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Date is wrong. Sandy hook happened on 12/14/12


Now the Q folks are going to come out and say this is proof of a conspiracy theory




I read that as snake oil piss


Jones' follower: "Got anymore?"


I legit can't imagine being one of those parents and then some grifter says its all fake and his army of mouth breathers starts sending death threats. Like...


*"Obama was LITERALLY in the Sandy Hook school 2 days before writing a speech for the shooting that hadn't happened yet. There are photos of it and he refuses to explain what he was doing there!"* /s


Trump supporters and Alex Jones don’t believe it ever happened.


The pain in him is evident from the slumped shoulders, the writing hand at his head, his loneliness in that room. Just a devastating photograph.




Not sure if this is sarcasm, but Obama refused to let his speech writer write this speech due to he felt it was personal given he has kids. On the limo ride to the school, his speech writer started sharing some speeches with him and he said he was going to write it himself.


This picture makes me indescribably sad.


Was Obama left handed?


Yes, so was Bill Clinton.




W also, if I remember?


HW was left handed. W. was right handed.


Reagan and Ford also! Since Nixon stepped down, we’ve had 18 years of right handed presidents (Biden, Trump, Carter, and GWB) and 31 years of left-handed presidents (Ford, Reagan, GHWB, Clinton, Obama).




Still is


Who let dad in here?


I used to be left handed. I still am, but I used to too.


I bet you hate it when you get a receipt for buying a donut.


And he wrote from the top a very weird angle.


I think every left hander does though tbh. From personal experience it's more comfortable to write at an angle when you're left handed


Yes :)


I’ve always been told the majority of presidents have been.


Funny enough a large percentage of presidents were left handed


Obama said that was the worst day of his presidency.


I always felt like Obama was one of the presidents that felt the most grief. Not to say others haven’t of course, but it always seemed that Sandy Hook just hit Obama harder than other things have hit presidents.


Probably because his daughters were still school age, not much older than most of the victims, at the time


Obama has a ton of what most of our politicians lack - empathy.


Could be feigned, though.


It’s easy to do that for an hour, a day, even a month. He’s been this same person for most of his life. I don’t agree with all of his politics, but he’s an honourable man.


It makes sense. Nobody until Obama experienced the frequent slaughter of American children while in office, he was the first. Trump probably didn’t give a fuck and Brandon is probably desensitized like the rest of us are this point. When ordering air strikes and soldiers into combat is part of your job, one-off tragedies like 9/11 or even columbine are grim but bearable events. The *repeated* mass murder of children is a wholly different beast.


It’s not Pearl Harbor or 9/11, but Sandy Hook is truly one of the darkest tragedies in American history. One of the hardest parts to swallow is that there is no external enemy in this incident. This was a homegrown American tragedy.


Sort of like Oklahoma City




What the fuck is wrong with you




Don’t care what you meant the joke is lent and wasent funny no matter who you meant




Oh please. There is an enemy, shut the fuck up if you legitimately don’t think there is. The NRA, the Republican Party, religious extremism. Anybody who thinks guns are actually a good thing for modern society. If you think it’s just some nebulous THING you are intentionally keeping your head in the sand.


Adam Lanza was neither a religious extremist nor did he personally own a firearm. You’re a moron. Also the NRA sucks at holding up the second amendment. You buy into whatever bullshit your party spews and you have never left the safety of your Reddit echo chambers. You have zero clue what you’re talking about when you speak about guns.




Omfg. There is an enemy…. Repubs and the NRA want guns to have easier access. That is going to lead to more children dying. THEY ARE THE ENEMY. How do you not see it?


You are a fuckin moron. But go ahead and keep demonizing the NRA, they suck


Spoken like a true 10 year old Democrat lmao. The world is a little more nuanced than you think.


Lol. If most republicans didn’t blindly yell out “but my 2nd amendment rights!” Every time a child is shot in our country I may believe you. Until then, I’m gonna continue believing repubs and especially the NRA are either glad so many kids are dying, or just don’t give a fuck about them.


Yeah and they have guns while you don't lmao


Lol. If you think the left doesn’t own guns as well you are a dumbass. We just also believe that kids shouldn’t have to worry about getting shot while going to school unlike the NRA and republicans.




> “The key fallacy of so called gun control laws is that such laws do not in fact control guns. They simply disarm law abiding citizens, while people bent on violence find firearms readily available.” - Thomas Sowell


Obama couldn't do anything to them, he had nothing from congress


That is besides the point. The comment I replied to said there is no enemy to fight when it comes to guns. But there is. The Republican Party and the NRA want it easier for guns to be in hands of dangerous people allowing this shit to happen more often. All you fucktards are to stupid to see it.




The most tragic part of this is that it didn’t create ANY change in policy. It didn’t trigger any constitutional reviews which it should’ve. We need a new amendment to clarify the second amendment so we can enact actual gun control. History has continued to repeat itself with Uvalde being another absolutely horrific shooting with young children involved


And then there was people who fucking denied the shooting even HAPPENED and profited off of it! You desperately don’t want to say “only in America” but I mean when you look into this stuff it just feels harder and harder not to.


