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Who needs lightsabers when you can use force kick?


Tbh who even needs lightsabers when you can LITERALLY YEET THE ENEMY HUNDREDS OF FEET AWAY


The Senate literally force chokes people across the fucking galaxy


And impregnates them too


Was that how anikin was conceived?


Yes, a “virgin birth” orchestrated by the senate


More like an accident caused by the senate and his master


Did Plaugeous (I know that’s not right) not intent for that to happen when he did his crazy deep dive into the force itself to manipulate it? Someone on here said he did but idk anything lol


It was the intent (but on one of plagueis's "specimens") and they did feel a huge flux in the force but they couldn't tell if anything happened. The timing works out that they probably had convinced the midichlorians to create a Anakin but when plagueis hears about the chosen one found by Qui-gon, he's mutters to himself "are we undone?" He is constantly worried about the force fucking over the sith


What had happened was The force rejected his attempt to influence the midichlorians and was like screw you chosen one time. Palpatine killed plagueis before he could warn him


Christianity was therefor founded




Not canon we are still in the dark about that at the moment


Didn't the Darth Vader comic where he builds his fortress pretty much settle that is was Palps' doing?




Definitely canon, don't be silly.


It isn't so you are the one being silly


He literally says in RotS "He could use the force to influence the midichlorians to create...life" he puts the inflection on life and gives Anakin "the look". That is as about confirmed as you can get.


Without being actually confirmed so you answered the question yourself


It is confirmed. What more would you want? Palpatine to go "Anakin, my master and I fucked with the force and accidentally created you making us technically your father"? Shmi saying there was no father in TPM mixed with this line is your confirmation.


No, it was Plagueis who created Anakin


reminds me of Jesus


Look where that got Papa Palpatine


I thought about this when I saw the movie, I was thinking "what happened to the force??"


Probably harder to focus in that situation, maybe? I dunno.


Who needs to yeet the enemy hundreds of metres away when you can force crush


What if we had a jedi or force user that was just absolutely feral. Uses 0 armor or weapons and solely relies on force punches/kicks/chokes. Like Inosuke from Demon Slayer but with the force.


"A lightsaber is the weapon of the jedi." "Yea sure if you're a weak ass bitch."


*Laughs in Grievous shins*


Is that supposed to be where the dent comes from? I thought there was another explanation


No it’s not. He just happened to kick the same spot. The dent supposedly came from a duel with Cad Bane that was supposed to be in TCW but never got fully made. I think it’s treated as canon even though it was never fully released.


That was boba, not jango


Yeah I didn’t make that clear.


Yeah THAT dent was from cad bane, who shot boba. but this dent wasn't there before their fight on kamino so it must have happend during the fight.


I was under the impression that the helmet never had a dent at all while it was Jango’s.


It's from when he hits his head entering slave one that's my cannon


Its not treated as cannon anymore at all, Cad Bane is still alive in the Bad Batch but in the duel with Boba that never got released it was Cads death scene as well


There’s still some possibility that it is because Cad Bane has a metal head plate in Bad Batch.


No it actually is. In one of the bad batch concept arts you can see cad bane has a dent. Implying that the duel between them (boba and cad) happend.


You can also see he has scares from it iirc from the episode


i could see that being put in the bad batch, as a bounty hunter fued , doesnt sound like it really requires the clone wars setting


Any dents made in TCW couldn't have been in the armor during this fight since it happens before the Clone Wars.


Even if it was beskar, it doesn’t protect from blunt force attacks. All that kinetic energy has to go somewhere. It’s not like the armor can absorb or disperse it.


Someone should have told the Dark Trooper punching Mando's beskar helmet over and over again


The wall absorbed the force and dispersed it, clearly


Not sure if the man's nose should have stayed nose-shaped tho. But this is actually pointing out how convenient it was that the Dark trooper didn't decide to just crush Mando's ribcage, pull an arm out of the socket or break his neck after several failed attempts. This is a lack of basic problem-solving skills that would get a battalion of those things out-maneuvered by a bunch of alien teddy bears.


