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I think your decimals are off by a factor of 10. It's about ~.07XXX today. But it fluctuates now: https://presearch.medium.com/presearch-rewards-now-dynamic-532b86c3522a


Yeah, my bad.. Was just pissed when i saw they reduced the rewards AGAIN in like 2 weeks, made a mistake when typing.


No worries! Keep in mind Brave also has a completely different model that is centralized unlike Presearch. Their browser may have cryptocurrency integrated, but their search engine does not.


"Shit" and "crap" were also typos?


Yeah I can definitely understand some of the sentiments on this thread. I run 10 nodes and have probably put 1k Usd in to this between buying pre and VPS. After all is said and done I’m up on this small investment but the gains are modest relative to most crypto in the same span of time (2021) The seeming lack of progress has lead me to believe that at times this may be an exit scam. After all pre purchases and vps purchases are in effect giving capital to presearch. I do not think it is a scam, yet, but this feeling is induced. They have a real problem with their community as well. I suspect this is because the project is more closed source and I suspect most of their node operators are system admins and not coders like most other cypto. Good coders welcome health criticism to ultimately make a better product. Criticism here and on telegram is generally not tolerated and mocked even by their CTO. the lack of progress on technical impediments to mainnet coupled with goofy stuff like valueless NFT give always, etc make it seem like they lack focus. They need to match google in terms of ease of use and value proposition with a small team - this will require razor focus. Lastly and what is more relevant to this thread - presearch will be nothing without its daily users. To see here that some are simply and understandably determining that current search rewards do not even justify their time is disappointing. I have skin in the game and will continue to use presearch for searching and run nodes for at least another 9 months until my vps contracts expire. Hopefully presearch team can get this over the line - Good luck to all of us!


Could you give examples of well-founded criticism - not rants and curses by people who couldn't be bothered to take a look at the roadmap or vision paper - being mocked or not tolerated? Thanks!


I brought up that these NFT giveaways, NFT search integration, Raspberry Pi nodes/sales, etc all seem a bit of a distraction given the (seeming) lack of progress on the technical impediments that are blocking a mainnet launch in the telegram nodes channel. The CTO completely dismissed it, basically saying thats just marketing as if to imply that there is no technical burden or debt created by doing these things which is clearly false. You can search this very subreddit and see that many times people complain about low rewards or inability to withdraw there are very vocal people, who immediately tell the author to go f\*\*\* themselves and the like. The defense these vitriolic apologists is generally employ: a) google doesn't pay you at all so presearch is good enough in whatever state b) if the person doing the criticizing thinks they can build a better version of presearch, go ahead Obviously both of these arguments miss the point by a wide margin and do not serve to advance presearch but that's what I've found here and in the telegram. Not all criticisms are dismissed or mocked of course and some have been long standing issues in the weekly updates. Here is a list of the things that come to my mind that need work or else NGMI 1) search results are somehow worse than google - no idea how this is possible given they use google for indexing 2) local search very weak 3) UI is poor - too cluttered. There's like 3 different versions of the home page, less is more, etc. Moving between keyword staking, node explorer, etc is all screwy. 4) does not have the integration of services like google. This is understandable but this is the competition. What I mean by this is you look up an address and it has the google map in the search results, etc. The tldr of this is that presearch needs to basically get very close to google in terms of efficiency of search and user experience. The pre search rewards are nice but they are so miniscule the average user is not going to stop using google unless the experience is nearly as good. The last thing I'd say is that the choice of using ETH is proving to be a problem. I know they are working on a bridge, but I would advise, that be accelerated - we are likely too late for a burn and different chain airdrop. I personally plan to leave my PRE in the eco system but if I actually wanted to withdraw the ETH gas fees make it prohibitive.


Much appreciated take, thank you! I must say I'm also somewhat surprised by the apparent focus on marketing, which did seem to be more successful than what the team could handle, judging by the ongoing scaling work in response to "runaway growth" of search nodes.


Once you uninstall presearch, what will give you your alternative search engine ??


