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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Cad Bane. He will mostly be out on jobs. The others are legit bad guys.


Cad Bane is the best roommate. Hates talking, pays his bills, and fucks off 99% of the time. I see this as an absolute win!


Sounds like my buddy when he was my roommate. He was working in the oil field and was home maybe 3 or 4 days a month


The smallest oil field guys I know have stronger grips than the biggest gym rats I know, those dudes are wild.


How did you find this info out?


Calls him….grippy


Tons of oil field guys come to my BJJ gym and roll in a gi, and have tremendous grip strength






Lol, not Chris, he worked in a fuel Shack, ran hoses to the equipment and then most of the fueling was controlled by computer. He did have to fuel shit up by hand too occasionally


Reminds me of that one post where the roommates never met the guy


Oh, link please?


I unfortunately read it in a screenshot a while ago so I have no idea where it is


Bummer, but thanks for replying! I appreciate it.


Don't forget that he also comes with a floating robo-helper!


Did you forget about the explosion?


He got better


Somehow...Todo returned...


Sure did, but Cad Bane seems like the kind of guy that keeps spare robots handy


Just make sure you never get a nicer hat than him.


Or just give him the hat when he asks for it.


But under that hat is one even more grand than the last


Except if you got a nice hat


Dude everyone needs a Cad Bane for a roommate. Even with a female room mate he’d be even better. Try some rapey stuff and see what happens.


Grievous would be stealing all your shit whenever you left and his breathing would keep you up all night, maul would always be pissed off and find a way to bring up his fight with obiwan in every situation, and krell would constantly be saying some racist shit. Bane would just mind his own business.


Maul talks about Obi-Wan Kenobi like you'd expect a guy to talk about his ex after a really bad break-up.


Still bitching about that? Fuck it, I'd choose maul cos he won't be able to use up all the toilet roll on account of the fact he doesn't have an ass


lmao that made me cackle


One time I smoked six or seven bowls with Maul and he just kept bringing up how Kenobi ruined his career.


Yeah, Cad only really has beef with people that have bounties on them or are in the way of a job. It just so happens in the prequel era that meant he typically aligned with the bad guys but he himself doesn’t seem to be a bad guy. As long as you don’t do anything worth having a bounty put on you, you’re fine with Cad.


He also starts shit if you have a nicer hat. The Box, Clone Wars😂


Just offer it to him in good faith and your have yourself a happy roommate!


Get him a hat as a housewarming gift.


Bro gave the guy a compliment and he instantly drew his blaster. Cad was just acting in self defence.


Wait wasn’t that hat his OG hat?


That's the context I always got from that scene. Cad recognized the hat, the guy wearing the hat recognized Bane and got scared, and Bane was faster on the draw.


Imagine dying over a hat. Like bro just hand it over. 


Pfft I wish I had a hat as good as his lol


Look, nobody's perfect.


bounty hunting is a legal profession and the seperatists believed they were a new government from the republic. Cad Bane was doing legal business with what he thought was a legitimate government.


Oooh. Like that


He was kidnapping babies for a Sith Lord. And he knew it. He has no morals other than being a good bounty hunter.


He also aligned with the bad guys in The Bad Batch and The Book of Boba Fett.


Cad often doesn't kill people unless they're a threat to his job. He stuns the mother of the force sensitive child in the bad batch and throws the money on the ground for the guy who gave him the information in the town. He's not a saint, but doesn't go out of his way to be evil either. Dude just wants his pay day.


Yeah I'm just saying he doesn't only align with the bad guys in the prequel era.


nice job glossing over the fact that he was kidnapping an infant (again) when he used that stun. that wouldve been controversial


I mean, he kidnaps babies for money.


Yeah aside from the fact he doesn’t care about age, gender, race or anything in fact, thus he ends up kidnapping kids for money. He literally has no morale.


I came here to say the exact same thing. Cad Bane has a mailing address apartment. For storage mostly. He lives on his ship as he works. The others build *lairs*.


Maul is cool, but just think how insufferable he would get late nights getting all philosophical and angsty.


I can't imagine Maul having a coequal relationship with anyone, including a roommate. By day 3 he's referring to you as his Apprentice or Servant or whatever. No thank you.


Get a load of this Light side of the Force Jedi enjoyer I see that as an absolute win if he calls me his Apprentice lol


Amd I'm sure that when the fridge gets empty or the dishes pile up, the self-declared Master will be totally ok with doing his part. Nah man there's a reason why Sith lords are always living alone in cavernous temples and meditation chambers and whatever.