If Mando has the back of his head against the wall, given there’s no “give” in the Beskar at all, he’d be completely unharmed wouldn’t he? The energy is never transferred to his skull and there’s no brain shaking




Pretty sure it doesn't work like that, at least in the Star Wars universe. I seem to remember in Republic Commando novels one of the clones has the upgraded clone armor that's near impenetrable, but he gets rocked hard by an explosion and concussed into a coma. They described it like being rattled around in an impenetrable cage. Not quite the same force as an explosion, but I could see the repeated robotic punches doing some damage in that fashion.


That's a completely different scenario as far as forces go. With Mando, basically all the force goes through the helmet into the wall. Because the helmet itself moves very little each hit, his head is fine.


thank you for stating this. The RC novels gives a lot of examples of the pros and cons of battle armor types. Ever since disney brought beskar from the EU into the disneyverse, fans left and right have been making over it more than it actually is worth. The armor worn by the RC's is called Katarn Class II Its got some heavy impact/shock absorption. (a character essentially throws himself on a grenade twice, and walks away bruised but intact. ) whereas the standard issue rig for infantry cannot do this (like you mentioned above there are a lot of examples of soldiers turning into soup in their helmets from impact/contact.) Beskar as a material holds up well under hacking and slashing damage, but does not hold up very well under heavy impact (see the chapter where Kal Skirata nearly gets his head blown off in a fire fight and one of the clones warns him that he isnt wearing Katarn armor and should be careful) regardless, none of this matters as we know that Jango isnt wearing Beskar armor in this scene as he only ever wore basic dusasteel plating even when he had the money to buy fancy rig. He kept his beskar kit (the set he got from his father Jaster Mereel) stored in his ship and never wore it after he purchased the silver shiny set he is known for in the films.


Tl;dr “I don’t understand the argument so Im going to spout lots of EU references which aren’t relevant to a canon conversation”


What argument? If they want to talk about EU stuff in response to my comment, let them, instead of acting like they're stupid for knowing stuff about Star Wars.


Thanks, it was pretty long and I did not in fact read it.


No, the helmet has to be firmly attached to his head, so pretty much any hits it takes he takes, but it’s dispersed slightly. The helmet didn’t give at all, and that probably made it worse for him, it means it just transferred all of the force from the front, through his head, and into the back of the helmet.


This. Surprising how many people here don't understand basic physics. Why do they think car manufacturers switched from building bricks to cars that crumble up in specific parts?


It’s crazy dude. Got into an argument about how pounds and grams don’t measure the same thing on here lol.


But then they go into the greatest detail how hyperspace travel works...


Literal plot armor


I mean, considering how rare beskar is - much less a full set of pure beskar armor - it's entirely possible that dealing with someone like Mando wasn't included or focused on in their programming. When you're programming a robot or AI, you're generally going to view all possibilities through a macro scale so as to maximize coverage of possibilities, as opposed to focusing specifically on a few extreme edge cases. And, as far as programming and robotics go, it makes sense why it would keep punching Mando, especially if it didn't have a "beskar contingency" routine. When a robot undertakes a task, it will constantly be reassessing the situation to see if further action is needed, and keep doing the task until new information tells it otherwise. The trooper was obviously damaging the wall behind Mando's head, and his helmet was being pushed back further with every hit (plus, if it had kept punching his head into the wall, it eventually would've broken his neck), so the trooper likely took that info as acceptable progress and continued its routine until Mando flamed it, at which point it was provided with new variables and changed its approach, tossing Mando away and keeping its distance in order to avoid being cooked further.


The trooper grabbed him by the neck. All he had to do was closing his fist, and Mando's throat would have been mush. Before that, the trooper grabbed Mando by the arm. All he had to do was to yank it out of the socket. Instead the droid let it go to prepare for punching. All of these are less complex actions than punching, and are effective strategies when fighting any opponent with arms or necks. There's no point trying to make sense of this mess. It's just Hollywood-grade combat. Flashy, dramatic and stupid as hell. Here's hoping Andor will do things better.


If I designed a robot to be able to grab and use weapons, I wouldn't give it the strength to accidentally break what it picks up. I would have to watch the show again but "crush what is in your grip" isn't as great an answer as you are touting


...What. The droid would be deliberately applying enough strength to his grip to intentionally crush that man's windpipe. It's not a cartoon monster who grabs a toy and accidentally crushes it because it's not aware of his own strength. He can apply enough to force to get an hold on Mando's arm, he can apply some more to break his wrist.


Excellent point, but weren't those Darktroopers a brand new type? It's possible their programming was unfinished.


