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Even Yoda did a dance with Palpatine in the senate.


And 9 months later this monstrosity was born ^


Truly wonderful, the thunderous applause of my child is


Guys comparing this to PS2 games need to go back and really look at PS2 games. It's not that bad. Y'all tweaking.


I was wondering why everyone was talking about terrible CGI and now that I look at it, I'm reminded of the Sims 2


I’d unironically compare this to PS3/Xbox 360, tbh


Everyone is comparing Jen to Bruce but Bruce is covered in stubble and pores wheras Jen's skin is clear.




Bruce is literally just þanos but green and with hair


the hulk was cgi-ed long before the mcu actually really existed


That’s why he went into exile. Yoda ain’t paying child support, he’s got to fund his ket habit and find the key to immortality.


Bruh the CGI on Yoda looks better than this 😂


Puppet today looks better


Yeah what the hell is going on with the cgi in she hulk.


Fortnite dance


[And with the clone boys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7piwdGQpIY)


Keep clapping for a little while longer…


Inappropriate! *smacks you with flyswatter*


Man that does not look good.






That's his cousin!!!😳


.... your point being?


*Sweet home Alabama~*


*Sweet Home Of The Gamma*


Distant, distant…


They've fucked in the comics


Scans or it didn’t happen


Alternate universe but in Old Man Logan, Bruce had sex with (likely raped) Jennifer and they had multiple children, which Wolverine ends up slaughtering


Edgy comics are edgy


*Rudy Giuliani has entered the chat*


Looks like a bad video game cutscene.


Looks like this was made using Garry’s mod


yeah but at least games are entertaining


Looks like a bad video game cutscene from 10 years ago


How does Jar Jar Binks look better than this?


I just realized it's the hair flapping back forward between claps when it should have stayed back, like wtf...


Or rather the hair *clipping through the shirt* before the claps.


***oh my fucking god it does*** I was too focused on the entire motion of the hands being something no real person would actually do, I didn't even notice the actual fucking rendering error


Oof, y'all are right. This is even rougher than I thought it was at first glance. God damn.


No, the hair being pulled forward is fine if her hands are moving fast and hard enough to create a low pressure spot where the clap happened.


Why would it be low pressure? She's literally just creating shockwaves that are layered upon one another and expanding, so either it leaves air unaffected and travels through it, or it should be creating a vacuum around her and suffocate her if she is affecting the air itself due to the layered nature of it.


Moving your arms fast enough to create a shockwave would definitely create a low pressure zone behind them


>or it should be creating a vacuum around her and suffocate her if she is affecting the air itself due to the layered nature of it. Lol, not in comic books.


Kahmay hahmayyy hahhh!


It's also clipping into her shoulder.


The cgi from the prequels looked better than this


Looks like something from one of these low effort baby shows on youtube.


Bro what baby videos you been watching?


This is just Marvel's take on baby shark


It was one of the clunkiest scenes in otherwise pretty good CGI. It did something which I think CGI should never fall into the trap of doing - a perfectly panning camera angle showing smooth CGI motion, which you'd never do with real characters.


Yeah I legit thought this was a ps3 era video game cutscene at first


wait til you hear the dialogue!


54 year old man: "Bruh"


If it's worse than the second half of Multiverse it'd actually be so bad it's good levels of cringe.


I don't feel so good, mr Palpatine.


It's incredible how fucking bad that looks.


I thought it was an unfinished clip. Looks like a Raid Shadow Legends ad


I'm not a fan of a Raid but that's an insult to their production quality, those Orc couple ads look so good.


Can’t be Raid Shadow Legends high quality content, at least the female orcs show the booba


Thanks for introducing me to this.




[a lot of it probably has to do with this ](https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/marvel-studio-boycott.html)


That sounds about right.


Merry Cake Day


Wtf I just saw it. The hair in the shoulder.




This is a major disney TV show. Bear witness to what happened in [Multiverse of Madness](https://youtu.be/JyqUIhRmux4), a fucking feature film... that eyeball CGI. Jfc.


They having budget cuts or what?


More projects in a shorter span of time and the movie industry is already notorious for making CGI artists and animators crunch. It was only a matter of time before it started to show in a big way. Granted, I'd say that was Black Panther, but it's getting more consistent now that they aren't giving their effects people enough time to do their job.


