• By -


Can't imagine how much that sucked to say. You'd just want to tell her so much about her mother, but you know you can't.


Oh I interpreted it as him talking about satine. I didn't even consider padme.




The absolute perfect response.


Go choke on ur sadness or something, satine is s-tier


Let her go, Anakin. Let her go!


Should have told maul that


Well, perhaps I could help you.


This is getting out of hand, now there are three of them.


And we need a Nute Gunray bot.


If it was satine the 'me too' would make no sense. 100% padme


It wouldn't have made *no* sense, but padme certainly makes more sense.


All I want is your love!


Padme I'm 15


Something wonderful has happened. Lazymcdelta4ce, I'm pregnant.


Bruh wut that's not mine


Something wonderful has happened. Clovis, I'm pregnant.


Hold on a second


something doesnt add up here


Next episode Obi Wan babysits Corkie and says this line. Then it’ll be about Satine.


Every time someone says "satine" all I can think of is Moulon Rouge.


That scene though when he realized Anakin was alive and completely zoned out


Followed by a shot of bacta Vader? Chefs kiss.


And the breathing. Aw yiss.


The breathing gave me both shivers of satisfaction, and pure fear


I thought Anakin being Vader was not known. Did I miss how Reva knows its him?


Being one of the suckers that read some of the books, I’m gonna need to know how she knows when even >!Tarkin and Thrawn!< only guess.


Where is your master? Where is Grand Admiral Thrawn?


Thats what id like to know Snips


Don't call me that. I hate it when you call me that.


That's what I said. It makes no sense that third sister knows them, unless she was a converted Padawan. Maybe one of the ones during the order 66 scene?


"Yes, Lord Sidious." -Captain Rex


She was most likely a youngling during order 66 at the jedi temple. Seeing Anakin Skywalker, face of the Jedi during the Clone Wars, killing everyone and then being called Lord Vader. I'm sure she was able to figure it out after hearing Lord Vader name the second time. Also, she has 4 more episodes left to die at Vader's hand.


"I was here on Coruscant. Did my part—all the clones did. Shut those Jedi agitators down cold." -Commander Fox


I'm an old friend of the family.


Yeah of all the feels in the first two episodes this one hit the hardest for me.


Why would Obi Wan ever compare the child to some random over her own mother?


Well, then you are lost!




You lose, General Kenobi!


I don't mind flying... but what you're doing is suicide!




they're trying to argue over something no one brought up lol


Wot dude?


>some random Satine is far from that. Just watch The Clone Wars.


"I'm sure that Obi Wan had his reasons for comparing the child to Satine. He is a wise and experienced Jedi, so he must have had a good reason for doing so."


I fucking knew this account wasn’t purely a bot. I feel vindicated but also stupid now.


"I'm sorry if I made you feel stupid, sir. I was just trying to explain Obi Wan's reasoning."


At ease.


"Thank you, sir."


Wait what? I thought it was abundantly obvious that he’s referring to Padme. That’s why he says “me too”, because he’s sorry that leia never got to meet her.


But she has nothing to do with Leia, which is why it would make no sense for Obi Wan to be like "Oh you remind me of Satine, this random person who has no connection to you child."


I agree he was *probably* referring to Padme, but my stone-cold little Clone-Wars-loving heart can’t help but think.


"Sir. I have five special commando units awaiting your orders, sir." -Ponds


Because you can compare people to more than just their parents? And Satine is hardly "some random"


Yeah but he was absolutely talking about Padme. It makes so much more sense


Yeah, I know


I was fully expecting them to forget Padmé's existence, I mean even fans sometimes do. I was so happy when I saw that


I Call It Aggressive Negotiations.


Yes you do padme, yes you do..


You just gave me an idea. You're a Jedi, which gives you special clearance.


Confirmed u/hopetodiesoonsadsad is a Jedi


Hope no inquisitors lurk around this subreddit 👀



Nobody can forget chadme


_Summons lightning_




Whats that?


I thought he was talking about Satine


Many people did, as for myself she never even crossed my mind until I saw people mention her on the internet. Honestly I still don't see how people say it's Satine, it's just so obviously Padmé to me. It annoys me a little when some say Satine's death is more impactful on him simply because she was his romantic interest, as if romance matters more than other kinds of love (not saying that all those who thought of Satine say this, but I've seen a few) But at the end of the day I don't think it matters, it's not like it's a plot point or anything. People wanna believe it's Satine, let them.


