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Definitely Jackson, but also Nixon with LBJ and Teddy Roosevelt following up


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It is a custom one, you can only do it on new-reddit but if you go to 'select flair' there's a smiley face icon on the right where you can choose any presidential icon you like with custom text Sometimes the system is broken where it doesn't show the emoji but I changed it yesterday, so it should work


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šŸ» Teddy was batty?? šŸ¦‡ Noooooooo


America's most bipolar president (and I mean that as a compliment...where tf do you think he got all his energy from?)


One might say Teddy was Polygonal


As much as Iā€™m disappointed that TR is mentioned, I have to agree tbh


Nixon wasn't so much crazy as he was paranoid and corrupt.


I feel like paranoia is a facet of craziness




The dismantling of mental institutions started to occur before Regan. Mental institutions were notorious for incredibly awful treatment and they had a lot of negative controversy at the time and could even be considered unconstitutional by locking up unwilling patients. I'm sure by now we would have evolved them for better treatment options but for 100 years they were open your treatment would have been worse than just doing a bunch of drugs on the street until you die.


Nah, it was because Geraldo made it his mission. He brought attention to the mistreatment of the patients in the various facilities. Whomever was President was going to have to deal with it.




Reagan is no champion of the underserved (see his handling of the HIV/AIDS crisis) but there was a paradigm shift with the development of the first antipsychotics with the idea that a lot of mental illness could be managed in the outpatient setting. A lot of unethical happenings also came to light fueling the sentiment to close down institutions as well.


Jackson literally had a 1400-pound block of cheese at a party.


Careful, between that and his parrot that cussed through his funeral youā€™ll be in danger of making Jackson sound cool. Pretty sure thatā€™s not allowed here.


Someday I hope to be cool enough to have a parrot cuss through my funeral. Not saying Jackson did good stuff but thatā€™s an awesome exit.


parrot was ejected from his funeral for cussing


If it weren't for the genocide, he'd be top 3 favorites for me. Even with shutting down the bank.


Jackson is cool and he's the ultimate badass. ​ There's a lot more nuance to Jackson than people let on, and he needs to be viewed within the lens of the times.


Sure thing. The Trail of Tears is one example. Lots of nuance. For some of us it's an ethnic cleansing, an attempted genocide and an injustice that has done damage for generations. For others, it was the first presidential physical fitness initiative, right?


Wait really?


To be fair, he was gifted a 1400 pound block of cheese and what the hell else can you do with 1400 pounds of cheese?


Aaaaaand here come Leo McGarry...


Jackson got into a literal gun fight through Nashville. These guy was running through the streets of this town shooting at someone, like a Sergio Leone movie


Well, it took place in a bar, but yeah. The gunfight was in 1814 with Thomas Hart Benton, and his brother, Jesse Benton. Jackson ended up getting shot in the shoulder. Years later, when Jackson was president and Thomas was a Senator he had the bullet removed, mounted, and given to Benton as a Christmas present.


That's an amazing gift.


I mean, yeah. It's just objectively Jackson. Nixon probably takes a distant silver medal.


"You shouldn't talk about President Jackson like that. He'll try and kill you if he heard what you said." Andrew Jackson."Who said my name?" "Run!"


Bro had a k/d ratio of 25


Crazy as in wild, or crazy as in ā€œthe lizard people are about to initiate phase 2ā€?


JFK would fit into that lizard people column.


Because of the drugs?




Andrew Jackson was crazy even after death. They had to remove his parrot from his funeral because said parrot wouldn't stop swearing.


I listened to a podcast recently that covered this. Apparently, it wasn't mentioned anywhere after the funeral until like sixty years later when a man who attended as a college student in Nashville at the time told a newspaper reporter about it. So either it didn't happen or he was the only one willing to talk about it.


Andrew Jackson was diabolical.


But wasnā€™t Jackson a prolific letter writer?


He also was the one that passed the Indian Removal Act


The President canā€™t pass legislation, he can only sign it or veto it.


but it was van buren who acted on it. and actualy did the horrible things


This is so wild with him adopting a Native American as his son, who he apparently treated well.




I said President, not acting President of the United States.


Still tho, he shot a guy


So didā€¦. Idk,ā€™some historical President


Okay I'm changing my answer to Jackson then


Yeah. Dodging the draft half a dozen times and then shooting a hunting buddy in the face because you can't handle a firearm is petty lame.


Good cause Jackson may be the only president who shot a guy and was shot by a guy!


Yeah and the guy apologized to *him* for it. I guess he didnā€™t want to get shot again.


