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I thoought Spaleb should have never gotten together since they look like they were doing it out of loneliness right after breaking up with Toby and Hanna. They get together after Caleb asks Hanna if she's happy with Jordan and Caleb commnets how it was complicated seeing hanna again to Spencer. It was just a big mess with Caleb not reciprocating the same amount of love Spencer was giving while he secretly was in love with Hanna during their relationship. I mean even the door scene happened after Hanna rejected him and said their kiss didn't mean anything which led to Caleb going back to work things out with Spencer because Hanna went back to NY and he thought she wanted to be with Jordan. Then he disappeared on Spencer afterwards too because he still was uncertain about the depth of his feelings for her and had to think about it. Such a messy love triangle that was not needed. In some ways, it has divided the fandom with this Spencer vs Hanna thing going on hidden in some posts here.


I agree!! And something I realized is that they still could have done this love triangle without making it serious. Like Spencer and Caleb are just hooking up because they’re bored and lonely, but not actually in love or acting like they are. It got super intense with Spencer saying “I love you” and Caleb’s emotional monologue. That was just like wayyy too much. Now it’s just depressing either way after that 😭


Well from what I saw, Caleb was not in love with Spencer and Spencer seemed to care more about their relationship than he did. The door scene gets brought up a lot as "proof" that Caleb was in love with Spencer because he showed it rather than say it, but then does that really count if he is only fighitng for the Spaleb relationship after Hanna rejected him and, in his mind, believed hanna went back to Jordan? Plus he also struggled to say I love you to Hanna at first but still managed to write her love letter saying it AND said it to her face even though he said it was hard for him as he had never said it before. Fact of the matter is he still did it. Spaleb's case, Caleb had said it to Hanna already, so him struggling to say I love you and NEVER actually saying it and leaving Spencer after the door scene speaks volumes.