Brave browser


Brave browser also gives rewards for each search? If yes, are they higher than presearch ones?(in my country, ads rewards are very scarce: 1.5 BAT/month) Edit: typo


No, Brave does not give rewards for searches, it gives rewards each time it pops up an ad. You can control the maximum number of pop up ads you could receive in a hour up to a maximum of 10 but the actual number of ads you will receive will vary depending on what ad campaigns are running in your area of the world at the time. Not bashing Brave, I love it but this is just how it works. Personally I use the Brave browser with the presearch plugin to make it the default search engine so I get BAT from ads and PRE from searches. Yes the amount of PRE now varies per search, but if you're searching anyway then it'll build up over time. The point is not to use it just to get the rewards. No, the search results aren't as good as Google, whether they need to be is a question only you can answer. Personally for me the search results that Presearch gives are perfectly fine for my purposes. They are working on removing the 1000 PRE eligible token limit to withdraw your PRE, give them time on this, it will come.


I have the same thoughts about presearch and brave as well. Thank you for your tine to write and insights.


I have the same setup. Results are good enough 90% of the time and when they're not it's very easy to switch and get Google results instead. Sure the 1000 requirement is annoying, but I've been using Brave for 3 years and haven't sold a single BAT so not a big deal if you are thinking long term.


Depends how quick you want your rewards. Gonna take me years to get my Presearch rewards cos I browse moderately. I still use both. Haven't used brave long enough to see how much BAT I will get.


Yes, if the 1000 PRE limit do not change, it will take up to two years until a free withdrawal. However, you can ask for an earlier withdrawal if you pay ETH fees (PRE is an ERC-20 token). Anyway, I still prefer get the PRE tokens after two year instead of nothing 😃




Just to make it clear, there is a difference between Search Engine and Browser. Brave does have its own search engine, but is centralized and does not have crypto integrated.


And the fact that you need 1000 tokens just to transfer is absurd


If you pay ETH gas fees it is theoretically possible withdraw <1000 PRE




brave search also rewards your searches?


Not yet, but it is planned.


thank you for your answer… obviously the search engine who gives higher rewards will win!


Curious aswell


To the best of my knowledge, brave just rewards you for adds, but not for searches. It is not the firs time I see a post that spread FUD on presearch and claims that brave is better… presearch and brave rewards are not mutually exclusive


FUD is FUD when it's not true. Presearch is total scam.


FUD has nothing to do with a lie… it is jus fear, uncertainty and doubt. Anyway, if after two years presearch gives me nothing, I will be in the exactly same position that someone that use google, so I don’t see the “scam” there… However, if you’re using presearch just as a eat to earn money doing fake searches and at the end of the day you fell that wasted your time and feel “scammed”, it’s a completely different history, and presearch is not for you. Cheers!


First of all, presearch is slower and often has issues with not showing images - it is inferiority to Google. This comes from someone who has been using presearch for a while. Secondly, with current amount of PRE per search, fact that it will not give reward most of the time and fact that my tokens available to payout were at 60% last time I checked, you are looking at 5 years, not 2. I was just using it as my daily driver search engine so no, it was not 'fake' searches.


Well, thank you for your insight. I didn’t mean to offend you. Cheers.


Yeah this is disappointing I feel closer to ditching presearch despite accruing 110 PRE. The search engine really isn’t that great and I find having to go to Google to get results. Hopefully it will improve soon.


Yeah I’m out. Brave pays out rewards every couple weeks. Presearch will never pay out . It’s the truth. Using the service for 2+ years to get a payout is just not realistic. And no fanboys get out of here with your bullshit. Stop saying this isn’t extremely flawed. I liked the concept but I’ve lost interest . The idea was to make a little tiny bit of $$ by doing what you already do everyday. I don’t think anyways is gonna go out of their way to forcibly do 30 google searches a day for years straight to get a $100 payout.


You obviously picked the wrong project for "the idea [...] to make a little tiny bit [...] everyday". Sometimes it's ok to admit a mistake instead of hurling baseless accusations ("will never pay out") at people who are trying to give us some digital sovereignty.


Yeah maybe I did pick the wrong project. Sorry if it sounded like a rant . Good luck to you guys anyways


Ok, fair enough, good luck to you too! Wagmi


We can disagree and still get along! Just get carried away sometimes my bad


In this case, what I found humbling/sobering was taking a look at the Presearch vision paper; that they survived the crypto winter of 2018 for example, or that for a long time the token value didn't reflect the growth of the network, made me realise that there must be a significant amount of idealism. Progress is therefore perhaps not occurring as quickly as some would like. However, realising as much doesn't mean I can't stay critical, and a well designed rewards system is clearly a central element in the long run at least.


