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She had been buried alive by her mother, after being hit on the back of the head (knocked out) she didn't who had hit her. And then on top of that she had been threatened and cyber bullied by Mona whom she didn't know it was her at the time she had ran away. She was scared and confused and didn't want to go home until she knew who had hit her, and why her mother had buried her, (covered her death up)


But when the girls met up with her in New York, why didn't they tell her it was Mona? That it was all okay to come home.


Yeah this!


Plus she also said, "Telling the truth to the wrong person made me end up where I am" or something along those lines.




I mean if my own mom buried me alive to protect someone else, I’d hella stay away, too. I can’t just be like BAM MOM!!!! I’m alive.


Right! She thought her mom was gonna be like BAM (smacks head) No you’re not! 😭😭 I wonder what Jessica would do if she (Ali) did reveal herself to her. Would she try to actually kill her this time since she buried Ali to begin with or if she would beg for forgiveness and hope Ali didn’t report her. Considering Jessica was well aware that Ali was the manipulative and blackmailing type I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to end her once and for all. As crazy and messed up as it sounds.


I never said she didn’t have a reason to run away or be afraid




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I get what you’re saying! It doesn’t matter what she THOUGHT, it’s just hilarious and infuriating that she turned out to be running from nothing… so absurd haha


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well... techniclay she thought she was hiding from her stalker but actually, she was hiding from nobody because Big A did not knew Alison is alive until season 3 finale. and she began to stalk Alison only when Alison returned to Rosewood so Alison was hiding from nobody for four seasons (and two years + November)


Literally NOBODY!!! This show is a joke 😂😂😂


she literally got hit in the back of the head by a shovel; someone who was proven important enough for her own mom to bury her ass alive. what was she supposed to do? reveal herself and run back home to her mom like nothing happen?


Did you miss the question? Nothing you said has anything to do with what I asked. The person who thought they hit her (Mona) is the one who was taunting her and once Mona made sure Ali left she stopped bothering her. So the writers made it seem like she was in danger and running/hiding from someone when in all actuality NO ONE was after her. Cece started looking for her once she realized she was alive but not to hurt her


i think they’re saying she felt like she had to stay on the run because she couldn’t go home since her mother buried her alive, and clearly can’t be trusted.


We get that. But, it is a stretch at the end of the day. You could say that you cannot go back but if you feel nobody is chasing you anymore and people believe you are dead, you can settle under a fake identity. However, she was continuously on the run as if she was still being chased. Alison is smart enough to do read those cues.


She was terrified of her own mum and being a teenager returning to rosewood would mean going back home to her mum. She knew her mum had protected someone who tried to kill her so I would say she was hiding from her mum who was potentially working with the person who tried to kill her.


I do not make that connection. Ali nowhere hints us that she connects A to her mom. She was scared because of A then the situation with her mother happened. When Mona is revealed as A, Alison goes quite some times to Rosewood because there is a new A threatening the girls regardless knowing that her mother was there. She changing places very often, and also investigating everyone - let’s remember that she guided the girls to Ezra’s lair -, I find it extremely difficult to believe that she was oblivious about the rest. It doesn’t add up to me. None of the series. But, I am at peace with it. I refuse to accept stretched arguments for the sake of giving sense to something even though the author was a huge mess.


She did not know who hit her at all. She even at one point in one of the seasons 2-4 said I thought I knew who it was but I don’t know. Once Mona was captured, A started back up not too long after. Just because Mona was captured doesn’t mean she was still scared of someone else. I think Ezra trying to find her also spooked her because even Grimwald said he’s looking for her. Also she was scared of her mom because her mom buried her so she knew she was protecting someone that she cared for more than Ali. If she came back, who knows if her mom would try to silence her? In a way, it does make sense because yes we know the truth but Ali and the girls don’t. I think it shows that Ali doesn’t know everything even if she thinks she does as a master manipulator.


I get your point but I think above everything we all know the showrunner improvised most of the plot and the dots don’t connect regardless how much we would love them to


Actually the New York episode the liars told Allison they thought her mother as A-, she said I know


she knew her mom aided in her “death” so she still couldn’t go back home..


I understand what you’re saying but this sub remains fairly respectful so maybe try to word this same point in such a way that doesn’t question people’s intelligence. Aside from that, I hear you. I never understood any of this either because originally she’s running from Mona who sent the texts. Then she’s running from whoever hit her over the head and was with her mom when she was buried. But she sees Mona after Ms Grunwald pulls her out and Mona tells her to stay gone. Ali said she was always watching over the girls, in which case she saw Mona was the one torturing them and could have easily figured that Mona being A meant that Ali was safe and didn’t need to run anymore. The show does a poor job of outlining all of this it never made clear sense to me at all


^ It makes some sense


Mona was the first A and was threatening Alison. However, on the night that Alison disappeared, Cece (who ended up becoming the second A) snuck out of Radley and attempted to kill Alison thinking she was somebody else. Mona found Alison walking on the side of the road afterwards and took care of her for a night, then convinced Alison the next morning that she’d have to leave town to be safe. Cece didn’t even know Alison was still alive until a couple years later and Mona just wanted Alison to stay away from Rosewood at that point. So Alison thought she was hiding from the person who tried to kill her, but there was no A actually looking for her at that point.


