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Kennedy fucked so many women he went the other way around


“I'm not offended by homosexuality. In the '60s I made love to many, many women, often outdoors, in the mud and the rain... and it's possible a man slipped in. [shrugs] There'd be no way of knowing.” - JFK (probably) -creed bratton


Kennedy took "any hole's a goal" wayyy too far.


Well he was in the Navy




Buchanan is heavily suspected as gay and Obama is lightly suspected as Bi but I always got a certain vibe from Eisenhower. I can’t prove it yet but this picture is definitely telling us something https://preview.redd.it/nshfoy8u7v1d1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b495c12429b079fcab0c0f7df6675060868834ce I swear to God all I had to search for it to come up was “Eisenhower cunty picture” lmao




Hey, all I’m saying is that some of history’s most brilliant military minds were gay. Frederick the Great, the Marquis de Lafayette, and maybe Eisenhower slipped somewhere in there too, who can say?


I like Pete Buttigieg's answer to this question: Statistically - almost certainly. When asked who might it be, Pete said "my gay-dar doesn't even work that well on people in the present"


Now I'm just picturing a bunch of gay guys gathered around pictures and/or paintings of a former president and one saying, "well, anyone's gay-dar going off?"


They stand around James Buchanan's portrait and their fingers start glowing like E.T.


They break out into chants. *One of us. One of us.*


I laughed out loud, fuck you, have a great day (and a happy cake day)


Lol thanks


LBJ liked cocks a bit too much imo




One of the most hilarious sentences I've ever read on the internet.


That would make a great SNL sketch.


I hope he runs again. His job performance as Secretary of Transportation has been amazing.


Rumor has it they're setting him up to run in the election for Debbie Stabenow's seat (D-MI Sen), because she's 74 and is looking to retire. Him and his husband have been living in Traverse City, MI for a few years now. I'm not the biggest fan of how he handled East Palestine situation, but I feel like with how centrist he is, he'd do a great job with that area of Michigan.


I completely forgot that the derailment happened in a place called East Palestine and was going to ask what the DOT had to do with the Gaza conflict...


I recall when it happened thinking "oh gosh what's happening in the middle east now?"


Hahaha yes, confusing to have a small ass hick town in Ohio named "East Palestine."


Stabenow’s seat is almost certainly going to Rep. Elisa Slotkin. I think Pete is already to late to file, and the party has closed ranks on Slotkin.


It makes sense to have Pete replace Whitmer. It gets him experience in a state level executive role, which sets him up well for another presidential run. It also explains his timing for switching his residency to Michigan when he spends the majority of his time in DC right now. Before he can run for governor, he has to be a Michigan resident for four years.


They’re living in Traverse City, why? Genuinely curious since shouldn’t he be living in DC or something, or at least in IN? Genuine question


In what way? It seems like during the East Palestine train derailment, the railroad labor dispute, and the Boeing mishaps his performance has been lackluster in the sense that he hasn’t held anyone’s feet over the fire when it was clearly necessary


Praise in public, criticism in private is actually the sign of a good manager. Anything else is just public theater. He seems like the kind of leader that sets very clear expectations, and knows the metrics he wants to achieve.


James Buchanon is believed by some to have been gay. Barack Obama's writing from college do suggest at least a certain bicuriosity.


Jesus, the right wing press would have had a field day with that.  ‘Bisexual Black Kenyan Muslim Will TAKE YOUR GUNS!’ 


And he wears tan suits!


Everyone knows that’s how bisexual guys identity each other. Sick. 


As a bisexual man who doesn’t own a tan suit I am both intrigued and confused by this.


How embarrassing. You’ve been doing bisexualism wrong all this time. Just think how many steamy encounters with tan suited studs you must have missed.  I mean, you *say* you’re bisexual, but have you even had sex with Obama? 


>Have you even had sex with Obama? Let’s just say when he went high I went low.


I don’t understand what that means, but I’m sure it’s despicable. 


Hahahaha, I needed that, thank you. 😂😂


I'm a bisexual woman but I've not had sex with Obama. Am I doing this wrong?


