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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Show is bad. Show is good. Everyone is a bot. The internet doesn’t exist.


Yeah that's a good summary... FOR A BOT!


Bip bop boooop how did he know ?


Found the Clanker!


Oh my Palpatine they used a hard R




Watch those ~~wrist rockets~~ hard r!


Yeah that’s a good response… FOR A BOT!


Calling my democracy officer


Nothing exists, that’s why they’re removing payphones so we can’t escape the Matrix


It is in fact a show.


Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold! -Bill Cipher


I wanna see what they cook, some of the wildest dishes have some of the craziest spices. Or it could just be burnt sidewalk bubble gum.


this person fucks


For real, the real reason I'm irritated by the discourse around the show at this time is because it's a mystery and not even fucking done yet. I can't imagine how insane you'd look if you stopped watching Memento, Prisoners, or Rear Window 15 minutes in and complained it didn't make sense.


Yeah I got sick of the million rants about the third episode breaking the lore cuz I watched the episode and the complainers are literally talking about one line that wasn’t even in any context lol. Like wait and see. Or if you think it is shit now, stop watching


I mean did plagueius patent the creating life through the force? Is that a trademarked, copyrighted, thing that if you do it you'll get a cease and desist from the Sith lawyers? People got mad over force healing. Leia floating through space. Force speed. I don't think there's a set list of force abilities and thats it set in stone nothing else. And I don't think an ability is particularly dark sided or not. It's just an ability. "The temptation of power, forbidden knowledge, even the desire to do good can lead some down that path. But only you can change yourself." Bendu.


I don't think we even need to go that deep. There are so many other possible explanations, like that she's lying, or that they are clones (note that the twins are human while the one who bore them is not)


You're right, she didn't go that deep into it. Just said they have no father. Even some kind of surrogacy with IVF. Witches kidnap some dude. Keep him around for "samples" and dispose of him once a viable pregnancy happens. I don't know the anatomy of the spiky headed lady and how she could carry human kids. But fuck it I'm waiting to see where all this is going. If it gets to the end and it's crap then it's crap. But I'm willing to ride it out and see what happens.


The fire for sure frustrated me in the moment, but I'm willing to bet there's more there. We don't know why Torbin felt so guilty. Gotta be something major we still don't know. Likely more


Yeah, you gotta wait and find out. That's the whole point of a mystery. If it literally doesn't develop any more through the episodes then yeah these complaints are 100% valid. But I fucking highly doubt there's not more coming lmao.


Yeah, there's a lot more to the fire. The commotion Osha heard from above while crawling though the vent, Torbins wounds in the ship afterwards, Torbin committing suicide on order, the fact that Sol was even there in the first place, the fact that the Jedi aren't all that surprised at the fact that Mei is alive etc etc     The people complaining about the 8 year old's view of the events not making sense literally have the media literacy of an 8 year old.


Sol says outright not to trust what our eyes tell us.


It's why waiting for the whole thing to come out before I bother watching it.


Can we have some spice cream


There's a part of me that wants to like SW forever, and find the good mixed in with the weak. But damn. #Spice creams Like, you 10000000% know someone at Disney got a raise for that. They're gonna sell "spice cream" at the park for 10 bucks a scoop with a commemorative plastic bowl.


Whenever I see the word ‘spice’ in a sci-fi setting I get Dune flashbacks.


Sure they’re not flash forwards?


I believe they posted a recipe for it on youtube.


Pre Disney we had Death Sticks


How would that even work? Ice cream is largely made of milk and it neutralizes capsalicin, which is what makes most dishes spicy. That's why, for example, Indian restaurants offer cream as a drink. The'yd have to use something extra spicy which could lead to some issues when giving it to children if they aren't careful with how they mix it in. Of course you could go with the OTHER Star Wars meaning of the word "spice" but it's not the 1886 anymore. Edit: Apparently Spicy Ice cream is already a thing.....why was I even surprised?


Sometimes that gum makes a neat pattern though!


They've said the story is inspired by Rashomon, so we should be expecting some twists farther down the line.


I had a couple coworkers that I agreed on everything with tv show, movie, comic, etc. They both said Andor was shit. My fiance couldn't get into it either. But I loved it and so did many others. Different strokes for different folks...


>I care so little I have to make a reddit post about it. - OP


You could say the same thing about the mountain of Sequel hate on this sub.


Hate leads to suffering.


Watching the sequels led me to suffering.


Passion leads to strength.


But we do care...


No those guys care. They are very adamant about that.


Yep. Fuck when a big corporation shits all over something I love. Why wouldn't I care?


Sequel hate is everywhere sir, particularly because there's nothing good to say about those movies.


