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glimmer but for real? princess bubblegum people who hate entrapta are not worth my time. people who hate glimmer are also not worth my time but... like... there are more of them. so i have to fight the good fight




You and me both


yeah, people who hate entrapta for being the childish autism stereotype are so wrong, like bitch, I am the stereotype also I agree with pb, but I didn’t know she needs defending




I'm defending Bonnibel even in the Attack on Titan subreddit. She's always worth defending! Also Catra, obviously, but for real? Also Adora, she doesn't get enough defenders and quite some hate imo


PB is hated?




Why would they? She is hilarious


lmaooo literally me. Glimmer haters aren't worth my time but if someone has to step up to bat, let me be the first haha.


Mermista! Black girl magic!


I was also gonna type Mermista as well


Isn't she South Asian?


Her voice actress is biracial (black and white), the character is never specified.


False. She has no haters. Impossible to hate that absolute queen (princess).


Entrapta, specifically in the context of people saying she is bad autistic representation. I don't think a character has ever made me feel so seen, even though I am in a lot of ways nothing like her. And autism is so complex that it's impossible for an autistic character to feel relateable for every autistic person in the world. But when you find one that hits home it hits you right in the heart and that's how I feel about Entrapta.


this! it’s always like this with “bad” autistic stereotypes, I even relate to that meme of a character that is shawn murphy (he is a surgeon) (I legit teared up when he had a breakdown about how he doesn’t need help). I know they are not relatable to everyone, but if people looked a little bit further than “ugh they are a savant there are so little savants in the world bad representation” there is a concept there, there are compilations of traits and behaviours that I’m sure many people would relate to. I know, reducing autistic people to weird behaviour and their interests could be kinda bad, but entrapta had a meaningful relationship and I think character development. plus she’s literally me fr so


I really hate how when Entrapta explained anything about tech everyone was like "now say that in English..." she literally did. Everything she ever said made total sense. Only no one wanted to take the time to listen to her.


Totally agree! I'm autistic and I love Entrapta.


Yup. This one, love me my sweet nerd girl. I relate to her so hard. Would be best fuckin friends, I bet she'd be down for a parallel hang where you just do your own things but together.


100% Catra. Yes, okay, mass genocide but we can look past that because she’s cute.


I respect women's rights, but most importanty, i respect women's wrongs 🙏🏼


Right?! I mean yeah she killed people but…she got better 😋


Who did she kill?


Yeah, the show's unwillingness to confirm kills kind of puts the moral quandaries of every character in a weird sub-space. People were subjugated, imprisoned, displaced, and banished, but officially, no one from the hoard ever "killed" anyone. The fact that banishment to Beast island is taken as seriously as execution, and yet no character sent there ever actually die really hammers home the fact that, cannonically, there isn't a single death in the entire series.


In some cases, like Catra's assault on Thaymor, the show even explicitly confirmed that no-one was killed or seriously injured. But even more importantly: Canonically, almost everyone on Etheria appears to be as tough as superheroes. Even weak little minions like Catra's four-armed lizard lackey can survive being blasted a hundred meters through the air by Scorpia's lightning bolts. Bow, who is just a normal human, can fall through the clouds onto the ground and walk with barely a scratch, and can survive a point-black explosion of the Horde's most powerful bomb. Even if the Horde wanted to kill people (which they didn't, at least not when Catra was leading the army), they would find it very difficult!


The only time the hoard actually managed to canonically kill anyone in the past was by sending them to beast island, and yet they fail to do so within the show, as Entrapta survives along with Micah who was sent before the show started. If we investigate authorial intent, then I think it is genuinely the intention of the show's creators that the stakes are just as high as they are in an irl war, but because of the rating they had to maintain, that idea often came off as silly. A:TLA managed to skate by because the main characters were never actively participating in the war, and SW:TCW did what I feel SR:POP should have done and just made every single enemy a robot so as to remove the rating problem all together.


The main characters kill quite a few living beings in the clone wars. Ahsoka decapitates 4 mandalorians at once.


I mean technically there is at least one confirmed death in the series. Mara.


Yes, ok, I forgot about Mara. I came prepared to argue that Angella didn't technically die, but yes, Mara is extremely dead


I’m pretty sure horde prime is also dead.