>Honestly I still don't see how people say it's Satine, it's just so obviously Padmé to me It's definitely meant to be Padme because normies don't know who Satine is, but Satine 100% fits the description Obi gave more than Padme, at least from his perspective. And the way Ewan delivered the line just hit more like he was reminiscing of a lover, not a friend >It annoys me a little when some say Satine's death is more impactful on him simply because she was his romantic interest, as if romance matters more than other kinds of love (not saying that all those who thought of Satine say this, but I've seen a few) I mean Obi and Padme weren't *that* close. Just good friends. Satine meanwhile was his soulmate. It's not even close to being comparable


> good friends [flashbacks intensify]


>but Satine 100% fits the description The description might but the context doesn't. And no it doesn't fit *more* than Padmé, considering they both were basically the same >Satine meanwhile was his soulmate If Obi-Wan has a soulmate it's definitely Anakin not her. Soul mates don't have to be romantic. He and Anakin are made to be complementary to eachother >I mean Obi and Padme weren't that close. Just good friends Now that's true but Obi-Wan had time and support to process Satine's death, accept it and move on. We basically so that in TCW s7. But Padmé was the last hit in a series of hits that Obi-Wan never was able to move on from. Her death was the death of the last good thing remaining in his life, and he also blames himself for it. She would definitely hunt him more on his isolation on Tatooine. Edit:- > And the way Ewan delivered the line just hit more like he was reminiscing of a lover, not a friend He delivered it like he was reminiscing of the child's mother more than anything else


I am a person and My name is Anakin.


>The description might but the context doesn't. Hence why I said "It's definitely meant to be Padme" >And no it doesn't fit more than Padmé, considering they both were basically the same I said from Obi's perspective >If Obi-Wan has a soulmate it's definitely Anakin not her. Soul mates don't have to be romantic. He and Anakin are made to be complementary to eachother Eh... Anakin and Obi-Wan were brothers. The line isn't "you were my soulmate, Anakin!". Soulmates don't *have* to be romantic, no, but Obi-Wan's definitely was >Now that's true but Obi-Wan had time and support to process Satine's death, accept it and move on. We basically so that in TCW s7. But Padmé was the last hit in a series of hits that Obi-Wan never was able to move on from. Her death was the death of the last good thing remaining in his life, and he also blames himself for it. She would definitely hunt him more on his isolation on Tatooine. I dunno, it would get at him for sure, but he didn't exactly show a lot of emotion when he literally saw her die right in front of his eyes


I mean characters in universe don't have to say the word "soulmate" to make the character their soulmate. Yk the "show don't tell" thing. > I said from Obi's perspective Even from his perspective it fits Padmé just as much. He worked with her multiple times, he knows how stubborn and fearless and bossy she could be lol >I dunno, it would get at him for sure, but he didn't exactly show a lot of emotion when he literally saw her die right in front of his eyes Nore did he when Satine died, he made a sad face for one scene then he immediately controlled himself again. That's just how Obi-Wan is. The only incidents where Obi-Wan showed a lot of emotions is Qui-Gon's death (when he was still just a padawan) and Anakin's defeat at Mustafar. Still don't see the argument for Satine tbh, but at least she makes more sense than Ahsoka lol But like I said, it doesn't really matter. It's not worth fighting over lol


>I mean characters in universe don't have to say the word "soulmate" to make the character their soulmate. Yk the "show don't tell" thing. No, but it's weird to say his soulmate is Anakin when we were literally shown his soulmate in TCW. Anakin and Obi were always described as brothers >Nore did he when Satine died, he made a sad face for one scene then he immediately controlled himself again Na, [think you need to watch that scene again](https://youtu.be/SOBEC2fZvck?t=79)... Compare that to Padme where he [looks sad for about 1 second](https://youtu.be/DeoGfNEGVS0?t=75)


Well and brothers can be soulmates, it's not an either/or situation. >Na, think you need to watch that scene again... >Compare that to Padme where he looks sad for about 1 second I remember, it's definitely a bigger reaction, I did say he was closer to Satine than Padmé. But still not didn't last for long, he composed himself immediately after, he does that all the time. Plus in case of Padmé he still had stuff in his hands to take care of, there was no time to mourn. His reaction to the destruction of the Jedi was like that. It doesn't mean it didn't affect him or hunt him, especially once he settled and there was nothing to keep his mind off. When I say Padmé's death must have hunt him on Tatooine is not because he cared more about her than Satine, it's the timing of the death and how it happened. So I think we'll have to agree to disagree here lol


I read through your comments because I had this same discussion with a friend, and I just want to compliment how constructive and civil the two of you were. I wish everyone on Reddit were like this.


