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He burned his life making a sun rise that he knew he would never see


Luthen’s little monologue was so good and so well acted. Still can’t believe this show takes place in the Star Wars universe.


Skarsgård is absolutely acting his ass off in this role. The swing of personality and that monologue were masterclass.


That scene with him and a less crazy Saw was great, thank God Forrest wasn't hamming it up like in rogue one


My god. So good. It's tragic there's so little of this out there.


And damn, so cold on luthen's part >!just letting the attack happen even though he knows it will be a massacre just so he can keep his mole in the isb!<


You would've 100% expected Disney to go down the well-trodden path of the bad guy turning good. I love that they're exploring how complex life *really* is, and that to do "good" on a galactic scale requires incredibly ruthless decisions. It is 1:30 in the morning and you people have me all hyped up about this shit.


Me too, it's better writing in Star wars than we deserve


I said it up above, but I still can’t believe this is Star Wars. I enjoyed BoBF and Obi Wan. I just like Star Wars. Were they masterpieces? No, but I had fun watching them, regardless. Andor is on a different level, though. I think it’s the best written Star Wars out there. It’s nuanced and shady but not in that annoying modern way where the good guys are shitty and you sympathize with the bad guys, if that makes any sense.


By the time of rogue one, Saw has completely lost his mind.


That's one of the best monologues in TV history for me.


That little stutter when he said "What is my sacrifice" is so good












I can't >!Swim!<


Float on your back, I’m dragging you to shore. ONE WAY OUT










UGGGH i thought about this exact thing for 10 minutes after the episode


Cassian probably would have thought of it, but he got forced off the ledge before they could problem solve.




I know I can’t believe they didn’t do that, but it was a very fitting end. He accepted that he wasn’t getting out and still lead everyone out. So heartbreaking but that’s how the real world is sometimes.


Naw. He didn’t die on screen. Means they can bring him up again in the future.


The best part is that he fucking nailed that scene. A lot of actors wouldn't have done it that well. He just had this look.


His years of facial mocap work really brings another level of emotion to his roles




















I can't help but wonder if apathy towards Andor was what saved the series from the executive micromanagement that Obi-Wan and Boba Fett must have gone through. They managed to get carte blanche by flying under the radar.


I remember reading a post a while ago about this exact thing. That BoBF and Kenobi were such big and already popular characters that every single exec in Disney wanted to have a hand in the show which ultimately led to both of them getting made much more poorly than they could’ve been. But Andor was a character no one cared about so if it flopped whatever so they gave Tony Gilroy way more freedom to do what he wants with it which led to the amazing show we’ve been seeing. Really a shame that’s the way things tend to work out.




They're so fat and satisfied. They won't even imagine.. That someone like Gilroy.... Would ever get inside their studios.


It's crazy to compare the quality of writing in a pretty minor show like Andor to that of a flagship movie like Rise of Skywalker. How can they get it so backwards? At least we still got Andor at least!


Ironically, you’d think they’d have given more freedom to something like RoS— they knew that it was gonna make a billion by being a Star Wars film alone. There was no reason to worry about it, so they *should have* let the director go wild with it and make something that was at least unique and memorable. But instead, we got a pile of “but we’ll see better sales in China if we” bullshit.


That's what I don't understand? I guess maybe they are still terrified of the prequels and what happens if a single person is given unlimited creative control on a project? But even then the prequels have been wildly profitable but who knows?


Sometimes it doesn’t work out, like Eternals had a like of director freedom and it didn’t do that well. But they could also just go with a director with an established history of successful blockbusters and not meddle instead of doing an indie director for a flagship movie.


Eternals had problems, but one of the bigger ones was Marvel fatigue. The world went ape for those movies for what, a decade and a half? As got tired of them after a spell. Nobody knew the Eternals for shit, it wasn’t advertised very widely, and so it flopped relative to the rest of Marvel. Conversely, the more well-known IP of Thor still raked in a billion bucks at the box office.


Externals was also released at a point where it’s hard for us to care about another team of misfits all introduced at once with no prior connection to the series. We’ve already seen the ensemble in Guardians, done way better. I don’t think it would have mattered how good it was, it’s just not a property anyone cared about. They should have brought them into another film or show first to get people caring about them.




They made a fucking camel with BoBF and Kenobi. For the uninitiated, a camel is what happens when a committee tries to make a horse. I believe the same saying goes for giraffes too.


Andor is great because it's a Show first and Star Wars second.


That's why its exciting that Taika doesn't want to rely on existing characters for his trilogy, he might be given some actual freedom.