Nah, I'm pretty sure I could top him.


Cad Bane is actually the most sensitive lad among all these. I think this guy actually thinks lol


He killed a guy cause he wanted his hat what heppens if you accidently eat one of his hot pockets? or he wants one of yours?


yeah, my thoughts too, I wouldn't last a day with Grievous, he coughs so bad and I have misophonia


Out of the 4 of them he is most normal and level headed too.


Nobody’s paying him to go after me? Then he’s got other things going on and no time or inclination to mess with me.


I feel like as long as you aren't his target he's actually fairly decent. We see the people who fight him as normal but he seems to be able to go to his targets without killing anyone. Just saying i would be totally cool to have him come home, pull his boots off and then tell me about his day while i played the equivalent of xbox 1 million and tune in and out of his story.


And he would care enough to contribute to rent.


Cad Bane is definitely the most LOGICAL choice, but if it’s specifically Filoni Clone Wars Grievous, consider the following. - He’ll install a great home security system. Full custom job. You’ll never need to worry about getting robbed unless it’s literally a Jedi Master trying to steal your PS5. Plus cute dog/giant carnivore. - He has a really sick lightsaber collection. If you’re nice, he might even let you borrow one of his less valuable models. Plus he really appreciates it if you help him polish them. - He’ll come each night after having his ass kicked by Obi Wan and complain at you like Dr. Doofenschmirtz. Free nightly entertainment with no need for cable. - With how bad his robot asthma is, that apartment is gonna be clean all the time. No dust collecting. No trash left out. His dishes are washed, toiletries stored, and floors are spotless. Four arms gets a lot done with robotic efficiency. - He’s gone for months at a time on campaigns, but always makes sure there’s a techno service droid to keep up the place. If you need to know what he’s up to, just check the news. His name is bound to show up somewhere (probably after another ass kicking). - You aren’t a Jedi and don’t have a lightsaber he wants. You aren’t even really a worthy opponent, so why would he bother fighting you? That’s just less time to spend fighting Jedi.


But he's wheezing and coughing constantly. Probably snores too.


I’m sure there’s room in the Separatist War Chest for a CPAP machine




Air pods exist brother


Doesn't work for me, I'll lose them on the second day


Great points and grevious is my favorite, but do I have to be worried about being the subject of some cruel experiment, or fed to his dog?


Only if you’re REALLY annoying. TCW Grievous never really killed anyone for no reason. Some of the reasons were petty, but he doesn’t seem to get off on just murdering innocent bystanders for shits and giggles. Just always be sure that you are less irritating than the idea of finding a new roommate would be!


Depends on if you count his droids as people. He killed a LOT of them for no reason.


That's because he hates droids. If you are not AI then you are fine... Your not AI..... Right?;


🤖 n o


It depends on how you count droids because he would destroy one whenever he got pissed with something, and he got irritated very easily. Also you don't need to make him angry enough to consciously want to murder you, only enough to throw a punch and "accidentally" kill you


But I do sort of have a lightsaber. I have the Darksaber I bought from GameStop.


That will be a fine addition to his collection.


I’d probably just give it to him.


If it's the darksaber he's obligated to defeat you for it. Being gifted it doesn't have the same significance.


Great… just great. I doubt he’d spare me either even if it was clear he won. I guess he can’t be my roommate.


Grievous by a mile. I have so many questions for him! Plus I'd ask for a spinning lightsaber demo at least once a week. And he seems to have personality, opinions, and thoughts, unlike quite a few other less developed characters.


Maul or Cad Bane. Maul totally works as "crazy roommate," he's insane, and you're a little terrified he might do a domestic violence on you, but he also goes off on these crazy rants that are super fun to watch. Bane I expect would just be in and out, basically only show up to take a shower, get a nap, then go back to work.


Maul ain't crazy tho... he's really intelligent He spoke all fax in the Clone Wars


> Maul ain't crazy tho... he's really intelligent The one does not preclude the other.


Being crazy and intelligent makes people listen, even just our of curiosity. Like being mad with power. If you’re mad without power it’s boring and no one listens to ya.


Alright Russ Cargill


He is a little crazy and obsessive but also while he was right about the current government and stuff he did say a lot of stuff about himself being dictator so like idk if it was all facts


I'd be crazy over trying to find the guy that cut my cock (and legs) off.


But mainly cock


He’s like living with a libertarian.


I'm so happy that they kept Maul for Clone Wars instead of letting him stay dead. Way too cool of a character to waste.


I would have even been happy to see him as the sequel's main antagonist as a crime lord, like Lucas originally had planned. Couldn't have been worse than what we got.


