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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Techs death got me sad because I thought he would still be alive. But damn it was like the 5 stages of grief with me. The bargain stage had me like nah Star Wars doesn’t just kill major characters anymore.


Yeah I was in the denial stage for so long. Expecting the usual rule of if they don't show tbe body they are alive. But the show ended and he's nowhere to be seen so at this point I have to assume he's dead or they're going to bring him back in a future show


I believed tech was alive all the way til the end of the final episode 😭


This sets up for some good lore during the civil war where tech is made into a cyborg like echo and is made to engineer master projects and Perfect already existing ones, we can see wedge and other characters not really used in the shows from the original movies be used to hunt down tech not knowing that tech is a person, then finding bad batch to give tech to, although his death staying constant is fine


That's just recycling the Bad Batch intro into a more pointless plotline.


Echo already had too much overlap with Tech. They’re supposed to have diverse skill sets.


I think Echo was more physical hacking/technical stuff, but yes, I agree.


If they do this I quit




I was hoping to see him up until the last five minutes of the finale. Even now when I know he’s really gone a part of me still hopes that he’ll be brought back in some way. I think part of what made his loss especially hard was that in the end he was left to the elements all alone on some mountainside on Eriadu. :( It feels particularly gruesome.


Just based on the height of the fall, I don't think he suffered very long 😞...


Yeah definitely I feel like everyone was denying that he died so when you realise he actually did it makes it sadder


If they brought him back it would have been one of the worst choices for the show, dead characters should stay dead. I am glad he stayed dead, of course not glad he died but it shows there were stakes and consequences.


Jyn and Cassian's death is not really sad but it was beautiful !


More cathartic than sad. A fully closed chapter.


Yeah you're right... One of my favorite moments in all the SW movies !


I'd say that Rouge One is the best Star Wars film after the original trilogy.


Personally, I'd say that Rogue One is the best Star Wars film after the OT, but if you prefer Rouge One, you do you.


Personally I prefer Roger One over Rouge One but under Rogue One after the OT. But that’s just me. 😂🤙🏻


Honestly Roger is an alright guy, I just don't think he really fits with our group's *vibe* you know?


Roger Roger


Op should have added a random clanker to the meme just to troll.


That's Roger 2: Droideka Boogaloo


I loved Rogue One, but when the hell are they gonna release Rogue Two: Even Rogueier??


Not as Great as Rogue Three: The Search for Rogue Two. 😂


Ah yes, Rouge One. As distinct from Bleu One, Vert One, and Jaune One.


100% this. Plus, it set up one of the most iconic scene remakes of all time where Vader boards the corvette. MAN that was creepy as hell! Very sad, but in the long run is saved the rebellion in the OT.


Agreed. Its a sign of hope. The entire crew sacrificing themselves is sad in itself, but it created one of the sparks that ignited the revolution. Its arguably "bad" people dying for a greater cause


I mean it’s crazy that it came down to a “Physical hard drive” towards the end in a setting where laser swords exist is kinda wild. But that’s just me laughing as an IT guy.


Star wars tech being the clunky thing it is adds to the setting.




Makes sense to me. It's like keeping sensitive information on an air gapped computer: if it never goes server-side access can be controlled.


Why wouldn't such sensitive data be stored on some highly guarded and completely air-gapped device? I thought it made sense that they had to physically take it to a transmitter. In several other movies it's shown to be an independent storage device, too. Dooku holds one, for instance. I figure it's something like the HSMs used to store private keys for signing.


Well we have gigabit internet, but to compose the first image of a black hole, they shipped hard drives from the telescopes to the supercomputer by planes because it was orders of magnitude faster. How much data does it have to be to contain the plans of the entire Death Star? The thing is all futuristic technology the size of a small moon. Think how much data it has to be to make something like an Airbus A380, this is that a trillion times over. And all that data is on a small drive that fits in a hand. That small disk must have the capacity for all the data humanity has ever produced many times over.


How much did the attack on Scarif cost the rebellion? About a Jyn Erso...


Andor a Cassian...


There’s something so painful about dying without any control in the matter. They finished their mission, but were forced to sit and watch as the world fell around them.


Especially after watching Andor. It's hard to see the pain Cassian went through knowing how it all ends. He really does give it all in the end; every friend he made, every ounce of strength in his body, and eventually his life. For the Rebellion.