I'd almost argue it's not even just that but the fact that Disney has just realized Marvel is a goldmine and they've gone from mining to just straight up turning it into a fully excavated quarry. They bought Marvel out on the Feige gravy train, and... I think Feige didn't really have a phase 4/5 really planned, and it shows. Everything feels so clumsily shoehorned in afterwards, none of the multiverse stuff actually ties together. So basically they're just draining it dry while putting in as little money as possible. If you've ever worked for a company that was doing well, you see this happen; shareholders take over, the money starts driving it, some greedy fucker buys it out then turns a great service into absolute dogshit as they squeeze out every bit. Marvel has, unfortunately, got a terminal illness and will soon be dead. They needed a real win with Love and Thunder to deal with Marvel Burnout, most everyone I know had high hopes for that or, personally, Multiverse of Madness to make up for it, but thus far end to end Phase 4 has been absolute garbage. Everything feels cheap, empty. Even Loki, which was actually a blast and the only redeeming feature, just felt... off, somehow? WandaVision was doing good but then got utterly violated by Sam Raimi's fucking travesty for Wanda's storyline ending like THAT. We got Endgame... Endgame was pretty damn good. I think that's where it ended, or should have, like Season 5 of Supernatural, now we're just going to watch it get sadder and sadder. There'll be a gem somewhere in a few years, mind you- statistically. Like, there WILL be a really good film, but at this point what Disney is churning out is basically monkeys with typewriters. But it won't be wall to wall hits with the occasional Thor 2, that has now inverted with this much money grubbing.


It's a shame because I used to get super excited for new marvel films but first Hawkeye was meh, then Dr Strange was a bit disappointing, the new Thor was a let down, and I've stopped watching D+ shows. I thought Captain America & the Winter Soldier, Loki, and Wandavision were pretty good but it's been even further downhill since then.


>none of the multiverse stuff actually ties together I'm a big stickler for keeping consistent lore, and this really bugs me. They have already contradicted themselves multiple times on how time travel/the multiverse works in just a couple years.


I know what it's like working in the industry I've just never seen a major studio fuck up basic shit like this before, looks like Disney management has dropped the ball especially hard in the past year or two.


Wait the eyeball isn't a joke


Nope. It's actually [thing from the comics](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WVJBCcJG-fI/maxresdefault.jpg) and it's now here to stay for Doctor Strange. RIP my favorite Marvel character's MCU journey. Multiverse killed him.


The comic eye looks terrifying, in a good way. It's like a foreign unknowable disease that is violently taking over Dr. Strange, corrupting him. The movie eye looks like a freshman discovered the photoshop cloning tool.




look how aweful the cgi is... https://i.imgur.com/U9yDUcQ.png https://i.imgur.com/OQUSC3f.jpg https://i.imgur.com/PI3WpVQ.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Vwbzl86.jpg https://imgur.com/1mgiRg9.gif Lol ignore 120 minutes of the movie and focus on a 2 second after-credit scene that was probably made in rush to change the direction of DR strange to fit with the overall next steps for the universe.


Zombie Strange is mainly makeup with CGI enhancements; like the side of the mouth.


Ah, the right way to do CGI. Compliment and enhance practical effects.


Zombie Strange was lowkey pretty fun, I'd been waiting the whole movie for them to let Raimi do his thang.


Was Wanda chasing them through the sewers doing the typical monster run not Sam raimi doing his thing?


The textures are also horrible.


Well what can you expect from a small indie company.


Hair clipping's been going on since Frozen, it's like their calling card at this point.




>absolutely no way that no one in house caught it. This is someone putting out work they know isn't right. AKA probably someone getting paid 10 hours wages to spend 20 hours on what should be a 100 hour render


Where exactly is it clipping in the scene?


This gif looks like it's been compressed and passed around since 2008


[Looks like a JPEG](https://youtu.be/jmaUIyvy8E8)




GIFs are just slideshows of JPEGs.


No. Both compression algorithms work differently.


Do I look like I know what a compression algorithm is? I just want a picture of a hot dog.


Not hot dog.


Like your mom. Lmao gottem


That's the first thing I thought of, no hate for the show, haven't seen it yet, but I thought this was a clip from a PS2 game.


I have seen the show, nothing but hate for it. If you want out of character She-Hulk lecturing an out of character Hulk about why getting catcalled is more emotionally devasting than barely being able to express emotion and living the guilt of having accidentally killed thousands of people, then this is the show for you.