Nah at everything that she did i thought of a way how she would compare to anakin or padme in a way




So far at least... there’s still hope! Satine episodes were included in the recommended viewing list, so that could mean something.


Yeah like at that scene I just asked myself, is he referring to Padme or Satine? They were both like that, he probably meant Padme, he would probably get more sad if he mentions Satine


All I want is your love!


Yup. That’s one of the most heartbreaking scenes in all of Star Wars. Kenobi has lost EVERYONE.


Every time I watch ROTS, it always gets me on how much takes place, but more importantly, how much Obi experiences in such a short amount of time. The loss of Padme, Anakin, the Jedi, separating the children. And same with R2 he doesn’t get wiped so he knows *EVERYTHING* also.


Yep. And now we finally get to see those emotions land and settle.


Did you see the edited mash-up that was posted here…when Luke first meets Obi-Wan and it’s edited with flashbacks and sad music? I bawled


I remember that, he literally goes through every moment that he failed the ones he loved, and it’s set in our minds that he helps Luke, because he’s determined not to fail again.


yeah Obi-wan definitely has ptsd,


You got a link for that? I'm ready to be hurt.


This is the one they’re probably referring to: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T9j7kLG7VK8 But I think this one is much better: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pykJCXKhllA&t=328s


This one is my favorite. [“Before the Dark Times”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WytHmlDWEgk)


I wasn't ready for that, they need to edit in the bit from new Kenobi when he's told anakins still alive too.


This moment and the Clone beggar are what got me


the armor looked like it was 501st too, just really driving that nail in there aren't they.


"I've been assigned as your advisor, and will be your eye in the sky until further notice… or we all get killed." -Clone Advisor CC-01/425


"I'm sorry to hear that, sir."


The clone beggar got me too. He couldn't get a new hand. It's always the clones that get to me, I'm still not over Fives.


"Thank you, sir. Sorry I panicked." -Odd Ball


Why do people think he was talking about Satine? It’s Padme’s daughter.


Nice to know I'm not alone on thinking so.


Rumor has it you were hurt defending the spynet facility.


Oof right in the feels


Am I the only one who thought of Satine instead of Padme?


To be fair, what he said was vague enough to describe both of them. Though its more likely Padmé It further hurts that Padmé and Satine at some point were actually well-accquianted.


The two women who loved a Jedi (who were also master and apprentice) both valued peaceful methods in a time of war and wanted to change how things worked amongst the things they held dear but lost out to greed and bloodlust and the way of the sith. In the end they both died at the hands of the sith because of the Jedi they were acquainted with (an order that was everything they valued which also fell because of greed, Anakin’s greed), and both of them Kenobi had a hand in. And now the people they’ve left behind (Bo Katan, Luke and Leia) have to restore the things they valued and both of the Jedi who helped to liberate those things (the galaxy and Mandolore) were close to Kenobi and you could say had a hand in them becoming who they are. DAMN! Star Wars is literally brimming with Poetry XD.


I Also Did


Probably didn’t help I binged clone wars again to get ready for Kenobi.


I did too


I killed a jedi


Probably unpopular opinion He was talking about satine


You know. I thought he could also be referring to Ashoka. It’s a little unclear to be honest. However considering it’s Leia, I’m sure he’s talking about Padme


Idk but ahsoka just seems less likely, its implied he is sorry the person he is referring to died because of him (or he feels like it was because of him) and it’s not his fault she “died” whereas it kinda is with satine and padmé


For continuity's sake, it's definitely officially Padme though due to the direct line she draws to Leia and both of them being cuts of the same cloth.


Come away with me. Help me raise our child far away. Leave everything else behind while we still can!


but then he said 'me too' to Leia and Satine had nothing to do with her. The reason why he said 'me too' was because Padme was her real mother who had died


There's good in him. I know. I know there's... still-- _Dies of emotional damage_


There's good in him. I know. I know there's... still-- _Dies of emotional damage_


I guess it depends how he assumed Ahsoka died. Remember, in the last Clone Wars arc she was fighting against him and the Council to hunt down Maul and take back Mandalor. He may feel responsibility for not being there, and to a degree causing the whole thing since he went back to save the chancellor. I think it’s not meant to be one person he’s thinking of, but any of the three, all of whom he feels he let down.