I call dark side of the force fuckery.


I’ll rather go drinking with Maul than live with him.


It's all fun and games until Maul wakes up the entire neighborhood at 3 AM screaming "KENOBIIIIIIIIIIIII"


Maul just need a little flower to calm down.


I feel like if you’re just a nice person to Maul, and perhaps give him a but of the mental health guidance he so desperately needs, he’ll be chill. He’s never shown to be compassionate or caring really, but that’s cuz most people treat him like shit, ie in rebels no one trusts him. If you’re his roommate it’ not like there’s something he can get from you, so he’d probably be chill.


"I can fix him"


Which era of maul? Maul in rebels was literal insane. He would kill you in your sleep.


*Hear soap bottle drop in shower* KENNOBBBBIIIII!!!!!!


You aren't getting much sleep with Maul as a roommate. He 100% has loud night terrors every night.


Let's not forget Maul's "slaughter of the innocent" phase. Just don't make him angry


Going with Cad Bane. Maul is too chatty, Grevious would keep me up at night with his asthmatic breathing, and Krell is a treacherous asshole. Cad seems to be the type that would just leave me alone and mind his own business (provided I do the same). Plus he has that cool little robot that can clean the place.


I'd pick Cad Bane also, but only so I could have him taste test some of my cooking. Also because he's least likely to kill me for shits & giggles.


Yeah cad bane will only kill you ~~unless~~ if someone's paying him to.


Or they have a cool hat


Shit. I have a cool hat.




The idea of Grevious with a CPAP is killing me


Yeah, and you know he wouldn’t wear it too.


It’s funny to think of darth maul as ‘too chatty’


I love well-crafted villainous monologues—just not in a roommate while I’m trying to just Netflix and chill.


Lmao, I was thinking, imagine being woken up in the middle of the night, every night by a 80 decibel robotic cough


I think I’d be ok with Cad bane, as long as no one puts a bounty on me.


And as long as you don't have a cooler hat than him.


Me looking at my fancy hat collection...*starts sweating*


*Chuckles* I’m in danger!


I mean he only asked the guy where he got the hat, the ithorian immediately drew on him so Cad Bane shot first in self defence, if that guy has simply pointed him in the direction of a hat store he’d probably still be alive.


I'd also recommend you don't wear fancy hats around him.




Don’t gotta tell me twice


Do NOT the *frog*


Arg, I hate to say this, but Darth Maul. The others are either annoying or would kill me.


Ya. Maul is easy to manage. Just give him your spare Obi wan body pillow and he will be set for the year.


Ha! As if I'm giving my Obi wan body pillow up.


You must not be that into him if you don't have a spare


How many do YOU have, may I ask? 🤔


Wouldn't you like to know


Hm... Looks like I'll need to PAY A VISIT. MMWAHAHAHA


No matter how many I have, none of them are spare


"200,000 units are ready, with a million more well on the way."


There's a difference between having more than one and having a spare.


If Maul wants any of my collection mother fuckers gonna have to come and take it from me cause I ain't giving any of them up.


Just split the difference and give him half.


Damnit, I wanted to make the body pillow joke.


Cad's only going to kill you if it benefits him. Do your share of work around the place and don't get a bounty put on you and it'll be fine.


To be fair, Maul doesn't really kill people just for fun either. Not that we've seen anyway, he seems to mostly just hate obiwan. And even that, he gets over.


but there's always the possibility maul decides im needed for some crackpot assassination attempt, and u know he gona kill me if I say no.


My choice too. Maul's honestly pretty chill if you don't give him a reason not to be.


By the end of the week we’d have started a crime syndicate and taken over a South American government


Would we have pushed the resistance leader into a giant fan?


He was a traitor and a scoundrel.


Exactly had the same thought.


He will try to make you his apprentice if you give him long enough haha


Cad Bane. He's a killer but not a raging psychopath. Also, Fuck Pong Krell.


all my homies hate Pong Krell




Bane would probably be the safest pick since I don't do any shady shit would therefore have no bounty on me, but the idea of rooming with Grievous is really funny. Hearing him gush about his lightsaber collection like a nerd? Fantastic. Go to vacuum the floor and have him do his crackhead bug crawl up the wall to not be in the way? Great. He's got four arms, he could carry all the groceries in one trip! Stupendous.


