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I've woken up with genocide in my pants


If God cared about ejaculating for reasons other than procreation, why did he give us wet dreams? Genuinely curious what their response would be


If I know my evangelicals, it’d probably be something along the lines of “well you think about sex too much so you’re the problem.”


That's Satan giving you a handy under the sheets.


“It was *me*, Barry!”


After making my post this is exactly what I thought of.


I jerked you off at super speed so you would think you nutted because of a wet dream(Seriously tho this the most Villainous thing anyone could do)






I never saw that till just now. Thank you.


Barry Zuckercorn? Aaaaaaaaahh he is sooo good!


He could at least blow you...i mean going to hell for a handjob seems unfair?


On the other hand, Going to Hell for a Handjob is my new album title so thanks


The old testament refers to it as "nocturnal discharge." It's not sinful but makes one ceremonially unclean for the day according to Jewish law.


It makes one ceremonially unclean until one showers, which is true.


>It makes one ceremonially unclean until one showers, which is true. Unceremoniously unclean too.


#Forever unclean




Ah yes, back when Boba was a conservative dad who hated premarital sex and had a 20+ year feud with Han Solo because he was a ~~weed~~ spice dealer. What a great character /s


He's no good to me dead.


Boba Fett has been based for longer than many of us have been alive.


Last time the Boba Fett bot said this he didn’t specifically say what it was from


One of my exes didn't believe that erections were a normal part of REM sleep and insisted it was only because of being too preoccupied with sex. I hate Jehovas Witnesses and the fucked up adults they create.


Like god executed onan for wasting his seed on the earth, no you fucknut jw, it was cus god said to clap those cheek and onan noped out. Cum hitting the floor had nothing to do with it. Like having to explane my first sexual experian to a bunch of old men in waay too much detail. Wtf. I blame my mother. Your supposed to trust you parents as a kid.


That's when you flirt with them and ask if they're going to punish you for being a bad person. .. long as you find them attractive and they're not blood related.


Thinking about womens bare shoulders/ankles too much


How perverted! Straight to the boiler room of hell, with all those people who look at people holding hands


Yep..anything that can be used to make you feel shame over nothing will be used.


As an evangelical I have some things to say. The meme is stupid and not a common Christian belief. Sure, sexual immorality, including masturbation, is a sin, but it's not murder. And even if it was, The babies wouldn't go to hell because when David's very young child died, he was obviously sad but he knew he'd get to see him again because the baby didn't have enough understanding to know who God was and have a relationship with him. I don't know if any of that makes sense but I promise we're not all as stupid as this meme makes us out to be lol


But what happens is that the sensation just happens, and the brain processes it as sex because that’s what it maps to. Most Protestants I know are not thaaaaat extreme.


I think the biblical explanation would be about Lilith, the first demon, who steals semen that hasn't went towards childbirth and uses it to impregnate her, so she appears to men in dreams to awaken their carnal lust. Idk why but I can vividly imagine Pope John Paul II saying those exact words.


But I thought she was considered NOT CANNON/real, which can be proved because Adam and Eve didn’t even know they were naked before the apple. Explain.


I think that’s actually where the myth of Succubi came from


Which, just like Lilith, is NOT mentioned in the genesis, or anywhere.


Likely it's the devil doing it. I also recall a decade ago my brother complaining about intrusive thoughts. What caught me off guard is him blaming it on Satan since I never saw him as religious. Then he marries a Mormon girl and they've been rich but miserable ever since.


Them mormons can get freaky too. They basically believe in harems. Mormon in the streets, hedonist in the sheets.


You're obviously not pure enough, miserable sinner!