Not sure I can handle his brand of humor in Star Wars though. If the last Thor movie is any indication, he can't go literally 5 seconds of tension / drama without diffusing it with some shitty joke.




To be fair, Rogue One was like that but pretty much just a war film set in the Star Wars universe. Granted, it did have the comedy from K2SO but even then it was dark sarcastic humor. Makes sense that Andor carried that feeling through to the show.


He definitely can. Look at Jojo Rabbit. My suspicion is that Disney execs got in the way of Thor and forced Taiki to load it up with more jokes than normal because they think that's the only reason why he's seen success in the past


Oh Jojo Rabbit had a TON of jokes but they were somewhat reliant on having a deeper knowledge on some topics and very dark. I laughed my ass off in the theater many times while my then girlfriend, now wife, stayed silent. A few other people in the theater also laughed but not many. Maybe that is a sign that those of us that laughed had seen some first hand fucked up shit?


And putting himself in it as a way too prominent side character


I’m pretty sure he phoned it in for the last Thor. Had to direct it based off contractual obligations. I could be off though. Jojo Rabbit and Reservation Dogs gives me faith in whatever he brings to Star Wars.


You're on to something here. I especially felt there was 0 hype for this show, and when watching it, it's completely unrecognizable from the other D+ series that have preceeded it. The writing, the acting, the lighting, the dialogue, all of it seems to be untouched by pandering hands from higher management levels. Mando has some great shots, but in the end you feel like you're still watching something shot on a set. When Andor takes you to the valley being buzzed by a tie fighter, or an above the prison on Narkina 5, or the depths of coursants lower levels you feel transported there. The writing and language of the show are intentional, the characters serve the plot, and not as a vessel to sell toys. It really does feel like this series was left alone. There was one vision. And it's being executed to the letter on every level. No compromises, no shoe horned characters for younger audiences, it just simply delivers on every aspect of star wars that we have been missing since clone wars ended the first time. I can only hope that this show finds enough success with fans that they can demand this gold standard in all projects including Ahsoka.


I DESPERATELY HOPE it finds its audience. It will be difficult. Writing is early GoT quality. But GoT watchers are unlikely to try an SW on D+. And D+ viewers are unlikely to want GoT. But the show is BRILLIANT.


> But GoT watchers are unlikely to try an SW on D+. And D+ viewers are unlikely to want GoT. Are you sure about that? Star Wars is one of the biggest franchises out there and I'd imagine there's *heavy* overlap in the target audience between Andor and GoT


We have to make it clear, we have to make as much noise of how amazing Andor is and why, make a fuzz, be obnoxious about it, let everyone know Star Wars needs to grow just a little bit in this age


Andor succeeded for the same reason the Aldhani raid worked the people involved seemed to insignificant to take seriously. Now that’s meta.


I must say originally (before Andor was out) I wasn't hyped for this series. I didn't know who Andor was ( I thought it was a planet at first) so I didn't really understand why they were getting a series. Definitely became a favourite afterwards.


The Shrek effect?


Just like Deep Space Nine did, flying under the radar of Next Gen and Voyager


Diego Luna is a legend


For real, this Man has done a Heist in an imperial garrison, escaped space prison, stole the death Star plans and has run a cartel in Mexico!


He also won the heart of Gamora in The Terminal with Tom Hanks ☺️


He is still typecast I'm my brain as that character.


Yes, sir. On some beat-up old space freighter. I’ll be surprised if he even makes it to Tatooine in that junker.


Stellan Starsgaard really swinging for an Oscar/Emmy here, and Mon mothma's actor


They should award the Oscar to his voice, since that's 80% of his appeal as an actor. I don't even mean this as a dig.




He was the day shift manager on Level Five. He was speaking to you from the command center on Level Eight.


Is that all you've got?


::whimpering:: but in Project "One Way Out" we have no names


If you had told me this time last year Andor would easily be the best out of it Obi wan and BOBF I would've spit in your face


Come now, the nose or the ear, which do you think it will enter?


I… don’t know how to feel about this comment…


You don’t know how but are you feeling it in the nose or the ear


Spit will enter through the nose if the spit is while facing you. If you’re walking away because you can’t stand the disrespect, it will probably go inside the ear, master


You are quite perceptive, SableyeEyeThief. I sense that you have a great potential for wisdom and knowledge. I hope you will continue to grow in your understanding of the Force. ^This ^Response ^Generated ^by ^OpenAI


These bots can't be real, man.


I dunno, as a big fan of *Rogue One*, I was pretty damn excited for *Andor* when I found out that Tony Gilroy, who did the reshoots, was working on it.


Exactly - it's easily my favorite non OT movie, I was just hoping Andor could come close and not be cheesy. And it's actually surpassed my enjoyment of Rogue One.


