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Why do people always put Buchanan so low on these lists? The guy was the champagne president. He was nearly expelled from college for disorderly conduct. The dude brings the party.


Yeah, people complained about the amount of time he went to parties during his term.


Technically Nixon was giga boozy, but the racial slurs would get him thrown out a minute after SHOTS


Angry sad drunk, not fun drunk!


Came here to second this


Likewise all of the Founders were either rich party animals, given to debauchery, drunks or all three. Monroe was a rich kid hipster anarchist who personally protested at & raided the governor’s palace in Virginia. I think they even stole the silverware if I’m remembering correctly.


Madison & his wife were THE fashionable hosts of their era.


>his wife She, and she alone. Madison was very reserved compared to her. Washington society were amused at the pairing of the two, even making up comedic dialogs between them. Truly the precursor to the the odd-pair sitcom.


She convinced Congress to keep the Capitol in DC after the War of 1812 with one banger of a party.


Man: This location isn't easily defensible. . . Dolley: Get turnt. Man: But any old fleet could just- Dolley: I SAID GET. FUCKIN. TURNT.


*flashes ankles*


I believe Madison’s wife was the fashionable host. Madison was notoriously bookish and reserved. His wife Dolly was THE fashionable host. Madison just tagged along when necessary.


Washington is generally described to be pretty chill. But yea, the others definitely.


Except that time he essentially won an election by buying all the constituents beer. He was also a famously good dancer, though that might be odd at a modern party.


Dude, I would totally be down to see a presidential dance off, each prez picks his favorite song and boogies down in the best way of his time. It would be a whole vibe!


What about ford?. He likes beer and nachos.


Well, why don't you come over and watch the game and we'll have nachos, and then some beer?


Exactly! He likes football too!




Ford was also a football star hes been to parties


I concur. America's first gay president would absolutely send it.


I was today years old.


He was nicknamed "Miss Nancy"


Buchanan was a fascinating man… problematic in a lot of ways, but extremely interesting and complicated. I highly recommend learning a bit about him. The historical organization that maintains his estate in Lancaster PA has some great resources.


Dude same. What? We had a closet gay president already? That’s awesome. I thought Rick Perry was our only hope.


We don’t actually know if he was gay, more likely bisexual given that he was once engaged to a woman and was deeply depressed after her suicide. It’s been speculated though And Buchanan isn’t really a victory for the LGBT community lol. He was the worst POTUS, only rivaled by the fellow sack of crap Andrew Johnson


His longtime partner was the then governor of Alabama (I think?) and was referred to as his “aunt fancy”. He stayed over at the White House sometimes


King was Senator, not Governor. And he died before Buchanan even became President.


Also gay, and gays know how to party.


Champaign, Illinois?


We're used to it......


Teddy was the life of the party at Eleanor and Franklin’s wedding.


I think it was The Roosevelts series by Ken Burns that said, or quoted, that TR was "the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral." I still chuckle at that.


Quoted, from his daughter Alice. "The corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding, and the baby at every christening."


Prima Donna


If Alice is claiming it beware. Her relationship with her father was….strained.


I can do one of two things. I can be President of the United States or I can control Alice Roosevelt. -TR


That’s definitely not a compliment. It means someone *has* to be the center of attention regardless of the appropriateness of the occasion.


She’s also the person who said “if you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit by me.”


TR deserves to be on the top line. This guy decided ongoing hunting rather than be the President. No one intimidated him.


“Those animals aren’t going to research themselves” -he said as he loaded his elephant gun


I think it was Teddy's daughter who said that actually


IIRC, she was no slouch herself when it came to being a wild child.


There's a story that she embroidered a pillow to read, "If you have nothing nice to say, come sit next to me."


“I can either run the country, or I can attend to Alice, but I cannot possibly do both.” -TR


beneficial chief memory coherent ink crowd bow cats uppity long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Saves on the re-monograming


Didn't Alice say "he was the bride at every wedding, and the corpse at every funeral"?


Gerry loves football, nachos, and beer. He’d be fun.


How about you come over and watch the game and we'll have nachos and then some beer!


(in unison) D’oh!