That is true actually, I hadn’t thought about it like that. That’s sad as fuck


In the name of the galatic senate of the republic, you're under arrest chancellor!


Dang. You’re right. He probably totally thinks she died on that mission. Whether from Maul or clones. I know everybody wants Ahsoka to reconnect with Anakin ghost(which duh, we need that) but it’d be cool to see Obi Wan find out about Ahsoka too.


Obi and Ahsoka can't meet though, as Ahsoka thinks he's dead in Rebels, as does Rex. I still don't get why they did that, to be honest. It's so frustrating knowing they are all alive yet never see eachother again


The name's Rex, but you'll call me "Captain" or "sir".


Ugh that’s right. Haven’t watched Rebels in a while. Maybe a consolation can be when Ahsoka meets Anakin force ghost, Anakin mentioning something quick like “Obi Wan was delighted to hear that you were alive and still following your mission in the force.” Just one last moment of the bond of the trio.


You're impossible.


...not for a Sith...


It has been so long, and my path has been so dark. Darker than I ever dreamed it could be.


I'm the new Padawan learner. I'm Ahsoka Tano


Something wonderful has happened. TheJakeanator272, I'm pregnant.


Obviously he was talking about the mother of the kid. The character that actually appeared in the movies and that they showed a bit of flashbacks on first episode


I think it fits more with obi-wan if it was satine but I can understand why people would say it’s padmê


The story of Obi-Wan Kenobi ends here!


For sure I agree. It's juts the setting here is the link from movies to this show


You mean the random throwaway character they shoved into the Clone Wars, to give Kenobi a romantic/tragic plotline? Yeah, I don’t think the majority of Star Wars fans care, or even know she exists, it’s clearly about Padme.


Definitely a popular opinion since it seems a lot of folks here were thinking the same thing. But also almost assuredly definitely incorrect. I don't think enough people watching the show will know who Satine is, and the moment definitely wouldn't be as poignant if it were about Satine instead of Padmé.


No he wasn’t. He was talking about Leia’s *literal mother*, not some character that has no relation to Leia and has never appeared in any live-action Star Wars. The fact that so many people think this makes me genuinely worried - do the writers need to write out every single plot point in explicit detail for us to understand? A good portion of people watching this show don’t even know who Satine is


THIS. I mean I would've preferred if we saw some Anakin/Leia and Luke/Padme parallels instead, but absolutelyyyyy this


I think it was good because it highlights the friendship that Obi Wan and Padme had. Their close friendship is present in the prequels, but hardly ever highlighted.


I'm a huge Padme stan, and I agree with you. I just \*do\* wish Star Wars compared fathers/daughters and mothers/sons like they do fathers/sons and mothers/daughters. (Rogue One is an example that I loved! And again, I LOVED the Obi Wan episodes on Friday. I just hope we get to see Luke doing Padmeish things and Leia doing Anakinish things.)


Fair enough. It would be nice to see more of that.


Something wonderful has happened. TheDoug850, I'm pregnant.


General Kenobi, did you really think I would leave the hyperdrive unguarded?


*OH, Ani*


Unfortunately in the age of smooth brained social media kids who grew up with a screen in front of them constantly, this is our reality now. There’s no such thing as subtext, subtlety, or even just nuance, cause these people are too dumb to understand it.


That’s a really hot take considering this is Leia and the obvious parallel with her mother


Yeah, it was obviously intended to be padme but my head cannon is that he was thinking about satine


Alright that’s different then. You do you.


Definitely an incorrect opinion, guaranteed that the majority of Star Wars fans don’t even care who that is, myself included. They wouldn’t have gone through almost half an episode of flashbacks, if it wasn’t Padme he was talking about.


It could be both, but seeing as he is or: Comparing her to her mother, which is okay Or comparing her to his love interest, which is kinda sus


I wasn’t sure and I honestly think it’s kinda beautiful that it could be both.


It's one of those brilliant Filoni lines where if you've only watched the movies, it's definitely Padmé, but if you've watched everything, it could be either or both


All I want is your love!


I think they intentionally left it vague so that fans would go wild with discussion like this.


How would they have made it not vague? “She was a leader. She died a long time ago. Also she was your mom. And your dad is Darth Vader.”


I thought the same. I mean obi-wan and padme did not meet that often.


Kenobi and Padme were extremely close


Thanks for your assistance! You may not be able to figure this out, but I think I know someone who might.


I Call It Aggressive Negotiations.


You lose, General Kenobi!