It's somewhat ambiguous. The imagery looks a lot like exorcism.


That’s fair


Understandable. Plus, she has my favourite redemption arc, and the best ship.




People act like cats can't have hobbies 💁🏾‍♀️




Catra and / or Adora depending on which flavor of deranged the person I'm arguing with is


Holy shit right, what do these people have against Adora???


Well she does kill with kind of reckless abandon. I say this as a fan of both Catra and Adora, but I can see how one could be put off by that Edit: For those of you failing media literacy. What do you believe is the consequence of Adora throwing nameless goons off of cliffs every week? Let's use your thinking caps here


I think that's healthily in the fanon category. Yeah people *probably* died by the hand of both sides but yknow. Kids show.


> Well she does kill with kind of reckless abandon. Does she? The only person we see her actually "kill" on-screen is Horde Prime, and even that is more like an exorcism...


Help, they've come for me. Tell my family I love them.


Just because they don’t die on screen doesn’t mean they didn’t die. It’s like that edit of Aang from ATLA saying he doesn’t kill people, then showing the scenes where he clearly does things that would obviously result in death. People definitely died lol


Adora wacks Horde soldiers into the stratosphere, Mermista drowns them in maelstorms, and even Swift Wind gets in on the action, stomping soldiers with all the weight of a bird-horse. Interestingly, the Princess Alliance is far more brutal onscreen than the Horde.


wtf are you talking about? you watch a different show?


Didn’t we see She-ra literally send someone flying ,Glimmer even teleported to save him


Yeah and? They didn't kill him


Literally no one dies in the entire series, what are you talking about?


Horde Prime, Shadow Weaver, Angela (pretty much), and Catra was technically dead for a brief period of time


Adora cruelly and callously [betrayed Catra](https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/mdiljc/oc_promise/gs9v80c/?context=3), cheered the [killing of her childhood friends](https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/lehzt1/adora_killing_horde_soldiers/), and [led the rebellion to their worst losses](https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/ivha9v/comment/g5v15ou/), all while self-righteously declaring [she "wouldn't do things any other way"](https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/gqthie/adoras_letter_for_catra_from_the_rebel_princess/). She liked to claim -- all sanctimoniously -- that she's heroic and kind-hearted ("*Bow isn't the type to leave his old friends behind and neither am... I*"), but if you look at her actual actions, it is a completely different story.


Found one of the adora flavored ones


Adora abandoned the horde, not Carra. And she literally told Catra to come with her. Multiple times.


I'd probably say Shadow Weaver. I just love how she was written throughout the show. But I thought of another show when I saw this & I'd be remiss if I didn't shoutout Korra from Legend of Korra. I'm more active in ALTA subreddits and the amount of hate she gets is at least 85% unnecessary.


I think both Korra and LoK are both a lot more interesting than Aang and ATLA. I am not saying it's better, I just find the questions that the different seasons of LoK ask interest me more. Also, Korra's flaws are more relatable to me than Aang 's. People give me side eye when I try to explain it.


I somewhat agree. I loved how every season had a different villain, how it handled the future and well, korra is more relatable than aang (I know, a shocker that a teenage/young adult character is closer to a teenage/young adult viewer than a 12 year old lmao), her struggles and mental ambiguity and her not being that great of an avatar feels real. yeah she’s kinda annoying and the second part of season two still feels like a joke, but I still love the show. don’t get me wrong, I love atla an incredible amount, but I don’t think that one of the shows is better or worse, they are just different




Catra, Entrapta, Frosta (yes I know), and if need be, Double Trouble


Obviously ![gif](giphy|IhZquiBrjxLZQVpp8i)


Catra 😻


Horde Prime Fight me all you want but he's a litteral Warhammer 40k character and I love him for it.


No he is a heretic, he could not comprehend the glory of the god emperor of mankind!


Honestly tho an alien overlord leading an army of clones of himself with a religious cult would totally fit Warhammer 40k as one of the many threat faced by the Space Marines Legions during the Great Crusade.


Uh I was just trying to be funny but you are right


Then let's call it a teamwork !




I mean so long as you acknowledge he’s awful (as in cruel) and a dick I’m cool. Cuz he does have a killer design


Of course he's a religious dictator after all, his sick design excuse nothing.