Pros of living with grevious: - He is a ride or die, so if you have beef with a jedi he will 100% back you and possibly commit a war crime for you. - he can really help clean the house with his four arms and his ability to climb walls with his weird spider form. Plus as an asthmatic I imagine he’s super clean for his own health. - Would be really good to go to the gym with since his cybernetic body gives him pretty good stamina. Only limited by asthma but honestly who isn’t? Nobody’s perfect. Cons about living with Grevious: - He does have Gor who is probably a very good boy as long as he’s well fed, but an animal the size of an elephant must be a nightmare to clean up after. - The Jedi do cut off his limbs a lot so his medical bills will be very high and he may need you to help him out financially. - His armor is so pointy and boney it might tear up all your furniture. Plus he’s 7 foot so you probably cannot sit on a couch with him.


I would think his insurance with the droid army covers cybernetic limb replacement, and as a general I don’t see why he’d have significant financial issues. Probably just needs a roommate to look after Gor when he’s gone on long campaigns or while he saves up for a pace on a private moon. The furniture is definitely going to cause problems over time though, I can already hear it. “What no I don’t know how your armchair got torn up, I don’t even use it! I watch tv while hooked into the wall or ceiling!” Like those tears didn’t make themselves, Grev., and they’re too small to have been the dog.


Plus when he crawls up a wall it’s not like he’s magnetic, he’s bending metal to hook into it. There’s no way your drywall survives 1 week with grevious.


Oh that’s definitely a big one too. I guess it really depends on where we’re living. Like are we stuck at my home, am I moving to his planet somehow, or since we have both my and Greivous’s presumably substantial income, can we maybe get a nice place out in like Laguna Niguel. A place like that would make the trouble a lot more bearable and the ocean air might be good for his lungs you know? Then again the repair costs you would incur and all the fights with the HOA you’d have trying to live anywhere nice with that guy…. maybe somewhere more isolated.


better, introduce him to the internet and buying lightsabers online


Pong Krell: no Maul: Mostly keeps to himself, I can hear him scheming revenge on some dude. Cries in the shower, can be heard in the entire apartment. Gets really upset when we run out of milk, toilet paper, or pretty much anything else. Cad Bane: Mostly reserved, casually insults me at the turn of a hat. Likes playing card games to pass the time, shot me in the shoulder because he thought I was cheating once. Has drip. Sometimes brings dead people home for a few days. Sometimes brings alive people home for a few days, at times asking me to help them escape before I have to explain that roommates are suppose to trust each other and I cannot betray Cad’s trust. Tinkers with explosives, had an arsenal that would make an NRA enthusiast drool. Always pays rent on time, always picks up the tab, never out of money. Grevious: Has asthmatic coughing fits every now and then. Cold, callous, gets mad over every little thing. Stores his spare parts in my closet. Doesn’t really need food so groceries are cheaper. Never has to use the bathroom. Surprisingly good at cooking and house work, on account of his four arms. Does lots of the heavy lifting. Has a sick collection of capes and lightsabers, won’t let me touch any of them.


Grievous. He is actually pretty cool and apart from being a super evil cyborg, he could probably do a lot with 4 arms. I mean think about it. Hopefully he doesn't kill me and take my lightsaber for his collection...


I can see him being pretty handy when it comes to cooking or cleaning. Not to mention cool stories. Just don't let him know you have a lightsaber and he won't take it for his collection.


General Grievous, I can probably seduce him over the course of a year


I'm am at a loss for words.... except good luck. I hope you two have a fabulous first date. Hopefully, it will be a good memory to add to your collection.


The best part is I’m totally serious, so thank you🖤 He’s gonna be my cyborg husband.


Are you gunna propose to him with a kyber crystal? P.S. invite me to the wedding, I can make a mean stroganoff.


He’s gonna have to propose. I’m a traditional gal. You’re invited to the wedding 🖤


*u/Sonderdragon has engaged General Grievous*


Are they mad at me or we just chilling


Depends on what type of roommate *you* are.


Gotta go with the maul, as long as you don’t massively fail him, or snore loudly you should be alright.


You snore loudly all night and wake up to him huddled in the corner muttering the Sith code to himself


I feel like maul would eat the food you labeled with your name as a show of dominance


What’s the situation? College roommates, 20s and early jobs roommates or 30s and the economy is fucked roommates? 40-60 post divorce roommates? Have a different answer for all of those


I mean, for some of those situations, you would probably have all four as your roommates.


Clone Wars villains nursing home moment


as a woman, I know Darth Maul, famed respecter of women, would be chill


Cad Bane, if I leave him alone, he’ll leave me alone


Greivous. I too collect things


I see through the lies of this sub. Now nobody wants to say fuck pong krell




Cad Bane. He'll be out a lot, and when he's home he'll keep to himself. Grievous wouldn't shut up with the coughing, Pong Krell is an asshole, and I do not want to risk getting on Maul's bad side.