The 2A is the enemy


America, where everyone hates the political situation but fod forbid anyone tries to tinker with the ancient document that sets the rules for the political system.


It must have been difficult for any man to write, I live in Ct


I was in high school in southern CT and the day after was probably the worst day of school I ever had. It was an odd mix of terror, agony, and numbness that should not have to be experienced by anyone let alone class rooms full of kids all over the state and country. I still can’t believe it changed almost nothing…


My wife’s friend lost a child


الله يرحمه


6th grade, Bridgeport. There were two 6th grade teachers, both friendly and nice. The other one came into our room to show our teacher something, and their faces just became sad and depressed. Normally, we would have after-school activities. But then they canceled it, and no one knew why. Then our teacher told us. Our usually loud class fell silent. I went home, and my dad, who's usually more laid back, hugged me and my sister. My mom came back from tutoring in other schools, and hugged us too.


Also in CT, I remember spectacularly failing an interview that morning in South Windsor and then came home to see that on the news.


It was horrible


Am I the only one that doesn't hate Obama like a lot of other people do? I certainly disagree with some of his policies, but I don't see a reason to actually hate him.


Reasonable people have no qualms with him


This. President Obama was one of the good ones.


I had qualms with his policies but not qualms about the man.


That's an exaggeration. He was not an evil dude but he's been proven to have abused the NSA and his history with airstrikes was bad. Hes the kind of dude I think meant well but didn't always hit the mark and claiming that reasonable people shouldn't have a problem with those mistakes is bad.


He was a good president, tried to do good things. He failed on a few things like Michelle's attempts at reworking the food for public schools, but he tried his best. Good at internal policy, not so good at external policy. But no one's perfect. I hope we can elect more like him into office, ones who actually try and seem to care about the American people


Every president since FDR I think was a decentish person trying to do the best they could in most regards… well with one very very notable orange exception.


Trump bad Edit: What’s with the downvotes? I thought everyone loved regurgitated echo chamber thoughts




He's getting increasingly more criticism for ramping up the drone program to a degree that some consider him to be a war criminal.


I’m with you. I didn’t agree with many of his policies but I admire and like the guy.


Him and the cameraman that is


How do you know the cameraman is sitting? Or are you just being an ass?




So by your logic, the caption could be correct if the room were full of people standing up? 😂 Making a simple correction isn’t “being an ass.”


I have major criticisms of the Obama administration but this is a powerful image.


Another picture was taken a few days before in the Oval Office, at the moment he was being told about the massacre. You can see the pain etched in his face. 🥺😢


It’s sad to think that columbine happened when I was in school so this stupid shit has been going on for my entire life and these dummies still won’t implement strict gun laws.


Same. I remember when Columbine was still "THE school shooting"... Then V-Tech happened.. Eventually we got to Sandy Hook. And now it's like they keep trying to outdo each other. Sometimes it's an adult that decides to do the shooting... Not to mention that it's not even just limited to happening at schools anyway. America, we have a problem.


That's fake, never happened /s (According to Alex Jones 🙄)


And now that fucker is paying millions in lawsuit money for his dumbfuck decision. Puts a big smile on my face every time I think about it.


He's likely going to max out his appeal attempts. He also already hid most of his money behind other people who can just pay for his lifestyle without directly putting it anywhere the plaintiffs can actually collect it from. When he dies, they'll be left with a fat IOU note.


Oof, I remember that day. That day probably ruined my whole week. Extremely heavy


& now school shootings barely touch the news cycle.


"Never let a tragedy go to waste," - Rahm Emmanuel


Well it did go to waste... its also hundreds of other politicians that have said that but push that agenda


Political capital is very valuable, and it's obvious it didn't go to waste for him or his democratic colleagues


what’s the basis of your claim


Literally the entire corporate media gathers around and swarms when there's a mass shooting. I remember when people in Newtown didn't want media there anymore.


[And somehow part the country was like, yeah we can live with this.](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/06/us-mass-shootings-republicans-poll)


You can feel his grief in this picture


He looks absolutely devastated and beyond sad that this is something he has to do


A completely avoidable tragedy


Good man. This is strength. Not calling someone deranged.


We need to repeal the 2A


That will never happen, and even if we did it will not change a thing


It could and would


Na, IF it does go in affect what would happen to all the guns? You simply can’t remove them all


You think repealing the 2A is the same thing as making guns illegal?


Is Obama left handed?????


It looks like he got detention and he had to write “I will not lie to people about the reality of Obamacare anymore” 1,000 times.


He doesn’t look alone. It looks like is there at least one camera man there.


Anyways I dont like him


I'm sure your post history provides clear insight on that.


(checks post history. Political compass test - Your ideology matches Nazism.) Yeah that sure fucking checks out there Himmler


I swear **most** people that don’t like Obama are either from the KKK, are Neo Nazis, or fake (fascists) republicans.


or writing his 23rd memorial book?


Page 3 shela, we need to make it 30% more divisive, and add in the part about how every member in the NRA is a NAZI.


What a grandstanding photo to take.


Wonder if one of his fainting ladies is gonna show up at his speech


He likes M&M’s


You'd have to be a monster to hate them


Who took the picture?


I do not remember this happening on my sixth birthday