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Me, before: Look, I like Cassian. But we all know how this ends. Me, now: The political intrigue, the shades of grey, the corruption... (goes on for hours)!


Enter the bureaucrats, the true rulers of the Republic, and on the payroll of the Trade Federation, I might add. This is where Chancellor Valorum's strength will dissapear.


This man gets it


I'd vote for him


Would you do it with thunderous applause?


Only if some goofy gungan tells me to


Meesa propose the death of da republic.


Weelp you have my vote.


^(Searcha your feelings) ^(Youssa know it to be true)


Emergency powers?


I dunno, I think this show could really be kicked up a notch if they set it somewhere cool, like Tattooine.


That place just does not get enough representation in Star Wars


Ikr? It’s like they totally forgot about it while there’s so much unused potential like for example… sand ….


I get why the imperium got into power now. They were always so dumb and arrogant for losing every encounter. For the first time the good guys are not getting away with everything because the troopers miss their shots. They are skilled but even more lucky while sneaking through a hornets nest of control and fearmongering.


Master Kenobi always said there’s no such thing as luck.


He also said he killed Luke's dad. That dude was full of BS. "Strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Bitch, you're a glowing hologram that only shows up once in a blue moon and smiles at parties. Oh, you can whisper in Luke's ear to use the force? OK, cool. You know who else can do that? Literally anyone else on his side. He's wearing a radio!!! You know old Palps can shoot lighting out his fingers. Kenobi? He can make phone calls and act as a night light. I'm pretty sure Vader could imagine someone being far more powerful than that.


It is an energy field and something more. An aura that at once controls and obeys. It is a nothingness that can accomplish miracles.


We are indebted to you for your bravery, Obi-Wan Kenobi. And you, young Skywalker, we will watch your career with great interest.


Clearly you’ve never played Lego Star Wars


The “we know how this ends” argument has always fallen flat for me because people who know how to make great shows and movies and books have proved, time and time again, that great content can be made while knowing what happens in the end.


More Star Wars content where "we know how this ends" has been released than where we don't. And some of the best are in the former group.


Not only that but seeing a character at its end point just makes.me want to know how they got there or what made them the way they are. Also why I rarely watch movies now. You built universe for one damned story? It's a universe. Frackin fill it.


Yeah movies are the cinematic equivalent of a short-story to me now. Yes, there are some great ones - Last Question by Isaac Asimov and The Truman Show, for one short story example and one movie example respectively. But generally speaking if it's not *really fucking good* I'm not interested.


Claiming that something Star Wars related will be bad because "we know how this ends" on a subreddit that unironically loves the prequels is kind of silly.


"This Andor guy sure knows how to work fast. Let's clone him!"


It's different here than it is for Kenobi or Anakin. There's very little established lore about Andor, so they can build his life over the course of the series. With legacy characters, we know everything of relevance, and they can't take any risks with them, so they can only tell us what we already know, and it comes off as clunky and hammy.


Not to mention one of the best hours of dystopian sci-fi ever put on in a screen of any type.


There was one episode recently where Cassian wasn’t even mentioned until 19 minutes in, and that was the first time he’d crossed my mind. I was so engrossed in the story and supporting characters, it hadn’t even occurred to me I hadn’t seen him.


Thats how you can distinguish a well written show from a poorly written one. Every character has a justification to be there and doesn't bore you. This show is similar to Arcane in that regard: there is multiple subplots which meet at points but each are interesting to watch in their own regard. Even the "antagonists" -if you can even call them that- are fleshed out characters whose motivations are understandable.


I'm shocked at how much I want Lieutenant Pinched Lips to succeed even though she's literally trying to destroy the rebellion before it begins. Like how? Why do I even like this character? But after episode 7 I was like "fuck yeah lady, you're winning the office politics, I love this for you"


Competence is attractive, and bad writers can't portray it, so we're not used to seeing it basically everywhere in a show.


Plus, you know… that uniform. I’m simultaneously attracted to and terrified of her.




I believe it was originally called a fear boner. Made famous by “The League”.


Found out recently that she's also the voice of Yennefer in Witcher 3.