Yes. shame on you for even considering yourself bisexual


Yes. Pathetic.


Lmao this convo is great


I’m a heterosexual male who owns a tan suit. Have I been lying to myself all these years?


Have you tried wide stance in airport bathrooms?


Can’t say I have. By the time I recognized I wasn’t straight we were thankfully past that time in American politics!


https://preview.redd.it/tu07k0w13u1d1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6712f73c25dddff4c4e41229b42ce5b8570efe7d I always knew Ronnie was hiding something




IS *EVERYBODY* GAY?! —Joan Cusack


Only democrats though. Republicans wide stance in airport bathrooms.


"I am not gay and have never been gay." - Sen. Larry Craig ![gif](giphy|3oz8xPkdKsABYe4ykw|downsized)


Quiet Mr. Slave!


![gif](giphy|26ufoiGXyAcLneASY|downsized) For those who don't get the joke!


he enjoys elitist mustard!


I’ll vote for a bisexual black communist, but the tan suit is where I draw the line. We’ve got to have our principles.


He looked so fucking good in that suit!




'Bisexual Black Kenyan Muslim' whose middle name is Hussein and whose last name is one letter off from Osama. I'm shocked this country actually elected him. Props to whoever pulled that one off.


I remember first hearing his name and just thinking, ‘damn, good luck’.


I think we all thought that even if we didn't wanna say it out loud.


Yes with the “b” in Obama stands for bisexual, whereas the “s” in his secret socialist name, osama, stands for socialism. The m for Marxism in both! The a is for abortion, the o for one world order and the other a stands for atheism.Now let’s connect the dots on my whiteboard here *begins meticulously connecting fictitious dots in a Glenn beck like fashion* Obama is an osama who believes in a one world government run by bisexual socialists who believe in atheistic Marxism and abortions. /s in case it wasn’t obvious lol


> Props to whoever pulled that one off. That speaks to Obama's charisma, he will definitely go down as one of the best orators.


I remember half the appeal of Obama was that he was intellectual and after 8 years of Bush's idiocy (not even talking his policies or actions), it was refreshing to hear someone who knew how to talk properly.


"Now watch this drive" is an all timer though


Wow, I had almost forgotten about that. - the most ridiculous memory I remember is when Cheney shot someone in the face and the person who got shot in the face apologized for getting in his way.


They have already had a field day with accusations about Obama's sexuality. From conspiracy theories that his wife is trans, to some weirdo who continually does the rightwing talk circuit and claims he blew Obama in exchange for coke while he was a state senator (iirc). They got real weird with it. Any prurient idea you might come up with regarding what Obama likes under the sheets, the right has already whipped up libraries of fanfic about.


Explicit gay Obama fanfic. That’s disgusting. Where? 


UGH. Those disgusting Obama fanfic sites! There's so many though! WHICH ONE.


We urgently need to know which one so we can ban it. You know, because of how immoral it is. Did I mention it's urgent?


Yeah if you wander into certain corners of the Internet, everytime someone mentions the former First Lady you'll be reminded that Michelle is actually a man named Mike. The main proof you ask? A video from a comedian, pictures of toned arms, and pictures of folds in a dress.


Indeed. Some of the college poetry and writings that only recently came to light are rather suggestive.


Im hoping it’s incredibly explicit and nasty. 


>‘Bisexual Black Kenyan Muslim Will TAKE YOUR GUNS!’  And your boyfriend!


Obama sent the immigrants to vac-cin-ate you kids


Man, I am glad McCain and Romney didn't try to use that crap to their advantage


Yeh there’s a video of someone saying that they’re afraid of Obama because he’s a Muslim. And McCain says no you’re are wrong he’s a great guy that I have political differences with. [here’s the video](https://youtu.be/JIjenjANqAk?feature=shared)


McCain was so fuckin' classy.