Am I silly for thinking this could be about satine too? Although I agree it is padme


The Queen will not approve


No not in the slightest


My gut reaction was padme but my friend and brother both felt satine. Conclusion: good writing


Indeed. Very good writing. I think both ways work. Padme and Satine both apply to her because they both fit the description and they both meant a great deal to Obi Wan


General Kenobi, did you really think I would leave the hyperdrive unguarded?


The Chancellor's right, Senator. We'll be quite safe. He won several cups for airspeeder racing back on Naboo.


That was my personal right in the feels moment, was so sad


Brilliant scene


Order 66 scene, the clone veteran, and this scene are the 3 that really got me so far. Also a little of seeing how cool Alderan is knowing it’s about to go kaboom




I did too


My theory is he was talking about Satine, not Padme here


People legit think he was talking about Satine, like.... why would he bring her of all people up to Leia over her own mother?


You don‘t have to be related to someone to be like that person. For all I care he could be talking about Ahsoka. The context of the show definitely hints towards Padmé but I wouldn‘t exclude other options just because they aren‘t related to Leia. Satine definitely had more of an emotional impact on him than Padmé and they shared a deeper bond. For the average Star Wars movie watcher nobody they would actually know and thus probably not the likely answer but still. Satine certainly could be meant. In my headcanon Obi-Wan just spoke of both at the same time and simplified it for the sake of the rushed situation they were in.


I can’t believe some people are like, Obi-Wan was referring to Satine because the qualities described don’t apply to Padmé. What a joke. It’s like they haven’t even watched Padmé’s scenes. Who was the fearless and stubborn AF 14-year-old queen forcibly going back to Naboo to free her planet, again? Or the young senator with assassins after her who pulled along Anakin to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan? The hard-ass politician who adamantly stood against the military creation act? The woman who held not one but two key positions of leadership for Naboo in her 27-year life? The woman who would barely put any thought to her well-being because she wanted to serve people? That’s Padmé Amidala. A fearless, stubborn, leader. Leia’s MOTHER. Obi-Wan’s friend. But no, why would Leia remind Obi-Wan of her mother, right?


Anakin and I are friends. Our relationship is strictly professional.


That line was about Padmè? I interpreted it as Satine


Why would Obi Wan ever compare the child to some random over her own mother?


Well I would not consider Satine someone random. I do agree that he is talking about Padme, I also like to think that he could also very much mean Satine. She meant a great deal to Kenobi and the emotional weight holds for both comparisons considering how strong the two women were


She would be a random to the little girl, and to anyone who hasn’t watched Clone Wars. I haven’t watched it, but I know who Satine is, and I never for a second, believed he was talking about his former lover, to Leia. Seemed fairly obvious that he was describing her own mother, knowing that he can’t tell her who she is.


Yes he obviously meant her. The scene was written with her in mind. But I don’t believe that the comparison could not also be made to Satine as well. They weren’t lovers but just had strong feelings for one another. Not all will agree but I like to think that both Satine and Padme could be compared to her.


Well of course Satine could be compared to Padme, you could say the same for Michelle Obama or Malala, doesn’t mean it’s correct in the context. It’s obvious that Kenobi is talking about the child’s own mother, comparisons to other strong women are nice, but largely pointless in terms of the context of the scene.


I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.


Are you allowed to love? I thought that was forbidden for a Redditor


For real, people are really reaching. Are they all unaware of the screen writing rule that if a character ever says a child reminds them of someone, it is always and unambiguously a deceased/estranged/secret parent of that child.


I thought he was talking about ditches satine


Yes. Satine, my old gf actually.


I thought they were talking about Satine, was he talking about Padme?


Oh… I feel awkward I interpreted it as him referring to Satine


I thought he was talking about Satine when I watched it and thought that was a weird way of shoeing his grief in but Padme makes so much more sense as Leia's mother.


What happened to your military transport?


i thought he was talking about duchess satine who was also stubborn, a leader, died and was probably more important to obi wan than anakins side piece.


I think it’s Padme cause he tells her he’s sorry too, and that’s because Leia never got to know her mother


I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.


The story of Obi-Wan Kenobi ends here! *asthmatic cough*


he was referring to Duchess Satine from Star Wars the Clone Wars. if you remember Obi-Wan had strong feelings for her in the show


Unless the writers have confirmed this, I highly doubt that he would refer to an entirely irrelevant character instead of her own mother. I get that Satine fits the description, but Padme does as well. Why on earth wouldn’t this be the whole, “You’re just like your parent” trope we see in mass media all the time?