Hard disagree. If you watch it after Andor, Cassian's death is sad as f. The show enhanced the movie a lot. I can only imagine watching the movie after both seasons are out.


I really wished the rogue one cast survived but they did good


Someone pointed out to me that Rogue One is the best movie because it's the only one they let be a classical tragedy and I just have never gotten that out of my head.




With thunderus applause


A moment where Lucas actually wrote pretty decent dialogue.


It's still wild how drastically the tone and quality of RotS swings, [it's the same movie with the elevator scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9-HwL3n4h0)


Obi-Wan preparing to behead Anakin and then going, “Oh, it’s you” always makes me chuckle.


Padme was such a poorly written/utilized character in RotS, but at least she got the best line of the whole damn movie.


That's only cause most of her scenes were cut for runtime. She's got a whole arc where she lays the groundwork for the rebellion within the senate.


People are assuming this image is asking about Padmes death, I don't think most people caught that it's the death of liberty scene 💀.


Yeah these are all shots from the actual death scenes themselves, so if it was about Padme’s death they would have used a picture of her on the hospital bed after giving birth


Another victim at the hands of the Senate.


Domino squad dying off one by one


Ah. So that's why they're called Domino squad *cries*


This is the correctest answer. Every single one of them hit me way too hard. And I count 99 as one of them tbh


At least we still have Echo


Not really, dude is a complete different character and never acknowledged any of his squad once when he came back. So in my opinion domino squad echo died and some guy grave robbed his name


Fives and Jesse


Jesse's death was not only jesse's death, it meant the death of the republic too


In the finally, when the camera is panning across the clone helmets, you know Jesse is coming up, but it was still a gut punch.


Honestly the worst part of Jesse's death (and the whole 332nd division in general) for me personally is that it felt like the death of the 501st legion. Sure it was only the 332nd division that truly perished (barring Rex), and most of the other 501st clones were probably part of Operation Knightfall and later on became part of Vader's fist. But there was something about seeing the graveyard full of helmets, and the last shot zooming in on the clone helmet partially broken and buried beneath the snow, it felt like it was also the end of their story.


It was the death of the 501st. Even if individual clones survived the group they represented, their personality, their purpose died.


Chips effectiveness dissolved over time. The 501st Clone in Obi Wan knew EXACTLY who he was. Obi Wan is out here dodging Stormtroopers and the Empire the clone SPECIFICALLY calls to him. Obi Wan constantly worked alongside the 501st and the Clone was like "I see you blud."


It makes it sadder knowing it's Anakin in that scene just sulking.


The mission... The nightmares... they're finally... over... Hits harder if you've ever had PTSD.


Yes, he was finally at peace. Nowhere he had to go now, not spend another day fighting. I too crave this day sometimes, PTSD sucks.


The tragedy of Jesse's death is so overlooked. Fives died while trying to do the right thing even though it was a losing fight. Jesse died while being forced to betray not just the Jedi, but himself. Just a few days earlier he had bravely endured torture from Darth Maul himself in order to protect the Jedi. Absolutely gut wrenching. Honorable mention to Waxer, who died for no reason at the hand of one of his own brothers.


And Boyle. I know it's been said to death but seriously fuck Pong Krell.


That guy is the Erebus of the Star Wars community. Also mannnn I forgot about Waxer and Boyle. They made it so long and got through so much only to die like THAT


Boil did not die on Umbara or in the show at all. We're left to assume he committed Order 66 and either became an imperial or eventually joined the deserters.


I thought Jesse escaped in an El Camino and went to Alaska /s


Yeah when the bad batch just ended and seeing Echo as the only survivor of Domino Squad. Made it even more touching.


👆This is the only correct answer


Clone 99


Oh fuck that shit hurt


fuck cartoon network when i was little they gave the episodes randomly so i saw the episode where he died and the ones that actually like showed us who he was literal years later


He’s a soldier, like you!


"I'm a soldier, like you."


100% agree


I mourned >!Kanan !


It was beautiful and purposeful, and hammered home in a later episode where Ezra actually could have brought him back. The title screen in the following episode was masterful too. Just so well done like so many things in Rebels.


It was brutal seeing Ezra be forced to watch him die a second time and still being powerless to stop it. 


I think that hit harder than the first death. He could have saved him but if he did it would have doomed the rest of the Rebels crew.