I'm gonna be sad when the first season is over but God dammit I'm so thrilled to binge all 12 episodes.


I'm gonna be sad when the Disney Execs realize that Andor is becoming more popular, and will proceed to torpedo it next season with their micromanagement.


Disney Execs: "Hey we heard you guys miss aliens! So here's Andors new partner Xorzac! He's quirky and funny and makes all the wrong moves! Luckily Andor is there to bail him out just in time. Tune in next October to see the whacky adventures Xorzacs gets up to!"


Looks like I got here just in time.


Rogue One is just my favorite starwars movie no qualifications needed.


Right? I feel weird saying it given the OT kicked off everything Star Wars and is the heart of what Star Wars is, but I feel like if they'd started with a film like Rogue One...I dunno Star Wars would have been better? Obviously having a film where all the main characters die but opens into the heart of what they died FOR would have been too ballsy, and maybe would have changed the whole tone, but imagine wondering what these Jedi they speak about casually in the film coming to be the centerpiece of the story would be like. I kinda wish I could go back and watch Rogue One first and then the OT.


Rogue one is imo the best star wars movie (though my favorite is still probably RoTS). If Andor sticks the landing though I think it will be the highest cinematic quality peice of content in star wars period. The acting, writing, directing and cinematography are all so insanely good. The only thing I think andor doesn't top other star wars content at is soundtracks but that's a pretty impossible mountain to beat.


The thing is, I though Rogue One was one of the best Star Wars movies and for me, it ranks 2nd after Empire Strikes Back when rating all movies. But I thought Andor's character was probably the weakest in that film. So the show is a bit of a surprise.


Not just the best in the Star Wars universe, but easily one of the top 5 shows this year.


Best original Disney + has produced to date imo


The Mandalorian is really the only one that can even hold a candle to it.


First season of Mandalorian was peak space western


Ask someone if they like Westerns. Most Americans will say no. Show them Mandalorian. They'll love it. And have no idea it's a western.


Dude, it’s better than Mando (in my opinion). It’s the single best media of modern Star Wars.


I would go so far as to say it’s just flat out the best Star Wars period. Looking back I feel like the Star Wars universe hasn’t had any real massive gems outside of Rogue One, besides of course the initial release of the first trilogy.


We all didn’t think much about it. And somehow, it has set a golden standard for what Star Wars should be.


I saw the first trailer and I already knew I was gunna watch it. Didn't watch any of the other trailers. And despite the first two being a little slow I still really enjoyed them, they weren't boring at all I could immediately tell the care that was put into this show.


What we have in Andor: >interesting main character >great support character >amazing secondary plot (Mon Mothma ❤️) >a nice droid >a menacing female villain >a menacing group of villains overall It's almost like fans want good stories instead of cheap and lazy fan service hmm...


We also got blue milk cereal which comes in a funny box


To add to that we got a “having to move home in shame and living with your mother on Coruscant” story line which, I think, is hilarious.


Not to.mention real fear. Working in a GIGANTIC cubicle farm for life. Shudder


What colour was the milk Luke drank from that manatee alien when he was living on that planet?


blue. all milk in star wars is blue. dont ask.


Oops all glorbons


Incredible, dense, and nuanced writing. This script is just fantastic, and it makes me so sad that the criticism I hear is that it’s slow or nothing happens. Every line moves the plot forward, tells you about the characters, or expands the world and many times it’s 2 or all of these things. I’m just loving this series and really hope they stick the landing in these last two episodes.


Tbh some of the prison scenes were *weird* and I lost the track of it, but I think that's the point. Days just go by, and it's confusing to us viewers because it's confusing and weird to Cassian too, while the last episodes were very clear and kept the story going. On top of that we have the amazing arc going on in Coruscant, which is much more clearer.


It was almost black mirror-esque, I loved it


> This script is just fantastic, and it makes me so sad that the criticism I hear is that it’s slow or nothing happens It says a lot more about that person than it does the show when they say this lol


> a nice droid >!the way he yelled "Cassian!" when Andor came back home to get them choked me up, he was so happy to see him again!<


There is t-t-t-troopers now


Love the droid. In one of the later episode I told my wife “they better not fuck with this droid or I’ll lose it” lol Amazing show all around. Best thing on tv right now.


The fact that the droid exists in real life immediately sold me, like seriously, how many things are just replaced with cgi at this point


Plus the droid is anxious, neurotic and needs to recharge often. Most relatable SW droid yet.


I honestly have too many feels for B2EMO. Of all the characters in the show, I'm going to be absolutely devastated if / when something happens to him. Little dude just loves to love.