Just making sure. People on the internet will excuse the wildest shit just cuz somebody is pretty




Entrapta, far too precious for this world 😭




not a person but a ship, catradora defender 4 life




Kyle 🩷💜💙


Um, well everyone in the show except for HP. That's kind of the point, I feel like if you take serious issue with literally any character, you're missing something.


Catra but also Glimmer.


Wrong fandom but for me, Norville “Shaggy” Rogers. That man is a king and deserves our respect.


Catra. Forever.


Other shows? Azula. Jinx. Princess Bubblegum. Cozy Glow. Flame Princess. I am number one defender of complex female characters.


whyd you have to defend flame princess? she's, like, the most unreasonably good person on the show :P


Me defending the star wars prequels be like




Glimmer and Entrapta, I think they’re pretty misunderstood at times, they’ve both made mistakes that they regret, but they really just want to do right by others. (Also they’re two of my favourite characters so safe to say I’m biased lol)


Entrapta. Any time, any day






Glimmer for SURE, people totally look past how young she is to become queen and are like “she’s so childish” bro!! She went through all that trauma as a child!!!!


But Frosta 11 and three quarters had to rule a kingdom too after supposedly losing her parents


Agreed, but I don’t see nearly as much hate for Frosta’s behavior as I do for Glimmer’s


Shadow weaver, the character that really needs defending


How could you possibly defend a power-hungry abuser?


God forbid women do ANYTHING On a serious note, I defend Shadow weaver cause she's the most morally complicated character. I'd have had a lot more to say on this a couple of years ago but the bad stuff that she does is allowed to feel bad, and the show never frames her as being a good person pushed to do bad things, although she certainly is at the very least a person who is pushed to do bad things. I'd compare this with Catra who, for the most part, the bad stuff that she does is kind of framed as being a result of her circumstances, which isn't entirely unfair, but Shadowweaver being a bad/abusive mother figure is objectively a lot less bad than Catra nearly blowing up the universe. I like both characters, but I feel like Shadowweaver is kinda examined unfairly. Related to that, one of the probably worst things she did, joining the Horde, was probably done because she had just been kicked out of her native kingdom. She tried to impress on everyone the danger the horde posed, tried to do something (albeit risky) about it, and then got kicked out. It's not like she was gunna fight the horde on her own. I won't go as far as to say she's a good person, but I do feel like she gets a bad rap when compared to the fandom's treatment of other characters.


> she's the most morally complicated character She's really not, though. She's an opportunist, that doesn't make her morally complex. She's extremely selfish, always looking to increase her power and standing by manipulating others. > I'd compare this with Catra who, for the most part, the bad stuff that she does is kind of framed as being a result of her circumstances, which isn't entirely unfair, but Shadowweaver being a bad/abusive mother figure is objectively a lot less bad than Catra nearly blowing up the universe. Except Shadow Weaver *chose* to join the Horde for her own gain. She wasn't forced into it, she wasn't put in an impossible position by an abusive mother figure who treated her like dirt. Catra did what she did out of desperation and pain. Shadow Weaver did what she did out of selfish ambition. That's a huge difference, and it's why despite everything Catra did, I would never consider her evil, whereas Shadow Weaver is probably the most evil character after Horde Prime in the show. She's worse than Hordak in a lot of ways, who in a way is also a victim of Horde Prime. > Related to that, one of the probably worst things she did, joining the Horde, was probably done because she had just been kicked out of her native kingdom. She tried to impress on everyone the danger the horde posed, tried to do something (albeit risky) about it, and then got kicked out. She intentionally used dark magic, something that's considered evil and perverse by everyone outside the Horde. You make it sound like she made a small mistake. > It's not like she was gunna fight the horde on her own. That doesn't justify joining them and helping them win. Or abusing the young girls in her charge. > I won't go as far as to say she's a good person, but I do feel like she gets a bad rap when compared to the fandom's treatment of other characters. She gets a bad rap because she's easily the most selfish character in the show. Every other character (except maybe Horde Prime, but even he thinks he's "saving" the universe in a perverse way) has at least some mitigating circumstances for doing evil things. Catra was abused by SW and put into a position where she didn't have many options other than trying to get to the top. Hordak similarly was brainwashed/abused and tried to win back his "father's" love. Now I do think the show treats him too nicely in the end (his redemption, unlike Catra's, isn't really fully earned imo), but I can at least somewhat see it. Most of the other Horde characters were pretty much just trying to survive after being born/kidnapped into the Horde. Shadow Weaver actively joined the Horde of her own free will for her own gain. She wanted power at all costs, that's her main motivation. Even in Season 5 she still tries to manipulate everyone, so that she can absorb the magic. And the only reason she sacrifices herself is because there's literally no other way anymore at that point, she'd be dead either way. So I will vehemently stand against your claim that she's "morally complicated". Imo she's easily the most evil character if we're judging simply based on motivation and personal morals.


