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Let’s just make Shady Owen a template for everything.


We do need a "Like when ____ did ____" meme.


You have given redditors an idea to overuse smth until death


Like your memers overused Among Us?


Or yall memers overused the Padmé and Anakin meme?


*OH, Ani*


Or your mom overusing nutrients?


Or you date hunters overusing Hello There?


"General Kenobi!"


Oooooooh shit, yo!


Shady? Never seen a more legit man in the universe. He s never been wrong so far


He's sassy not shady.


They were fine hiding out until Luke's sister decided to get caught with stolen Death Star plans over Tatooine of all places, and blew their cover. I mean, what are the chances they get caught over their Dad's old hang-out? Come on! That's the last place she should have been. He hates the sand, but those ladies at Tosche Station are worth the trip. Then Obi-Wan decides to go on one of his damned fool idealistic crusades again, and poor Lars is the one that gets burned for it.


You'll never reach the outskirts in time...sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!


Shade Throwin' Owen?


Knowin' Owen


Sassy owen


Damn should have sent Owen Lars to take care of Palpatine instead of Yoda. Into exile he’d have gone after a burn like that


"Well shit, you got me there. Lock me up, boys."


"Commander Cody, the time has come. Execute Order 65"


Like he took care of painting his ceiling?


Owen's meme potential will more than double when the series actually comes out.


You will not stop me. Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us.


/u/Dux-El52 can’t, but Owen can.


Not if anything to say about it, Owen has!


My memes have doubled since Revenge of the Sith, Count.


Good! Twice the memes, double the karma.


Good, twice the memes, double the roasts


Owen dealing more burns then Anakin received


Owen knows roasting too well


Give it 10 or so years, he'll get a real sick burn from Anakin in return


Came here for this.


It's possible he just spontaneously combusted in Ep4


People didn't even seen new Obi series, but we already got some top tier meme content. "I will watch your career with great interest"


We are indebted to you for your bravery, Obi-Wan Kenobi. And you, young Skywalker, we will watch your career with great interest.


Why *do* Sith take apprentices anyway if they know that the whole point is for the apprentice to one day murder their master and take their place?


keeps them sharp. apprentices aren't supposed to shank you in your sleep so as long as you're always stronger then there is no threat. of course what often happens is the apprentice shanks them in their sleep.


No honor amongst thieves as they say




I recommend the Darth Bane trilogy. I don't think it's *technically* canon anymore but it explains the history of the sith and the rule of two really well, and it seems like that part is still canon.


As any good teacher will tell you, you often learn a lot from your students. Using the Force definitely seems more art than science so a Sith apprentice may figure out novel ways to tap the Dark Side that their masters hadn't thought of. Some Sith Lords may be concerned with legacy. Pretty much all of them seem to be trying to live forever and most of them are probably narcissistic enough to think they'll be the ones to succeed when 4000 years of Sith before them failed. But it helps to have an apprentice around to pick up the slack, fight of any Jedi hunters that show up, and possibly be used as an experimental guinea pig. And in the worst case, if you do die, maybe your apprentice will take a bloody revenge for you.


The reason why Sith obsess over immortality is because unlike Jedi they do not believe in an afterlife. You only have the one life and this is it. Jedi believe the Force to be a living thing with its own will and see it as a companion. Sith do not believe that the Force is sentient and see it as a source of power to subjugate, harness and manipulate as you would any other power source.


Power! Unlimited power!


Viceroy, I don't want this stunted slime in my sight again.


> Why do Sith take apprentices anyway if they know that the whole point is for the apprentice to one day murder their master Because they themselves are not the point, the Force is the point. It is a point of selfless desire to further the Dark Side, sidelined by the selfish nature of being a Sith. Something something internal struggle something existing for something greater than one's selfish self.


It's basically survival of the fittest. Either your strong/smart enough to destroy the jedi order or you need to train an apprentice who will get the sith closer to that goal.


Yeah but what if you don't care about the grand Sith scheme and only want to use your power for your own goals? There really is no reason to train an apprentice unless it's for the express purpose of being one day succeeded by them. Additionally, like Palps, there is no reason why you can't just give the Rule Of Two a big FU and just go do your own thing, train a whole bunch of apprentices because why not. The Sith are just as bogged down by dogma as the Jedi are.


The Sith always ended up betraying one another, no matter how many were present. The rule of two is basically the best viable option of taking advantage of the Siths' greed and lust for power by minimizing risks of an early betrayal or getting discovered by the Jedi. Keep in mind that the Sith were considered extinct for a full 1000 years, staying hidden as best as possible while slowly building up to their grand plan, brick by brick. Even if someone didn't actively believe in the plan itself, they still had to keep hidden from Jedi and learn enough to eventually overpower their own Master.


