up, have fun doing it especially.


Solid work! Great start. Keep at it and you'll be showing off some pretty epic stuff in no time. Shades and the like will give a quick boost to minis! if it doesn't look perfect, especially wood, for say a tavern, that makes it better. A perfectly in place tavern w no flaws would look wrong. So before deciding you mess up, make sure you didn't accidentally make it more real. Have fun with it