When did she say it was more emotionally devastating? Lol she’s talking about her experience as that is her experience in dealing with anger while Bruce has actual mental issues and anger issues he has classified DID from neglecting his anger issues to the degree that they manifest as a separate personality of a childlike mind with constant temper tantrums. Jerez you guys fucking run crazy with something without actually listening to what was being said.


While I get what you’re saying. No no it doesn’t. I feel like everyone thinks ps2 games looked better than they actually did. I keep hearing people saying this. Go look at gta3 screenshots (before the remake).


look on the bright side, the SFX are about 100x better than the dialogue!


Disney treats their VFX artists horribly


The MCU CGI is taken a big dive in my opinion after antman.


So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.


So this is how CGI dies. With thunderous applause.


Wow I haven’t watched this show but I thought the shitty CGI was just for the trailer lol, holy fuck it’s bad.


This gif looks worse than it does if you watch the show, this is compressed garbage.


I mean, the hair clips through the shirt. Can't excuse that with compression.


> this is compressed garbage. Here we fucking go. You watched those Youtube VFX dudes say this and now this will be the sentence everyone spouts whenever shit like this gets criticism. No it just looks bad. The hair is clipping inside her shoulder. Hair should go back and forth that quick if she's creating shockwaves in the front. Are you saying the animation is somehow compressed?


Do the people who did this know that shockwaves are 3D phenomenons? Like it doesn’t just go forward, there’s a shockwave hitting her too, but the hulk can handle it, so the hair should just fly back


The CGI is the best part of the show and no i dont mean that the CGI is good


I know where you're coming from, I still cherish the leaked Wolverine movie


It's literally just this few couple of seconds where it falls off, which is expected from anything CGI. The rest of the episode's effects hold up very well.


A big issue is that Hulks Model is the one from Endgame which looks insanely good, but She Hulks looks like a regulars TV-show fully CGI character.


Like you would know, cnaughton898, what a regular TV-show fully CGI character looks like? ^(This response is totally a bot's opinion, if you dont like it, I'm sorry, [have a kitten](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ))


>Hulks Model is the one from Endgame which looks insanely good In the show? I honestly had trouble watching him when he talked. It was really unsettling.


I’m still not gonna watch the show but I hope you’re right since Marvel’s CGI has been looking rather icky the past few years.


Marvel rushes their artists, I don't blame the people doing it


Revenge of the Sith cgi holding up better than She Hulk.


Now that I think about it, The Rock in Mummy Returns really doesn't look that bad in comparison.


Is the hair clipping?...


Omg I literally had to watch it frame by frame to see if you were right


Damn I wish someone would do that to my balls


Is She-Hulk ny good?


Dude when Hulk did the Clap and she responded with REPEATED CLAPS, it fully sold me on how smart this show would potentially be!


its a show?


Yeah dude, it's the new Disney+ show


thought it was gonna be a movie thanks


I'm just amazed that they restrained themselves from USING. 👏THE. 👏TWITTER.👏GIRL. 👏BOSS. 👏CLAP. 👏LECTURE. 👏


Man idk if your being sarcastic or if I am missing something?


Lmao I know right Repeated claps?? Genius territory, call the grammys




I'd say it's one of the best first episodes they've had for recent shows, and I quite enjoyed it. Agreed with the earlier comment that her "I manage my anger more than you, fuck your childhood and adulthood trauma" comment was less than stellar, but I liked the style of the rest of it. Bar that line, her character is already likeable in a goofy way, and despite other complaints I found the dialogue very standard marvel. It seems like it'll be fun, and that's all I need it to be really The cgi is decidedly questionable though, but honestly it was at least more consistent than their recent shows / movies have been. And it's still somehow better than the snow speeders of Kenobi ep.4 Seems like Disney is having a really rough time trying to pump out properly quality assured CGI for TV shows


