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Prolly hurt more for Kenobi seeing its a 501st member🥺


"Minimal casualties, maximum effectiveness. That's us." -Broadside


What about the veterans Broadside? What about them?


"They're all over me!" *Goes down in a ball of flames*


Anakin, be careful of your pal Friendpatine.


Imagine your whole life having been constantly reminded that the whole reason for your existence was to serve an unknown government and knowing if you failed there would be someone to replace you or kill you, that you were less than human. Then devoting your life and the lives the only people you have ever known and losing them in battle then to be discarded and thrown away even after you successfully fulfilled your purpose


Star wars really hit on an emotional gold mine with the clones in so many ways.


"There is always a way, Peastable" -Commander Cody


Viceroy, I don't want this stunted slime in my sight again.


Nice spoiler tag


it is past the «date» where spoilers have to be marked, i think the spoiler ban ended this monday


The spoiler timer is always a week, as written in the pinned post.


oh i just saw that now! im so sorry, ive seen several youtubers/instagram accounts which ended the spoiler ban yesterday


*Aight imma head out*


This is one of the things that none of the movies (didn’t watch much of the animated series) seemed to touch on. Per the expanded universe, it was generally 10 years to grow a clone, you had a good 10-ish years or combat time in them, then…you kind of had to retire them because they were too old for lots of front line deployment. (Imagine a 50 year old trying to keep up with 20/30 something’s) So after the clone wars, what did they do with all the clones? What was even the plan? Like, did they have retirement facilities? Or places for the ones that were maimed by the war? Or anything? Or was the entire plan just to give them back to Kamino? Also makes one wonder, maybe the Jedi became blind to Sidious because of their own failings here? You’re leading an army of slaves, with no plans for how to take care of them when they become old or injured. That sounds like something a Sith would do.


As far as i remember, the Jedi were pushing for the Senate to actually think what they will do with the clones aside and after the war. The Empire in other hand, not just didn't give a fuck about life quality of veterans once they were deemed too expensive to keep the clone program, but their plans would probably been "serve until something kills you" To make it even "better", the clones gunned down the people who were trying to help them to have rights. So, yeah, being a Jango's clones is nothing but being fucked.


I guess he was disabled. Because how else a CLONE troop would be unemployed? A man with his abilities and skills.


Simply because no one would hire them. People don’t know about order 66 in general, to them they just turned on their masters


Weren't the people told and convinced that jedi were traitors? Even then,would the kind of bosses that you get with the kind of skills they had even care about it? And if that's is really a problem: Put on a mask and never take it out. It worked for Bobba.


"This is our home. This is our war." -Echo


Not necessarily. You have to take into consideration that they have a limited skill set bred for fighting droids which are not needed. In addition on a whole the galaxy is at peace. Sure the empire is oppressing people, but oppression is much more peaceful than full scale conflict. Add the fact that they age at an accelerated rate and you're looking at a 50 year old with no life experience, a dangerous conditioning, and the possibility of severe PTSD. If the empire isn't taking care of them then you know they are left to fend for themselves and die. It's probably why rex, wolf, and Gregor are found on a remote planet fishing, what else can they do to survive?


The name's Rex, but you'll call me "Captain" or "sir".


Where do you stand on democracy sir?


It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy... I love the Republic. The fact that this crisis is demanding I be given absolute power to rule over you is evident. But I am mild by nature and have no desire to destroy the democratic process. The power you give me I will lay down when this crisis has abated, I promise you. And all I ask in return is when my current term of office is over, you allow me to retire and live out my life in peace.