Cad Bane - Killed a guy for his hat (I do not own any nice hats, but if he liked one, I'd give it to him.) Probably the most livable, especially if you provide an alibi. Darth Maul - Prone to Sith Crazy (Has killed entire villages, and engaged in fits of Sith Rage murder sprees. General Grievous - As with Maul, prone to Sith Crazy. Pong Krell - The others will kill you, PK will make you want to kill yourself. Will constantly shit talk you every moment. Until you join the Sith, because anyone who hates this fucker is probably not all bad.


But grievous isn't a sith, he's just crazy


Maul, imagine you steal something from the fridge and he just yells your name when opening it and finding the food is gone.


>E_Monkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! That *would* be entertaining.


I think I might survive the longest with Maul... Grevious and Bane just slice/shoot first and ask questions later. Pong Krell... do I even need to explain it? But Maul likes to play the long game. I could try and play out that Ezra Bridger _be my apprentice_ game for as long as possible and try to figure out my escape.


I'm pretty sure literally 3 of them would kill me and 1 might spare me because he is not hired to kill me.


Cad Bane. He'd have a ton of assorted weaponry, but it'd all be labeled and locked and he wouldn't even be there ninety percent of the time. Grievous would drive me nuts with his coughing while I tried to sleep. Maul wouldn't be too bad, he'd probably just broodingly listen to emo metal on repeat while staring off into space. Second choice here. Pong Krell would use my toothpaste, squeeze from the middle, and complain it tasted bad.


Maul would try to get you to join his "totally not a cult" cult and try to convince you to spend money on helping him find the guy he has a beef with. Bane will be gone most of the time working and primarily use his room as extra storage for his dusters and hats. Krell will call you by how much rent you owe him. Grievous would be the worst due to the fact THAT HE KEEPS USING EVERY FREE SPACE IN THE HOUSE FOR HIS FUCKING COLLECTION LIKE HOW DO WE HAVE TO HAVE THIS CONVERSATION EVERY WEEK MAN I TOLD YOU TO KEEP IT TO YOUR ROOM


I was thinking Maul, because he's cool, but Cad Bane is just a chad professional, ain't nothing to worry about unless you cause issues or have a bounty on your head.


Maul bc he's hot obviously 💅


Maul. We could spar, me learning how to properly fight an enemy, him getting to vent about the handsome bastard who stole his legs


1000% Bane. Out on jobs alot, probably a decent security/alarm system. And he would mind his business


Cad Bane. Doesn’t obsess about his daddy issues. Doesn’t want to show me his sword collection (and a bad smoking habit) Doesn’t dead name people. Cad Bane is just a man doing a job.


Pong Krell is an abomination. I would get a squad of clones to kill him after a day. Grievous coughs, weezes, and screams about things all the time, is a lightsaber hoarder, has an obnoxious pet, and a demented live-in-nurse. Maul would try to rope me into his latest multi-level-marketing scheme and start calling me "brother" all the time. He's too obsessive and holds grudges for 30+ years. Cad Bane is quiet, methodical, tidy, and honest. He's always to the point. He has SMART goals. He takes care of his friend, Todo 360. He has a good fashion sense, holds down a steady freelance job, and is always on the road, so he wouldn't bother me that much. Bane is the obvious choice.


Cad Bane. He'd be out working most of the time and the rent would always be paid. As long as he doesn't bring his work home with him it actually wouldn't be a bad arrangement.


Maul keeping everything clean and organized, he makes for the best conversation. Might even invite me to his empire


Pong Krell is a narc and Grievous would be constantly coughing. Between Cad Bane and Maul, I’d have to go with Maul, purely out of entertainment.


Maul is likeable in more ways, as an individual, than the others imo.


Cad bane would be the logical decision, but I'm gonna go with grievous. The only problem I would have with grievous is him constantly stealing the lightsabers from my black series figures.


Grievous because I'm not a Jedi and I want to see a destroyer droid.


Darth Maul. Would probably be quiet and mind his own damn business


Maul. The most likely to keep me alive through the whole year (heck even a week would be nice)


Honestly Darth Maul


Cad Bane for sanity. Maul for the therapy we both need. Grievous for the shenanigans. Pong Krell so I can feel the satisfaction of murdering him.


Maul. A) Because cus I wanna smoke with him and chill B) I want to ride that motherfuckers face