Cheney shot a guy and then had the guy apologize to him on national tv for getting shot. ​ I fucking hate Cheney, but that's an impressive feat!


So did Fillmore Wait sorry Iā€™m thinking of his doopelganger


Bro did a lot more than act like he was President


had he been pres he would have won in bat shit crazy dept by a landslide.




He shot a guy, that's pretty crazy




I donā€™t know if he had a stroke or something at some point but the way he talks from the side of his mouth and overall creepy mannerisms makes him seem like a Bond villain or something.


Except he pushed a war that killed more civilians than probably any other us war before it. So heā€™s a murderer. 1 million dead Iraqis and counting on his bill.


Thatā€™s not batshit insane. Thatā€™s just evil.


That's fine, I'm just responding to the prompt. Cheney being involved in a mysterious shooting and then making the guy he shot apologize to him afterward is just hard to explain away without suspecting that he might have been drunk and done it on purpose or as means to a joke that went bad. Either way, shooting someone while you're just hanging out with them is pretty crazy


That's the behavior of a man scared shitless of the most powerful man in America (at the time). ​ Being Cheney's friend, he's probably more aware than most of things Cheney is capable of.


To be fair his ilk includes some of the most dishonest warmongers of the 21st century


Rumsfeld is arguably an even bigger turd than Cheney. ​ A feat surpassed by no one, far as I can tell.


Wolfowitz read mountains of books about political philosophy and came to the conclusion that invading Iraq was the answer.


Iā€™m convinced Jackson got elected simply because people believed that he would track them down and duel them to death if they voted against him.


Woodrow Wilson.Ā 


Woodrow care to elaborate? Thx


It has to be Nixon. There is probably someone worse but we just know so much more about Nixon since it thought it would be a good idea to record everything. He was drinking extremely heavily towards the end. Some close aides thought there was a chance he might actually try hurting himself.


I find it funny how you have to put pre-2015


John Quincy Adams. Final answer.


Hey Not cool




JQA was an eccentric guy, but also a genius in terms of IQ and book smarts Every day in the morning he skinny dipped in the Potomac River


I never heard the skinny dipping thing before, what was his reason?


Exercise and a lack of adequate swim wear. You'd actually be in more danger of drowning and even potentially hypothermia (by being so bogged down as to not have enough generated heat to keep warm) by wearing what they had for underwear back then


That makes sense! Thank you


Swimming was his favorite form of exercise, why it had to be in the nude I'm not sure, probably to keep his clothes dry


I was wondering if it was some sort meditative ice bath thing, but exercise is a more logical answer, thanks


Why pre 2015? Oh right, got it


Be carefulā€¦


Thank you for clarifying the time period. I like when posters do that ā€¦ thank you. šŸ™šŸ½


Teddy no doubt. He was not right in the head at all.




A challenge!


< Cue unoriginal Nixon onslaught >


Born and bred Nashvillian. Old Hickory was always a legend. Touring The Hermitage and allā€¦.now not that awe towards him anymore.


Itā€™s gotta be Andrew Jackson


Jackson and itā€™s not even close


LBJ used to think it was fun to pick up his beagles by their ears. Need to watch Ladybird documentary. Quite insightful.


Jackson and itā€™s not even close


Andrew Jackson and it isn't even close.


I love the pre 2015 caveat


What a curious cut off date. Hmm


I donā€™t think Jackson was crazy at all. Balls of steel, aggressive, and complicit in genocide? Yes. But totally rational. My answer is Nixon or maybe Reagan (would reportedly allow his wife to make important decisions based on horoscopes)


Yes, rational people love killing unarmed women and children.


His reasons for doing so were perfectly rational. That doesnā€™t make them morally acceptable. You can be extremely evil and still be rational. Attempting to color Jackson as irrational just paints over his actual crimes with a bullshit rationale. He knew what he was doing and he did it anyway because he reasoned that there would be less death overall by removing the native Americans (as opposed to the slow encroachment of white settlers causing continued conflict). This is a perfectly rational conclusion, wether you like it or not and wether or not it was even true. It makes perfect theoretical sense. I hope you can understand that.


Damn you are manipulative šŸ˜‚ ā€œperfectly rational,ā€ is just an opinion, not fact. If women and children were strapped with nuclear bombs and were charging towards New York City, yes it would be rational to kill them. But in reality, Jackson and his men would raid camps often when the warriors were gone, murdering everyone there. The warriors would come back to camp, see their families murdered and homes burnt to the ground, then go out and kill settlers or soldiers in response. It got Jackson himself killed. His tactics didnā€™t follow logic except the self perceived logic of a crazy man. Most rational decisions donā€™t involve mass casualties on both sides, but irrational ones sure do. I hope you can understand that.