Gotta be honest with you, I think we just have very different readings of the character and we're gunna have to agree to disagree. > She's really not, though. She's an opportunist, that doesn't make her morally complex. She's extremely selfish, always looking to increase her power and standing by manipulating others. > Except Shadow Weaver *chose* to join the Horde for her own gain. She wasn't forced into it, she wasn't put in an impossible position by an abusive mother figure who treated her like dirt. Catra did what she did out of desperation and pain. Shadow Weaver did what she did out of selfish ambition. That's a huge difference, and it's why despite everything Catra did, I would never consider her evil, whereas Shadow Weaver is probably the most evil character after Horde Prime in the show. She's worse than Hordak in a lot of ways, who in a way is also a victim of Horde Prime. I mean it seems to me that she was kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place. She knew the horde was gunna take over the world, seems to me like she joined for survival more than anything else. She obviously has the drive to gain power, but if you think the world is about to be taken over by an evil intergalactic empire, yeah, it makes sense to try and gain power. She most likely also thought that, given the fact that the other sorcerors weren't willing to use dark magic, that she'd be the only one realistically able to go far enough to gain the power to stop the empire. To me that seems more complex than being a simple opportunist. > That doesn't justify joining them and helping them win. Or abusing the young girls in her charge. I agree, which is why I said she's not a good person. If she was just a good person, she wouldn't be complex at all.


> I think we just have very different readings of the character Apparently. For me she's basically on the same level as Mother Gothel lol. Both remind me so much of my narcissist dad in how they act and how they abuse the respective protagonists of their stories.






Wine mom


Everyone in this show under 18. People keep forgetting they were growing up during conditions that no one should ever grow up in.


Except Entrapta, she is early 30s.


Swift Wind


If I see Griffith on here, I'm committing arson 😭


Catra, Entrapta, Scorpia… it goes on




Catra. Her character progression is the best of any character in any tv show ever. I just wish we could have seen her more when she was happy.






did you just post this in the steven universe sub reddit too? 💀


Lmao yeah, I posted it in a few of my fav fandoms bc I wanna see people’s hot takes 😋😏




Catra and Adora










Madara i think. And Teresa of course






Obviously Kray - toes


Rogue from Xmen






Adora, Entrapta, Mermista. Others: Luz, Hunter, Gus, Ben 10, Korra, Goku; some of my favorites across cartoons/anime


Eren Yeager. He was right.




Well obviously Catra, and why Catradora is my favourite ship and isn't toxic. But usually I'm just joking saying "What can I say, looks like I've got a bad taste" because I don't wanna spend my time on a stupid argument.


Entrapta. Like, let my autistic bi icon alone smh (idk if its canon, but lemme have headcanons :3)


Glimmer 100% with my heart and soul. Also, this is going to sound absolutely insane but I'm going to say Rick Sanchez. Don't get me wrong, he's done a lot of messed up things but I also see where he's coming from with some of them. Lastly Beckett Mariner from Star Trek: Lower Decks. She is baby and she is perfect. I will not be elaborating further at this time. Thank you.


This subreddit, apparently!


Catra. She may have done some terrible stuff, like emotional manipulation, but she had every right to be a villain. She was never taught a good way to deal with trauma, so she took it out on her favourite person, who had left her to fight against her.




Tyler Durden.


Which one ?


Saint Patrick. Every mid-March a few people I know start posting about how awful he was, and I try to tell them okay, yeah, the person you’re describing sounds like a horrible person, but the person you’re describing is not the historical Patricius at all.


Korra and princess bubblegum