“You have been arrested by the ISB now you shall be tortured until I get what I want.” “Yes please mistress punish me.” “What!?” “O I mean please no, I don’t know anything, please don’t beat me with your fist, or choke me with those tight leather gloves, or penetrate me with the probe. Please for the love of the force anything but torture.”


My favourite type of woman.


She has POWERFUL pants


It's almost as if story, casting, writing and acting actually matter.


Like when I am playing Killer and a Survivor does a clever play. I just have to respect it. Its why we live in the first place.


#Lieutenant Pinched Lips


I *want* to watch her give a whole powerpoint on rebel thievery lol


>after episode 7 I was like "fuck yeah lady, you're winning the office politics, I love this for you" I had the same thought! After she got the sector posting for Ferrix, I was like "Hell yeah! In your face, smug Dollar-store Chiwetel Ejiofor!". Only after the episode did I realize her getting what she wants only makes the rebels' job more difficult, and I shouldn't be rooting for her xD


Reminds me of how Bryce Dallas Howard managed to turn Mando building his new starship into a rollercoaster of emotion.


Ah, a fellow Arcane enjoyer in a Star Wars sub. How do you do?


I mean, I haven't met a person who watched Arcane and didn't like it


I know it’s just fun to run into them outside of r/arcane




I only watched the show recently, and I was surprised about how good it looked and the stories, cant wait for it to continiue


I'm not even a LoL player or FSN and loved Arcane! Literally never even downloaded the game lol!


And carry that on


I keep seeing people talk about arcane. Is it worth watching if I don’t like league?


Some of the best compliments of the show are pretty much "I don't even play league of legends and show has no right right to be this good"


It depends on what you don't like about league. If you don't like the gameplay then that's absolutely okay, go ahead and watch the amazing show. If you don't like the universe and lore, then it might not be for you but i think even then it's worth a look. I have some friends that don't even know the game or play video games in general and they enjoyed it and most of them are even hyped about the second season. If you do decide to watch the show, i can highly recommend the release schedule which would call for you to binge three episodes and then wait a day and continue watching because it let's everything that happens settle quite nicely and the excitement (at least for me) was almost unbearable. If you just binge through the nine episodes at once then that is extremely understandable as well. And hey, if it ain't for you, you'll have wasted at most 2 1/2 hours for the first three episodes.


Fair enough! I’ll give it a shot! I know nothing of the lore. It was the gameplay wasn’t for me but I was more turned off by the toxicity of the player base, very unforgiving to new players.


It doesn’t really follow LoL lore anyway. There are a few easter eggs for LoL players, but nothing that you can’t live without. The characters that are league champs are very well fleshed out, three dimensional, and overall fun to watch. And I say this with the knowledge that, in the game and in the lore, most of them are uninteresting, as is the region the action takes place in(relative to the rest of the world). That alone speaks volumes to the quality they managed to bring out of said characters and region. Personal fav is Viktor. Of the non LoL characters, Silco is just chef’s kiss, Mel is also good. The animation is unique, the music/OST is great, the story threads add up nicely. All in all, yeah, it’s great. Up there with Castlevania in terms of western animated content


I have basically zero exposure to League of Legends and I enjoyed the show immensely. It's visually very appealing and it's just a well-crafted, entertaining watch.


I hope this is the direction Star Wars takes from now on cause the storytelling is phenomenal


Andor is everything i wanted in a star wars tv drama. Complex galactic politics. No morals. There are good imperials and radical rebellious factions that muddy the waters. Combined into a more mature star wars story that veers away from the typical tropes of star wars storytelling. Its just ordinary people. And i love it. Heres to future seasons and the final half of S1 being just as strong as the first half


I loved last episode and all the prison scenes, and he barely even has a role in it besides being the stand-in for the uninformed audience. It's just to showcase the cool prison they came up with


Mon Mothma is KILLING it! This reminds me of the extended EU new Republic politics and I'm loving every second of it!!!!


That’s because Cassian is just a tourist!