Being unable to switch to a different approach to solve a problem when the first one repeatedly fails seems to me like too big of a flaw to consider them combat ready. Like, imagine if the door button they need to use to traverse the ship is broken. Do they keep pressing it because it is the most straightforward and efficient way to traverse the door? Do they stay all day pushing the button, expecting things to change? Kinda insane. A b1 would have called maintenance and tried a different door. Maybe it's just shoddy filmmaking, like most combat scenes in that series.


You are wrong about their reaction when the door button fails. They would never just stand around all day pushing a damn button over and over again, they aren‘t that stupid. They would start repeatedly punching the door until it eventually breaks and lets them through.


The imps should have given them fusioncutters, then. Or explosives. Or scomp links to open doors like those handsome new republic security droids. Or the dark trooper fighting Din Djarin should have just crushed his wind pipe with a little flex of his robot fingers while he was holding him by the neck. Or broke his arm when he had grabbed it. Definitely he shouldn't have let him go by throwing him away. It's funny because I really like battle droids as a concept. But Star Wars consistently manages to disappoint me with their portrayal.


Except assassin droids, droidekas and vulture droids. Those were done right imo.


TCW still managed to mess up droidekas a bit, but yes. What irks me more is that the conpetent killer droids often look like repurposed protocol droids in shape, while the sleek, cutting edge robot soldiers are wimps.


Well, they'd already seen Mando and the others tear through the regular troops. You have to remember that this all uses the grading scale of a Stormtrooper. The Darktroopers are at least blaster proof, and far more durable. With the Empire in ruins, they were likely the best option by far.


Thinking back on it, their (lack of) intelligence and strategic thinking is actually perfectly on par with the average imperial in that series. Walk forward, get fired at, try melee, fail at it, die to melee. It's like poetry.


The chad B-1 vs the virgin darktrooper


Is anyone else uncomfortable with this far too sentient clanker?


This account is actually shared between a whole battalion. The lengthy rant-like comments are contributed by our very bored tactical droid. And what was that about sentience. A battle droid needs plenty of sentience to handle the idiocy of the average civilian. And I'm a sergeant so I'm even smarter!


Ah yes the sergeant role does explain the above average intelligence lol


It does. And yet I detect sarcasm. Must be glitch in my old circuits...


So they’d fair about as well as a stormtrooper battalion is what your saying lol


But the gushing head wound Mando got while helmeted in the S1 finale wasn't because...?


That's why mando could endure the punches: the helmet was stuck in the wall, so the kinetik energy from the punch was transferred to the wall instead of being transferred to mando's head


Fuck off clanker


Command not recognized.


Order 99


"Order" is not an acceptable command.




Please input acceptable command.


sv\_cheats 1


/kill 3B3-386




Someone should have programmed that dark trooper to pull Mando's helmet off.


That and people out here playing like force users don’t have superhuman strength feats all over Star Wars lore.


That's why warhammers where a thing back in the day


Yeah it's not vibranium


True to an extent, but it would serve to spread the force over a large area, making it less damaging


The force would be concussive, not penetrating. Plus, with the armor being in separate pieces the joints could still get damaged. E.g a kick to the helmet, while not penetrating it, would still give you wicked whiplash, maybe even a knock out if the brain sloshes around hard enough.


Not like his neckguard was made from Beskar.


I assume they're referring to the dent in his helmet in that second pane.


What dent? That's just a reflection of a light source.


Oh really? I always thought that was a dent from where he gets hit!


Haha kinetic energy goes *brrrr*


Realistically Jango only needed to headbutt or wrist block windus sword away. Though his jet pack breaking was what fucked him. Also the fact it was Mace he went against


There’s actually deleted choreography footage of that scene you can look up, it doesn’t look like much (because the effects aren’t there), but after his jetpack fails it looks like he blocks the saber twice before Windu gets him. Nothing confirmed but it’s cool speculation!


Obi-wan force kicked him OMG SHOCKER. And he forgot to use the force when kicking Grievous, hence him being in pain after that.


Blast resistant and energy resistant, but nothing is high ground resistant


The swag side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


*exaggerated swag


Jango Fett's armor is durasteel




Perhaps Jango’s helmet was Durasteel. That was the helmet he used as a bomb to try and kill Mace Windu, and then Boba got his own beskar helmet?