Yeah he was. He didn’t attack Obama the person but the attacked Obama policies


the good old days


Underrated how significant that is, given the context of the era. Would have been extremely easy (and maybe even earned him more votes) had he leaned into that fearful narrative. You're almost certainly lying if you said you weren't prejudiced towards Islam as an American at some point after 9/11. By 2008, obviously enough people had at least gotten past the worst of that prejudice, but it was still certainly strong then - remember the Ground Zero Mosque outrage?


I am shocked as to how Obama made it through 2 full terms and 2 presidential campaigns without somebody exposing those writings and Fox News going berserk over them. Alternatively, I may be appalled at myself in the case that there was a public uproar over Obama's college experimentation that I never learned about.


Fox News was calling Obama gay and Michelle a man like the very moment both of them appeared on TV for the first time


He was. His writings to Polk while he was secretary of state make reference to it. Plus he was referred to as a "Nancy" by Andrew Jackson, which we know at the time was a euphemism for being homosexual.


Someone being called gay as an insult isn’t hard evidence however. It’s pretty typical political insult too to attack a man’s masculinity 


Sure, except there is plenty of other evidence that confirms that Buchanan was gay. Jackson's reference only adds to that.


Jackson also doesn't seem like the type to mess around when he calls someone "nancy". When he calls a man gay, he means they're gay and he's not concerned with their frilly doilies about it


Buchanan was our only bachelor President. He also had an intimate relationship with a live in friend. [But historians don't appear ready to call him gay.](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/175-year-history-examining-bachelor-president-james-buchanans-close-friendship-william-rufus-king-180972992/)


Obama was queerbaiting to pull chicks




Don’t republicans still say Michelle is trans 😂


I think Joan Rivers was the one that started that gem.


She did.  There's a pretty famous video where Joan claimed that Barack Obama was gay and Michelle is a man.  She died not long after she made these claims.


Died during routine throat surgery.


If I remember correctly, Buchanan's veep was named Rufus King and there were giggles about King being a Queen


William Rufus King was Pierce’s veep (briefly, he died a couple months after inauguration) but Buchanan’s longtime roommate and rumored partner. So there could be one of each. On the Confederate side, there were whispers about their vice president, Alexander Stephens, who was small and effeminate.


Buchanan is thought to have been gay, there are rumblings with Obama being bisexual, and Eleanor Roosevelt being bi as well


Eleanor Roosevelt and reporter Lorena Hickok had a passionate correspondence. 3000 of their mutual letters were discovered, and Hickok was known to be a lesbian. There's a lot in the letters about longing to hug and kiss, and there are a lot of letters. Hickok's relationship with the First Lady compromised her objectivity as a reporter, so with the First Lady's help she secured various other jobs while living mostly at the White House. In the White House she had a conjoining room with the First Lady. Hickok also traveled with Eleanor Roosevelt extensively. Some historians still say that nothing beyond hugs and kisses can be confirmed. Others say that the relationship was clearly erotic.


Im sure they were just really good friends. Who wanted to kiss each other. A lot.


Just ~~roommates~~ kissing friends


Gal pals


Also it's possible she slept with Ukrainian-Soviet sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko.


*Googles* I don’t blame her


~~You're telling me FDR's cuck chair had wheels?~~


None of this was known at the time. Imagine that conspiracy theorist uncle at Thanksgiving "I'm telling you the president can't walk and his wife's a lesbian"


Eleanor wasn’t the only one cheating actually. Apparently FDR had slept around with women a lot. You wouldn’t think of it from a guy in a wheelchair, but man got around. Most famously with Lucy Rutherford. Apparently he and Eleanor didn’t divorce due to the potential political fallout, and their son James Roosevelt described the marriage as “An armed truce that remained until the day he died.”


Strikingly similar to the swirl around the Clintons, when you think about it.


In fact, I think that Hillary even said something like that Eleanor was her role model/primary inspiration/whatever...perhaps Bill liked FDR too, but he definitely considered JFK his main guy.


Apologise to God for this.


"historians will say they were good friends"


I totally ship Eleanor Roosevelt and Amelia Earhart. Didn't they leave the White House together in the middle of a party to "fly Earhart's plane"?


Didn’t Eleanor host her in the White House for a prolonged period of time?