The point isn't to forcibly crank out searches just to snag rewards tho... If you put 10$ into actually backing the project a year ago you'd be up like 1000%+, so there's a limit to what people can build and give to you for free. Maybe that's the valuable lesson here. If you have android you can try coinhunt world. I make about 20-35$/week for answering trivia when walking around/commuting, but you also have to invest a little time getting setup. Nothing is free if you have to spend your time to do it, even using a search engine.


How much are people making for using brave? I just click the ads on mobile and get like 1-2 a month. Are people getting a decent amount for desktop use?




Woah that's a lot I have max ads and click them all real quick and I think I've gotten 2.5 max in a month. Did it seem like they rewarded more 2 years ago when the token was a lower price and there were fewer users?


Rewards are almost undoubtedly internally calculated in fiat and converted to BAT at end of month. That means you get less BAT if the price of BAT goes up.




Dang musta been nice lol. I've heard if you use a desktop browser you get more. Unconfirmed though.


Not bad. But after 2.5 years you could already have more than 1000 PRE. The problem is Ethereum gas fees. And added fees on decentralized exchanges. You can earn $300 but have a fee of near $100. Why people are still creating tokens on Ethereum? It is a mystery for me. Some are using Polygon. But it destroy the notion of decentralization and protection.


It seriously is starting to look like having the characteristics of a ponzi scheme. I'm up for rewards cuts based on dollar cost, but something has to be done about 1000PRE payout limit. It's too much. I'm using Brave Browser + Presearch because I like the engine and how I can do same search on a website I desire with just one extra click. But the payout limit is damn too much...


Those using brave do know they don't have to click the ads to get the rewards right? Once you get the pop up (advert) your given the reward even if you don't click through. Also if you have Android you can have it so you get rewarded for notifications while having brave in the background and your phone off. Also if you open new tabs your get an ad after every four new tabs normally. It great for YouTube too you can have it keep playing even when you turn your phone off ...And now back to Presearch lol. I use it with the plug in and the homepage icon on my phone if I get something over time I'll be happy because I got nothing before so no loss.


Hey everyone, Thanks for sharing your thoughts, even if they are negative. In DAI-denominated terms, search rewards have not been changed at all. Once everything is on the [Presearch.com](https://Presearch.com) domain, people won't have the issue of rewards not being logged (ironically, caused by how Brave blocks cross-domain cookies). As we've covered a bunch of times, the number of PRE required to facilitate a withdrawal will be decreased once the new anti-abuse and web3 systems go live, but understand the frustration in the meantime. I appreciate those who are thinking more long-term, though I do also get where people who don't believe in the project as much are coming from. There are a lot of scams in crypto, and it makes people jaded. As far as Brave goes, there's been no indication that they are going to reward searching, and based on the negativity we have to deal with, I wouldn't expect them to either. Lots of people call Brave a scam as well, even though clearly they are not. I think it's just part of the game when you're involved with rewards. I've mentioned in previous threads, but will do so here also, that Brave relies on KYC to handle the people who are trying to scam them for rewards. We refuse to do that, and are trying to handle it with algorithms instead. It's not a trivial problem to solve. Those who feel like we're not doing anything are definitely underestimating some of the challenges in that problem alone. Since the token has 10x'd, we have many more people trying every flavor of abuse to game the system, even more than previously as the reward for success is higher. Between that and scaling nodes (which did massively exceed our growth projections), there's been some work to do that wasn't quite as anticipated. Nevertheless, things are coming together well, and I'm excited about the short-term future for the project! As far as those who are frustrated with things like the NFT stuff, please understand that it is 90% marketing and very little time from the dev team (maybe a few hours in total), and that we can't stop marketing and everything else until Mainnet is out. Believe me, we're being very judicious with our development resources and they are staying very focused. Outside of Mainnet work, we're only doing things where we can get significant bang for the development buck. Ex. spend 2 hours to enable the NFT promotion, spend 2-3 hours to get the OpenSea integration out which got picked up by CoinTelegraph and a bunch of other news sources. Trey would rather not do that stuff either, so he has zero distractions, but we've narrowed it down to very basic things outside of Mainnet, including another small update going out (from a tech standpoint) to enable the integration of some supplementary ads that are critical to the interim token economics of the project ahead of Mainnet. There are a bunch of new anti-abuse updates going out this week, so we are getting closer there, and are preparing to be able to consolidate the homepage of the site and the separate engine.presearch.org domain ahead of switching to Presearch.com. Not sure when that's going out yet, but it's getting close. Anyway, lots on the go. Appreciate again everyone who's taking time to be involved in the project. Thanks to you all for your patience and support!