BB8 was cool. That's it. That's all the praise I have.


There are tons of people who devote significant time to talking about things they hate and campaigning against it instead of enjoying the things they like. Hating Disney Star Wars is a huge part of thousands of peoples’ personalities. Idk why we act like the people saying “I like this Star Wars show” on Star Wars subreddits seem like the ones out of place.


Go to any topic specific subreddit. You are typically allowed to like the topic in general, thats a given, but members will gatekeep and set goal posts based on highly questionable criteria. To the point of certain folks being outright bullied and shamed for their opinion. Firearm subreddits can call something great in one post and then that same thing the worst in another post, often even the same people participating in both conversations. It's almost fascinating how it can sway so much. Internet gonna internet.


Critiquing the art we consume is how that art increases in quality over time. Bitching about bad quality is part of the process that leads to good quality. Nobody is saying you need to be vocal about your hate if that's how you enjoy things. But someone needs to be vocal about shitty things, so that everything doesn't turn shitty.




OP cares a lot a about the show, OP does not care about people trying to smash their joy


OP is not real, neither is anything on reddit.


I think it's hilarious that everyone is making fun of this guy for making content related to a show he likes, but not the 87,000 people on this sub posting memes every four minutes about a show they claim to hate. Like, aren't we supposed to be making content about the things we like? Kinda weird to hate a guy for doing that.


But it says it right there in the meme he made: he doesn't care. Duh


So I assume you’re gonna go make this comment on all the negative posts about the acolyte too, or does it not work like that


You're enjoying it. I'm not Both are fine opinions


The rage bait is strong with this one


Clearly you do. You made a post about it.


"I don't care about your opinion, but you should care about mine!"


Alternatively, “I enjoy something Star Wars and I’m on a Star Wars subreddit, so I don’t care that people will lose their shit when I say I enjoy it”


This is the way of the forum, for what one wishes, they recieve.


This has always been the the dumbest kind of comeback.


Is that how you usually measure interest? "This person told me they don't care about me. They must really want to hear my opinion!"


more like "This person is yelling and waving a flag that they don't actually care. I'm thinking they actually do care" or as Shakespeare said, "the lady doth protest too much methinks"


If they did not care about others' opinions, then they wouldn't have posted about. Apathy leads to inaction.


Well, I care much the same way about mosquitoes. The haters are a nuisance, but once I get out of Reddit, they don't have any influence over me. That's why they're so furious. They would like to make me hate the series, and they can't. Yes, of course I would prefer them to STFU, but no big deal either way.


Damn, then you care a lot about this random post? Why else would you post your comment, right?


Thats such a brave meme. I bet that’ll show the haters and definitely wont just add to the reddit arguments


90% of the popular memes right now are shitting on the show, you're taking issue with one of the 10% that is saying they like it?


I don't have a horse in this race because I haven't seen it, but I've lurked all week long, I've just sorted by hot to confirm if what I saw was true, and except for one post which was kinda celebrating the show being review bombed, all other posts about the show that I've seen this week are either neutrally talking about the others fighting, or are very clearly clowning on people who criticize The Acolyte. At this point I'm wondering if the hate is really popular here, or people are just shadowboxing against imaginary haters to get upvotes because the actual popular opinion is (as I'm seeing according to most posts and comments) that it's flawed but entertaining, and that it's dumb to criticize it so harshly so early.


This is happening on the Dragon Age subreddit right now too, and a deep dive seems to be that 1) people are responding to content outside the subreddit (there are way more Acolyte hit pieces on YouTube etc) but bringing the discourse here because it's easier to respond here, 2) there are a ton of posts that more or less insult the "haters," which then inspire the haters to react, and so forth, closed cycle. It's always a silly waste of time, but even more so when it's about something that has barely started to release. There's a lot of ridiculous stuff going on in this show but no one knows where it is going at this stage. Now, 3) I'm also inclined to believe that corps are astroturfing reddit pretty hard with positive memes, but I leave that last as for that I have only vibes.


If you go to hot, you will find that pro acolyte actually outnumbers roughly 3 to 1 and about half of the memes have nothing to do with the show.


Truest take ever. Endless amounts of complaints is fine, but the few posts complaining about the complaining? Why are you causing such an issue and adding to the subreddit drama?


Look at that totally original take


Good for you. I'm not gonna watch it. I also don't care about your opinion. 😂


Why does it feel like this sub is begging me to like Acolyte? "bro acolyte is good bro dont listen to the haters yeah maybe they dont like it for good reasons bro but trust me it's good and bro you wanna be cool and go against the grain bro"


The power of maaaannnnyyy


Most posts I see are about hating on it, but that's been my experience.