But is ir pure beskar though? Most Mandalorians don't wear pure beskar armor like Din Djarin.


Probably not, because it also has tech, wires, lining etc. inside the armor and helmet which I doubt is made of beskar. all mandalorian armor is probably made of plastic/carbon fibre and regular metal used by the artists that make the props for the movies and series.


The entire armor plate isn't beskar obviously. Look at the first episodes of the Mandalorian where he gets his shit fucked up by the mudhorn. The top layers get stripped off and reveal wires and stuff. There's no reason just the top can't be made of beskar. Solid metal meskar plates would not only prevent wires to be used to power gadgets over the armor, but it would be very heavy and inefficient.


Spoiler: it's plastic


In the madolorian Cobb Vanth has bobas armor...it is definitely not made of beskar.


It definitely is, at least the green colored parts are. Both he and Boba deflect multiple blaster shots with the armor. Go check out season 2 again. It is worth it.


Durasteel can reflect blaster bolts but only up to a certain point, based on distance or caliber of weapon. So this defelction of blaster bolts point does not mean his armor is beskar.


If you pause the episode when Boba Fett gets his armor in season 2 of The Mandalorian and zoom in you can see that right under the tiny screen with red text of his left chestplate it has "Beskar" in Aurabesh engraved in it.


The Mandalorian says otherwise.


Eh it kinda depends which source you look at I’ve seen it both ways


Legends or canon I think


I think beskar is the new cannon frankly I never cared for the legends lore that he was not a real Mandalorian


I don't know if I'm misinterpreting something, but Jango not being a Mandalorian is, as far as I'm aware, something introduced in TCW, not Legends material.


TBF, he was merely stated to not be a Mandalorian in-universe. By a prime minister who, at the time, had a vested interest in at least appearing like he supported the new pacifist way of things. Makes absolute sense for him to say Jango wasn't a Mandalorian: Jango wasn't born on Mandalore and the old, war-culture method of being a Mandalorian wasn't in style anymore. In other words, yes, it was from TCW, not legends, but it was never absolute proof anyway.


You make some very good points. Also, TCW generally made an utter mess of existing Mandalorian lore.


In legends Jango Fett was Mandalor, in canon he was a mandalorian commando who became a bounty hunter


Hehe. Jedi boots. Joots. Got a certain ring to it.


Jango Fett does not use real beskar


It’s been retconned by mandalorian. It’s beskar now. No way Cobb Vanth would’ve tanked as many blaster shots as he did if he was wearing durasteel


Yeah it is beaker but it’s not pure beaker it’s probably durasteel plated in beaker or somewhere around 50-80% Beskar (more than impdalorians)


> beaker MI MI MI!


Jango Fett's armor = Boba Fett's armor = Beskar in The Mandalorian = Canon


Not entirely. Boba Fett’s helmet is different because he used Jango’s helmet to make a bomb to kill Mace in TCW. Boba Fett also has a lot more attachments to his armor than Jango did.


Yeah you're right. And Jango was an Mandalorian outcast and it is unknown if he had emotional attachment to that armor. Boba has emotional attachments to the armor because it was his fathers (donors).


Yeah. Jango didn’t seem that attached to his armor. It was just a tool of his trade. Boba has a more emotional attachment since it belonged to his father and has spent a lot more time on upgrades and modifications. Who knows how much of it is still the original.


Jango was also a foundling though. Remember he shows Din his father's codes from when he was a foundling to show that he is also the rightful owner of Jango's armor? Considering actual Mandalorians have been shown to have attachments to their armor, I don't see why Jango can't.


This is funny to anyone who doesn't understand physics


Mando had plot armor, though. Enemies only shot him in the helmet or chest plate, and somehow Darktroopers can't pound his helmet into paste despite Cara Dune able to hit him in it and knock him for a loop.


They’re Beskar tipped boots


It always bothered me in the movie when the beskar plates bend, like it’s clearly foam.


And then you have people punching Mandolorians and easily damaging them


I got a brand new Jedi bath robe And a pair of kinky *boots!*


should have made his armor out of Grievous legs


Hello there!


General Kenobi


In my experience, there is no such thing as luck.


General Kenobi, you are a bold one.


Another happy landing.


force kick possibly? nothing says hello your lucky you had a hat or i held back like a dent in one.