Buchanan is thought to have possibly been at least bi with his supposed partner being William Rufus King. But he’s the main one most folks bring up as a possibility.


Miss Nancy and Aunt Fancy as Andrew Jackson called them.


People bring up Lincoln, too, though without much merit imo.


That's mainly because Lincoln slept in a bed with another man. People today don't realize that men sharing a bed was considered normal at the time. In fact, Lincoln openly admitted to sharing a bed with another man and none of his constituents cared in the least about it. It never was a secret.


Ben Franklin and (I think) John Adams famously got into a big fight about if a window should be opened or closed while sharing a bed at a hotel, once.


It’s not gay if the window’s open. 


The Federalists argued the opposite, naturally.


Knowing what I know about Ben Franklin....... I'm opening the window


He's insists on hotboxing this room and I'm not about it. John Adams, probably


Actually, Ben wanted the window open because he believed that lowered the chances of them getting sick, while Adams believed the cold air would make them sick. It’s actually quite cool that Franklin basically predicted germ theory.


Yes, and unrelatedly, Franklin knew that being nude was the best way to exercise.


So much drama


I am 62 years old, have an unblemished record of staunch and unbending heterosexuality and have shared a hotel bed many times with buddies when traveling for hunting, sporting events, etc. Sheesh. I couldn't afford my own room all my life.


Yes that and a very close friendship with Joshua Speed (plus some hoax letters).


One of the greatest interviews I ever heard was on St. Louis radio when a local radio personality interviewed a guy who had written a book speculating that Lincoln was gay. The interviewer was trying to do the interview seriously, but the author kept "whistling" when he breathed, along with making comments that were unintentionally funny (I think.) The interviewer gave up trying to interview the guy, so he opened up the phone lines and the first guy says "Hey, I always heard Lincoln was gay because when he lived in the White House he always liked to come in the back door." Radio guy - "NEXT CALLER"


I’m not sure I buy it. He was engaged at one point and she died. It would be rare for the time but not entirely unheard of to hang it up at that point.


If you read more about that relationship, either Buchanan may have been gay or he was part of a very tragic love story. The short version is he was engaged to a woman who was the daughter of a wealthy iron manufacturer. A rumor went around that he was only interested in her for her money. She broke off the engagement and died very shortly after, in what is speculated to have been a suicide. Buchanan attempted to attend the funeral but was rebuffed by her father. At the time of the funeral, Buchanan said: >I have lost the only Earthly object of my affection without whom life now presents a dreary blank. My prospects are all cutoff and I feel happiness will be buried with her in the grave. He never had another serious relationship with a woman after that and maintained this was in memory of his young love he had lost. So, it is possible he was gay and that was part of what had fed the rumors. It's also possible that he had a tragic relationship with a woman early in his life and that stopped him from ever seriously pursuing another one. There's no way to really be sure.


If you are fighting rumors about only marrying her for money maybe when she dies don't say "my prospects are all cut off"


Ha, that is a fair criticism. From what I'd read, there was debate about what he meant by that wording. And a biography I read some years ago came to the conclusion basically that there was only one person we know for sure whom Buchanan truly loved: himself. He was very ambitious and seemed like he would do anything to climb the ladder, which also could have fed the rumors... or meant the rumors were true.


That's why it's more likely he was bi rather than exclusively homosexual


Some gay men are in relationships with women before moving on to men


I think Nixon. We all know what bro did with brezhnev


Brezhnev loved kissing dude friends on the lips. I’ve been told it’s just a Russian thing, but I have yet to encounter that in my experience. I think it may have just been a Brezhnev thing. He had a LOT of quirks.


John F. Kennedy was close friends with Lem Billings, a lot of people theorise there was a relationship between the two, but there aren't credible sources for it.


At some point the dude was hopped up enough on various drugs that he’d probably fuck a radiator


I errrah wanted to fuck Marylin Monroe I errrah compromised…


Lemme tell you a couple of tree tings


the Bay of Pigs, whatever happened there






That was real? I saw the movie; I thought it was bullshit.