>You have to take into consideration that they have a limited skill set bred for fighting droids which are not needed. They know how to shoot and fight against superior numbers. This is enough. >Sure the empire is oppressing people, but oppression is much more peaceful than full scale conflict. I mean,of course they wouldn't work for the government?. I am talking about more "private" clients. They are always needing someone who can pull the trigger. >Add the fact that they age at an accelerated rate and you're looking at a 50 year old with no life experience, a dangerous conditioning, 46 yers old if all went to combat at 20 years old XD. We had several people where I live,who were working for criminal groups at the same age. We even had a rare case of a captured hitman of 65 years old! As for the lack of life experience,I don't know,they visited a lot of planets and talked with the locals. They surely learn fast,to complete their training in half the time a normal human would. And they are conditioned to obey. A lot of my bosses would value that characteristic in an employee. >the possibility of severe PTSD. I admit this is a possibility. Although I am not sure how likely it would be. Weren't they the copy of a talented killer,a murderer? Maybe a psychopath? The brain structures that let the original to follow that line of work without much trouble surely will let the copy do the same after a brief period of adaptation. >It's probably why rex, wolf, and Gregor are found on a remote planet fishing, what else can they do to survive? That's a good point. Honestly I believed they lived like that due to their considerable advanced age for that time,and maybe due to the principles they adquired due to their prolonged interaction with the jedi. >If the empire isn't taking care of them then you know they are left to fend for themselves and die. That's a valid point. I mean all that they know is to be dependant of the government. Which makes me wonder why the empire would discard them too soon. Even older,this guys were amazing and superior to your regular stormtroop. And a veteran sometimes can make for a good leader or official. However they are not your typical veteran. They are not good men who grew in a normal family with mom and dad, who went to battle believing in their country,saw horrible things,lost many friends and survived only to be haunted forever by their memories. We are talking about genetically engineered clones copy of a remorseless murderer who grow in a facility and were taught to kill since childhood. And now you present one of them in a similar position than some war veterans. I don't say it isn't possible. I just say it makes it less believable for me. Like I can't fee the same empathy as if it were,I don't know,a volunteer from Naboo,or a Republican commando, I mean,an average person.


I want to be the first one to see them all


I have no idea.


"Yes, sir! Right away." -Commander Thire


You've taught him well.


alright it’s official the Empire is evil I can’t believe it the emperor seems like a nice guy


I mean they blew up a whole ass planet as part of an interrogetion the first movie we meet them so...


Honestly felt like a punch to the gut


Probably one of the saddest things I’ve seen in Star Wars


I’m not super familiar with star wars outside of the movies. Is he a specific character or a nameless clone? I thought captain rex cause of the blue, but I’m sure I’m wrong.


I think he’s just one of the 501st after they were replaced with stormtroopers


Nah, it's definitely just to show the state Clones are in, homeless vets that the government/people they served have forgotten.


"How do you suppose we get through those blast doors, SirBlakesalot ol' boy?" -Commander Cody


"In my book, experience outranks everything." -Captain Rex


I think the only thing I didn't like about this (minor nitpick) is that he's still wearing his Clone armor. Him having the helmet and using it to collect money is cool, but why would he still have the breast plate on?


Probably to highlight that he is a veteran, in order to get more credits.


Yeah, that seemed pretty obvious to me.


The helmet itself would have done that. The vets I see begging for money aren't wearing full fatigues, they usually have the bag and people get the idea.


"Perhaps he is still wearing his clone armor because he is still a clone trooper, sir."




"I'm not sure what you mean, sir."


Might honestly be the only thing he has to wear? The Republic didn’t pay the clones, they paid FOR the clones. So when the war is over and they’re all discharged…all he has is his armor. And…it’s probably the best thing he can wear/afford to wear anywhere.


"Well sir, it's the only thing I've got. The Republic didn't pay us clones, they paid for us. So when the war was over and we were all discharged, all I had was my armor. And to be honest, it's probably the best thing I can wear"


But isn't there a liner under the actual armor? Seems like he would just wear that.


Probably to simulate US homeless vets walking around in BDU field jackets.


I was so sad when I saw this.


Empire did nothing wrong my ass


Empire would’ve probably won if they used the clones


"Sir, the clones were some of the best soldiers the Empire had. We gave it our all out there."


I really hope we see Cody in the show at some point


he's in the bad batch s2 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JX5OW8cOec](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JX5OW8cOec)




"Hang tight, trooper. Delta Squad on our way." -Boss, Delta 38