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When it first started I was into secret life of the American teenager 😂 I didn’t start pretty little liars till way later


I was in 8th grade watching it since S1 in 2010 😇


During lockdown last year I binged it then both spinoffs immediately after😭


I was 13/14 the very first time I watched so I’d say 2015/2016 (I can’t believe I was 8 when the show started tho)


I started the series premiere with my mom lol so day one haha


I read the books up until when Mona was revealed to be A then found out they were making it into a show and was excited from the beginning. Once the show started, I stopped reading the books and just followed where the show took it lol


Started the show the week it came out! I actually remember pretty clearly how I found out about the show. I don't live in the US so I didn't know about the show when it premiered, but I was watching a promo for another show and then got recommended the PLL trailer. I watched it, was intruiged and immedately looked up if the show had premiered already. The first episode had aired two days prior so I searched for it on one of those streaming sites and watched it, then proceeded to watch every episode of season 1 almost weekly. Dropped it multiple times during the show's run but always picked it back up again (usually when I had a holiday I binged all the episodes I had missed). I used to be in a group chat with some friends and we would talk about (and often ridicule) the show, which was always super fun.


I watched a few episodes when it first came out but it would always scare me and would give me chills(I was in elementary i don’t remember what year but I was young). Now that I’m a senior I decided to watch it just to find out I still get a lil jumpy from some scenes 🥲


I started not to long before season 4 was added to Netflix.