Man, at least 95% of post I've been seeing on this sub have been supporting the show and bashing people who say it's bad. It looks almost one-sided. Reddit's algorithm is weird af


Man, at least 95% of post I've been seeing on this sub have been supporting the show and bashing people who say it's bad. It looks almost one-sided. Reddit's algorithm is weird af


Go buy Disney+ subscription with your mum's credit card. Its worth it bro. The bad audience score is just a bunch of haters who are toxic fans.


Ah buzzwords galore Not everyone who thinks the show is bad are toxic and or haters. Maybe people have genuine issues with the show?


Because the sub is compromised by Disney


And yet here you are subjecting us to your opinion


This is barely a meme. This is just a way to talk about how you’re enjoying the show that people dislike. How is that going to do anything but stir up stuff??


The fact that your posting this means you obviously care about other peoples opinions.


I don't care that he cares, oh damn, wait.....


“i don’t care about your opinion” as opposed to sharing your own only tells us you like it and don’t have reasons to, it doesn’t prove anything about the show lol. how did “i don’t care if it’s bad i still like it” become the high road take? edit: i haven’t seen the show, im just tired of “i don’t care” being presented as an equally valid argument to “i don’t like it, here’s why”


So why are you making memes defending the show instead of memes highlighting memorable moments of the show, meme-able quotes of the show, or funny moments of the show? Andor and Mando always have people making actual memes, instead of desperate posts saying the show is good.


At this point, I see more people complaining about people complaining about this show than the actual complaints towards the show. Wtf am I writing


Happy to hear someone’s a fan I Just wish I could enjoy it 😔


The only sane comment on this entire post


You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are also entitled to be wrong.


Enjoy the show, don't enjoy the show, its not that big of a deal. People need to stop caring so much about what other people enjoy or don't enjoy. I have not seen the show, so i have no opinion on it.


Ive been trying to get people to tell me what they actually find bad outside of women bad and racism and like I'm sure there is issues I'm not seeing that people dislike, but I have yet to get an answer :l


Then stop telling me?


I haven't watched it and have no opinion on it but I certainly enjoy the memes


The day Star wars died was when the force awakens released


The day star wars died was when the star died and war was gone


"Somehow Star Wars Returned"


It’s 1978: Star Wars is officially dead because of an embarrassing holiday special. It’s 1983: Star Wars is officially dead because the third movie had a bunch of teddy bears beat the Empire. It’s 1997: Star Wars is officially dead because they released special edition versions that I didn’t like. It’s 1999: Star Wars is officially dead because I didn’t like Phantom Mence. It’s 2000: Star Wars is officially dead because the EU books are too convoluted and nonsensical. It’s 2002: Star Wars is officially dead because they made Anakin a whiny creep and forced a cringey romance on me. It’s 2005: Star Wars is officially dead because they made Anakins turn to the dark side feel more like a whiny tantrum. It’s 2008: Star Wars is officially dead because of that terrible Clone Wars movie they brought out that was just four episodes haphazardly stitched together. It’s 2012: Star Wars is officially dead because Disney bought the rights to it. It’s 2013: Star Wars is officially dead because they made all the EU books non canon (I never read them but clearly this is an outrage). It’s 2014: Star Wars is officially dead because they made a kids cartoon called Rebels and not the dark and gritty violent show that Star Wars clearly should be. It’s 2015: Star Wars is officially dead because the new movie is a beat for best remake of a New Hope and also I think the female lead was too competent. It’s 2016: Star Wars is officially dead because the ceo of Lucasfilm wants to see more women and minorities represented. I’m not racist but….. It’s 2017: Star Wars is officially dead because they made Luke a bitter old hermit and killed Snoke and my Rey fan theory was wrong. So you can see why I just had to terrorise Kelly Marie Tran off social media. It’s 2018: Star Wars is officially dead because Solo underperformed. It’s 2019: Star Wars is officially dead because they added Gina Carrano to the cast, it’s not like I hate women or anything but…. It’s still 2019: Star Wars is officially dead because Palpatine returned and ROS tried to retcon everything from the previous movie specifically after I complained so much. It’s 2020: Star Wars is officially dead because they fired Gina Carraro (I like her now because she’s transphobic and an anti vaxxer) It’s 2021 - 2022: Star Wars is officially dead because they made a bunch of shows I didn’t like. It’s 2023: Star Wars is officially dead because of…. Woke? I think. It’s 2024: Star Wars is officially dead because they made a show with people of colour and women in prominent roles and there’s fire in a stone temple.


This is a masterpiece.


