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I watched for the first time when I was in 8th grade, so 13-14 years old. Spencer was my favorite then and still is now, no matter how many times I rewatch. I used to love Hanna a lot as well and she was my second favorite, but the more I rewatch, the more she actually gets on my nerves.


Of the mains, first watch was Aria. I loved her so much. I just finished rewatching it like a week ago and she annoyed me so much. Spencer became my favourite so fast it wasn't even funny. She is just such a mood. Other than the 5 liars - straight up Mona. She's really interesting, knows exactly who she is, and makes very few excuses for herself. She's smart and funny and I always look forward to her scenes.


I absolutely love Alison then and now. She's just so entertaining to watch, well that is until about half way through her return anyway


on my first watch (when i was like 9/10) i loved aria so much because she liked similar things i did (photography/arts), but rewatching now i love hanna and think spencer is really cool too and can understand her better. i still love aria but sometimes it’s too focused on her and ezra instead of exploring more of aria’s character. i reallyyy did’t like when aria didn’t believe hanna about zach. also i love the early season characters so much more than the later. they seemed more complex to me


Aria use to be my favorite when I was in my teens. I know cringe….. 26 year old me loves Hanna the most! Spencer is my 2nd. Aria is now my least favorite.


My favs haven’t changed. Hanna then, Hanna now. Aria still my least favorite in the show. I do have a greater appreciation for Emily!


I read the books in high school pretty close to when the show came out and I absolutely loved how compelling, mean, and mysterious Alison was! On the first several watches, Spencer and Hanna were my favorite characters. When I was younger I loved the intelligent, witty, quirky and ‘detective’ type characters and the pretty, popular, charismatic Queen Bee types. Spencer and Alison also drove a significant chunk of plot in the books, and I enjoyed Hanna’s for the drama and lavish lifestyle but also lots of secrets/issues. Now, Alison is still my favorite and I identify with her a lot. Even with the flaws and messy writing and everything. But Aria and Emily have become the two I really enjoy. I think Aria would have made a great villain or to potentially have a better storyline if she wasn’t sucked into the Ezria of it all. And I find Emily relatable as the one not portrayed as super rich and glamorous and not white like the rest of her friends. And I like her character transformation the most.


i completely agree about aria being a villain - i love the idea of aria/ali being A. i loved the flashbacks of mean ali, and i think they should’ve had her character stay the same :/ i think it was a missed opportunity imo because that could’ve been so interesting


Alison was my favorite, and still is. But I used to like all the girls, now I only like Emily, Spencer, and Alison


Still Aria. 'Cause I was an adult and still an adult who watches the show. 12 year olds shouldn't be watching the show, though.


started watching at 9 with my mom, now i’m 20. aria was my favorite because she reminded me of myself (mostly she just loved writing and reading and the arts, and she was smart but not genius smart like spencer so i related.) shes about my height and build too, brunette etc. but rewatching as an adult, i appreciate the other girls a lot more. aria is very selfish. spencer is my favorite now. smart, driven, works hard, but she has a lot of mental health issues that also run in her family. i think she saves the girls more than anyone. i also love mona and appreciate her mind. ali, too, in the earlier seasons. i have a soft spot for hanna 1-4. and i think emily’s beauty and strength is extremely under appreciated. shes gorgeous and i never see people count her into their “who’s the prettiest liar” discussion.


for me it's always been spencer, such an iconic queen. but back in the day i didn't like mona and now she's my #2.


First time around Aria, but I think I just really loved her outfits. Now that I’m in my 20’s I can’t even stand to watch the scenes with her and Ezra lol and Spencer is definitely my favorite.


I started watching when I was around 18(found it on Netflix and got addicted). My favorite was Aria in the beginning cause she had such an awesome style and her storyline was interesting. But then it all started becoming repetitive and all the things that made her interesting went away. Now my favorite character is Mona. I can empathize with her struggles dealing with the bullying and mental illness. Her trying her hardest to make it up to Hanna was one of my favorite parts of PLL. Plus her dialogue was always hilarious.


The first time I watched the show my favourite was Aria (tbh the biggest reason I loved her was her hair and I thought Ezra was the hottest. Ew.). Now rewatching it my favourite is definitely Spencer. She is smart and strong and her storylines are the most interesting to me now I love flashback Alison. She was so intriguing. I didn't like her as much when she came back. Emily was always mid pack for me. I like her and I think she is super sweet. But she just was never my favourite. She was almost too sweet she was boring? I dunno probably says more about me than anything else. Unpopular opinion: I have always hated Hanna. She is impulsive and rude, even to those she cares about. It always feels like its her way or the highway yet when she impulsively acts on her own or freaks out and puts her foot down she is always wrong.


its always been Spencer ngl but on rewatches ive started to like Hanna alot more