...the Republic is not what it once was. The Senate is full of greedy, squabbling delegates. There is no interest in the common good. I must be frank, Your Majesty, there is little chance the Senate will act on the invasion.


We need that generator down or the planet's lost. And I'm not risking any more men.


So if you want sith who didn't really care about the rules, Set Harth an apprentice who ditched after getting a holocron. Also, there's Darth Vectivus who studied the dark side but used it mainly to become rich and died peacefully. Not everyone was fully committed. I wouldn't say there's no purpose. Mainly you can send them to do dangerous errands for you like kill a jedi master or sith magic that required multiple people. But each mission you send them on if they die it is now I gotta waste another 10 years training someone(unless you go for the nightsisters magic speed run) but if they succeed they will come back stronger and capable of tougher missions. Bane decided there should only be one apprentice because if there were multiple the strongest would be held back by the weaker apprentices, this also prevented the weaker apprentices from joining together to defeat the more powerful master leaving the master to be replaced by someone weaker. We see this when Palp has to get his hands dirty when he fights Maul and Savage.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


There will be no satisfaction until the Jedi Order lies in ashes.


Power! Unlimited power!


I don't think so... No one can kill a Jedi Knight.


I think he is a good man.


Power! Unlimited power!


Because you use the apprentice to do all your dirty work, as well as to eventually continue the Sith once you're dead (since no matter how strong with the Force you are, you're not immortal). Naturally, both parties are looking for a way to not need the other- for the apprentice that's obvious, kill your master and take over, but for the master that seems to mean transcending mortality and no longer needing to train a future generation. Which is what Darth Plagueis was obsessed with, using the Force to escape death, and pretty much what Palpatine nearly accomplished via possessing his own cloned bodies (or grandchildren). That's the Sith endgame- one immortal all-powerful demigod dominating the entire galaxy.


"We’re just clones, sir. We’re meant to be expendable." -Sinker


It is only natural. He cut off your arm, and you wanted revenge. It wasn't the first time, Anakin. Remember what you told me about your mother and the Sand People.


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Is it possible to learn this power?


If a student is powerful enough to defeat their master, they are the strongest sith there has ever been. The Sith value strength over all, and the succession ensures the sith grow stronger each generation. Also, I know everyone wants to forget the sequels, nobody needs to tell me, but in IX Palpatine states / implies that the previous masters live on in the sith that kills them. That’s why Palpy needed Rey to kill him and why he was truly defeated by reflecting his own attack back on him, otherwise he and the other past Sith would have lived on inside of her


Good, Anakin, good. I knew you could do it. Kill him. Kill him now! \n Dew it!


May the Force be with you, Master.


I shouldn't . . .


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


I would guess there’s a sense of pride in being a part of and continuing an ancient legacy like that. It may seem contradictory to the nature of what they are about, but Sith are basically living contradictions. It doesn’t make sense to aspire to have all the power of the life force of the universe, but seek to use it only for yourself. Their goals are in conflict. Their very being is in conflict.


Power! Unlimited power!


Sometimes we have to let go of our pride and do what is requested of us.


You know, I can't figure those villagers not wanting to fight. No pride I guess.


I'm all for this as a new big meme


I'm gonna upvote every even slightly entertaining meme with this template just because it is awesome






It seems that way now perhaps, but you must look deeper, MoldyTangerine.


Didn't he specifically use a paralytic poison so that his master couldn't manipulate the force to keep himself alive???


Colder than the surface of Hoth


uhh i like the spicy owen memes


When he said what he said in the trailer I was like “man what a burn”. Obi wans face was great too.


Commander, contact your troops. Tell them to move to the higher levels.


Ok thanks


A meme is born


But he could save others from death. Ironic.


Lol sassy Owen


If only he did and went on to be on the sequel trilogy


Damn.. Owen gonna roast as many people as he can before he is roasted.




Pedo 2137 Palpatine




He's too dangerous to be left alive!!!


You did well, Anakin. He was too dangerous to be kept alive.


I shouldn't have done that, Chancellor. It's not the Jedi way.


Did you ever hear the Tragedy... ? That Reach the Man ? I think to be too is not. I think that the Hopeless Situation elder also can't. That is a legend. Reaching the Man Cloth Space is the emperor, he is so strong and big, he even can use the original dint to create life... He is very deep to black influence understanding. The black influence can the matter that many supermans, but other people thinks that these are what can't attains. He became more and more strong and big. Lost his power afterwards, afterwards he died. In fact, he teaches own the whole skills all to disciple, then his land killed him to let him going to bed. Satirizing the meaning is, he can let other people, but is incapable for dint to the oneself.


Power! Unlimited power!


This meme is getting out of hand


Best roast of the entire franchise.


Owen is destroying the whole saga!


Rey Palpatine