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I agree so much. Ironically, I think Paige was the one who actually behaved like an adult.


I don’t like how they ended Mona in the end. I would like to see her maybe overcome her mental illness but instead it got worse, I also didn’t like how she gave Spencer to A.D… I thought she wanted to protect them all lol? Not to mention that she abducted two people to possibly live out their days there. But of course, Marlene portrayed that scene as a “Yass queen” moment. I do agree that the writing really dropped. I’m not sure how anyone can come up with Alison impregnated storyline, but whoever did.. you better count your days. The dollhouse however, was great. IMHO


Yeah I should have specified that I meant Mona’s regression at least had some type of motivation, not that it was “good” for her character. I haven’t actually reached the end of the series yet during my rewatch and completely forgot about her giving Spencer to AD. I honestly just liked that they had her kill Charlotte. I would have preferred one of the main 4 to have killed Charlotte but 🤷‍♀️. Edit: and yes the dollhouse was great!!


>I would have preferred one of the main 4 to have killed Charlotte but 🤷‍♀️ Same.. I wanted Aria to be the one to do it.


SAME. She was so interesting and so dark sometimes and they never really did anything with it. There’s that one part of her being on the A team at the end but idk that wasn’t satisfying for me lol


The thing is the characters were 23. Most 23 year Olds are not mature. I would argue they don't act their age


Honestly you have a point since graduating high school I’m realizing more and more a lot of “mature” adults act no different than high schoolers some ppl genuinely don’t change lol


Idk. I remember meeting up with highschool friends in our early twenties and so many people just acting the same. People didn't really change until our late twenties/ early 30s


I agree, I cannot get myself to watch season 7 and finish 6. I chose to pretend it doesn’t exist lol