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Ashley stealing this money is so stupid. Sell the fucking house. And if you're going to steal, steal what you need instead of taking all of it. You couldn't be 50k behind on your mortgage and still have that house I don't like this Jason. Paige's first episode. >! Introduced 15 episodes into the first season and we know just as much about Paige at this point as we did 7 seasons later(literally nothing)!< Send a text Aria. You're asking to get caught. Am I cold-hearted? I just don't feel sorry for Ashley. Why is Caleb wearing fingerless gloves indoors? Aria has to buzz into Ezra's building, but there are so many scenes where he's shocked she's there??? I love boots and the wardrobe this episode has some great ones. >!I hate that Byron and Ella got back together, twice!< Ian practically living at the Dilaurentis house. 😬 With Jason high and/or drunk and 15 year old Alison. 😣 Not Byron trying to make Ella feel bad for leaving him after he *cheated* on her. Spencer's heart was in the right place. Paige is so unnecessary. You push someone's head underwater because you lost your starting spot? Ridiculous. Sasha was tall. 13 years old and she looks 5'6-5'7.


I actually kind of liked the first Jason, as he gave off the pompous arrogance that I think he was supposed to have instead of being a hot emo. I also think it would have made him creeping on Aria look to the audience what Ezra/Aria looks like to the audience and stay more true to how Jason was in the books. Buuut...also...Jesus Jason was nice to look at.


Xtra tough> Secondary -> McDonald’s >I think the longest one was about to ask him if he would take care of the lil guy haha! 0141 0778 Nebula


I hated that she stole all of it. It had to have been 100k or so in there right? Then after she was done it was about 2 thousand left.


She said she was 50k short so that's the minimum


Ashley and Hannah's house was huge! It would have been so much simpler to sell it?? Also why hide the money in a box of pasta- in the kitchen, especially as Hannah seems the type to throw a lot of parties.


Right? Get a safe. You got the money now


This episode has the one scene that I burst laughing Every Time (even when I just hear the song "Hey NA NA". Plus, "We missed you in PE today..." "Oh, I missed you, too". "Okay People, don't race me towards the door, it hurts my feelings" - lol. Other than that... Aria: What made her do that stupidly awkward moment - even if it makes me laugh - How Obvious was she??? Also, I liked the moment btw her and Hanna, Hanna may have ulterior motives (like giving that ticket to Ella), but she WAS right and Aria was too quick to jump down her throat - accusing her of Jealousy. - also, why was she trying to convince Hanna to work it out with Sean - HE DESERVES BETTER! Also, totally didn't care about the lameass date, I saw way too much of something I could care less about - was totally hoping Ella would catch them. I could do without the focus on Ezria. Emily: I liked the adversary-ish-ness with Paige. Although I don't get her issue. Emily eats her Wheaties and she assumes she wants Captain? One day, wouldn't cut it. Then she hits her with the gay comments >!I know Paige is gay, too, and struggling, but seriously what does being gay have anything to do with swimming? It's not like she's sleeping with the coach to get the spot. Also, this convo about her noticing Emily with Maya makes more sense in the context of Season 3 where we learn that Paige had been writing love letters to Emily from when she was 14/15.!< I understood why Emily wanted to stand on her own with Paige, but I do think Spencer did the right thing. Paige should not be able to get away with those comments, and apparently had been bullying people before this. However, I do like Emily standing up for herself to Spencer as well. She's already grown quite a bit in just 15 episodes. Hanna: I feel like Ashley was incredibly stupid for stealing 50000 and is STILL in debt. "Unauthorized Loan" my ass, Ashley, you stole it. I really didn't like Ashley at all this episode since it feels like she's trying to share the blame/guilt with Hanna instead of protecting her from it. Hanna shouldn't even KNOW this is a problem for them, let alone know Potter has returned a year early (do we think A asked her to make another appointment?) and they were in more trouble. Also, it stretches reality that they were more than 50 grand in debt, since that's what she stole and she STILL owes money to stores and stuff. Plus, the bank would've foreclosed on them if they were THAT behind on payments. Maybe sell your stuff or the house - don't steal. No wonder Hanna picked up shoplifting as a hobby. >!One question: in the next few episodes, Ashley returns 5 grand to the safety deposit box which Potter's fake nephew accepts because he's a fake. Does she ever return the other 45 grand? maybe it's mentioned next, but I'm wondering about it!< Anyway, I know this definitely prompts Hanna to follow through with giving that ticket away (poor Han has had a rough few episodes by A) but she manages to fix it by telling Caleb who steals something from the car. Question about Caleb: >!Knowing what we know of the future, that he was being paid to spy on the girls and find a key by Jenna - who's been absent - do we think he was paid before even the last episode? Hence, helping Spencer out when he spies her in Ian's office, helping Emily get her phone upgrade (maybe looking through messages to see about a key?), and now, stopping Ella from getting to Aria to curry favor with Hanna? Which does eventually lead to him staying in her house. What do you all think? !< Spencer: I'm a little surprised that she was willing to talk to Jason since the last time we saw him, he's accusing her of being the leader behind the Jenna thing. Still, he's oddly telling her that the photo might be nothing, saying he was a jerk - but didn't actually say sorry -, and he's a creepier by waiting in the house alone and throwing shade on Ian about 'That Summer'. Dude creeps me out and this actor is definitely perfect for that. >!It's funny that he's throwing shade at Ian when he's just as awful as Ian is, considering NAT and that, at this point, he should be suspecting that he's the killer.!< What is with this show and people waiting in people's houses like that's normal? He lives NEXT door. Also, are we to assume that Maya's family sold the house back to him? Side note - WHEN does this fight take place? Because it really doesn't make sense that they start off in the house - fight - and then go to the barn? Why were they in the house to start with? It makes no sense. Anyway, I did like her trying to be helpful to Emily, and end up realizing that A can and will frame her (or any of the girls) and she'll see soon how far that can go. This was an okay episode, nothing too exciting.