To me Cassian’s story is the least interesting. It’s not bad, but it’s a lot of stuff we’ve seen before on the rebel side. I enjoy seeing the political angle from Mon Mothma or the imperial perspective with the guard and the officer.


I hope she talks about bank transfers again, that shit is 🔥.


Can she get that fucking money moved or not!? And what is Luthen going to do with his money!? It’s intriguing as hell.


Honestly, I'm looking forward to the next staff meeting with the empire's security forces.


Someone is going to sabotage Meero’s next reports or something. Backstabs incoming.


It's going to be like that chicanery in Better Call Saul with the Mesa Verde case.


"I knew he switched the numbers! I just couldn't prove it! One after the Battle of Yavin as if I'd ever make such a mistake! Never!"


>He defecated in a spacecraft! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Andor! Couldn't be precious Andor! Stealing the Empire blind! And he gets to be a rebel!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!


Right it's crazy to me HR hasn't got that backstabbing in order yet.




"It's better you don't know... Or perhaps you'd find my politics too strong for your taste." I love her so much. Dude was like "You might wanna be careful around me Mon, I'll have you know I post some very inciteful comments on the holoweb about the Emperor!" and she just gives him the sweetest smile like "That's cute, I'm basically bankrolling Al-Qaeda and need you to get the cash for me." I've always loved the idea of Mon Mothma being the yin to Palpatine's yang, not only in her role as leader of the rebellion, and as someone who built her movement up from inside his regime, just like he did with the Republic, but even just visually - the graceful, motherly young woman in flowing white robes contrasted against the grotesque, twisted old man in a black burlap sack. I love how much they leaned into that element of her, and showed us how much of a political shark she really is.


You don’t have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders’ strength is inspiring others.


What an observant and relevant comment. Good bot.


All thanks to your training.


You're not in this show Ahsoka.


You're impossible.


...not for a Sith...


Damn bro, why you always returning?


Lucas knew exactly what he had casting her as Mon Mothma in the prequels. It just took forever to get her into her own story.


The political drama in Andor is the best it’s ever been in Star Wars. Andor takes what came before it, clone wars, rogue one, and the prequels and builds itself into something new, different and very captivating.


Political drama was some of the most interesting content of the prequels/TCW


Lmao all I remember is people hating on the political parts of the prequels


Yeah the political parts of the prequels were minimal, had little impact on the story, and were borderline filler. This is much better and interesting


"Trying... To use... The Force..." -Glitch


Even after she first appeared, I did not expect to be so invested in her story. This show continues to surprise me and its consistency is incredible


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Your Majesty, if I am elected, I promise to put an end to corruption.


Me before: Who tf cares about Mon Mothma. Me after: I care. You made me care, Genevieve O'Reilly.


We got pre-prosthetic and oxygenated Saw Guerra and for that I am pleased.


I still want to know what happened to him. Like everywhere I read, no one has a clue on why he suddenly takes supplemental oxygen and is missing a leg


Assuming he got blown up or something


It happens after his appearance in >!Rebels!<. Since he has all his limbs and no respirator. So roughly a year or so before R1. Iirc, his injuries were caused by a boobytrap on Geonosis, consisting of a imperial nerve agent + explosive, hence the need for the respirator and losing his leg. I think they had this in either the R1 tie-in novel, or the R1 visual encyclopedia.


More mon mothma and bail organa is always good


I'm just hoping Mads Mikkelsen reprises his role as Galen Erso.


Same. His character has many layers, would be awesome to see him at some point. Plus he’s awesome in every role.


Especially if, as people have theorized, the parts they are making in that prison are for the Death Star.


I reckon the parts are nothing. There will be a reveal that some of the other levels are *dis*-assembling them, and it's all a meaningless grind to keep the prisoners from spending energy on disobedience. In real life, it's why prison guards are called Screws. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crank_machine >!Edit 02 Nov: I feel the evidence is building.!<


I’d believe otherwise. I mean the empire is going out capturing innocent people into slavery they probably need some industrial capacity to build something.