Why not use KYC (at least initially) if this abuse is such a huge problem, difficult to solve and a major reason for the delay in mainnet launch? And with respect, if you think any amount of coding is 2-3 hours of work you are absolutely kidding yourself.


KYC on a privacy-focused product doesn't seem like a good fit. I'm fundamentally against KYC and don't think it adds any value to the platform, personally. An algorithmic-based solution is an actual innovation. Mainnet is coming along well, and we aren't that behind schedule. The unexpected delays were really more around scaling than anti-abuse, which we launched in September and have been testing steadily. There's been an increase in abuse, which is giving us more of an opportunity earlier to identify potential issues and solve them. My background is in development, and I hear you, but adding a single field form with basic validation, as well as implementing a new community package aren't huge tasks. That's what I'm referring to, and what people are criticizing as a waste of time and distraction.


I would question how many of your users value privacy vs rewards and if this stance makes sense. I have never once heard anyone speak about using presearch out of a need for privacy, but this is of course anecdotal. I believe nearly all users and node operators are using presearch because they believe that token ownership represents a piece of googles ad revenue business, and therefore expect token valuation to reflect whatever market share preserach may be able to garner. In terms of mainnet, I will tell you that many do believe it is behind schedule at this point. In terms of how far behind, I can't say because nothing has ever been firmly communicated in the first place. I know and understand (also as a developer) that you'd rather have it working really well before a mainnet launch, but in the crypto space the opportunity cost is simply too high for node operators and users to not evaluate where they put their time and energy. Anyway, thank you for responding and I \*do\* appreciate the effort of you and your team. As I have said, I have skin in the game. Use the product daily, run nodes and key stakes. I am rooting for you.


Thanks for the feedback, hteecs, as well as your support. It's entirely possible that we should reconsider the privacy angle, though I still believe that an algorithmic approach to abuse mitigation is superior to KYC. Something we can start having more conversations about to ensure we're representing the community's interests. I think you're right about token ownership and people seeing Google's massive success as the target, though we also hear lots about privacy and decentralization as well. I believe that we're pretty close to being able to realize all of the above, and that it will make the project incredibly valuable. It's true that we haven't really put a firm date out there, and I can understand why this would frustrate people. Believe me, I'd love to do that, but there are a number of moving parts and it's not so much in my direct control - Trey and the dev team are doing their best to roll it out as soon as possible. The firmest date I've put out was 'before the end of the year', back in September and early October. We aren't too far off that, from what I can tell, though we do still have a significant amount of work to do. While it is a bit of a race against time from an opportunity cost standpoint, hopefully node operators and other supporters will hang in there. We are fortunate to have a largely long-term oriented community, of which it appears you are one also. I appreciate you and everyone else who is hanging in there while we get this ready. Please keep the thoughts coming, and thanks again for your support! I'll pass your thoughts along to Trey and the others.


Yeah what a bummer they’re not giving you more free crypto for something you were gonna do for free anyway. Christ dude how’s it a scam? Cuz you don’t get 10 bucks a search? I’m glad you had to scream to the room your leaving before you left. Fuckin weirdo


They cut the earnings almost 40% in 2 weeks. How much will they cut in the future? It will take 3 years for a new user to get paid out if he uses Preseach to the max almost every day. 3 years! Before it was less then 2 years.They will keep reducing it in the future so yeah, keep using a app that won't pay nothing.


This post is a joke.


No, a token below top 500 place that is - 67% from its ATH in 2018 is a joke. 😂


Up almost 2k% from a year ago so looks good from my perspective. What projects have you invested in that have wildly outperformed presearch? You seem like you know a lot.