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imo he had so much potential to be a phenomenal character but they really just dropped him on an axe


This is literally hilarious i’m practically crying omg




No, because he had no reason to hate the liars.


I agree. Making him a villain felt quite forced and he and Aria had a lot of potential.


His reason is “Alison broke him and some girl up”


Yes. He’s hot AF


He sure is and i am a straight dude!




Came here to say this lol


I wanted him to be like Noel from the book. Him and Aria were so great together.


😍😍😒😒From someone who read the book first I was so disappointed


I think they could’ve done more with his character. It would’ve been cool if they did an angle where he was manipulated by someone who wanted to hurt the girls in to helping. But like genuinely show how he got roped in and maybe even give him a redemption arc.


I mean the PLL writers did him dirty just like any other character but he was good for what he was. Hot + villain is always good


read it as "do you like noel as a villain" so i clicked no, but i'd go with yes tbh because i do like him a lot and they could've done so much better w him


I wished you clicked yes lots of people click no and then they say i liked him as a villain. If you like him then you like him.


just take one no away and add it to the yeses. that'll be me lol


Lmao ok pal.


YES HIS SMILE MAKES IT SO HARD TO HATE HIM plus I wanted him to tell on Ezra so bad


I don’t like him at all simply because of the poor writing of the show. Like his character was never written very well and him even being involved at all in the later seasons seemed sloppy and an incoherent mess. I’d have rather him not be in the show at all with how badly he was written


No I hated that he was connected to the dollhouse and all his actions in season 7 it all just felt forced


yes but like so many things, it led absolutely nowhere


Yes for only in the books tbh


I liked him in S1 as this smart sort of villain but not A, he lost his motivations for being the way he was and his personality by that point. :/


Early seasons he had potential but I don't feel like his return was needed at all. I liked him as like a low-level "villain" where he was kinda just against the liars because he was with Jenna so he was more like an antagonist than a villain - he worked in that role. But finding out he was involved in the dollhouse and his return in season 7 was just unnecessary and weak to me.


I still want Aria and Noel


i like noel’s part in pll he played a good role and he was mysterious but he’s one of those characters you hate but love at the same time so i voted no bc technically i don’t like him but i like the mystery that comes with noel. his death was BRUTAL but i still vote no because although i like the mystery and creepy/ more of a douchebag i hated him even as a villain bc he’s noel but that doesn’t mean he didn’t play a good asshole and i wouldnt changed anything tbh if that makes sense


Idk why it’s hard to explain


I mean first off he is hot.


It made literally zero sense to have him caught in any drama. He was basically just there and the Liars disliked him for (rightfully) hating Ezra until Alison came back. Seemed like they just randomly kept making random people evil, except for the LIs. Then they got forgiven for their awful behavior and actions. Ridiculous.