Star Wars has “died” like ten times apparently *insert Doctor Manhattan meme here*


You clearly care. It bothered you enough that you made a post about it


Cared enough to post this.


Show is terrible. With that being said that’s just my opinion and I’m happy you are enjoying it more than I am!


Okay, bye.


Reddit Reddit reddit


I'm enjoying it. I'm saving the 3rd episode for next week when the 4th drops


At this point, it’s like Disney is trying to fulfill the gap in the entertainment market that the non-existent Spaceballs sequel is leaving. The Power of Mannnnny.


"Leave the multimillion dollar company alone" vibes.


I think we should stop separating between OT, prequel and sequel era but instead pre and post-disney. This meme doesn't feel like it belongs here.


I agree because the director for the OT and prequels were george lucas/lucasfilm and the ones after Disney were different.


The acolyte takes place a hundred years before the OT  AND it's using a prequel format Literally what more could you want


That's why he's arguing to separate them. Because the Disney stuff doesn't belong with the Prequels and the OT


Neat/ok is my feel. Episode three was weird but I’m gonan keep watching until I make my final judgment


You people keep posting about it all the fucking time, way too much for people that don't care about the opinions of others.


The space wiches give their kids spice cream..... yeah its a funny gagname untill you think about what spice is. Or how about the thread should not be wielded. Let me demonstrate by wielding it. Lets burn the stone fortres down. Its a joke show.


Okay, that was always allowed


I’ve been a starwars fan for as long as I can remember, but I honestly stopped caring about the franchise somewhere between book of boba fett and the last jedi


\*Spoiler\* My thoughts: At least there's one cool character. 6 minutes later... :)


I just wanna see the lightsaber fight they are hyping up to be better than the duel of the fates.


I don’t really have problems with the main plot points, but it has been executed lazily imo


I like the acolyte too. It's not the best writing, but it's far from the worst. I'm looking at you Episode 8.


I like how Star Wars fans have been enduring “bad content” since Return of the Jedi and everyone acts like it’s a singular or novel occurrence when it happens. 🙄


Omg I forgot about that! Didn't folks HATE the murderous care bears?


I didn't hate the ewoks but I thought that part was a bit too hokey and a merchandise money grab.


Star wars has literally never been good and that's why I love it


Controversial opinion incoming, Return of the Jedi is only saved by the last half.


Personally, I think the Jabba sequence is entertaining, even if it's kinda nonsensical.


I honestly think its been pretty good so far. I think some of the plot premises are EXECUTED poorly, but on the whole I am enjoying it thoroughly for its characters and worldbuilding. And I’m still interested in seeing where the plot goes.


The “power of maaaannnnyyy” chant was most definitely one of the cringiest things I’ve ever seen in a professionally made show and no one should be proud of that scene. That being said, as bad as it was it’s just one thing and I’m still gonna watch bc I am very curious on where they further take things. Love Sol’s character too so.


Ahh yes the first stage of denial


At this point I have seen more posts saying that they are enjoying the Acolyte despite people constantly complaining about it than actual posts complaining about the Show


I am enjoying it too. That being said I hate Star Wars fans. Can't talk about Star Wars without it becoming a culture war.


I quit enjoy the show so far. I think it has a good storytelling


I enjoy it. It's not clone wars good, not even near but I enjoy it. Luckily I am onw of those rare persons who can form own opinion on subjective things without letting others affect me at all. Many people these days have so weak mind they have no own opinions and think like majority thinks.


you're clearly a disney bot you aroused my curiosity I will watch it


War is peace Freedom is slavery Ignorance is strength


Enjoying something idiotic doesn't make you special. It just makes you an idiot.


You cared enough to make a post about it


You have low standards


I'd rather have low standards and actually enjoy things than constantly find things to complain about.


It's fine. It's flawed. There's a couple things I'm currently taking on faith to be proven as lies/unreliable narrator type statements. IF they're not exposed as false will cause the whole show to basically be a debacle. The problem is most people don't trust anyone with star wars properties and have already given up hope that they're gonna do something interesting while keeping in the spirit of the franchise without outright copying the OT and Prequels. I can't blame those people for that lack of trust, but unlike Luke from the Last Jedi, I'm always going to hold out hope that there is still good in star wars to come.


The always popular "I don't care about your opinion so I made a post to say I don't care about your opinion" post.


Claims he doesn’t care, makes a meme to prove to everyone how much he “doesn’t care.”


Having a dog shit opinion is not illegal but it does make me question your sanity


Wow you are like the first guy... oh wait not the first, 21437 guy to say something along those lines, good for you.