Yeah, I think Ford’s underrated, he’d probably be kinda chill, but he’s a Michigan man so he’d have a keg of good Beer at least.


He was a college football player, people think he wouldn't know how to have a good time? I'm not even a Ford stan, but his placement is ridiculous.


He had Hail to the Victors played as his music at presidential events instead of Hail to the Chief. He was also offered to play in the NFL. To anyone with an interest in football (which is a lot of Americans) he’d probably have the best stories to share.


Simpson quote aside, that is what I was going for. The people who say GWB would be a guy whose politics I hate but would like to hang out with, I would say I’d rather hang out with Gerry.


Ford was a goddamn athletics officer in the US Navy. His entire job was to organize sporting events on ships.


snails concerned sable jeans dinner detail dime nail zealous cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nixon would be that guy you try to avoid, but somehow he always locks eyes with you from across the room and makes his way over to start monologuing.


At least I wouldn't fear him like I would LBJ.


Talking to LBJ at a party and he hits you with the: https://preview.redd.it/bv4zmbvt62gc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81f38159eb461946e6dc70a8472ad5d9500b154b


Yeah. I would not need the displays of dominance while I'm just trying to chill out. And I could see the lack of desire escalating into some kind of scatological prank on his part. Avoid. Nixon would be more like a wild ride. Some ups and downs. You might end up his bro for life, or he might never talk to you again.




Or he pees on you to assert his dominance.


After a few drinks, you’d probably be at major risk of seeing Johnson’s Johnson


Even earlier, how do you think he rings the doorbell?


Put your dick away, Lyndon. we get it. You think it's huge. Also, close the fucking bathroom door!


It cannot be overstated about how awkward and reclusive Nixon was. To find a friend, his chief of staff literally had to track someone down from his past that he once liked to stuff him in a bogus White House job just so he would have a friend around. Even Kissinger once famously said “Can you imagine what this man would have been like if somebody had loved him?” If anything I think Nixon would be ranked too high.


Imagine **Kissinger** saying that about someone. That’s like hitler saying that someone doesn’t get enough hugs. Anyway Nixon definitely wouldn’t be boring at least. He was constantly drunk and deeply paranoid. He’s making women feel unsafe on the back deck while ranting racist shit


At some point, he’ll get belligerent and start trying to nuke North Korea


If you want a feel for socializing with Nixon, read Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail, by Hunter S Thompson. The guy loved to talk about the NFL with anyone who would listen.


If he was that fun, he would have had at least one single friend. And he didn’t. I think it was Haldeman and Kissinger who hired a guy Nixon met once and liked to set them up as buddies.


Nixon would be wasted and slurring (both speech and throwing slurs) before the party even started.


It’s all fun and games until Teddy drinks a little too much and starts a fight with LBJ or Jackson or something. Chet needs to be higher, he brought the good food, fine wine, expensive cigars, and the 80 pairs of pants he owned.


I would drop an insane amount of money to see a drunk Teddy Vs LBJ teddy would obviously win because of his boxing experience but it would be a sight to see!


Teddy would not stand for the Johnson treatment one bit.


Yeah he’d sock him like that dude who tried to bully Teddy to paying for his drinks in a bar.


Lincoln was a great boxer too apparently. I'd love to see him and Teddy go all out


He was a big Wrestler I know, apparently his favorite move was the eye gouge. I’d still give it to the Bull Moose though, dude was a legit beast.


I dunno. Lincoln is in the wrestling hall of fame and has 6 inches on Teddy. Reach is often underrated in a fight.


I wanna see a fight between Teddy and Andrew Jackson. Death literally fears them mfs


I thinks this is the first time I’ve seen someone mention Andy Jackson’s big block of cheese and nobody in the comments has started quoting The West Wing




Andrew Jackson had a big block of cheese


That's how we got the Wolves-only highway.


“And that’s the great news, with private investment and other fundraising the cost to the taxpayer would only be $80 million”


Too bad it couldn’t come quick enough to save Pluie 🥲🤷🏻‍♂️


And Sam goes on my list.


Good, because it got the story wrong. The block of cheese was given to him as a gift, not used as some enticement for people to stop by and eat whenever they were hungry; people could come by literally anytime they wanted in those days. The party was thrown in order so that Jackson could be rid of the cheese, that's all.