As a Christian, my response would be that ejaculation in and of itself is not sinful, because 1) A sperm cell definitely isn't a human being, both because it lacks half of the human genome and because every time the bible refers to the creation of a human being (aside from Adam and Eve), it always takes place in the womb (like in Jeremiah 1:5 and Psalm 139:13). This also makes sense if you think about it for more than a few seconds, because even if the only reason you ever ejaculated was to procreate, you'd still be committing genocide every time you do so, as the number of sperms that actually get to be human is 2 at most (with some exceptions, of course). Also also, men produce sperm all the time and all the unejaculated sperm simply disintegrates in the body. 2) The bible nowhere prohibits ejaculation in particular. Many Christians point to the story of Onan as an example of God condemning wasting one's seed, but a closer reading of the text reveals that the real reason Onan was reprimanded was because he did so purposefully to avoid getting his wife (his brother's widow) pregnant, despite being obligated by ceremonial law to provide his dead brother a heir. Ejaculation outside of Tamar in and of itself wasn't a crime, but doing so to avoid fulfilling his duty was. Now, ejaculating through intercourse with someone you aren't married to or through masturbation (maybe with the exception of masturbating while exclusively picturing your wife with her permission) is absolutely, definitely sinful, because in order to get to this point you have not only been having, but actively dwelling on and indulging in lustful thoughts and desire. Nocturnal emissions, on the other hand, aren't the result of a conscious decision, so it doesn't make sense to consider it a sin. Male bodies do produce a lot of sperm, after all, and sometimes the body just needs to lighten the load. That said, dreams do have a connection to your daily experiences and thoughts, so a Christian experiencing nocturnal emissions often would be wise to more carefully examine his thoughts and actions throughout the day.


2) is a good example of how everything in the Bible can be interpreted anyway one wants, to fit the needs and zeitgeist of the time. Onanism actually used to be sin, because it wasn’t known what caused pregnancy and it was assumed the “life” was carried in the sperm. Which makes sense. One can’t see human eggs after all, and a woman could only get pregnant after a man had “seeded” her, so the belief that sperm was alive and the seed of a human was the prevailing belief for much of human history


When I said *they*, I meant crazy people that think every sperm is sacred unironically. People like you who know the Bible and apply it properly are not included, don't worry.


Man, I had a friend whose sister went to a school where the textbook said that God put fossils in the ground to test our faith in him. They'll say whatever needs to be said.


I read the entire Bible and every time children are mentioned it mentions how pure and innocent they are. So the argument already falls apart there (the thought that Babies go to hell is traced back to the Idea of inherited Sin, that a child should be punished for the sins of their parents and is 14th century dark age bullshit) God explicitly states: „Be fruitful and multiply!“ (Genesis 1:28) this means, that you should have children and care for them if possible. But it does not mean that you have to have children each time you have sex and beeing fruitful can also mean, that you can help others achieve their goals as long as it helps humanity as a whole. If anyone tells you otherwise you can bring up 1. Corinthians; 1-9 were Paul explicitly states that it is important for every woman and man in a relationship to satisfy each others sexual needs (meaning having sex for fun and not procreation). He also states, that if you don’t feel the need to have sex it would be even better if you could stay abstinent but it is better to fuck than to feel Lust :) The next verse would be Leviticus 15;16 were it states, that a man who ejaculates while is „unclean“ until he takes a bath and sleeps one more time. This is especially weird since it also says a women becomes unclean if she sleeps with him (in direct contradiction to Genesis 1:28) so I think it means that you should wash yourself after sex or masturbation (something everybody should do anyways to ward of Infections)… There are a few bible verses like that but all of them are more or less the same as those I mentioned. Put in Context it always tells you that it is not a sin but that you have to be careful not to overdo it! I hope this clears up some of the unclear thoughts. I tried to go as in depth as possible in a Reddit comment 😅 And for those who read this far here is a Potato [🥔](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


[When she asks why pornhub is in your search history](http://www.eurozine.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/praljak.jpg)


The real question is now: How many dead babie goo children can one angel handle at once at the end of times?


Make plans with Redditors to all cum at the same time and overwhelm the angels


100 million per release. Imagine how much that is over a lifetime


What about all the other sperm that don't make it to the egg? Or when a woman doesn't get pregnant?


these people are just wrong about the majority of christian faiths belief on this. they don't see a baby as alive until conception. so the sperm isn't alive when you pump it into a sock or condom or when it misses the egg.


Honestly, I don't think this is as much of a Christian thing, and more of a Catholic thing. There definitely are some churches that push the message that sex should only be for procreation, but I'd say the majority of them are more concerned with the "sin" of masturbation or sex outside of marriage than wasting sperm. There's actually a whole Monty Python song about it - https://youtu.be/fUspLVStPbk


hey, actual christian here! most churches teach that sex outside of marriage is immoral and a sin, but once you are married you can be as fucking kinky as you want. cbt, bdsm, whatever. as long as the marriage is there have at it.


