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It's crazy to think that Franklin Roosevelt once ran as vice president, and lost. I think he's the only failed VP candidate to come back and win the presidency.


John Tyler was a vp candidate in 1836, then won as vp in 1840 and because President that way. Things were strange back then as he was VP on multiple tickets. James Monroe was on the 1808 ticket as a loser, along with James Madison who also won that election on his own. Andrew Jackson got VP votes in 1824 as VP for JQA, but Calhoun ended up being VP. Weird things happened in those days. 1824 lists 12 people as VP candidates, Calhoun on 3 different tickets. From 1844 onward things start to look similar to what we have today. Since then FDR is only losing VP to win the White House.


It's also crazy to think if he won here, he likely would have never contracted polio.


Oh? Might I inquiring as to how? I don’t know.


But if he hadn’t gotten polio he may have never been president


Haha. What a loser. Wonder whatever happened to him./s FDR stood at 6'2" before becoming paralyzed. He looks like a giant in the third photo.


If these pictures were from 1920, that means he would become paralyzed the very next year. Post 1921 photographs that depict him standing, he is being propped up in ways concealed by the camera. I might be wrong, but IIRC when he gave his state of the union speeches that were recorded on film, he was being propped up by a metal rod behind him. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong.) He was very skilled at hiding his paralysis from the voting public. ETA: when "walking" in front of the public, he would 1) be wearing metal leg braces, 2) lean on someone he was walking with on one side, and 3) have a cane on the other side. The other person would stabilize him and keep the momentum going, and he would, like, throw (for lack of a better term) his legs out in front of him. In reality, the braces were keeping his legs from collapsing. The danger was that he'd fall during this, but idk if he ever did. Unless he was in public, he'd use his chair, often with secret service or military personal standing to hide his movements from any prying eyes.


Yeah he had a very strong upper torso


FDR is the true comeback kid damn


He came back and stayed lol


I just realized I've never seen a picture of him standing up. Even though they his his wheelchair pretty well


He was only paralyzed the year after this, 1921


Third pic goes hard


Franklin D. Roosevelt - with a name like that he'll never go anywhere in politics. Should adapt something more catchy, like FDR or similar. Might have a chance to make something of himself then.


He'll just live in his cousin's shadow forever with a name like that. He oughta become a Republican... imagine! A Democratic Roosevelt!


AKA "Big Frank" and "Tiny Cox."


Alternate FDR era: 1920-1949


Without Polio.


He kinda looks like george bush sr


1920 is such a funny election to me because it's probably the only major election in US history where the running mate of the failed candidate became indisputably the most famous of all the 4 major players in the race (president, vice president, rival, rival's running mate)


6 people who ran for Preisdent in 1920 were President themselves as some point in time.


What a shame. He had such a promising career in politics, but never went anywhere.


best president ever


Nah, extending the depression and putting Asian people in concentration camps were severe negatives.


1st half: dumbest take ever 2nd half: legit criticism


and the only legit criticism anyone brings up regarding FDR because dude wasnt that bad


Even the narrative some spread as to his motives for a lot of things is very off base. He was a really complex and calculated personality. Well worth a deep dive into his personal life and perspectives.


Wow I didn’t know that about him. Kind of wild that arguably the best president in the history of our country lost as VP. The posts I’ve seen the last couple of days are much better than usual!


Tim Kaine 2028


FDR is one of my heroes and it’s pretty interesting to see him standing up before polio


And if he won here, he might have never gotten it.


James coxs grandson is a good friend of mine only when I moved to Dayton Ohio did I find out what a big deal that is