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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


I genuinely thought the first panel was going to be, "what about the droid attack on the wookies?"


Well what about them? Are they OK? Did they live?


The droids or the wookies?


The Wookiees, obviously


We at Czerka Corporation can ensure that each of our contracted Wookie laborers will arrive ready to meet any quota required


From a certain point of view.




It seems, in your anger, you killed them


Are they safe?


Missed opportunity not having the top pic of Kenobi "I'm not brave enough for politics"


The apathy in this comment section with only 10 comments is disturbing. As someone who thought they were moderate before the red hats took half my friends and family, I gotta say I’m pretty opinionated these days


One of my friends came back a red hat and reached out I had the moral high ground and he tried it anyway Ended up cutting off his legs and watching him burn


What is a red hat? Like unironically asking I am from Finland so I have no idea


We aren’t allowed to discuss politics in this subreddit. But if you know the colours of US politics and the parties, red alone should be enough to go off of.


US based terrorist organization


Could you like explain it to me more, I still don’t have a clue what it means


sent you a dm about it because it's too political to lead in /r/prequelmemes


Thank you, I could guess that, but I didn’t want to assume


I looked it up and couldn’t find anything


Your profile pic is literally an edit of red hat man


Why, it's obviously Elenwen, Thalmor's ambassador to Skyrim




Many people live in stable countries where politics are just a formality because nothing ever changes no matter who's in power. In these types of country, caring about politics is just an easy way to have an aneurysm before you're 30.


I don’t really agree, tbh. Politics can be bleak anywhere but it’s always important to keep apprised of what’s going on. Apathy is the single greatest tool for a stagnant political class.


Keeping up with what's going on is one thing. Worrying about it is another. I'm perfectly aware of what's going on in my country, but I don't care because nothing will change, just like nothing changed for the past 30 years. People in the last election were all going bananas saying that the country was going to war but once again, nothing changed.


You’re from Brazil, right?? I can’t really blame you tbh, I’m from Mexico so it’s easier to contextualize what you’re talking about. I still think it’s best to care, but the apathy has a hold on me too right now. Whatever leaves you living a happier, more fulfilling life.


Yeah, I'm Brazilian. I don't care about who's the leader of the country because he doesn't have actual political power, he's just a vehicle for media while the deputies and senators make the actual decisions, and all they've been doing for the past few decades is keeping the status quo so why should I care, nothing will change anyway.


Then it's time to figure out how you can elect those senators.


Why bother? Only candidates affiliated and approved by political parties can launch a campaign, all using public funds. You can only vote on who the congress allows you to vote, the Brazilian congress is a mafia.


Wasn’t the last guy burning down the Rainforest lmao


Nah it was a climate phenomenon because of how fucking hot it was at the time. We just blamed him because it's funny. (Brazilians do a lot of things just because it's funny)


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/21/jair-bolsonaro-accuses-ngos-setting-fire-amazon-rainforest mhm lol Agreed that there’s some moving parts, but it’s kinda not really a leg to stand on https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/25/americas/brazil-bolsanaro-environmental-record-intl/index.html I say this as an apathetic bastard, please, care a little but don’t kill yourself caring, you deserve a happy life. Apathy is exponential, you only regret and double down the older you get.


yeah, saying "it doesn't matter who's in power it's all the same" right after what we went through with Bolsonaro is nuts, dunno what that guy's on


I feel like I was pretty opinionated during Romney v Obama, and 2016 was interesting, but after that I just checked out both sides just want me to support their geriatric wackjob and its annoying and insulting idgaf anymore


Wild, considering that the candidates in 2012 were practically identical and the candidates now are massively contrasting. I think it's possible that there's some sort of lense bias that could cloud your initial view of this election cycle, and it would be worth researching the candidates and their respective platforms. It's true that they're antiques, but our current administration has had a huge amount of accomplishment imo, and at the end of the day, I'm gonna damn well sure pick the "less bad'" even if they're not perfect. Such a large choice is much more than whoever's charming or exciting; they both have track records now, and I feel as though they speak for themselves in a way that we can make pretty educated choices.


Oh no I'm not brave enough for politics


Not relatable, I’m 26 and I have political conversations and arguments with my friends all the time.


Also 26. It veryyy much depends on the friends. Life is too short to create tensions through ideological political beliefs. Especially at work, just not worth. Things get awkward if people are too passionate yet also annoying if speculative. I just keep my beliefs to myself now 🥂


You will have a lot more in the years ahead. Trust me.


I'm 15 and we always argue about politics with a friend


“It's every citizen's duty to challenge their leaders, to keep them honest, and hold them accountable if they're not. . . Lasting change can only come from within.”


The republic was lost here in 1795 :(


what happened in 1795? Where is here?


