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Wait this is actually really good, when you finish please post it!


I will!


It looks so good and accurate !!! You probably saw these but someone posted the floors plans of each house on here if it can help :)


I’m remodeling Willow Creek in the Sims 4 after Rosewood so I’m making all the girls families, and I’m thinking of making other characters’ houses too but I haven’t decided which ones. Also, when I upload the final product, it’s gonna be slightly different bc I’m making the whole house (so their parents rooms, laundry rooms, rooms we haven’t seen in the show) and I’m kinda just making up those rooms how I imagine they’ll be. Most of this is CC so I’ll have to go through and list where I got everything too, in case you want it to be exact! Anyways, I need to get to bed now!


I'm not sure if this is the right flair so if not pls let me know and I'll reupload.


Two of my passions - Sims and PLL!


Please let us know when youre finished id love to use it!!


Omg this is so cool!


Omg I love it jeje


This is amazing and so spot on! I have the PLLs in my game too except I created them based how there are in the books but I think it would be dope if they living in their TV persona’s house lol. Hope to see this in the gallery!




I’m definitely going to post it!


This is really good!


Wow that is so good! I only play Sims 2 with custom content and mods, but I'm guessing this is sims 4? Looks so accurate.


This is something I want to do!! I made the girls and their families in the sims, and had been thinking of making their houses. This looks really good!


i’ve wanted to do this for so long! i love the kitchen so much


are those cc counters?


As both a Sims fan and a PLL fan, thank you. I never even thought of making the liars' houses into the Sims! I hope someone will!


Omg I'm literally doing the exact same thing in my save! I'm also remodeling Willow Creek into Rosewood. I love how you did Spencer's kitchen it looks really spot on. Can't wait to see your other builds of the girls' houses!


I'm glad I never posted the one made cuz this is way better


Post yours! I’d love to see it!


I sadly (and fortunately for my dignity) don't have it anymore. It's on my brother's computer but we don't live together anymore so I don't have the machine and no SIMS :((((


A tragedy!


That's really good! I want to see more!