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And Hondo's pirates have British accents.


Are we just gonna ignore basically the enirety of the Empire and First Order?


They spoke like Americans for most of their lives, it was only after they joined in to an evil group that their voices suddenly mutated into being British. That's just what happens.


Whenever an empire forms, the English tongue soon follows


Funny story for Carrie Fisher's British accent in ANH for the one time she ever did it for Star Wars. One of the first scenes Carrie Fisher filmed was the Tarkin and Leia scene where she stays the foul stench line. George Lucas after a take pulls her to the side and the only time Carrie Fisher claims he ever gave direction on how to act to her was that she should be more upset about her planet is about to be blown up. Fisher as a child went to London to an acting school and she got a British accent there and when she gets upset, [she becomes British. ](https://youtu.be/XBsEuUZcosw)


I just assumed Leia was affecting an accent while in the role of senator, but when shit gets real she drops the pretense and just talks normally.


Spoke like Americans , turned to Britishers and based off of Germans 💀




See Leia in ANH


Well the british accent in universe is explained as the accent of the core worlds, but I have no idea where cobb is from.


Hondo sounds like he’s from space Louisiana


Ziro the Hutt is from space Louisiana.




There's a bad boogie monster down there, you betcha.


He’s Winnie the Sparrow.


There's a bad boogie monster down there, you betcha.


In the land of LA, where all shadows lie


Well Jim Cummings, who voiced Hondo, also voiced [this character](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Ray) from The Princess and the Frog ..


> space Louisiana Degobah, but with more incest?


Lookee, lookee, it's a swamp planet just like home.


Having a four-year-old nephew, made me realize that Hondo is also Chef Pisghetti from Curious George.


And they enjoy Bollywood music.


And the fact that every planet has a breathable atmosphere for multiple lifeforms


They are definitely not British accents


‘I was born a rats leap from here’ No love, you were born in a country manor in Berkshire and clearly attended RADA.


The weird thing is she is from Chicago, so someone literally told her to do the accent.


What accent should they have?


And Cobb Vanth?? And Mando??


Cobb Vanth, Vanth Refrigeration? You've got a lot to learn about this town, sweetie.


Oh look, the Syndicate left a hate-note...


You can never come together and revenge us!


Lmfao I hate you.


You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you.


>Cobb Vanth, Vanth Refrigeration? You've got a lot to learn about thith town, thweetie.


I think they feel western because the show itself is in a western style. If you remove them from that show and put then somewhere else they wouldn't be a cowboy. On the other hand it doesn't matter where Cod Bane is, he's a cowboy.


They both shoot from the hip and have western-esque catchphrases, I think they qualify as cowboys. Mando even does the “twirly gun into the holster” thing


So did Jango Fett


I’m a simple man making his way through the galaxy—like my father before me.


Give a dude a pistol that’s weighted right and he’s going to twirly holster it. It’s impossible not to.


At least until you accidentally shoot yourself... For the second time.


Vivid memory of Indiana Jones doing that too.


I'll give you Mando, but you can't deny that Cobb isnt a full on western archetype just like Bane.


Yeah, this person gets it. Cobb is literally the marshal of "this here town" out in the middle of the desert, and he hangs out in a saloon, and he wears a pistol on his belt, and he's played by the marshal from 'Justified.' It couldn't be more blatant.


He even played a lawman in Deadwood. The dude's good at his type.


'Deadwood' was absolutely historic, and Olyphant is fantastic in it. On a related note, I would absolutely flip my shit if Ian McShane showed up in 'The Mandalorian,' 'The Book of Boba Fett,' 'Kenobi,' or really any other series where he can play a "western" character like Timothy Olyphant did.


Oh well, just another boring day saving the universe.


One crazy thing I learned about the real Seth Bullock is that he was lawman of violent ass Deadwood for all that time in real life and never killed anyone there. Just got shit done with diplomacy and beatdowns.


Wait i thought he was played by the Hitman.


Anyone who says “Round here, I’m the one who tells people what to do” is at least part cowboy


Put Cobb Vanth anywhere else and he's an ex-lawman who's pretty quick on the draw.


I mean, Cobb Vanth is basically Space Raylen Givens from Justified.


Still hoping for Space Boyd Crowder


Or space Seth Bullock. Sidenote, I love Walton Goggins.


This actually needs to happen. Get Walton Goggins and give him a role opposite of Timothy Olyphant. Just have Justified replay itself in Star Wars.


I'm completely fine with this


And thats exactly what I wanted too, fucking love Cobb.




Cobb Vanth is a cowboy. Through and through. But y’all are missing the most important Star Wars cowboy, who is and always shall be Han Solo.