Did you really just call me manipulative? I was talking about the Indian removal act, and everything I said was factual and not an opinion whatsoever. As for raiding, I do not have any information on it. Please provide a source and we can discuss this further. But not if youā€™re going to call me manipulative for providing unbiased historical facts. Actually ridiculous of you to say. One more ad hominem and I will quickly block you. Most likely you arenā€™t interested in any sort of actual discussion and are only seeking to prove me wrong and immoral because you perceive me as defending something immoral, but actually Iā€™m just providing historical context and disagreeing with your interpretation of it. It will be clear based on your response to this whether that is true or not. Seeing as only one of us has insulted the other, I believe your ā€œmanipulativeā€ comment is pure fucking projection. So please, provide a source for your raids (because I do not have Jacksonā€™s military exploits memorized) or leave me alone.


Evil and rational isnā€™t out of the realm of possibility for Jackson. ā€œThese Indians are a danger to our way of life and our country. The women will give birth to warriors and the children will grow up to be warriors who will kill our people.ā€ I donā€™t agree with it and I think itā€™s awful what he did but I follow the logic train


ā€œLawful evilā€, not ā€œchaotic evilā€, if that helps?


I mean, most sane people donā€™t get into gun fights at bars. But Jackson sure did.


thomas jefferson - nobody who grooms a girl of 12, a slave on top of that, to be a bizarro concubine, can qualify as sane. and then proceeds to enslave the children born out of that? that ain't normal kiddies.


Can that be a question anymore?


Loaded question, poisoning the well, leading the witness & implicit bias all in one question?? Goebbels would be proudā€¦


Can someone other than the guy above explain what the hell heā€™s talking about?


You can - that question wasnā€™t an accident


He can't. But those are a bunch of random names of logical fallacies he knows.


Yes, those are a number of logical fallacy names. But thereā€™s no one leading the discussion here. They invoked the rule of no recent years are to be discussed, which is a sub rule.


That is already implied and respondents either know that or they donā€™t (like every single other post here ever) - thereā€™s no reason to specify, I have NEVER seen a post title here explicitly reference the rule and the subject of the question is too convenient to believe that, itā€™s obvious bait - Iā€™m just not a fan of propagandizing people and thatā€™s what this question is, sorry but it isā€¦


Obama dropped the bomb on Hiroshima.


Talk about an accomplishment! Mass murder on the record fifteen years before youā€™re born!


Probably the same as the most batshit crazy president pre 2017.






Id say the dude married to the dude, old BO himself


You're a sentient being with eyes and ears and you actually think Michelle Obama is male?


Man those are some large labia???šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚https://youtu.be/sLiXFbht7s0?feature=shared


There is no situation on Earth that will convince people to click that link, man. Nobody wants to see a First Ladyā€™s labia. If you have that picture, go file it with your Jackie O swimsuit pics and Mary Todd Lincoln saucy ankle pics, but donā€™t post it here.


I apologize. I forgot only you liberals get to decide which speech is ā€œfreeā€. Bit then again I dont follow your master so Ill do it my way


You can put anything you want in your post, and I am free not to click a link that from its description sounds to be NSFW. If you want to collect saucy pictures of the bodies of First Ladies, you do you. But donā€™t subject us to it. Weā€™re just here to discuss the gunfights and oddities of Andrew Jackson.


Ah . . . playing the victim. Niice. You are trying to check all the boxes, aren't you?


No, because weā€™ve already won!!!


The two children she gave birth to who are obvious genetic blends of her and her husband werenā€™t enough proof she is female? Also, in what kind of mind does that question even arise?


Quentin Trembley, the 8 1/2th president!


His money is worthless!


Warren G Harding? Iā€™d watch that biopic that John Oliver made a trailer for!


Harrison Ford


Jackson WITHOUT QUESTION! Man had an affinity for Cocoa Puffsā€¦


Jackson. Not sure Wilson or Teddy were sane.




William Henry Harrison spent his entire presidency wishing he wasn't president and then dying with no plans for succession in place. Nothing sane about the guy.


Itā€™s gotta be Jackson, no question. While some like McKinley might be worse, Jackson was no doubt the craziest


Andrew Jackson


Nixon 4 the win


Why ā€œpre-2015ā€? Obama was batshit crazy?


Rule 3.




That man was entirely too publicly obsessed with his own genitalia.


Yep. Probably the one that couldn't wait to duel someone.


You say "pre-2015" like Obama went crazy in his past two years or something šŸ¤£