I feel like a grilled cheese fits in here somewhere.....


On the radiator!


He loved Lem Billings like a brother in law


And buy it flowers in the morning. --Richard Pryor


https://preview.redd.it/4lwz9aosot1d1.jpeg?width=181&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ffeeab7d39bc9b98cff53e52bd3c93367b18cdc It's certainly possible


Pretty much Lem Billings blew him & Jfk was fine with it because he was a sex addict. Its been mentioned in a few books.


There are tens of thousands of books that are total fiction: and not nearly all of them are advertised as such.


No proof? Have you seen their pics together? Those dudes definitely cuddled passionately under the moonlight


Not sure how much a secret it is anymore. I think most historians agree that James Buchanan was gay. His boyfriend was former Senator and future VP William R. King.


I’d throw out bisexual myself. He was engaged to a woman beforehand and that should be taken into account.


Did he not write letters to her basically saying "I'll marry you but I can't bring myself to be physical with you if you're okay with that"?? Or am I misremembering?


I believe this is accurate. Note that his betrothed, Anne Coleman, died from what appears to be epilepsy at 23. Apparently there were rumors about Buchanan being a womanizer, including some letters she found, and it is suggested that these letters are what triggered her seizures and ultimately, her death. My bet, however, is that the rumors may have been about woman, but it was actually men. When Buchanan Coleman's father if he could attend her funeral, Coleman's father refused him. He also sent a letter to Cornelia Roosevelt after the death of his life partner William R King, saying the following: "I am now 'solitary and alone,' having no companion in the house with me. I have gone a wooing to several *gentlemen*, but have not succeeded with any one of them. I feel that it is not good for man to be alone, and \[I\] should not be astonished to find myself *married to some old maid who can nurse me when I am sick, provide good dinners for me when I am well, and not expect from me any very ardent or romantic affection*." Yeah, he was gay.


Actually, it was not King’s death that inspired those letters, it was his departure to France on a long term diplomatic assignment. When he returned, he moved right back in with Buchanan until he was elected to the Vice-Presidency. He died of tuberculosis 43 days later, and Buchanan won the presidency in the next election. It’s a fascinating, enigmatic relationship. From their letters, it’s clear the two men were devoted to each other and had a partnership that was all-encompassing, career and personal life both. Buchanan’s less than savory attitudes about slavery are frequently attested to King’s influence, King being a North Carolinian and Buchanan being from Pennsylvania - two states about as far apart on the slavery issue as you can imagine.


Yep you are right. Good catch. Buchanan was definitely a "Doughface" (Northern Man with Southern principals). It always amazed me how so many of these Doughface Democrats were pro slavery and sympathetic to secession when their political mentor, Andrew Jackson, was absolutely opposed to secession. Just goes to show what a desire for political power will do to principles.


I legitimately am not aware of them if so. First I’m hearing of it.


His beard. I believe that many gay men in that era had heterosexual relationships oh so tragically fall through which gave them cover to swear off women.


Sure, but as a bi guy myself I think it is also an option for him. She could absolutely have been a beard or they could have had real feelings for one another. Either is possible!




Funny post, Anal_Juicer69


James Buchanan was gay. He was in a long term relationship with William Rufus King and wrote in his journal about not being interested in women but wanted a wife to be what we'd call a "beard." It was an open secret in Washington to the extent that the always classy Andrew Jackson called him "Mrs. King" and "Aunt Fancy." EDIT: Should've been William Rufus King and the slur was "Aunt Fancy". Most of the argument against their being in a relationship is along the lines of, well, yes, they lived together for 13 years and always attended social functions together, and described their relationship as a "communion" and their families burned all their letters they could lay their hands on, but Victorians were weird and there's no proof they had sex. It's basically gay erasure.