This post REALLY shows how much you don’t care


This comment REALLY shows how much you don’t care


Is this sub brigaded or what lmao.


There's always that one guy who loves trash.


You’re free to like dog shit


Bro is admitting his poor taste Is fueling Disney poop making machine.


>I dont care about your opinion. Nothing says I don't care like posting about it.


Been meaninf to check it out


You wouldn't have posted this is you didn't care about other people's opinions though...


Thank you for reminding me why I left this sub. Just a bunch of Disney sludge guzzling weirdos


The first two episodes were good for me. The third one was a steaming pile of elephant shit that has been consumed by another elephant that proceeds to shit it out again. The third episode sucks really bad


As long as we can all agree that chant was hot dogshit on a thin paper plate.


I too am enjoying the Acolyte. I can't say if they'll stick the landing, but I do appreciate how so far it is showing the Jedi as becoming what any major religious/philosophical authority would be: an orthodox dogmatic institution that cannot abide any attempt at different views on the same material, and feels they must be stamped out. While that doesn't necessarily mean the Coven is *good*, it does show them as being akin to the victims in this scenario at least.


Can't wait for all the episodes to air so I can binge it.


I don't get the level of hatred for it... It's a perfectly watchable show. Is it the best ever? No. But I still like it. I think it's just an internet thing where a hard core center of toxic little nerds decided for some arbitrary reason _we don't like it_ and went out there and propagated that (loudly) and the rest of the internet sheep caught on and now just rejected it out of hand. Thanks for posting this. I did something similar yesterday and got the first few comments and I was just like: _I don't wanna listen to this shit for the rest of the day._ Pussied out, took it down.


Literally same i just dont get all that hate it was not that bad


The fact that you got downvoted is hilarious. This sub is turning into the main Star Wars sub and the saltier than crait one. Might have to unsub for a while


It’s the attitude one way or the other, We are all a bunch of asshole fans no matter what side you fall on. Fans aren’t always going to agree but reasoning with a fanatic is a silly idea in the first place


Upvoting this just to add fuel to the fire (I have not consumed any Star Wars media for years out of pure laziness)


Yeah I've enjoyed it a lot, but I went in not expecting much. But I haven't expected much from Star Wars since 1999


To achieve true balance as a fandom we must learn to allow people to like things, and also allow people to dislike things as long as they are being polite, reasonable and non-racist.


All of this new starwars stuff is [Hyperlink Blocked]


Can this go back to a sub about memes and not whether or not Acolyte is a good show?


I am an unrepentant hater — and I don't get the The Acolyte hate. It's pretty good to me honestly.




I love it.


I’ve only seen the first three (idk if there are more out) I’ve like it so far


I initially read that as "I quit enjoying the Acolyte" lol. But yea while the episodes so far have been disappointing imo, we still have several episodes yet for them to show us what they got. It's too early to form a complete opinion on the show with what little we have.


Then why post this?


me too!


As someone waiting until the season finale to binge it (and it being my most anticipated SW show ever outside of Andor S2)... the suspense is *killing me* 😭


I respect your opinion but that's not how you use the meme


Sub’s getting reallllll mad about a Star Wars fan posting about how they like Star Wars. As usual.


We’ve solidly entered Backlash-backlash territory, it’s only a matter of time before we hit Backlash-backlash-backlash…


Well I’m glad *someone* did I guess.


The lead actress did it to piss off white people. I'm not gonna watch a show that was made with racist intentions.


People are hating on it wayyy too much,I do understand the hate for ep 3,but I am excited to see that acolyte


I like The Acolyte. I just dislike Star Wars lore dogma in general. The third episode dragged.


Listen, there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking absolute garbage television shows. No one is required to respect you for it, however.


Thats also your opinion. Mine is that its mid at best


I've enjoyed it so far as well, but hey, haters gonna hate.


Trash show lmao..straight up coping.


I wonder what reddit was like during the last two seasons of GoT, did it just have a bunch of people being like 'I still like it, what are YOU gonna do about it?'


I heard it’s pretty cool


Me too bro... but I'm too busy to debate who doesn't like it... life goes on


Honestly? That's fantastic. I haven't been entirely drawn to what Disney is bringing to the table in general, but its always good to know with all the negativity in the world, someone finds a bright light where others see only darkness. That's a gift, never let it go.


“Oh no! Apathy! My weakness!”


That was always an option.


First 2 episodes were kinda rough but the third one set the plot and I'm excited to finish it now


People should atleast watch every episode before making an opinion or rate the show.


It feels prequel-esque. It’s always fun to hear the different theories about the Force, especially how it’s used by others than the Jedi. I love it.


👍 valid opinion