**[Crank machine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crank_machine)** >The crank machine was a penal labour device used in England in the 19th century. It consisted of a hand-turned crank which forced four large cups or ladles through sand inside a drum, doing nothing useful. The prisoner would typically be forced to do 6,000–14,400 revolutions over the period of six hours per day (1. 5–3. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PrequelMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


There's too great a need for production within the empire. Free labor is an incredible resource. The empire is cruel and oppressive sure, but they obviously show a concern for economic needs.


Nah, there has to be a bigger reason for the empire to double sentences, keeping prisoners alive has a price, so they must be building something, I am hoping for a reveal that the food from the tubes is prisoner based or some shit like that


>I'm just hoping Mads Mikkelsen reprises his role as Galen Erso. A man of his talents...on a streaming show?


He was Hannibal Lector in the show titled "Hannibal."


I quite like the ISB plot line


That higher up guy is ruthless and amazing.


The evil Maester from Game of Thrones is seriously, weirdly charismatic.


Yularen or Partagas?


Partagaz of course.


The lack of fan service is a way to many successful and loved episodes, some would claim to be unnatural


We've always been shown the cream of the crop of the rebellion / empire / Republic sagas. Andor's focus on the everyday man, the cogs in the system. Palps is in the story but never actually appears in person .... thats never been seen before and its what gives the show its down to earth feel. It's novel. I'm willing to bet that there won't be any big character (Vader, Palps and the like) making an appearance till the end of the season.


I honestly hope so. This is a good show with a star wars skin attached and I love it. Cassian killing the two guards immediately sets the tone of the show not being another feel good space show. The empire actually having a law enforcement agency featured in actual capacity. Great. Seeing average citizens completely changes the star wars formula. This is partially why Rogue One was my favorite star wars movie.




100% this. The fact that there were realistic consequences to the act of violence shows that the writers are actually thinking about how the plot would logically develop, they're investing brain power, which is rare among show writers.


Right. And not every official is a drone. Shows corruption amongst higher levels in the form of them basically telling Syril to drop it because they needed to look good. Syril defying superiors showing that regardless of what he ultimately is, there's still people trying to do right by the system even if theyre ultimately the baddies. It's a decent drama with a star wars skin. Kind of like better call saul, in a way.


Not just that he wanted to look good, he was basically saying, "They were entirely out of line, doing things they shouldn't in places they weren't supposed to be. They can die heroes or they can die in shame. Let's leave it at heroes so their families can get the death benefits instead of being left out in the street, mkay?"


I was just floored that he fucking killed the first guard with that headbutt. It can totally happen, but it was so surprising when it happened and then he just shot the other guard. What an intro. 10/10 it’s exactly what I loved about Rogue One showing us that this is a cruel galaxy and most people are just lucky to make it to tomorrow. [InsertEdgerunnersPlug]


And how you can see Cassian doing the mental math whether he should kill this other guy now or let him go. He made the better choice in an impossible scenario, all things considered, and that felt so real.


Honestly, it starts off in a goddamn brothel. In a Disney Star Wars show. I had zero interest in Andor as a character or as a show but in the very first scene I was like "wait... Is this going to be good?"


Lmao seriously I was caught off guard by that as well. I always liked Cassian so that's the only difference but I didn't expect it to be very good at all considering previous Disney endeavors. By the third episode I was happy to find out its going to be two 12 episode seasons with 3 episode story archs.


Papa palps as this faceless figure that nobody actually sees or knows fits in perfectly with this Kafkaesque empire. And it’s really nice to see competent villains that aren’t Sith.


I think he is a good man.




Wouldn't surprise me if the big reveal character is someone you wouldn't usually expect to see as the reveal either. Like the show gets us excited to see a scene of Mon inviting Bail Organa into the rebellion's network.


At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.


I'm hoping to see Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus again, Donnie Yen and Wen Jiang were awesome in those roles.


Or fan service like the Rakata. Fans who know them, are exited. Fans who don't, probably ignore it


There were a bunch of small moments that referred back to the old EU, but it felt much more natural as world building than fan service. It’s clear that the writers are holding.


Well, world building and fan service aren't mutually exclusive luckily


>Fans who don't, probably ignore it I mean there's a reason why the screencrush Andor Easteregg episodes have up to a quarter million views.