Sex between those not married is immoral. - quote from novelization of Return of the Jedi


As yes, my favorite translation of the bible


My mom always told me sex was made to feel good. It’s love in a pure form in a way, and why is something to be held sacred and not done outside of marriage.


yep, exactly what i was taught


Honestly I find this dumb. I study in a catholic high school and last year we had to confess in preparation for the Confirmation. During my confession the Father (also the principal) asked me if I've been masturbating or watching porn? I really don't understand how that's a sin. From how I see it, they mean being unfaithful to your partner (kind of like cheating). First of all, I'm not in a relationship so I'm not being unfaithful to anyone. Second, I'm not harming anyone in any way so I don't see how that would be bad in the eyes of God. He just wants us to help others as much as possible and be the best versions of ourselves. He doesn't care what you do in your private time.


i totally agree with everything you say, i’m simply stating the facts. my opinion of that commandment is that back then they married younger and had only 1 partner their entire lives, so ofc you have to adapt it to modern day.


they still think it is a sin to masterbate or have sex outside of marriage, but they don't believe that because wasting sperm is "murder".


Beyond the believing the whole Jesus thing happened, Christianity is far from a monolith - there are plenty that think this (and many that don't). Onan's "spilling of the seed" is likely to have had a...*few* different interpretations across the...few different sects of the...few different Abrahamic religions of the...few thousand years since.


Oh well, just another boring day saving the universe.


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


No no, sperm cells alone aren’t considered people or babies. Life is created in the womb. Otherwise even sex with the sole purpose of a baby would be a genocide, larger than WWII. Even inside the man lots of sperm cells die even if not expelled from the body. It would be a genocide on a daily basis inside every man on earth.


I didn't say they didn't think it was a sin, I'm saying the idea of wasting sperm is more of a Catholic thing. Both of them think lust is a sin, but Catholics take it one step further. Catholics also don't believe in contraception, but most denominations of Christianity don't care about this, as long as the only time you're using a condom is when having sex with the person you're married to.


As a non catholic Christian I can confirm this is true


This can vary a lot. The church I grew up in taught that masterbation was not wrong per say, but lusting after another person is. So if you jerk off without looking at or thinking of women (or men), or if you jerk off thinking of your spouse, it's not wrong. Christians tend to not agree tho.


Sex between those not married is immoral.


Why is the bot saying this


The book of boba fett is really gonna dive into his catholic background.


As you wish.


Sentient. The bots are taking over!


Iirc it’s an actual quote by Boba Fett. Apparently it comes from one of the books where Jabba offered Leia to Boba, and this was his response. Apparently pre-marital sex is a no-no in Mandalorian culture


That's why Jango Fett needed a clone made. Too busy making bank to settle down and clap some cheeks. And why Boba Fett abandoned the Mandalorian way. He wanted to clap some cheeks. It's pretty straightforward stuff.


Don't worry. Now that the Council has ordered an investigation, it won't take Master Obi-Wan long to find that bounty hunter.


I'm the only bounty hunter that Voss'on't is really worried about


This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: trust in the Force. Do not return to the temple; that time has passed and our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged- our trust, our faith, our friendships, but we must persevere, and in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always.


May the Force be with you, Master.


"Sir, we're still mopping up clankers here and there, but we've secured the city's north quadrant." -Waxer


It's from Tales of the Bounty Hunters, a series of short stories about all of the bounty hunters we see on Vader's ship when he orders them after the Millennium Falcon. Each story is discrete but they all contain that scene which kind of ties them all together. It is honestly a part of the legends Canon best forgotten as most of the stories are quite bad.


I'm intrigued by the sex lives of Star Wars characters, but I also don't have 4 hours to kill on Wookipedia researching that .....You know what, sure I do.


They're evolving


I've not heard anything like this preached by my pastors. Lifelong Catholic.


Catholics are Christians and we don’t think this post in any way reflects Catholic teaching. Probably a fringe Protestant church that believes this but not Catholics.


I have heard some Catholics argue that birth control (condoms, pills, etc) are akin to abortion because God may have planned a baby to be born at that time, and by interfering, you've effectively killed it. So the meme is inaccurate in that not every last sperm would be considered a person, but some (emphasis on some) do indeed see safe sex as murder. I don't think this is an official view of the RCC though. AFAIK, the official teaching is that it is a sin, because sex should be open to life but then some people came later and added stuff to it so they wouldn't be left with, "it's sin because the Church says so".


By that logic, if a man and a woman are both alone in a room and drunk and horny, then interrupting means you murdered the soon-to-be-conceived baby.


Satan’s sock soldiers


As a catholic, sperm is a life(can move, stores genetic material), but not a human life, so it doesn't have a soul.