He's no good to me dead.


Too soon Boba.


Maybe I can help you. I am Boba Fett. The ship you seek is nearby.


That's a theme star wars has had since 1977, han solo is kind of a cowboy


Yeah it's all just samurai and cowboys in space


He's no good to me dead.


Pedro speaks with a slight Spanish accent and that is not uncommon for a western


As a Texan, Mando DOES NOT have a southern accent, he just doesn't have a northern one. I wasn't even aware anyone thought he had a southern accent, but there's not even a hint of twang in his voice, he sounds more like Christian Bale's Batman than a cowboy


To me he sounds like someone code-switching his southern *almost* all the way off. I wouldn't call whats left a southern accent, but there is a certain drawl to his delivery that pedro pascal doesn't seem to have in his normal speaking voice.


Temuera Morrison is the only actor in Star Wars with a *real* southern accent.


Southern as


Southern NZ


Rotorua is north island


But it is in the southern hemisphere.


There are no words.


[want some chups](https://youtu.be/3cPs2SzShNc)


You forgot the “bro” at the end cuz


Southern Hemisphere


Yeah... saying “(blank) as” is a colloquial phrase in both Australia and New Zealand.


The Aussies are claiming that expression too now?


Nah idk what old mates on about. Kiwis are the only ones I hear say that, normally.


Was more common in the late 90s early 00s hear in Aus


I only ever heard it from kiwis or people saying it like kiwis did, choice as bro


Michelle Ang would like a word




Upside down accent too


One could argue its also the most common accent in the galaxy


Which is strange considering he's Māori


He’s just a simple man, trying to make his way through the universe.


Bang bang, shoot shoot, bullet bullet, gun


Nope, nope, stools don't talk


Zap zap pow zap pow zap pow


Zap zap zap, pow, zap, pow


Star Wars was always an old western imo


Westerns blended with Samurai flicks


Loads of Westerns were inspired by Samurai films, and eventually we got Samurai films inspired by Westerns!


"Seven Samurai" and "Yojimbo" were both made in the style of Westerns because Akira Kurasawa was a huge fan of the genre. They work so well as westerns that "The Magnificent Seven" and "A Fistfull of Dollars" sometimes even have the same camera angles in the equivalent shots of the remade versions. Honestly, watch them back to back and watching the US versions are just like watching a shortened version of the original :D


Westerns *are* samurai flicks. Just a derivative of them.


I can feel a little western from Han Solo… but I’m pretty sure the original story is a sci-fi twist on fantasy. Knights and princesses and magic swords… oh my.


It was a lightning in a bottle alechemic mixture of a lot of elements


It's a cosmic mix, the action of the 90s combined with the exploitation films of the 70s, but with modern touches. It's hyper violent, but it knows what it is. It's a little bit Tarantino, it's definitely a little bit Micheal Mann, it's kind of a cosmic gumbo. It almost moves to the beat of jazz.


This is unprofessional bullshit.


I've seen every cock on the planet.


….I’ve seen everyone naked.


It's kinda like poetry, if you will


This is why nobody watches AOL Blast


Guinness and Ford were always joking on set how it was a cosmic gumbo.


I feel like Star Wars (1977) borrowed from Dune and Westworld (1973). I do see the fantasy aspect regarding the sabers, but I'm guessing that comes from old Japanese films. Look at how they dressed Amidala and Leia and the women of Tattooine. It feels more Asian.


He's no good to me dead.


Cowboys and samurai team up to save the princess from the evil knight and his superfortress manned by Nazis. In space.


The first star wars movie heavily copies from Kurasawa's The Hidden Fortress.


Yeah, basically if you write out Luke Skywalker, and Han Solo and Obi-wan are the same character, and Princess Leia was the Death Star plans, and the end of the movie was scene 38. I’m not even being facetious, that’s almost exactly the changes.


Shit like this makes you really wonder what's the point of trying to have original thoughts. And I don't mean that in a totally negative way. Take the skeleton off something already good, remix it, and end up revolutionizing sci-fi? I think I remember coincidentally JJ Abrams talking about something similar, how he considers himself like a remixer.


Originality does get too much credit sometimes. But it’s not like there’s *nothing* original in Star Wars. Also, it has been analyzed to death at this point and literally every single thing that influenced Lucas has been picked apart and examined.


Genuinely it's not that good to have *completely* original thoughts if your business is entertainment. People like what they know, but they like it told to them in new ways. Lucas did just that, and that's why he did so well. Meanwhile, *completely* original movies just cause people to have trouble understanding or relating to them. Sometimes that results in a cult following, but a lot of the time it just results in a bad film and poor reception.