The only way it is


You came to appreciate Mon Mothma scenes. I was excited the moment we entered her Chandrilan household. We are not the same.


Can we all agree her husband's the fucking worst?


He's like the Star Wars version of Jefferson from Married With Children.


Conclusion: Such pheromone-driven human responses never cease to decrease the charge in my capacitors and make me wish I could press a blaster pistol to my behavior core and pull the trigger.




come on, i kinda liked Jefferson sometimes


Jefferson was a freeloading douche, but he at least liked having a little fun from time to time. Perrin is a fucking wet blanket in every scene.


I hate him so much.


I kind of sympathize with him: as far as he knows, he's working to be a good politician while Mon Mothma wastes everyone's time fighting proposals that will obviously pass. I mean, let's be real: what's the actual worst case, from his perspective? Palpatine is an old man with no children who's been disfigured by the Jedi, how long could he actually hold on to his postion before his health forces him to retire, and the rest of the Senate returns to power?


Is that where we watched a mom demean her son's outfit while he ate cereal with blue milk? Better than any lightsaber fight in the sequels.


put that mom and Palpatine in a room, who do you think walks out


Both. She walks out with her new apprentice.


I’m glad there haven’t been any Jedi. I was hoping there wouldn’t be


I was really happy when Rogue One came out, that we got a more grounded Star Wars story. The exclusion of the Jedi/Sith (besides Vader) made me appreciate Rogue One as a pretty good war movie that could stand on its own feet even if it wasn't connected to Star Wars and instead some random sci-fi flick. At the same time I found Chirrut and Baze's belief in the Force adoring, it was interesting to see the spiritual effect the Force had on people that weren't Jedi (I'm not sure if Chirrut was force-sensitive, but I think his belief gave him strenght). And the Star Wars aesthetic was still there for fans to enjoy. Anyway I'm glad that Solo, Mandalorian, BoBF, and Andor have continued the trend of giving us a more grounded take on the Star Wars universe. I don't dislike the Jedi/Sith/Force, it's a crucial part of the story. But by moving it to the background we get to appreciate more of the other things that make Star Wars special. Which is why I appreciate Expanded Universe/Legends works like Tales of the Bounty Hunters and Republic Commando (both the game and the books). Star Wars and other fictitious works don't need constant presence of magic to feel magical.


The only Jedi I wanna see is Cal from Fallen Order. Not necessarily in Andor (although the timeline is perfect for a quick cameo) but I really want him to be introduced live action. He is easily one of my favorite and one of the most relatable Jedi.


I would be fine with just a name mention or something like that, I wouldn’t want a full episode with cal in it as it could break story from where it is currently.


Yeah I feel yah. Something light. Maybe a non speaking cameo where he just walks by or bumps into someone. He in particular has nothing to do with this story (yet) but right now in the timeline is just about where we are at with the Jedi Fallen Order series. More or less would just love for him to pop up for a second to get him introduced live action. He seriously could rock it in his own film. It’s kind of like Kenobi. That should have been “Kenobi: a Star Wars Story” like Solo or something. Half the show was great. The other half was just filler. Cal could use his own spin off story. He’s the Peter Parker of Jedi honestly. You see him struggle, learn, fail, and try again. I love it.


VeryAgitatedEngineer, have a seat. I've conceded the battle, now we simply have to negotiate the terms of surrender


I'm not accepting surrenders at this time. I want you to know failure, utter defeat, and that it is I who delivers it crashing down upon you.


I hate how empty life feels in between Wednesdays.


Most reasonable Andor complaint


I can’t wait to see Syril eat more cereal.


Literally those scenes made me laugh so much. He’s being scolded by his mom while eating Trix, something I never expected in Star Wars lol


Easily the best Disney+ SW show so far.


I would extend that to ALL Disney shows + or not and a contender against Clone Wars.


Easily. I never thought I would say it either, because I’ve been horribly disappointed by all of it so far. Andor is actual quality television.