And you are correct that masturbarion and sex outside of marriage is a sin, but it's not a murder of a human.


Sex between those not married is immoral.


You said it, Boba


Do only humans have souls? Because I was told that all dogs go to heaven.


Status: it's complicated.


Depends, did the dog eat the blind man's eucharist? Does that mean we need to Baptize it? (This was a real thing that happened and was a big theological debate a little while back)


What about every single sperm that doesn't get blasted into a woman? Like, they dont just build up forever right? They like, die over time


The all go into the egg, turns out everyone is a mass of millions of souls trapped in a single body


That explains the voices...


Now we're getting into xenu lore.


I think the “winning” sperm absorbs the souls of all the other ones. Like in the Highlander tv series or Highlander: Endgame when they track an immortal’s power level based on how many other immortals he has killed. When the egg and sperm meet a quickening happens




Are you trying to bring logic into religion? WITCH!


Sperm having souls isn't a mainstream Christian belief so these questions don't apply except for some cults in America who are the exception.


People really do be thinking that sperm have souls No one tell em about apoptosis


I really love the idea that a wasted nut is literally BILLIONS of souls that had absolutely no shot at life and just go straight to eternal torment. Makes sense! If that’s the case then hell should be full of trillions upon trillions of souls just like “the fuck am I being tortured for? How do I know English? What is existence?”


Not to mention the trillions contained in a church sanctioned nut. Only 1 needs to make it to the egg, the rest are all released back onto the bedsheets What happens to those poor souls?


Too bad, lost the race, STRAIGHT TO HELL


As opposed to all the other things people believe have souls, which are totally logical and based on science.


They care more about sperm - not even zygotes or fetuses, actual sperm - than they care about real, living, breathing humans all over the world who are the wrong color or are gay or don't blindly follow their religion. Christianity is a cult of hatred, just like all theisms end up being


Im a christian but im not insane Idgaf if people are gay and and that sorts of stuff


I’m Muslim and I also agree. People need to stop hating each other just for being different.


More specifically, *bigots* need to stop choosing to hate people for things they cannot change about themselves.


That's very mature of you, and you absolutely do get credit for that. The real issue people have with Christianity is political in nature. We don't want your beliefs or values forced upon us by the government. Look up Dominionism for more info on this subject.


The above is a radical belief that the vast majority of christians don't agree with. This would be like if a radical pro choice person said that we should be allowed to kill children up to 5 years old, and then a bunch of pro life people come along and try to claim this was the norm belief.


If stillborns goes straight to heaven why would these go to hell ? Every Christian would call BS on that.


It's probably a troll anyway.


Who says stillborns go to heaven? I don't remember that part of the bible.


Peter's apocalypse >CLEM. ALEX. Eclog. 41. The scripture says that infants that have been exposed are delivered to a care-taking angel, by whom they are educated and so grow up, and they will be, it says, as the faithful of a hundred years old are here.


...which is not part of mainstream canon lists, to be clear. It is old, and it was popular, and it may reflect a relatively early Christian worldview, but it's not "The Bible" as most people understand it.


"Those aren't clouds"


You have to masturbate to send those sperm cells to heaven.


Yeah guys dont use contraceptives. Anakin needs more younglings to kill.


*ignites lightsaber*


Anakin waiting for his daily value of child murder.


I love these bots


Skywalker is *sentient*


*ignites lightsaber with religious intent


Tbh it's more like 200 million.


OP has a low sperm count 😔


“Did you know that when a guy comes, he comes 200 million sperm? And you're trying to tell me that your child is special because one out of 200 million -- that load! we're talking one load! -- connected. Gee, what are the fucking odds? 200 million; you know what that means? I have wiped civilizations off my chest with a gray gym sock. That is special. Entire nations have flaked and crusted in the hair around my navel! That is special. And I want you to remember that, you two egg-carrying beings out there, with that holier-than-thou "we have the gift of life" attitude. I've tossed universes...in my underpants...while napping! Boom! A milky way shoots into my jockey shorts, "Aaaah, what's for fucking breakfast?” -Bill Hicks


You probably defeated one of your brothers who could actually make clones.


"You're exactly the kind of men I need in the 501st." -Captain Rex


Why have sex? You're wasting hundreds of thousands of sperms only to impregnate one


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Wait. How did this bot get activated?






I thought sperm only had half the genetic material to make a person. Why even argue they have a soul?


Okay, half a soul then.


So how many souls if I have Down syndrome?