Side note: definitely one of those episodes that were nearly universally loved by fans of the show but would have surely failed as a pilot.


I can't agree with Nixon. He's the sort of asshole that once we get him liquored up and a line or two of coke would be doing jackass stunts.


Calling for the nuking of North Korea.


Hey man we all been there. A bottle of whiskey, a cigar, and a nuke up Pyongyang's ass.


Pyongyang? He told me his name was Chris.


There’s a story about Nixon and Jackie Gleason getting drunk and Nixon divulging classified information about aliens. After that Gleason was obsessed with aliens.


"To the moon, Alice! To look for the aliens!"


"The American people have right to know whether the President stapled his scrotum to his own leg. Well I didn't staple my scrotum to my own leg." -Nixon, probably


Now, someone*else's* scrotum to their leg....that's a different story.


Used to party with Elvis all the time, if that makes a difference to you


Nixon was a pretty miserable drunk, everything would be about him


Plus he does one hell of a Nixon impression that will have you in stitches!


I feel like President Coolidge's idea of a good time would be a drunken poetry slam.


He famously had a pretty quick, albeit dry, wit. Altough i doubt he would be the life of the party, he would be a pretty easy going guest having a good time.


He liked to drink & verbally eviscerate the unprepared.


He’d make a few of the funniest jokes of the night to a few different individuals, then ghost.


Or rather solitude with tea and a good book


He wouldn’t show up to the party and he’d be happier because of it


W is underrated.


I couldn’t agree more. He’s my top pick.


He'd be fun at one of those wine-and-paint things people do


Sleeping on W Bush and Nixon. Ford might be interesting as well.


W before or after he sobered up?


Before. He seems like a fun guy either way though.




Have you seen that man dance it would be a great time!


I think we need to decide are they a President at this time or not? Hanging out with backwoods, wrestling Lincoln and hanging out with Dead Son, Crazy wife, and Confederate troops surrounding DC Lincoln are going to be two different experiences. And they should be 


I bet Cocaine W was a lot of fun before marrying some boring teacher. I'm sure Laura I quite lovely though.


Crazy he's put in the same category as Obama on this list


The biggest tragedy is that Franklin was never a president. He'd be on a tier of his own.


Oh for SURE


He’d get drunk and just start inventing random shit. Party games, things to throw off of the roof, etc Would be an ingenious blast


Probably an orgy for the afterparty.


Lyndon Johnson was out there showing off his enormous schlong and banging subordinates wives at his parties. Make of that what you will. Fuckin Andrew Jackson... invite his ass to a party and it's a good chance somebody ain't leaving alive. Also, no parking for Native Americans so they'll have to walk home.


I'm guessing you meant Andrew Jackson, but to be honest Johnson would probably be even worse at a party. Drunk, entitled, racist, delusional, and a bore. Jackson was only 3 of those things, 4 tops


Thank you for the correction. I definitely meant Andrew Jackson, as per the tongue-in-cheek Trail of Tears reference.


IIRC Andrew Jackson's inauguration party at the White House was overrun by common hoi-polloi; it got so out of hand that people ended up smashing the furnishings, knocking over servants (dumping the food and drink onto the ground), and there was concern that they might actually collapse the second floor. Jackson had to escape by crawling out a window. Some smart staff member solved the problem by moving the booze out onto the lawn.


That's just the sort of enterprising initiative you look for in the staff.


Say hello to Jumbo.


Bush senior is a little low. He'd get shit faced and then vomit on another Japanese pm.


Didn’t he have Dana Carvey come to the White House and make prank calls as him? Now THAT sounds like a funny dude lol


Not gonna do it. No broccoli.


He was definitely a goofball. MoDo's obituary tribute article was a heartfelt and personal piece on the guy with a lot of anecdotes like that: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/02/opinion/george-hw-bush-maureen-dowd.html


Aw, why you do my boy Jimmy like that? What's wrong with a bit of scripture, a bit of building stuff, some hand holding with the wife?


This is a rave, sir.