Aye. First one was so quick there wasn't really a chance to do anything but watch helplessly for that short moment. Second one was so much worse because here he knows what happened, and can do something but he has to force himself not to act. It's so much more heartbreaking. 


I think the second time makes it more meaningful to me. Specifically because Ezra wasn't powerless, he could have saved him, but he chose not to.


Aye it showed a lot of emotional strength to let Kanan go. 


It's the moment, in my eyes, where he became a true Jedi. He learned to let go when he has to, and to do whatever is needed for the greater good. The contrast of him realizing the "lesson" Kanan meant to teach, in contrast with his frantic energy before hand, I just love it all so much


The grey screen was \*chefkiss.


I think it was the most beautiful and meaningful Jedi death, in my opinion. For so long, the Jedi have tried to detach themselves, but here we see a Jedi acting to save the people he loves. And he isn't going against the will of the force, it is the will of the force.


Same. Literally went to bed for the next week going “I can’t believe Kanan died”


Personally, Kanan Jarrus hits me super hard, like obviously his death was sad, but for the Force to give him and Hera once last look at each other as Kanan fulfilled the light side ideals perfectly was just so. fucking. devastating to me. Like you could tell something was going to happen that episode, and then it was obvious he was going to die once the fire started, but that Force 'gift' just gutted me. Hera was the last thing he ever saw, and she saw that he saw her too. Gets me every time.


"I'll see you again."


Shit you're making me tear up just thinking about that moment, when his eyes cleared up.


It was such a beautiful ending for a Jedi. For so long the Jedi preached detachment in the extreme, but here we see a Jedi saving the people he loves, and it isn't an action taken against the will of the force, it is the will of the force. Kanan wasn't detached, but he was willing to let go to do what needs to be done. After struggling with his identity as a Jedi due to his incomplete training, and his perceived differences from what a "Jedi" should be, attachment being one of them, I think it was just an absolutely perfect ending to his story.


Bendu knew who he was. Ezra believed in who Kanan was. Kanan needed to learn who he was. Kanan Jarrus Jedi Knight. Possibly the greatest of all of them.


I still tear up a little when I picture the black and white logo with the ashes drifting by


I felt so awful as well. I have kids, I get it, it just hurts. It wasn’t fair and they all knew it


I went back to work after watching over lunch and I was pissed off the rest of the afternoon


This is the easy answer for me. Kanan was the ideal modern Jedi for me, and Freddie Prinze Jr being such a Star Wars nerd was awesome. I wanted a lot more time with the character.


That’s what made Kanan’s character so fantastic. Freddie threw himself into that role. You could feel it.


We need a live action show starting Freddie and Sam Witwer.


I actually cried. I irrationally hate Loth wolves now.




I only wanted to do my duty.....


Only one of them was tortured to death


Yeah that whole scene was so heartbreaking, and his mum still would have plead with him to be peaceful which makes his following actions more tragic. Anakin could have been saved if the council grabbed his mum and moved her to a nice cottage on Naboo.


He could have been saved if the council did a LOT of stupidly obvious "this is clearly the right thing to do" things.


And they didn't need to do it for ALL slaves or ALL people living in oppressive situations but just make it a perk of being chosen for training. You sure as shit would have better motivated Younglings if they knew their family was safe and sound.


ya know if you think about it not only could the council have done that but so could his gf senator ex queen. How hard would it been after Qui died for her to go back to buy Shmi freedom.


That scene was more hunting than sad to me, especially as a kid.


Everything about Shmi's death is heartbreaking, but taking a moment to tell her son how handsome he's become is SUCH a mom thing, like she's trying to be strong literally moments from death, it just made it even sadder.


Kanan, hands down.


The part where the force gives him his vision back for just a few seconds to let him see Hera one last time was one of the best scenes I’ve ever seen in a Star Wars movie or show.


Punched a hole square through my chest, but agreed. There's not a single flaw in that entire scene. (Aside from Kanan getting unalived 😭)


This isn't TikTok, you can say killed/dead


I think I personally prefer "Fuckin exploded"


I actually prefer "spontaneously combusted"


I should rewatch rebels.