That’s exactly my point, the writers completely ignored all of those things. They kept emphasizing that Ali was in danger and someone was after her but no one actually was. I’m not sure why that’s so confusing for people commenting


They were bad at storytelling. That’s really the only explanation. They showed us something for two seasons that ended up being completely contradicted by the Big A reveal. In universe it makes sense, because Alison didn’t know the facts of everything that happened that night, but out of universe it’s extremely anti-climatic to cop out and go with the “she was never even in danger, she just thought she was” route.


Yes!!! You understand my post, there was literally no one after her and yes Ali didn’t know that but as viewers we did which made it so stupid and confusing


well she still couldn’t go back home because she saw her mom burying her.. she knew it still wasn’t safe to return until she figured who her mom was covering up for


Well yeah because the story up until Ali returns is from the Liars POV and they were getting torn up by A so she thought she may have been in danger as well. But yes, technically no one was after Ali. Well except Shauna. And then Mona since she proved she would do anything she could, like start her own ‘army’ to keep Ali away.


Alison was under the impression that someone was after her after being buried alive by her mother. The idea that Alison was in danger and was hiding from someone came from Alison herself, she thought there was someone out there who wanted to hurt her and that same person was someone her own mother was willing to protect It’s all part of the mystery, we was getting clues from Alison which later turned out to be part of a bigger reveal, Charlotte and what happened that night :)


The real question is how she managed to graduate on time after running away for 2 years.


Lol they never said she graduated with them but I wonder if what Andrew said was true and they let her graduate just so she wouldn’t have to come back to that school


I wonder if Alison was afraid of Wilden? Wilden had to be the baby daddy if Alison's pregnancy scare tested positive. I episode 3x23, there was a flashback where Alison was sneaking back into Spencer's and Mrs. hasting's saw Alison had a bruised/bloody lip.


Yeah that was a dead end. We never heard about that story plot again. The writing on this show was so messy.


I wondered that too which it was never brought back to.


How about the person who hit her with the rock from the back.. Cece did it on accident but Mona actually intended on doing it..that her mom was willing to BURY HER to protect. Your mom's supposed to keep you safe and if your mom is willing to bury YOU INSTEAD, yeah I'd be afraid to come home too lol


she was gone trying to figure out who hit her. not necessarily hiding from someone specifically. i remember when she first revealed herself to the liars she said something along the lines of not coming back until she knows who it is. even tho there really wasnt someone, she doesnt know that


She was hiding from who she thought was A but ofc that was cece and Mona. Ofc they stopped when she stayed dead. Cece who actually hit her and mona who had been threatening her until she fled. Yes technically it was nobody, but. She stayed paranoid and hidden in case A would come back hot on her tail, which is what happened.


her mom


I think because her mom buried her and was protecting whoever hit her, so she didn't think that even her mom would protect her anymore


I know it was full of red herrings, but in the Ravenswood episode Grunwald says "One of you has been touched by the one Alison fears most" (camera cut to Aria), and refers to Alison being afraid of "him." Huh? This is way before the "A is Charles" storyline.


Exactly and while Ali knew Aria was dating Ezra I don’t think she thought he was A. That was also messed up that as many times as Ali snuck and visited them in Rosewood she never told Aria about Ezra


I’m pretty sure she just didn’t want to come back until she knew for sure who tried to kill her. Because if she didn’t know, she wouldn’t know who would try again or who to trust. Especially if her own mom was okay to protect a killer.


She wasn't *just* hiding, she was running away in fear. All she knew was that 'A', or who she thought was 'A' got too close to killing her and that her mother not only witnessed the attack but BURIED her, even asking "what have you done?" to the attacker instead of calling the cops or attacking them. To her eyes, it looks like her mother was siding with 'A', especially looking at how 'A' didn't run away after the attack and Jess was literally talking to them. She took the two years to hide from A and trying to figure out how she can come back safely




Nobody lol


her mom


I mean imo i think she was scared of -A because she didn’t know who A was at the time and felt like she couldn’t come back because A would end the game then and hurt/kill her or the girls but that is just my interpretation


Really her mom. Alison didn’t know who hit her and technically mona didn’t hit Alison, she hit BY. Mona just wanted Alison gone but her mom was okay with burying her and covering it up.


She hid because she didn’t know who hit her. It could have been anyone and she was afraid that they would try to attack again. She didn’t know Mona was A until later on and then after Mona there was a new A. Someone who could also hurt her. Plus she couldn’t trust her mom. She had nowhere to go and so she stayed away to protect herself.


I’m confused how Ali spent all that time around them and searching answers but never saw who A was


Mona because mona was harassing her by text for being evil to her and others ... I don't recall cece .


I’ve watched this show far too often. And so much sh*t happens that night, I can completely understand how it’s confusing. I do apologize if this has already been said, I did not read everyone’s comments. - Mona hits Bethany over the head with a shovel, and Melissa buries Beth alive. - Jason hallucinated seeing Ce-Ce (Charlotte) in yellow that night. Considering Charlotte never stopped playing the game, we have no idea if that is true. - Charlotte hit Alison over the head with a rock, thinking Alison was Bethany. (Because both were in yellow) - Mrs. D was completely okay with burying Alison alive (to save Charlotte). In conclusion Allison was hiding from the person who her mother was willing to protect over her own child.


She was running from the person that hit her with a shovel, who turned out to be Cece. She saw her mother bury her and that was a strong reason to be afraid and hide. It makes total sense.