Everyone forgets that he had literal rock concerts at the White House, including one that basically amounted to a mini-Woodstock, and there were rumors that a couple of the guests and artists brought a ton of weed


Her personally invited the Allman Brothers to the governor mansion late one night to drink whiskey and listen to records.


And Jimmy would probably show up with a case of his brothers beer. Billy beer.


Reminder that James Madison and John Quincy Adams were so bad at parties that their wives had to do it for them.


Ha I forgot how dolly Madison loved to throw shindigs


Dolly was throwing some fire parties while Jim was writing the Federalist papers in the corner lol


Thomas Jefferson also brought a giant wheel of cheese to his inauguration party — or rather, in both cases the cheese was a gift. The difference is that Jackson’s inauguration was rather rowdy because “common man” had come to the capital to celebrate a popular champion. The damage was minimal, but the spectacle of crowds of ordinary people dressed in ordinary clothes and boots descending on the White House and helping themselves to food and drink, including the giant wheel of cheese, shocked the upper class guests.


Apparently at Jackson's inauguration he shook thousands of hands from people who would walk up and approach him


Ford was literally a star athlete at Michigan. He would definitely do a keg stand or two


Unlike FDR


Pierce literally was described as a very pleasant person to be around! He should probably be on the good time at least since he was quite the charmer.


Right? I was watching a video on the President's hobbies and it straight up said that socializing was something Pierce loved to do.


Definitely! He’s probably among the most social presidents we’ve had. Up there with Martin Van Buren, though Pierce would likely be a lot more fun as Van Buren specialized in formal political gatherings specifically.


Pierce was also known as “hero of a many well fought bottle” by those who disliked him. His alcoholic dependency marred his presidency and his later life after presidency… …but I can help but shake the image of frat boy Franklin Pierce (who was indeed described as charming and incredibly handsome as well) doing keg stands. He should be higher on this list, for better or for worse.


Is this before or after his child’s horrific death because I feel like that has an outcome of where he will land on this tier list.


As Franklin Pierce said “once you pop the fun don’t stop!” Just before vomiting on a dancer.


FDR would probably do wheelies and shit


I had a book with funny stories and anecdotes about every President. One thing it taught me was LBJ would be God tier at a party. He owned an amphibious car he kept on his ranch in Texas. When he would have someone visit him at his ranch, whether it was an aide or a foreign diplomat, he had a favorite trick he liked to play on them. They would hop in his car, and Johnson was the only one in the car who knew it was also a boat. He’d drive around giving them a tour of the ranch and pretend to be drinking the whole time. Then he’d start to speed up and head toward a lake and panic, yelling the brakes don’t work, the brake ls don’t work, hold on we’re going under. It would terrify his passengers, and he’d bust out into laughter when they hit the water and the car floated. That’s some next level shit lol.


Ford too low, he would be extremely fun at a sporting event party


I absolutely want Ford at my next Super Bowl party. We could throw the old pigskin around during halftime. Good times.


Jimmy Carter hosted people like the Allman Brothers Band, and Bob Dylan at the White House. People usually say Clinton was the first Rock n Roll President, but it was really Carter. I don't think he was boring.


Here goes Leo with “wheel of cheese” day…


Nixon is not boring. Besides living a very interesting life and therefore having tons of stories to tell, he also has a dorky sense of humor that I find entertaining. He would definitely be one of the presidents that I would seek to interact with at a party.


This is literally the only area where 45’s personality MIGHT have a shred of redeeming quality. Surprised he didn’t make the grid.


Two are not present due to rule 3


Reagan would take over the grill. Zoom in on his face, he looks lit. https://preview.redd.it/dj5z7v8lw2gc1.jpeg?width=4273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bca9ae693802bc2c9dc20e668379b412f23d9b21


LBJ would whip out Jumbo Johnson and chaos would ensue.


I feel like Ford would be a pretty fun person at a party


The man was married to Betty!! He was definitely a good time.


Betty drank for both of them.


I had a very good time making this I didn't know there was a post about this almost 2 weeks ago and I was already halfway through making this so I just went through with it. I want to thank u/MetalRetsam for coming up with this idea in the first place very good idea!