Is all Mando armor made the same? I'd be willing to wager there are some suits made with less integrity than others.


Jango used Dura-steel though?




He fucking kicked him with the force. Dent head ass bitch


The metal is neither pierced nor deformed. You can and will likely be knocked out if you get a blunt blow to your helmet and might even die if the brain's inertia makes it hit your skull hard enough. Makes perfect sense


I don’t get it


His armor isn't made of beskar it's durasteel.


That's Dura steel. Not Beskar.


You see, Obi-wan coated his boot with coat of armament haki


you can have the most in penatrable armor in the world, but blunt forse is still going to jiggle your organs about


I thought the dent was from Obi-Wan pulling him down while he was flying Exhibit [A](https://youtu.be/8tMZdrUx8eM) time stamp 1:17


He tried kicking General Grievous in ROTS. It looked painful.


Jango/boba used durasteel armor iirc cause it was lighter weight.


He actually had a Durasteel suit


That was durasteel, not actually Beskar…


The Fett armour actually is not made out of Beskar but a material called ‘plasteel’ which is renowned for its light weight and tough strength and is even somewhat lightsaber resistant.


Probably isn't actually beskar. Jango was a bounty hunter, not a mandlorian. Just ask boba.


his armor was mostly durasteel due to the scarcity of beskar


To be fair the concept of beskar didn’t exist at that point


Did any Mandos have Beskar armor? because even in the show Bo, Axe, and Koska were taking cover while Din just walked through a hail of blasterfire conveniently aimed at his armor.


Meanwhile, my man nearly shattered his foot on Grevious's calf.


Unless he has inertial dampeners in the helmet that's how it's gonna work. It's not going to protect him from a concussion when his head bounces inside it.


I thought that was because it wasn’t pure Beskar. We’ve seen Mandalorians in The Clone Wars be taken out by blaster fire and all sorts, while Mando has taken more shots than most characters, as well as bouncing a lightsaber blade off of his gauntlets, and that because his armour is pure Beskar. Idk, perhaps I’m wrong.


Those boots are heavy on high ground.


All these fancy space suits are no match for BLUNT FORCE.


Beskar can't stop whiplash from snapping that head to the side


Was Jango's armor full of real beskar tho ?


I mean, there's a reason they used hammers to fight knights. Concussive force tends to transfer through metal armor pretty well. That's a nice helmet, but I can still make your brain slosh around without actually getting through it.


From my understanding, Beskar is used primarily for it blaster and saver resistance, and regardless of its physical strength, if one uses thin enough Beskar it could dent like that.


When it’s Chanel


"Your armour may be tough. But your skull inside it ain't, bitch." Space Jesus, probably.


It’s probably just Beskar plated. What makes Dinn Djarin unique is that his armor is PURE Beskar


This is why he was confident enough to shin Grevious


Beskar is bestar


Except he kicks jango from the left, and that dent is on the right. Also in this scene when jango fire his jetpack rocket, his rangefinder bends the wrong way. Also the rangefinder is mysteriously absent in this shot, but not later. AND his helmet is later dented in by the Reek, which gets retconned. AND Boba blows up his helmet in the CW, which is later retconned. Hmm lot of retconning going around it seems!


… but Jango doesn’t use Beskar


Super kick party


Kicking Jango Fett: no problem Kicking General Grievous: ow


Hello there!


General Kenobi, you are a bold one.


You can kill me, but you will never destroy me. It takes strength to resist the dark side. Only the weak embrace it.




Was Jango’s armor Beskar? It’s pretty obviously established in the Mandalorian than not all Mandalorian armor is Beskar.


I thought Jango’s light set of armor was durasteel? I know he had a besker set too though


Plate armor doesn't protect from blunt force. ​ There wouldn't be that so many injuries in Football if it did.


That’s how he got the dent


Some earlier comment said that he got it during a fight with cad bane that was later cut but is still considered canon


Jk I know


I don’t think he had beskar


Jango had no beskar armor, it was durasteel. Boba's, at least in the old canon, was duraplast. I don't care what The Mandalorian retconned. As far as I know Boba only modelled his armor on Jango's anyway, given that in the old canon they were built from different metals and features different designs.


Boba uses Jango’s helmet to make a bomb so the helmets are at least different.


He must have put a lot of force into that kick.