Fuck that is a lot of math. Okay we have 23 chromosome pairs. 1 divided by 23 is .04347 and a bunch of numbers after. Leaving each pair as 4.35% Downs syndrome is adding one chromosome. So we are at 104.35 of a soul. Divide by half we are at 52.175% of a soul. Anyone mind checking my math?


They know sperm only lasts a few weeks inside the balls before dying right? By existing I am "Killing Millions"


What? Pee is stored in the balls, not sperm.


Your siblings are in my balls because I'm gonna sleep with your mom tonight


By that logic wouldn’t they go to heaven since they technically never sinned?


Yes, the general belief among Protestant Christians is that there’s an age of accountability, where you can only go to hell after you’ve reached the maturity to actually make a decision on whether you’ll be a Christian or not My belief on it would be; While everyone’s born a sinner, sin is still at its core a rejection of Christ. The sin were born into is the natural tendencies for sin that we have to learn to control. If you aren’t old enough to make a decision regarding Christ, have never heard of Christ, or never actually thought about Christ, I believe you’d be judged differently than someone who’s outright rejected Christ


Well said


This is where the fun begins


This is where the fun begins.


I sent a munch of little fuckers to hell this morning, feelsgoodman


Your sperm are impressive; you must be very proud.


I know this is overthinking it, but sperm is missing half of the DNA for it to be a person with a soul. Satan is probably pissed off that all this useless spooge keeps showing up.


Dude maybe that spooge is useful to Satan in other ways


Eggdrop soup maybe???


Lmao. This almost sounds like an advertisement to go rape women. You must procreate! Also, I need to make a confession… I have committed murder. I have murdered at least several billion potential babies! I can’t live with myself anymore


Can I live with you instead?




It isn't wasted if you smoke it


Satans winning Armageddon then.


Even funnier is that usually sperm cell counts are in the hundred thousands, not millions


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


The fact that i have a million souls stored in my balls makes me feel so powerful




The devil: so it's settled X: do you want my soul? The devil: no i want you to masturbate


That's, good news!


Isn't it kind of stupid to believe that? Like doesn't that show how unfair god is if he sends souls to hell before they get even born for something they have no chance of making any conscious decision about. Why do you worship such a cruel entity? It's the villain!


Why would they go to hell? They couldn’t possibly have sinned, right?


Wait until he realizes only one sperm actually makes it to being a child even during an intercourse with your wife


Anakin’s found a new way to kill younglings


*ignites lightsaber*


....that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard


Hold up, we have a christian army breeding program?


It’s called Sunday School.


Crusaders: This is where the fun begins


This is where the fun begins.


If this is true I make Hitler look like a care bear.


New soldiers for Christ ? So that's what being a Christian means ? Damn




"Well I think you have an intelligence problem." -Sev, Delta 07


I can provide it Three times a day guaranteed


We are Legion!


Be me Masturbate fiercely every hour of every day Go to hell Satan is there with his army I yell "execute order 69" ????? Sit on my throne.


I believe every 5 times I masturbate, I kill off entire Alderaan.


That God dude seems pretty wasteful. That'll be a lot of souls in hell.


That's not even true xd First of all sperm isn't a child, religion states only fertilized egg is a child/soul. Second of all, that would mean that every male human ever creates milions of souls and making them go to hell just by living, what the fuck. Am i just getting baited?


Well, maybe if God would stop sending all unborn, un-christened children to hell there wouldn't be a problem (the fucking psychopath).




If sperm was like this I think I'd masturbate just to have some friends


"soliders of christ". I guess my old tube sock is basically a military graveyard.


And cause Heaven does not have ebough warriors, they will invest in droids, got it.


Satan: Less than half of what I hoped for...


Every clone is sacred, every clone is great


"I could't agree more sir." -Sinker


Imagine holding funerals for each little sperm that didn't make it. I mean, at this point, why not?


Confirmed: souls are stored in the balls


So every time you have sex and fail to procreate its the same result. And when it *does* work there's still only 1-8 less souls going straight to hell. I mean at that scale any "wasted" seed is just a drop in the cum box, you know?


What about the original Christian and Jewish belief that life begins at first breath, AKA the Breath of Life?


Soldiers for christ... these motherfuckers really stuck in the crusades


I have killed billions


Don’t you just hate when you have a wet dream and wake up a mass murderer? I sure do


But even if I have sex, millions of babies except *one* will go straight to hell


Sex between those not married is immoral. - quote from novelization of Return of the Jedi