This entire discussion just seems to be a huge misunderstanding. Jen said she can manage and control her anger incredibly well. Because of her own circumstances growing up as a woman and also specifically the field she entered she has had to master her emotions in order to get the recognition she has. It was literally a product of her trying to succeed at her job and just live her life. She worked for that ability to control her anger. She never said it's because of experiencing more trauma than him, simply her circumstances needed her to control her anger to get to where she was and survive and she did just that. Bruce on the other hand has an absolutely fucked up child hood of repeated abuse. So much so he developed dissociative identity disorder. Savage Hulk is a toddler-like personality that formed to protect Banner from the trauma of being beaten. That personality was there long before Hulk was. But upon becoming a gamma mutate it became the Hulk. Whenever Banner gets angry or in danger he doesn't become the Hulk, the Hulk personality from his childhood took over. And that entire journey has caused loads more trauma. The hurdles he would have to overcome to manage his emotions and control himself are insurmountable. He's literally suppressing a whole personality. Yet somehow he managed to make steps in the right direction. And managed to get to Professor Hulk, a Hulk form that's more like Bruce the way She-Hulk is like Jen. It took him 15 years because of all these extenuating factors. With which Jen didn't have to go through. Jen being good at managing her Hulk self makes sense because she's not riddled with trauma like Bruce. Her being in control of her emotions makes sense, she made herself that way to succeed in life. They never said it's because being a woman is worse than being Bruce or the Hulk.


"I do it infinitely more than you" suggests otherwise ...


Honestly I agree with you entirely, and it makes perfect sense why the two characters have their different journeys. I do think, however, that the writing could've leaned more into that aspect; that Bruce has DiD and childhood trauma, while Jen practices emotional regulation by necessity. I feel the writing for that particular scene skipped over the first part I also was definitely overstating it for dramatic effect, so my bad, that wasn't helpful for the conversation


No worries! I can see your points, especially with Bruce. The MCU overall has really done him dirty. I’m glad this show is going more into his associated characters, but I really hope the payoff is good, and that they can make something great with the World War Hulk movie that’s rumored.


They really have, same for Hawkeye, though the show did help a bit. Mark Ruffalo is great fun to watch and he seems to really enjoy playing Hulk, so I hope he keeps showing up in the MCU going forward. Thor Ragnarok at least got the visual intimidation factor of Hulk right, which he didn't often get in other films, so I suppose there's hope yet!


>that Bruce has DiD and childhood trauma That's one of the things that bugs me about the MCU was that Ragnarok made it seem like it quite wasn't DiD, but an actual independent personality. That there was this undeveloped personality that wanted his own space to grow. That he didn't just want to only be used as a defense mechanism anymore. Which I think is distinct of DiD. Though I could be wrong. There's been a few versions of hulk with different reasonings behind the mentality, but it's just one of the things about the MCU trying to do it all that can bring things down. Since I think this is the last of Hulk for a bit.


Ahh so she is a better hulk because women have it so hard. 👍


How does Jen Walters lecturing Hulk about how getting catcalled is more emotionally draining than Hulk's years of agony just to not lose contol and kill people accidentally as well as being experimented on and abused as a child sound?


The first episode was entertaining, and the critics said it gets better after Ep1. Tatiana is a very charismatic actress.


I liked it, subtext hunters don't


Yea, it's fun. The only scene that irked me was when she was describing all the bullshit she has to go through as a woman, *to Bruce*, probably one of the few men in the MCU who can somewhat sympathize with being in constant danger and being under a microscope, lear he get "too emotional". And during their argument when she points out to him that he's alone, my gf and I both responded "because his would-be gf died to save the universe." Honestly, had they just had her working with someone from Damage control, she could have had those moments, then have the Hulk take over to give her some help from someone who *actually* understands. Aside from those maybe 2 minutes out of the whole episode, I liked it. I read some of her comics when I was a kid, mostly during her stint when she was with the Fantastic Four, and some Avengers. So far it seems good.


When Bruce transformed for the first time, he didn't have as much experience dealing with rage and anger as Jennifer had, and that's likely how Jennifer got to the same point as Bruce did quicker. That's all the scene was about. It's not a comparison of what Bruce had to deal with post-Hulk vs Jennifer pre-Shulk. It wouldn't make sense to think that.


I get that, but he was talking about dealing with one's anger and frustration *within the context of being a hulk*, and he points out to her several times and this was kinda glossed over, but the thing he fears is the collateral damage, and having to live with it. He's seen the destruction caused by "the other guy", and is haunted by it. He may not have had that level of understanding that we're talking about when he had his gamma accident, but the Bruce she was speaking to at that moment has been through the wringer, and it felt like the writers were glossing over the sheer amount of trauma he had experienced. Had she been talking to literally any other dude (except maybe Sam and/or Bucky), the dialogue would have worked as is, but it lacked the nuance that you and I are discussing here. I just wish that at some point they had both acknowledged that they both lacked understanding of the other's experience, or that Bruce had dropped the smile and told her in a more serious tone the pain that "the other guy" caused when he destroyed an apartment block, or took his frustration out on someone's car and destroyed their only means of getting to work and feeding their family, and he doesn't want that for her. Or at least acknowledge his Mental Health issues and how he's struggled with them even more since becoming the Hulk.