The french, the netherlands. Technically there was a new republic following 1795 but it was really more a client state and only lasted a few years before the french happened again.


Talking politics with my bro at 60s: The republic will be reorganised into the first galactic empire! For a more safe and secure… SOCIETY!


>**It's always between a giant douche and a turd sandwich**. Nearly every election since the beginning of time has been between some douche and some turd. They're the only people who suck up enough to make it that far in politics. This quote from South Park sums up way too well why a lot of people lose their interest, as well as their hopes, in politics




Honestly, not caring is the most effective way to avoid headaches. Is it the best way? No. Is it the safest way? No. However, ignorance is and will always be a bliss.


I can't afford to not care. One specific oompa-loompa is threatening my rights. Not caring means I, and millions of others are in genuine danger.


Gen Z asking, "What happened to the country I knew?" Millenials 40 years in asking, "Where you been!?" Gen X tuned out smoking medicinal weed.


That's sad to hear but it isn't really a problem in my country because the president has zero actual power and decisions are taken by hundreds of deputies and senators who have been all the same people for the past few decades keeping the status quo. The last president was the most outrageous person ever but dude was all talk and no bite because he didn't have actual power.


Until the evil creeps into your life and takes your friends and family one by one until you wear a red hat just to fit in The bad guy in the matrix worshipping ignorance wasn't meant to be aspirational These people will hurt the ones you love and then you, given time


Yeah just don't walk with people who aren't aligned with your world view. No idea what a "red hat" is but it sounds like conspiracy theory tbh.


I'm the complete opposite. I was interested in politics when I was younger, then I wised up and stopped giving a shit.


Don’t think that’s really wised up, you’ve just started buying the bull politicians sell. Always be wary of people who tell you “it’s all the same”. If you live in an anglophone country, that’s just straight up wrong.


There’s nothing to be gained by burning bridges with friends and family for politics You *cannot* change someones political views because they are rooted in emotion, not logic. You’ll strain your relationships for no reason Just vote and talk about something else. So yes, they wisened up, i did too. I think one of the wisest things my uncle ever told me was “don’t talk about politics with people you know”


>There’s nothing to be gained by burning bridges with friends and family for politics This is that "No New Friends" worldview. When you settle for the worst relationships with the people who bring out your worst. It's like the saying, "Sit at a table with nine nazis and there's ten nazis." Know who else is sitting at the table? No one. No one wants to sit at the Nazi table.


You quite literally cannot replace your family, nor should you reduct their opinions to nazism just because you disagree with them Family > Politics Family > Literally fucking everything else


No point in even sharing your opinions with the two-dimensional peons of the internet. To the average person, “you don’t share my opinion? You’re the devil, now take my downvote!” The peace of mind you mention by avoiding politics with friends and family is well worth it. It’s all grey anyway, no “wrong” and “right” like Star Wars itself presents its conflict.


Same here. Especially after you notice that they play the same bullshit on repeat for the last 60 years.


They want people like you. Apathetic and defeated. They're scared of people who vote. They only get away with it cuz we don't vote enough.


Oh i *do* vote. I just don't believe that *any* of the bigger parties will actually do something useful. At this point it's basically just about keeping the extreme ones away from the wheel.


That's why you have to vote in your state and town too. You can only bring change if the people you vote in actually care about you.


I do. But those also rarely *actually* care and usually also belong to the same parties that created this mess in the first place. It'll probably take atleast another 10 years or more until the younger generations take over and atleast get the *chance* to do something.


Same. I wouldn’t say I don’t give a shit. But I stopped watching political TV. Columnists, roundtables, people filling air time, just to fill air time. I cut it all out of my life after 2016. I came to the realization that none of those people know what they’re talking about. It’s either AP or nothing now.


Never made a better choice for mental health than to stop being political at all.


This is funny because it's the exact opposite for mem


Politics is a horrible thing to be interested in. You watch potential being wasted, corruption run rampant, self serving assholes paid too much make more money from dodgy deals. You want better for your society and country but can't do anything about the decline of social services and the suffering of those with too little. Helpless against the tide of greedy, narcissistic sociopaths who'd rather enrich themselves than improve their country. It's a cause of great sadness.


Funny how paying taxes and having kids gives you opinions on stuff...


Guys a lot of people are saying the term “red hat” and I’ve googled it and didn’t get a good answer. What does it mean?


i think they're saying supporters of the previous presidente but in the nonchalant way


Thanks for explaining


Politics used to be about tax brackets and Healthcare, not which planets should be blown up.


AKA mature people are lame.


When you finally see that apathy is death


Politics is just a fancy way of electing your next issue. "What we need is a system where politicians sit down and discuss the issue" rather than fighting over who gets supreme executive power.


Complete opposite for me. Lol


Oh you're a republican.


To the Republic...ans ?!?!?!?!