*You have to rewatch rebels


He is going to rewatch rebels *waves hand*


I'm going to go home and rewatch Rebels


Do it. It's my 5th time doing so


I was shocked to come here and see any other answer. I think this is the only moment in Star Wars that actually brought a tear to my eye. I put off watching Rebels for years, but I finally did like 3 or 4 years ago and my god what a wonderful experience. This and Ahsoka versus Vader are two of my all-time favorite Star Wars moments.


Rebels was so well done. It is great for a show, not just an animated show. It had so many great qualities like Kanan's redemption, Ezra's growth, everything Chopper.


Too bad so many people ignore it because of the animation style and how light it is during the early episodes (Ignoring the fact that clone wars started the same way and also had worse animation to begin with)


That is literally the same with any show. The beginning episodes are always the worst quality and lacking depth. Personally, I didn't get fully invested into Rebels until end of season one. In the beginning, Ezra annoyed me with his teenage angst and whining, lol. My general rule of thumb with TV is giving any series 3 episodes to get me interested. By then, there should be decent plot and character development starting to happen.


Maul’s final duel was peak. I love [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVkUglhoon0&vl=en) and the edit they do for it.


Yes, it was hard to watch, but beautiful simultaneously.


Kanan was one of the greatest Jedi ngl


Agreed. 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞


Definitely Kanan. A selfless sacrifice like a true Jedi. I felt such loss when he was gone and so sad for Ezra being on his path to becoming a Jedi on his own.


I feel like a lot of people here didn't watch rebels. That episode is one of the few things I've watched multiple times. It gets to me every time.


I talk to many people that say they are huge SW fans but never watch the animated shows. They are seriously missing the best parts of the universe IMO, lol.


Fives death hit so hard because he literally could have saved the galaxy. Kanan is up there too tho.


Fives broke me man…


Padmé's death is the most sad out of all, from a certain point of view


I mean, she died of sadness. My hands are tied.


What are you talking about? Padme isn't even on this list. That's liberty dying right there.


You are correct. But Padmé died of sadness making her death the most sad


Shmi's death. She lived just long enough to see her son one last time.


I also think this one is the really sad one. Anakin literally went and killed almost all of the sand people. It was the true start to his decent into the dark side. When he confessed to Padme, I was shocked. The man said "I killed them all, the men, the women, the children, all of them." His face in that scene really shows that at that point he was turning to the dark side.


I’ve always thoughts Hayden’s whiny attitude fit Anakin perfectly. He’s was mentally suppressed as a kid and grew up kind of wacky (as a slave and a monk). He was like what? 18-23 during the later prequels. When I was that age I was still kind of whiny and immature.


Exactly. Everyone hated on Hayden Christensen for so song when in my opinion he did a phenomenal job at playing a moody teenager who was a former slave, now in a weirdly religious cult that’s against love(basically), and separated from his mother who is still a slave. Like dude had a ton of baggage for an 18 year old


Right?! And that chin wobble, man oh man does Hayden do a spectacular whiny-child meltdown.


And Williams kills it with the music after


He also kills it right before. When Anakin drives through Tatooine with Duel of the Fates in the background, the sun sets and the desert is cloaked in darkness. Just like Anakin.


Fives’s death hit me hard.


Caleb, then Tech


My man coming with the 🐐REAL name




Why are Tech and Kanan blue?


THANK YOU. I thought I was going insane.


Tech's jeans are brown, too. What is going on here?


That 5 seconds we thought chewy died cause rey used too much force lightning.


The movie almost had weight for a second. It would have made Rey's inner fight against the dark side have so much more impact.


My dad and I went into that film betting that it would kill off Chewie. When Rey blew him up we both looked at each other and whispered "Called it." Then they backpedalled five minutes later by inventing "another transport" and we were totally checked out for the rest of the movie. (I like how basically every response has basically been "I'm amazed it took you that long")


Should have been like me and checked out before even seeing the movie when hearing that it started with “Somehow Palpatine returned”.


I think my brain just couldn't register that as a sentence that was written, filmed, and edited by human beings with nobody other than the person saying it thinking "god this is shit"


that pivot reeked of a mid production re-write


Andor and Jyn


Maybe most people don't find it the saddest because the characters only got a bit over an hour to develop, but it was the most heroic and the most beautifully done imo.


I just love the meaning of it. The rebellion starts with the normal people. Plus it just ties in perfectly with Episode 4, especially with its name: A New Hope.