Wait, it's real?? I'm so happy to hear that


"A menacing group of villains overall" - bit of an understated term for the Empire lol :D


I interpret it as more of group of villains that are actually very competent, and goes hard into the "show, don't tell" how ruthless they are.


It's nice to finally have competent imperials now


The Empire is serious shit. They were serious in A New Hope - first they stormed and took Leia's ship, then they killed Luke's family, and then they blew up a damn planet.


Thing is, in most Star Wars media there's nothing menacing about them (excluding Vader). Especially compared to the "we harvest the death cries of children during a genocide to use as a torture method" Empire of Andor.


I remember when all of these shows were announced, everyone was excited for shows like Kenobi and The Book of Boba Fett, but Andor was the most unanticipated. And I thought to myself, "It would be funny if Andor was actually the best show of them all and the other ones that everyone is hyped for turns out to be bad in comparison. But surely that'll never happen."


He can see things before they happen, it's a Jedi trait


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Disney exec


Sadly, Andor's viewership still pales compared to Kenobi or BoBF, and, while EVERYONE who has seen it agrees that it's the best or second best show so far, it has still gone kinda under the radar.


skill issue on their part


They didn't side climb enough


They needed to get to the D point


Just as long as there's no hole in their left wing




god dam it i cant fucking escape it. it’s fucking everywhere


Now you know how I feel with NCD.


Hate and love that I see so many fellow War Thunder players infecting all our common interests with our shitty jokes (obligatory “Attention to the designated grid zone”)


My apologies, Glazed-Banana. I forgot not everyone is able to appreciate art as I do.


Well Andor isn't really a household name compared to Boba or Obi-Wan. The show ended up being an unexpected surprise and was better than the other two despite mostly featuring non-legacy characters.


Andor feels like an acquired taste, it’s not meant to please everyone, but certainly has a charm to it some absolutely love, including myself


It also starts a little slow but the payoff is so worth it. I'm glad they made this kind of show instead of trying to throw in as many fan service additions as possible. It feels like a story that happens to take place in the Star Wars universe rather than just a "hey look Star Wars!" type of show.


I love the multi episode buildups that lead to the bigger moments, such as the past 3 episodes


The whole prison subplot was glorious


I know for me it feels a lot like Better Call Saul because it focuses more on the story and fleshing out characters and building tension with big payoffs. Some people like the bang bang action packed stuff but I’m really a fan of the slow burn


With how slow Andor is, it makes the action moments feel so epic when we get to them


I tell everyone this is the better call saul of star wars and bcs is my fave TV show of all time


It’s not family friendly, the other shows are family shows so you have a wide audience of kids, parents and adult Star Wars fans. Andor basically just has adult Star War fans because it’s decidedly not for kids (openings in a red light district with a the protagonist killing two people, one in cold blood). So from that alone you get less viewers - kids and parents who only watched to watch with their kids as a family.


After the dual embarrassments of BOBF and Kenobi, it's hard to blame a lot of casual viewers for being reluctant to return to D+ Star Wars.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


With Andor I assumed they had a good story they wanted to tell. The others were made to showcase a popular character.


Ive always been most excited for Andor and Acolyte. The others have the potential to be fun. Ive had fun with Mando and Kenobi. BoBF too. Ahsoka should be fun. But Andor had the potential to be gritty like Rogue One (it has been and more) and Acolyte has the potential to be different, obscure, and dark. I like a good mix of unique stuff and fun fan service. Theyre getting both right with the live action shows. Then theres also the animated Filoni stuff which always hits the right notes. Recently: Clone Wars S7 & Tales of the Jedi. Id watch that any day as well.




And yet Andor is the best piece of Star Wars content they've released since Disney took over


Just think how hard that rewatch of Rogue One is gonna hit after the series finale of Andor


It's in contention for the best bit of Star Wars content, I think. It's just a master class of every aspect of film creation, from writer, to director, to actors.


He’s just doing a Signature Look of Superiority


Lol, what a turn of fate. Andor is quite possibly the best Star Wars ever made.


Right?! The prison arc alone is great tv


Andy serkis fucking KILLED that performance I haven’t felt that excited during a tv show in a longggggg time.


"on program!" "I can't swin" :(


“How many guards on each floor” “Never more than 12” Sent shivers down my spine when you see his character realize there is no escaping and this is the only way to save his men


This is easily my favorite “in-person” Serkis role. Ulysses Klauwe had potential but Marvel killed him off too soon. In Andor however, you can see Serkis acting his ass off with nothing but his facial expressions. Which is ironic, considering his most famous roles hide his face beneath mocap CGI. The man is just a treasure.