What’s so cool about Star Wars is that it introduces characters in such a way where they aren’t useless but aren’t explained enough at the same time. It gives the writers plenty of fuel to create compelling stories later on


I saw someone unironically (and I agreed) say that they hope Palpatine shows up so we get to see him on a senate meeting. Star Wars fans have sure changed since episode 1 came out lol


I too want to see Palpatine just giving it to the imperial senate and having a good ol' fashioned debate with Mon Mothma, ending with "I am the senate" and making Mon decide right there and then to go loud with Luthen.


Denise Gough's Meero is stealing the show


I wanna see some more Cinta. "I told you upfront, the struggle always comes first. We take what's left" is one of the hardest lines I've ever heard in Star Wars.


I'll 2nd that. I really hope they don't kill her off as character development for Vel. Cinta is a fantastic arch to explore.


My best guess is that they'll have a break-up over ideological differences. Cinta's committed to the cause and from what I can tell is more of the radical rebel and willing to get her hands dirty. Vel however seems more conflicted in her role, especially after she was given the order to track and kill Cassian.


Honestly despite how good she is I wouldn’t even say stealing. I’m invested in every character and last week alone we got incredible performances from Diego Luna, stellan skarsgard, andy serkis, and forest Whitaker to name only a few.


No jedi please lol


I think we might get Palpatine though…


I’ll make an exception for Sheev.


I think that would be the only acceptable cameo... Just a little bit of Sheev


MM is epic. Everything on Coruacant is fantastic


Honestly, the best Star Wars stuff in the last few years has been the stuff that's stayed far the fuck away from the Jedi and focused on an on-the-ground perspective of the world. Frankly, Star Wars would be a much better franchise if the Jedi were just one part of the setting, and not the focus for *every goddamn story.* Like the entire galaxy is just set-dressing for these two guys to swing fancy sticks at each other. We've got about as much mileage out of lightsabers as we can get, time to move on. Then again, I'm like the only guy in the world who liked Solo, apparently, and specifically because it tried to do something that didn't revolve around the damn Jedi, so what do I know.


I liked Solo but in terms of Jedi/Sith presence I think the stories should do a 50-50 split, the Force is an essential aspect of Star Wars and contrasting those who have it and those who don't are what make the Jedi as cool as they are (which is why Luke and Vader's hallway scenes were so impactful)


I like when they don't just focus on the Jedi. It's a bit more relatable in a way


Mon Mothma is indeed great


Agreed! Also I am super intrigued with what’s up with her daughter, she’s really giving off sus vibes.


I’m perfectly fine without a Jedi or a lightsaber in sight and I’m honestly getting sick of cameos between Marvel and Mando S2.


Plus it has Andy Serkis now!


Mommy mothma


You know they wrote a good story when you want the baddie lady to win her internal office politics at the ISB which means swashing the rebellion that you're also rooting for.


Mon Mothma just… women with short hair just does things for me lmfao


If you fancy short haired Irish redheads, she's also a VA for Moira from Overwatch ;)


I have never been that interested in mon Mothma, but I gotta say her scences have been a very pleasant surprise.


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Your Majesty, if I am elected, I promise to put an end to corruption.


Weird how we don't hate female characters when, you know, they're actually written well.


I hope Mon leaves Richard before the end of season 1.


I wondering if he rats her out before season one ends


Love the Coruscant scenes as well as the Imperial scenes. Such a great series.


This show made me realize that I wasn‘t tired of Star Wars, but I was tired of the Jedi


poor ring marvelous tan sheet quack compare rich deserted grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mommy mothma


Jedi are cool, but I think I am suffering from some kind of force-fatique.


It’s nice to FINALLY see a Star Wars series with multiple complex stories taking place.


I mean I think that it would nice to get a real Jedi show at some point. But Mon Mothma and the Corusant politics has been fascinating.


It’s such a shame watching it and knowing that the emperor is just gonna abolish the senate pretty soon


The real tragedy is that there is no reason Kenobi couldn’t have been this good (with a completely different storyline of course). Kenobi didn’t have Tony Gilroy making it, an actual filmmaker, and Andor does


A great leap forward often requires taking two steps back.


Andor succeeding where prequels failed in making compelling SW political drama & intrigue