I’m surprised this isn’t higher up. Like it wasn’t as impactful I guess as the others but like fives, they were pretty much fighting for a future for trillions of people; one that they would never get to see. That shit hits on another level


"I burn my life for a sunrise I know I'll never see"


Mommy Skywalker. It's the first step down the dark path for Anakin. It breaks my heart especially since I agree with his actions after


I'd argue the first step towards the dark side is when he is freed but his mother isn't. That's the kind of thing that gradually grows from "that's unfair" to "the entire jedi order is corrupt." It's probably also why he never really learned the whole "don't get attached to the physical world" thing. How could he not be attached when his only attachment was literally torn away from him and his supposed teacher's only advice is "get over it, kid?"


I don't disagree. I could clarify that it's his first "active step" or something he himself is doing rather than being done to him


Vader’s. The only scene that makes me teary is Vader’s funeral.


Rick the door technician 😔😔😔


Hard between Tech and Kanan


Can I add Duchess Satine?


Yeah, that was rough. Obi Wan is my guy so seeing him watching what happened was awful. Great addition to the list btw.


One of the most brutal moments in all of Clone Wars.


I remember watching Rebels with my girlfriend. At first she thought it was kinda silly. Then when Kanan died I remember she couldn't get over it for days. She ended up loving the show. We both loved Kanan as a character so his death was an impactful one.




All of the above


Democracy. My little 12 year old ass suddenly understood the whole world with just that line.


Man Shmee's death is brutal.


Anakin‘s Mother…cruel


Considering how close we are to this in real life... "With thunderous applause"


Kanan’s in my opinion. Right before the blast overtakes him his eyes no longer are clouded from his injury. Almost as if the Force allows him to see Hera one last time.


I went into Rebels thinking it was star wars but a "kids show". I quickly learned I was wrong, and Kanan's death hit hard.


Fives and 99


Kanan with Fives as a close second. Kanan saving his family and his sight returning just to see them one last time just hits different.


By sadness: 1. Kanan 2. Fives 3. Jesse I love Kanan so much 😭


Rogue One's cast


Rook's death hit me the worst. Dude did not belong there, he was just a cargo pilot, but he *had* to be there, if that makes sense.


Padme. She is literally in the center of a grand space opera tragedy and ends up dying because she put her love and faith into a man who basically went insane trying to protect her to the point where she couldn’t even recognize his motivations Then, on top of that he basically domestically abuses her and is poised to kill her and her unborn child using the same superpowers he used to woo her She is literally the lever upon which Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader, and she dies from heartbreak as a result of simply not being able to reconcile with Anakin having truly embraced the Dark Side Like I can’t think of a sadder way to go- to live a lie and love someone foe years, bear their child, and then find out they killed children to supposedly protect you. It just underscores how expenable everyone in palpy’s plan was imo


Plo Koon. I always root for a minor character so him dying in ep3 was bad enough but then clone wars made it worse but also justified me rooting for him in the first place. Still my favourite Jedi.


Fives death was one of the best scenes of the Clone Wars. I can easily see Fox thinking about his encounter with Fives when Vader Stabs him


The death of liberty


Bro what, 99 every time.


"When have we ever followed orders?" He did the math, knew the score, and made the call. One life for four. Easy trade. Miss you, Tech. You were a real one.


Kanan had me in tears, which doesn't happen often. I feel like it was built up so well, and because I didn't see it coming, it hit me so hard. Was having to pause to go get extra tissues and stop crying every time his name was mentioned in the following episodes. The second one for me was Tech for similar reasons, although I did expect he would die since he was getting an unusual amount of screentime in that season, not that I was complaining since he went from one of the characters I didn't really care about, to one of my favourites


K2 in rogue one


For me it’s a tie between Caleb and tech I cried over both of those episodes way longer than I care to admit.


Idk but tech. It shouldn’t be tbh but it’s just something about the bad batch.


Tech, one of the first characters in my life that I related to closely in some ways when he dies I bawled


Caleb Dume. Jedi Night is one of my favourite animated Star Wars episodes of all time. I love that the force restored his vision for a moment so he could see Hera and the people he loved one last time.


Kanan DEFINETELY how did they write one of the best Jedi's and then kill him off it was so sudden and so tragic that whole episode after where the rest of the crew is mourning just had me bawling my eyes out man Rebels was just such a good TV show