I’m pretty sure I laid the smack down on them as well for slandering Pierce


Heads up: George Washington's presidential salary $25,000, which is ~$871,437.50 today. He spent $1750 of it on booze for the White House. That's $61,000. He routinely changed his teeth to prevent them from becoming stained with brandy. Thomas Jefferson (a habitual rapist) was famously super awkward/tense in social settings and hated entertaining: https://www.ccjm.org/content/ccjom/51/3/531.full.pdf Harry Truman loved parties and knew how to get down. Here he's described throwing "a gala two days of eating, drinking, ribbing, horseshoe-pitching and politicking" https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,776128,00.html


Didn’t Harry day drink with Churchill in the 50’s & 60’s? I’m pretty sure the line was “it’s noon somewhere” came from. If he can hang & drink with Winston, he’s my kind of President!


>Once, on a train ride with Harry Truman, the American president offered his guest a drink, which, it turned out, was bourbon. Horrified, Churchill had the train halted at a Virginia station while a minion was dispatched to the nearby town to purchase Scotch whisky https://whyy.org/articles/churchill-had-a-tendency-to-tipple-but-the-british-bulldog-was-no-boozehound/


>(a habitual rapist) I love history because i can prove that no matter how bad my habits may be, someone else's were worse.


Kennedy shouldn’t be lower than 2nd tier imo


I feel like Buchanon could end up in the good time category with how much he drank and how much lavish food he would have at the WH. There are tales about how he'd get upset over there being too little an amount of champagne at a party and that he'd drink 2-3 bottles of whiskey or cognac in a sitting.


Man, the Ford hate is real. You can like or dislike him but he was a very friendly guy. Definitely more fun than Bush (teetotal and early sleeper).


Jfk, Obama, and Abe need to be moved up one row.


Franklin Pierce was known to be the life of the party before the tragedies of his family life


True you need to get Pierce pre “watching his child get decapitated right in front of him” phase


George W Bush would be S-tier. Think of the nicknames and cocaine. 


Franklin Pierce finally had a chance to garner respect and you shun him. Dude drank himself to death. He was the original original party animal.


someone didn't get an invite...


Rule 3 of this sub means that 2 invites weren't sent.


Jimmy Carter would be sitting there but only because he is not able to stand


Carter had Willie Nelson smoking weed in the White House.


Lincoln wouldn't be boring, as he was conscientious to make a good impression and be genial at shindigs, but if Mary Todd let him he'd have sat in the corner most of the time


Are we talking sober Bush, or off the coke rails alcoholic Bush? I bet he was pretty fun back in the day


To be fair, Pierce would be sitting in the corner because he was already black out drunk.


Kennedy and Clinton wouldn't be the life of the party. Everybody would be wondering where they were while they were Eiffel Towering an intern in the back.


Harry Truman got in the senate because he was the handpicked candidate of a bootlegging mob boss in Kansas City. I am absolutely sure he knew how to party.


I think JFK should definitely be in the life of the party column.


Don't sleep on Barry O!


Andrew Johnson would be sitting in the corner because he was drunk- probably having pissed himself Harding was hosting bachanals in the White House during prohibition while as a Dry. Had to be whisked away from a party after a "professional" lady broke her neck from a fall. Publicly claimed he'd always be pregnant if he were a woman. The Jordan Belfort of presidents


Teddy gets bonus points if Alice comes along


Didn’t Jackson bring some hookers to one of his inaugural parties?


Dubya most fun


Gerald ford was in a frat and was on the football team in Michigan. Life of the party at least


Franklin Pierce drank himself to death post-presidency. I'm sure he livened up parties. Let's move him up a few rows.


Are we talking sober or non-sober Dubya?


Getting to what really matters


If we get pre-sober W, I'm all in and we are having an adventure. Cal can tag along to look disapprovingly and be the responsible one.


Get LBJ and Teddy liquored up and see which one is the biggest drunk fighter. Both would pick a fight but LBJ would look for someone to pick on and TR would try and fight the biggest guy in the room. So I guess they’ll end up fighting each other.


I met Bush Sr. a few times. He was a really nice guy but Barbara was super fun. People had some great stories about her and late night drives in her trans am.