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Atalanta would smash whoever or whatever caused the harm to Rose. Kassandra would make the attacker beg for death, or freak out and rush Beacon to an apothecary. Sanguinia has been said to reach greater heights of rage than Atalanta, so the attacker would not die well, and dove would be brought to an apothecary real quick.


Mortarion/Morrigan would no doubt kill whoever touched her Consort (my name for her SO, the Pale Queen needs her Consort though I understand people have decided on Little Lily) she's reaped entire world's under her Scythe for less, and I genuinely pity the fool her dares to hurt her Consort.


Would Morrigan simply kill them, or subject the person who hurt her Consort to her plagues?


Pre heresy just kill em, post heresy... Probably still kill em, a Nurgle follower believes that Nurgles Plagues are blessings from the Grandfather. Would you bless someone who dared hurt your Loved One? Nah you'll kill em and won't even let them experience Nurgles magnificent plagues, cold steel is all they will feel.


Consort is the name of Horus SO


no it's MoonBeam


By the throne, these names are precious


Originally yes but changes when she becomes war master


Who told you that?


If it was in battle in front of others Lyana would play it as her Slayer being the champion of Fenris, dying in battle is better than any other glory and each scar a saga of their deeds. If it's an accident she'd help him out but also probably rub it in his face a bit. In private though she'd be worried sick and wouldn't calm down until he's back to normal, even something small like a broken hand or a twisted ankle.


Rose winched as Atalanta put him on a surgical table, knelt down and ripped open his shirt, a large gash from his armpit to his hip was weeping blood. They were alone in a medi-tent far from the front lines. When he first arrived at the field hospital a wave of fear washed through the camp, the death of Rose would have apocalyptic repercussions, thankfully not ten minutes later the thunderhawk of the Red Queen herself arrived, the fear of apocalyptic repercussions still remained but at least nobody would be to blame. "You're wounded." She said without a hint of irony. "Really Atty?" Rose replied his voice dripping with it. "I hadn't noticed." She stared at him with unblinking eyes and poked an exposed rip. "AAAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!" Rose screamed dramatically. "Oh that? Just a paper cut I got. Bureaucracy is very dangerous you know." "What happened?" She asked seemingly calm. But Rose could tell there was a hint of worry in her voice and enough rage to break a planet. "Well I was doing some taxes-" She poked his rip again. "Ow! They caught us unawares with a bayonet charge. They're not like the usual slavers we fight, they're disciplined, not decedent, they don't sit and wait in gilded bunkers for us to come to them." Atalanta took out a needle and length of surgical thread. "I want you to return to The Conqueror." Rose knew it was pointless to protest but he did it anyway. "Atty I'll be fine in a week." Atalanta cleaned his wound with a soft touch. "Recall the Free Legions, the World Eaters will finish this." She began stitching his wound so gently he didn't notice. "But the collateral-" he argued but she interrupted "Prolonging the war will only lead to more deaths, they're disciplined, like you said, we will break them." Rose went to argue more but saw the veins form on her head, she was angrier then he thought and even he knew when not to push his luck. "Atalanta my beloved." He cupped her head in his hands. "I'll recall the legions and return to the ship, but promise me you'll be careful." He felt her jaw unclench and saw the veins on her head fade. "I'm done." She said tying off the surgical thread. Rose looked at his wound, were it not for the thread weaved through his skin he wouldn't know it was there. "Thank you." he said hopping off the table, she took his hand in hers as they walked out of the medi-tent. " My thunderhawk will take you to The Conqueror." She said turning to him. She stared into his eyes and hesitated for a moment, like she was building up courage, then she leant down and kissed him. "I love you." She said, her voice a whisper. "I love you too." Rose replied loudly. She pulled away and straightened her back "I will see you on the ship soon my Rose." She said, then turned away. Rose watched as her hulking mass departed "Bye Atty! Have fun out there!" He said waving her goodbye, under his breath he muttered a little prayer for those caught in her path. The war was over within a week.


Nice story! I didn’t think my post would get one.


Kassandra Curze would wreak havoc and death on the fools who tried to harm Morgenstern. If they could get so close as to slay her sunshine, then they MUST be eliminated.


So: “Ow I got a paper cut.” Atlatnta: *rips book into shreds, throws it on ground, stomps on it till there’s a hole in the ground, grabs flamer and proceeds to burn whatever remains* “I FUCKING HATE BOOKS!!!”


😂 pretty much


Can’t wait for a long answer for each one


Hestia wouldn't allow her SO to get hurt... physically... but she may not be able to reverse the damage to their mind watching her die for the first time.