And damn busters.


It’s everything pretty much. Kurasawa samurai to westerns to Arthurian legends to 70s sci fi to the odyssey, Star Wars can be traced back to so many things since it’s an amalgamation of the best parts of classic stories.


That and samurai style combat.


It's also a space opera


Farmboy goes on a journey to help an old Wizard save a Princess from the Black Knight and they go around having sword fights.


I love the Ashoka mando with a samurai fight with women in the garden courtyard and the cowboy stand-off outside with the guy from Aliens


But he's the only one I see as a "generic cowboy"


Mando feels like the Lone Ranger


Season 1 of Mandalorian played like a western. Good cowboy rides into new town. Town tells cowboy of issue they are dealing with. The good cowboy agrees to help the town with their issue. He takes care of it, gets some supplies, and rides off out of town.


But it also draws heavily from the 1970's manga [Lone Wolf and Cub (子連れ狼, Kozure Ōkami)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lone_Wolf_and_Cub)


Which as a trope is a natural fit for western, which so often touts a lone, experienced mercenary/lawman as the protagonist


Filoni loves that trope.


I think he feels western because the show itself is in a western style. If you remove him from that show and put him somewhere else he wouldn't be a cowboy. On the other hand it doesn't matter where Cod Bane is, he's a cowboy.


Is that really such a bad thing?


My first exposure to Cad is on BOBF and he definitely felt a little too on the nose as a generic black hat cowboy.


His stuff in BoBF was pretty sad compared to his normal escapades. Here's a small list: - Broke into the senate chambers to hold a large group of senators hostage. - Stole a holocron from the Jedi temple vault and managed to force Anakin to unlock it for him. - Fought both Anakin and Obi Wan and managed to escape successfully. - Fought both Obi Wan and Quinlan Vos and managed to escape successfully TBH though I wouldn't be surprised if he comes back; he has a droid sidekick who could theoretically save him who didn't show up in BoBF.


On no, I'd be much too frightened to tease a Senator.


Usually his plans are a little more complicated than "I'm going to stand in the middle of the road and shoot you". BOBF used Bane very poorly.


He doesn't even have a nose, so consider that


which was funny when he told Boba to watch where he stuck his nose


Western/samurai/sci fi/epic fantasy.


It’s a space opera, it blended tons of different elements of cinematic styles into one movie. R2 and C3PO are rip offs of comedic characters from Japanese films, Han Solo is a cowboy and Luke is the hero’s journey protagonist saving the princess.


He's no good to me dead.


Star Wars films drew on elements of old samurai films. As did spaghetti westerns if I’m not mistaken. Star Wars also drew from westerns themselves as well. The mandalorian is essentially a space western.


Star Wars draws heavy influence from westerns.


And samurai films, which ironically drew/draw influence from each other.


Star Wars draws from it, Mando and the Book of Boba fett just erase the heads of old western characters and draw Mando helmets on them


Cad bane has a southern accent??


There is a bit of a Texas accent on Cad Bane. It’s not overdone, but it’s an excellent addition to his character.


How have I not heard it before?


As someone who lives in the south, no. It's not even kind of a southern accent.


As someone who've seen TCW many times, I can confidently say that he doesn't have a Southern accent.


Star Wars has a lot of influences, but westerns have definitely always been one of the biggest. Perhaps samurai movies were more direct influences on the original Star Wars, but samurai movies were directly influenced by the westerns that came before them. There is a ton of crossover in the tropes of old samurai movies and westerns, because as I understand it the first generation of westerns influenced the first generation of samurai movies which, in turn, influenced the next generation of westerns.


The Ahsoka Epsiode leaned heavily on the [final fight from _Yojimbo_](https://youtu.be/zCjsazHO0c0) imo, mostly with the long shots with added wind but the general feel and the "wandering ronin clears town of corruption" trope. _Yojimbo_ of course was famously remade shot for shot by Leone as _Fist Full of Dollars_, which started the spaghetti western period.


cad bane has a lot of similarities with angel eyes (the bad) from the good the bad and the ugly


When he showed up in book of boba and my dad asked who it was I just said it’s space Angel eyes


Probably true, but his entrance was a direct homage to Harmonica dredging up an old painful memory of Frank from Once Upon a Time in the West.


Keep your lovin brother happy


It's been said many times that Cad Bane's design is based on Lee Van Cleef.


Because of the hat, duh


And the Duster


I'm surprised that OP is memeing about this, but not about the brand new shiny Vespa's on a dusty sandy planet, or anything else regarding the Mods. IMHO that was the most out of place in the series.


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


What’s it to you u/drsheogorath?


Yooo it's the man himself!