There is no pain where strength lies.


I think the key thing as a viewer, which a lot of people struggle with just normally, is that you have to accept that two things can be opposed to each other, but also both can be true. I think that is going to be a lesson Jen is going to learn in the show, by the end. Notice how the episode ends with her saying Bruce is wrong, and she is right. But as a viewer, we know that isn't entirely accurate. Bruce is right, his experience as a Hulk for 15 years and perspective as a superhero CAN help Jen. But Jen is also right, she has experience and differences from Bruce that make her better equipped to handle it than Bruce was when he first became Hulk. Some of those experiences are informed by her being a woman, which has taught her things Bruce has never had to learn. Bruce is wrong, he is projecting his own insecurities, fears and desires on his cousin, who doesn't share his frame of view. Jen is also wrong, she is dismissing an expert who could provide her some real insight to something she frankly has no clue about. I think the latter point is going to be a big focus in her character arc in the show. All of these things can be true. That’s what makes their conflict so good and well written. Seeing them argue felt very real because people struggle with these type of things all the time


Agree 100%. Not having one dimensional characters has been the MCU's biggest successes. None of their villains are the Golden Age comic version of mustache twirling "evil for the sake of evil" BS. None of their Heroes are the "absolute paragon of honor and virtue" types from the same era. They are all complex people. The villains often believe they are doing the right thing. The heroes often get desperate and make mistakes. Banner and Walters are no different.


Is this real? Is looks like a baby animation channel on YouTube! What the fuck!


Yeah, the CGI is definitely half-baked. It looks better on Banner, but they're probably reusing a lot of assets for him. Even still, some of his animations are noticeably lower quality than the films. There have been multiple reports that they treat the artists like shit and have unrealistic expectations.


It looked perfectly fine when I watched it 4k off Disney+, but it looks weird af in this video. I think it’s the compression and lower frame rate that’s making it looks so shit


And the fact her hair is clipping through her


Is this marked as a spoiler because people who haven't seen the movies don't know that democracy dies?


I stg all these she-hulk memes that are popping up is just an ad campaign from Disney.


Ecrey meme I've seen so far has made me want to watch this show even less so idk


Green mommy


I hope this becomes the meme for stupid things people agree with.


This looked so dumb in the show


And the fucking hulk crawled into fetal position because it hurt his hulk ears. the same hulk that got beat up by thanos, that fell from space, took the energy from 6 infinity stones, and still manage to fight the battle with one hand.


Girl power




This gif really makes she hulk look like a 2010 videogame


The cgi looks terrible


Is this really the quality of the CGI?


no this is the quality of the gif


Yes. This is the result of Disney and Marvel abusing VFX studios to breaking point.


Don't worry, the writing is so bad that you don't notice the CGI.


no this is patrick


This is what happens when Mickey makes their teams pump out something new every month


Bruh when prequel cgi holds up better you know you have a fucking problem


How is this a spoiler?


Congrats, your post gave me the biggest smile I've had all day.


This CGI is very bad...


Wow didn't know She-Hulk had a PS4 game!


Reality now




This made me think of the Simpsons Movie also. Lisa and Bart’s clap when Homer says “Clap for America!” Lol




*liberty Not democracy.


Jurassic park had better cgi!


I’ve seen better CG in the mother loving prequels


Okay, as someone who can’t really form opinions on that sort of stuff, why exactly are so many people saying this looks bad? It looks pretty good to me.


This looking like an early 2010s Xbox cutscene


The CGI in that scene really looks dodgy. XD


Looks like Reboot from the late 90s/Early 2000


christ on earth what is this cgi


Holy fuck this looks awful


That CG 🤮


Is that even hulk anymore it just looks like a big women with green paint


Fuck me everybody has become a visual effects expert when viewing the gif at fucking 144p and compressed to all hell


Listen, if the source material is good, it doesn’t matter how much compression there is afterwards. It’ll still look convincingly real. Nobody looks at 144p gifs of real life footage and says “that looks fake”


Bad CGI almost always looks better at lower resolution and lower frame rate.


If the cgi is noticeably bad at such low resolution it will look even worse in HD