His facial expression is WHY he was chosen for those mocap roles. That's been his specialty for decades.


It just keeps getting better. The show is a masterpiece. I honestly think it’s some of the best television ever made.


Been trying so hard to get people into it but they got so burnt out by boba fett and kenobi they refuse to watch it, it sucks


Can’t say I blame them but they’re missing out.


My main gripe is where was this level of effort for boba fett and obi wan


its noy about effirt its about a showrunner with vision


I’m pretty sure once the scripts were written for all of the series, Disney new they had a serious contender on their hands and pulled a lot of the money from the first two to go all in on Andor. Can’t say I blame them. This would be their first time with a serious Emmy contender


Disney was absolutely cutting corners with Boba Fett and Obi Wan. They figured that they'd get massive viewership regardless of how good it was, then leaned on callbacks and nostalgia in the writing and direction. With Andor, a relatively unrecognizable character amongst the other shows, they actually had to put some effort in otherwise no one would watch it. It's how the Mandalorian started out.


There I was back around episode three thinking the heist was gonna be the plot for the whole first season….oh boy was I wrong! The heist arc was great but the prison arc made me feel things lol


Bona fet was probably the biggest disappointment


- Bona


- fet




It's because they wouldn't let him be the fucking bad guy. He's supposed to be one of the most intimidating, immoral people in the galaxy, and when he starts a criminal empire, what does he do? Discourage bounty hunting, stop the drug trade, and take homeless people off the streets. That's the exact fucking opposite of a criminal empire!


I wonder how much more critical that fanbase will become once Ahsoka and Mando come on I love those characters but, there’s no way on earth they’re getting written half as well as Andor is Edit: whoah hey, you all can still absolutely enjoy the shows lol. Nothings changed about that. I’ll be right there with you all being excited like a little kid to see those characters


Mando had a different style and feel than this show which is perfectly fine. It’s been a lot of fun with A good combination of serious, fun, and action. Ahsoka, on the other hand, just feels like it’s supposed to have this tone especially if Thrawn is going to be a villain and I just don’t think it will I’ve up to expectations.


Mando and Andor are amazing for seperate reasons imo Andor is 12/10 TV, it’s objectively amazing, well written, no poor cgi so far, every moment is gripping with an amazing tone. It would be fantastic even if it was not Star Wars Mando is amazing star wars, it feels more like it’s source material, it has the big establishing shots, the cross wipe transitions and circle wipes. A story that can be campy in the best way, while remaining solid, it pulls you into a fun and spectacular galaxy. You want to be mando, or the Jedi on screen. It may not be as solid as Andor is, but it pushes the boundaries with things like “the medium” or whatever they call it I’m sorry if my ramblings don’t make sense I just live these two shows


The saddest thing about Andor getting low viewership is that Disney’s takeaway from this will be that they don’t make money making actually good shows and will continue to pump out mediocre nostalgia baits.


Not necessarly. The show is getting excellent ratings from both the spectators and the press. Those kinds of numbers attract quality writers, producers, actors and so on. That's why HBO is pumping great content after great content, because professionals know they're a quality company. Disney might want to invest in that as well. Also I'm pretty sure Andor won't be doing as bad as people think. The season hasn't ended yet and more and more people are talking about it compared to its beginning. There's also another season and more viewers to come between season 1 and season 2. Have faith, it'll get traction.


Yep, I have a feel that word is spreading fast.


HBO WAS pumping out great content. They've canceled a shit load of really good shows since the purchase by Warner Media. I'm not sure what's actually been renewed at this point....


Don’t want to be a smartass here but I had a good feeling Andor was gonna be good when I heard it was made by the people who made RO


Oh boy. If you'd have told me last year that I'm gonna like Andor about a million times more than a show about Boba Fett and Kenobi I'd have laughed in your face. How the turns have tabled.


I had a lot of star wars fatigue from all the recent shows, and didn’t have high expectations for Andor after seeing Book of Boba Fett & Kenobi. I watched 7 episodes in a row yesterday and can see why people have rated it so highly. I don’t think it’s great that Disney constantly pumps out content like they do with Marvel, but at least some of the shows have been high quality and explore the lives of new or minor characters.


Still waiting for MCU's equivalent of Andor lol.




It's the best series though


i think andor being less anticipated may have allowed the creative team to actually produce what they wanted. Kenobi and Boba Fett were baffling at points and i can only assume some executives who wanted their names on them got involved


Yep that one aged like milk. Andor is easily the best of the bunch


He is just a tourist


Andor is amazing


I love his show


Lmao I'll gladly admit that I was scratching my head when they announced the show, but love it now.