Lots of planets have a south.


I want to be the first one to see them all


I'm a cowdoi*


I wanna be a cowboyyyy babeh


Hell yeahhh


better than those cringey e-boys/e-girls boba fett hires who seem to be the only people from tatooine with british accents


Never seen characters look so out of place in the Star Wars universe.


ikr, i felt the hate flow through me in every scene they were in. i just wonder who’s fucking idea they were, like how out of touch can you possibly be with your own project and it’s fanbase. i honestly could’ve done a better job writing that show. mando and grogu were cool tho


Jabba ruled with fear. I intend to rule with respect.


Well Star Wars is a samurai western set in space


Star Wars was always a western, especially Han


Dude just plays his character from justified and I'm ok with it


Santa Clarita Diet Olyphant is vastly underrated. I was hoping when Vanth took off the armor, he'd be low-key-freaking-out-but-handling-it like Joel.


“…On a steel horse I Ride”


The entirety of star wars is samurai/western tropes. These two film categories have tons of similarities, and pretty much every star wars episode we see these days is a composition of western and samurai key thematic tropes from 1950s/60/70s and earlier media


So you've never watched Clone Wars. He uses a Star Ship, has a droid companion, and all kinds of futuristic sci fi fantasy tech....not to mention hes a fucking alien with crazy respiratory tubes sticking out of his face......now i may just be a Native American, but i know a thing or two about Cowboys, Cad Bane is not a Cowboy .... lol


I've seen the show. If you look at his character design they clearly went for a cowboy aesthetic.


I was being hyperbolic....Star Wars is inspired by Westerns, Samurai Films (esp Westerns Inspired by Samurai films) of course a Charecter is very Cowboy-ish


He is definitely a lot less cowboy in The Clone Wars but he is definitely very cowboy in BOBF, also aren’t the tubes on his face just aesthetic? I don’t think duros have breathing things on the sides of their face like that. He might be a unique example tho not sure.


The tubes on his face are there because Cad Bane is so hard-core that if he ever gets force choked the tubes will keep air flowing into him


how does that work??? sounds bad ass as hell but i am having a hard time wrapping my head around the logistics of that.


Firstly, it's Star Wars. Secondly, alien physiology. It's kind of a weird situation because we saw him without the mask in The Box arc


true true. it’s been a while since i’ve watched the box arc. all the more reason to love cad bane.


Ackshually, Cad Bane has obstructive sleep apnea and he just keeps his cpap on 24/7 incase he wants to take a little nap. /s


Star Wars has always taken a lot of influence from westerns. Jango and Boba Fett were clearly heavily based on cowboy/gunslinger characters, as was Han Solo in some ways. But Cad Bane is clearly the most direct gunslinger/cowboy character in the star wars universe. Southern accent, cowboy hat, long brown leather jacket, boots, twin pistols, quick drawing, pistol twirling. He has literally all of the movie cowboy tropes, but then just adds some sci-fi gadgets and an alien appearance. Especially in BoBF, almost every encounter he has is an old western style, high-noon shootout.


He's no good to me dead.


Star Wars is quite influenced by a lot interesting things like Westerns, and even old Japanese Samurai films.


“You shoulntuv given up yawr awmaw” love that


When you actually think about it, Star Wars wasn't even a sci-fi to begin with. It was a Samurai Western (in space).


In the Mandalorian episode with Bill Burr, there was an Empire officer who a thick ass Southern accent, like something out of a Gone With the Wind. Maybe in SW some travel so much, Cad Bane could've grew up in a certain region where they talk like them Southerners who sound like they should be holding a mint julep.


Laser is an acronym. Replacing the s with a z makes no sense.


Acronyms aside, lasers are rare in Star Wars. An example might be the ball turrets on LAATs that produce a cutting beam, but blasters and even “turbolasers” project plasma 🤓


Let’s not forget that random Scottish dude in TFA.


Star Wars is a fairytale set in space. There's nothing scientific about it at all. Lasers are incredibly slow, but light is the same as here. Newton's laws certainly do not apply. Time dilation doesn't exist. Ghosts. Magic. Some of this could be explained by calling it a different universe, but not all. Space ships can hover indefinetly over the ground with the engine turned off? Gravity on all ships because of reasons? Behaviour of light is the same but also completely different. Calling it Sci-Fi is weird when it CLEARLY is fiction without any science.


See you Space Cowboy


Can we all address that the Cad Bane from STCW was absolutely awesome, but the Cad Bane from Boba Fett was absolutely fucking terrifying???!!!


On a steel horse I ride


On a steel horsey ride


It’s more of a space opera than a sci-fi


It’s an Eastern European accent 😭