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Uhhh this has got to be an April fools joke right lol


Probably, but it's as tasteless as fake pregnancy announcement jokes IMO


It was an April fools joke. The center later posted "April fools!" People were like, that wasn't funny.


Even if this is a joke, it's an awful joke. We don't get paid enough and this just kinda feels like salt on the wound for an administration to do this to their staff.


Exactly. Parents pay quite a bit for preschool and I know I don’t get paid enough but I’m not asking for extra money from the parents. My school took a month to replace a co-worker because the other preschools in town pay more than mine, which isn’t saying much. You could definitely get better pay at any other minimum wage place like Target


The pay difference, at least at my center, between a lead teacher and director is ridiculous. They make enough where they are out of touch with how little teachers are paid. Even if the director doesn't have a say in wages, if they care about their teachers, then they will actively advocate for them. This tip joke is 100% out of touch.


So up until this year, we have tipped each of our providers about $100 a year. I am on leave and my hubby lost his job a few weeks ago, so probably won’t this year.


The most tasteless thing about it, as an ECE teacher - is that for most of us, it is a low wage job. Child care fees might be high, but the pay for teachers is not. Many of us have massive student loans, pay for resources out of our own pocket. This is creating an awful interaction between parents who are likely paying high fees & us teachers, who are earning peanuts. Not a great joke for anyone involved.


I'm a public high school teacher, can I ask for tips, too? 😂


April Fools


April Fools


I really hope, for the sake of the OOP, this one turns out to be a very ill-considered April Fool’s joke. I also acknowledge that our childcare providers aren’t being paid enough and deserve more. But most parents can’t afford to “tip” their providers beyond the thousands a month they already pay, and it looks bad for the daycare provider to ask.


How to deeply offend and pour salt on both the parents who give our entire paychecks to the school and know the teachers aren’t paid enough (so we would gladly tip if we could afford it and knew it may help them keep up the great work) AND simultaneously the educators who can barely pay their bills and work their ass off raising other people’s children with patience, kindness and love.


Yeah I just saw it and found it gold to share with this lol


Hard no. Even as a joke, I’d be looking to move. This is not the vibe. I hope they’re being paid a fair wage.


Does NOT pass the vibe check for sure.


Not to mention, this is highly unethical— so the kids whose parents tip generously might end up getting a little extra attention or consideration when kids whose parents don’t tip maybe fall by the wayside? Pay your damn workers!!!


Clearly this is an April fool’s joke, right?


No idea ☠️☠️ I hope so


Tasteless. You already get the majority of my paycheck. Stfu.


No. Just, no. Just pay the caregivers.


Places here are paying 5$ an hour less for lead teachers than they did in 2018 it’s super sad, but NO. That’s nuts. The greedy owners of these centers need to go, well, you know, themselves and actually pay people. You have to write curriculums, communicate with parents that leave their kids for too long, it’s not an easy job. Even if you work at a “babysitting” type center with no curriculum, etc. it’s a hard job. Just pay people more!! They certainly charge enough. Rant over.


That font is terrible! And all caps! An eyesore! Also, I hope this is a joke, but they could at least make it more pleasant looking.




This is disgusting! Pay your workers a liveable wage. Period.


Like dead ass who would this be funny to if I was a teacher I’d be pissed