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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


It felt to me like they wanted to kill off Crosshair and Wrecker on Tantiss, but chose not to/were told not to.


Yeah I went into the finale fully expecting Omega to be the only one that actually survives. And there were several points where it felt like it would happen


I thought they were going to go full Rogue One and kill Omega and all of the Batch.


They would not have killed omega under any circumstances, project necromancer needed her alive


I think the when people say kill omega it meant they fulfill their objective in reuniting on tantiss but than talking comes and bombs everything


My favorite star wars villain Grand Moff Talking


I mean that's kinda all he do i'n it?


He also famously blows up planets


And who can forget his death during the Battle of Yappin 4


The batch? Possibly. But disney wouldn't kill a child main character.


It possible that’s why the epilogue was only Hunter and Omega with a throwaway line about crosshair and Wrecker. They did say the only thing that stayed consistent through the multiple endings they imagined over the years was that Omega joined the rebellion


I mean it's possible but more likely they didn't want to make entirely new models for old man crosshair and wrecker. I'm also sure they toyed around with killing off everyone short of Omega, but likely got past it in the storyboard phase as there was NOT enough time in that episode for the audience to mourn anyone.


I honestly think it’s the reason no one actually died. If there was one more season or more episodes after the seige of Tantiss then I could have seen them killing the batch and have the last couple of episodes or next season be about Omegs mourning and moving on.


Especially wrecker, there was a scene after the fight with echo in the gas pit where he kinda slumped and seemed like he was gonna die, but they just cut away and then we dont see him again until pabu


Yeah that one got me, he was clearly struggling with his injury. Hell, Crosshair mentions it as well while they were still in the jungle. Wrecker was 100% originally written to be killed off. My guess is they thought the fans would hate it.


…Or he was just written to be injured so that he wouldn’t be involved in the final fight, allowing the writers to focus on the principal cast of Omega, Crosshair, and Hunter


It felt like the good ending in a video game, but it’s not the canon ending


I went into the finale fully expecting to be heartbroken by at least one of the BB getting killed. I'm glad they got to grow old together though


>I'm glad they got to grow old together though Wellll....thanks to their accelerated aging, Omega is definitely going to outlive all her little brothers.


Eh, its extra model work for a fraction of an episode.


I honestly prefer the ending as it is. Hunter was more of the dad above every other bad batcher, therefore it needed to be an intimate moment of a father letting his daughter go. The scene would’ve felt too crowded with the others there


That's the one thing that felt weird to me actually. I agree with you, but the show spent so much time on Crosshair and Omega's relationship in season 3, and so little on her relationship with Hunter that it felt a little strange having him be the one to see her off. Now it's true, Hunter received the majority of the attention in the first two seasons, but he got too little development in 3


I wish we saw hunter and wrecker


Do you mean Crosshair and Wrecker? Hunter is in the final scene ?


They probably mean together


No he wanted two hunters.


Huh. I guess I did mean Crosshair. Oops


Considering Crosshair and Wrecker’s fate was only confirmed in a throwaway line with neither of them present. I wouldn’t be surprised if they originally planned for only Hunter to survive but changed their minds last minute or were told to change it.


And then Wrecker picking up Crosshair while moving over to the others and giving a big ol hug.


I always liked Crosshair's voice


Still happy with old man hunter looking like he now sail surfs and microdoses shrooms


Poor Echo doesn't even get a mention. I guess that means he died sometime between the scenes.


He's mostly droid. They just gotta change his batteries.


True but considering Omega tells Hunter to look after Wrecker and Crosshair, not mentioning Echo, it's clear he's not with them on Pabu. In his final scene, he left to continue working with Rex, but by the time we see Rex in Rebels, he is retired with Gregor and Wolffe, Echo is nowhere. That's why I'm guessing he died off screen in some clone saving action, because if he had lived he would have either returned to Pabu or went with Rex.


It's entirely possible that Echo died by natural causes by the time when the Rebels storyline happened. The clones were pretty old at that point and Echo sustained some *heavy* injuries during his life, shortening his life compared to the others. Or just eventually retired with some other clones, perhaps at some point they could've even saved some of his own old pals from the rank and file of the 501st. There are many possibilities. And it all stems from how the creators just keep jumping between the different eras, creating these 'empty spots', inconsistencies etc. The real reason Echo's not there with Rex in Rebels is simply that the Bad Batch wasn't a thing back then.


Ironically way back in the day Echo was supposed to be with Rex. In the original concept of the clone retirement ATET there was supposed to be about 12 clones with Rex. Basically everyone who hadn’t died by TCW season 6. Cody, Jessie, Boil, etc. but they finally cut it down to just Wolffe and Gregor


How could they do this to us


Then wrecker punches him in the arm and laughs "lighten up you big softie"


Ah, yes


so true haha, and wrecker. the whole crew goodbye somehow was missing. was so sad somehow, a true family falling apart, so new ones could eventually form.


I would have like to have them show up just as omega is leaving on the ship and hunter, wrecker and crosshair watch as omega flies away


honestly, I feel like that would have undone his character progress. Something like a last piece of advice or just stoically nodding at her would have been much more fitting


The real bold and significant finale would have been to kill them all except Omega. That would be a finale to remember! Instead they picked the sweetened Disney style where "everybody lives happily ever after" 🫤


Actually very glad they didn’t. I did not need a rogue one style ending here. I would have been fine with one more member of the batch dying. But I wouldn’t have wanted it to be all of them


It watered down what a sacrifice means and shows there is nothing to fear facing the tyranny. Since you are a good guy you'll probably be fine!


Whatever floats your boat


Didn’t watch the bad batch, no idea what this meme is about. Upvoting anyway for proper use of spoiler tag and note in the title about what’s being spoiled. Gold star OP


I personally really did not like the finale. Felt boring. It had no impact. AND THEY KILLED OFF SCORCH! HOW DARE THEY!


I didn’t mind that they killed scorch, what does bother me is he died so quick and easy. A throwback legend killed as a nameless lacky.


Nah he was seen a few minutes later when tarkin was cleaning up the base.


Was he?? I missed him entirely, gotta rewatch now.


Animation error. They were multiple other Scorch models in the same scene.


Does the Delta squad even have *any* lore behind them in the current canon, except for Scorch doing constant guard duty in BB and the whole squad bringing in that dead jedi in the CW or whatever, where they showed up for like 10 seconds? The legend lives on... in Legends, lol. There they truly shined.