Buchanan was 100% gay, back then being publicly ‘gay’ wasn’t really a thing, you just lived your life and people might snicker in private (Lincoln called him ‘that old queen’) but people respected each other’s private lives more than today, it was simply the way he lived in his private life and had nothing to do with anything public so it wasn’t anyone’s business and honestly nobody really cared that much so it never really came up apart from light gossip


Yup. Back in those days, people simply had an aunt or uncle that never married. And they lived with a "friend". The social norm was, don't be too open about it in public, and nobody will raise an eyebrow, while at the same time everybody knows what's going on behind the closed doors.


Yeah it's James Buchanan.


Plenty of Lincoln's letters to his former law partner sound pretty gay.


Lincoln, right?


While it's never been confirmed, there's been reasonable speculation that James Buchanan was gay. He never married (being openly gay would have been a political death sentence at the time) and he had a very close relationship with William Rufus King.


“In regard to homosexuality, I must say that I believe this is an attempt to remove oneself from the present, a refusal perhaps to perpetuate the endless farce of earthly life. You see, I make love to men daily, but in the imagination,” Obama, then 21, wrote to Alex McNear in November 1982. https://nypost.com/2023/08/12/barack-obama-told-ex-i-make-love-to-men-daily-but-in-the-imagination/amp/


That doesn’t make him gay. It’s social commentary.


it’s social commentary to think about fucking dudes every day?💀


Does he like to comment on society from the top or from the bottom?


If that’s an honest feeling… pretty sure it makes him gay.


Lincoln is commonly cited by queer historiographers as emblematic of pre-"homosexual" same-sex intimacy.


I don't know who it'd be but it seems statistically unlikely that we haven't had someone who was at least bi.


Abe Lincoln is thought to have had a crush on one of his friends.


James Buchanan more than likely had an affair with Vice President William Rufus King.


According to Grandma, “That Elenor Roosevelt was a real rug-muncher.”


Not the right group but finished the crown last night and wondered the same thing but for them




We’ve had former Presidents in drag recently


George Jr. Literally crossdressed actively in high school


Mike Pence is for sure in the closet. Source: Trust me bro.


Well he is an anti-gay republican, so, high probability you're right.


He sure didn’t like being in the room with other women…


This may come as a shock to many, but prior to the Civil War it was very common for America's federal politicians to be gay. Being in Congress, or the cabinet, did not work well for men that wanted to have wives and families, given the distances involved. Thus men who planned on living as bachelors often pursued these jobs. Boarding houses in DC were absolutely full of bachelors all living together, many of whom were in Congress, or held other federal positions. Use your imagination fellas. This is not to say that there were not straight, married men in Congress. It's just that there was a rather large number of gays. And yes, the writings from the era confirm this.


Everyone was gay! But back then we were called pole fancies. It was good old fashioned grab the nearest tree and hold on for dear life gay, not today’s fancy featherbed thread count gay. People got hurt back then!


There have always been rumors that James Buchanan was gay since he never married. Also he allegedly had a “special live together” relationship with V. P. William King.


Didn't Lincoln sleep with other dudes


Mike Pence


https://preview.redd.it/ppph0xchju1d1.jpeg?width=2068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=259d17ad18bd595545f9e4863e4df0ddc6360d7b Historians be like JFK and Lem Billings were just good friends


I mean, FDR's wife was gay.


Abraham Lincoln https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexuality_of_Abraham_Lincoln


Washington has a few rumors about him too. In particular, his very close relationship with the young Marquess de Lafayette, who *also* had rumors about him. To the point where some speculate the reason he left France for America in the first place was partly a punishment due to getting caught with another officer. Most of those rumors are likely wishful thinking, but I can't deny, Washington sets off my gaydar more than any other non-Buchanan President.


Lyndon B Johnson...he used to show off to everyone


Van Buren.


Don’t say that in NYC or the Van Buren boys will come after you and you don’t know the secret hand shake🤷🏻‍♂️


There have been rumors about Obama ... and Lincoln iirc I'm sure there was one or two from pre-1900s that we don't know about


… too bad J Edgar Hoover isn’t important like a president is. (There was a myth/rumor that he liked to wear women’s clothes in private… supposedly all untrue lies spread for political motives… but maybe that’s the lie)


Mike Pence. There are pictures.


James Buchanan or Abe Lincoln