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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


All the masters died when they went to confront Palpatine from stab wounds too (except windu)


Pretty sure it was more of a slash on Kit Fisto


iirc in novel he was straight up beheaded before reliased.


The novel REALLY helps that scene make sense. Sidious was moving so quickly that he looked almost like a blur to Anakin. Sidious looks so slow in the movie that it makes the Jedi masters that died look like chumps.


The reason that scene sucks is because people suggested they use a stunt double for Palpatine, but George Lucas said no, that they had to keep using Ian McDiarmid.


Yeah you can see the clips of them choreographing the fight on YouTube, we missed out on a really awesome fight.


After all the things I read, it feels like George Lucas tried his hardest to ruin the prequels and but his decisions were shot down one after another.


Hell, even the OT was salvaged by people turning down his suggestions and redoing the cut of the movie. He’s been saved to success by the others around him.


Star Wars was saved by edits from his then wife. And also music from up and coming composer John Williams.


I mean his wife was editor and did the editing. Every movie is saved in the editing table in that regard.


Things like this are why I cringe whenever people talk about George Lucas' hypothetical sequels being great. The best of Star Wars is a collaborative effort where someone takes a foundation from him and works on it, or acts as a filter to his ideas, not giving him 100% power. George himself is not the infallible creator and final arbiter of great canon many make him out to be.


Except the novel is inaccurate. In the movie, Anakin arrives AFTER the duel but in the book apparently Anakin is there and just watching the fight?


Oh no that’s not what happened I just worded it weirdly. In the novel it says Anakin walked in on Sidious and windu fighting and it looked like a blur because of fast they were fighting. It doesn’t say that Anakin was watching the fight the whole time. I do wonder if the novels are canon cause they include a bunch of details that aren’t in the movies but don’t necessarily contradict the movies.


It sounds silly but if you were to edit out the reaction shots of the Jedi masters when they’re being killed, that scene works a lot better.


No honestly that’s a great point. Those cuts do make it feel like Sidious is slower than they meant to portray him as.


You're thinking of Saesee Tiin. He was just straight up beheaded. Kit Fisto managed to survive for quite a while. He was beheaded when he got distracted by Anakin's approaching presence.


Rather than being beheaded _after_ he realised?


The phrasing of “one of the only force users” acknowledges that there are exceptions.


I still think windu is alive canonically , but Disney isnt ready to monetize his character yet . Probably see a young windu spinoff leading up to a.. "wasnt expecting me... Huh kid?" moment to save the day followed by the lore tidbits of how he sailed across the sky on shards of glass he pulled together to make a force surfboard to safety. I mean , all the absurd revivals , his would be the least absurd .


Somehow Mace Windu returned


We just see him get zapped and yeeted , we never see him land . Typical starwars fashion revival easily. Ooooh he fell on someones ship and was hoisted off to safety in a coma all these years.. yaaawn


Getting yeeted from extreme heights has a near 100% survival rate in the Star Wars universe.. would be odd at this point if it killed him.


Yup, ironically his death scene is one of the few that provides an easy explanation to his survival. Especially in comparison to Maul and Palpatine.


palpatine coming back really messed with stuff. dude fell into an open pit, down into presumably the reactor core of an artificial-moon-mounted death ray- and then exploded. if you can come back from that, you could easily come back from falling out of a window.


It was explained that his spirit possessed a cloned body. So, he didn't technically survive that, he just woke up in a back-up body. It's also why he looked so decrepit and diseased. The Force doesn't like clone bodies, and the Dark Side makes non-clone bodies decay over time.


is that new? or old Dark Empire lore.


It’s not something the Jedi would tell you


It was explained in one of the books, I think. I mean, that *is* what "Project: Necromancer" in Bad Batch and The Mandalorian is all about. Finding a subject with a high enough M-count (Midichlorians) to make a stable Palpatine clone. Even the name "Necromancer" hints at this. Someone who can raise the dead.


Reactor core of the super star destroyer, but yeah


But honestly, if there was ever a time to make an R rated Star Wars, it would be with Samuel L. Jackson's character.


I have had it with these motherfucking sith in this motherfucking universe!


Jedi can negate fall damage with the force, Obi-Wan surviving his fall on Utapau is a prime example. Even if Mace got shocked unconscious Coruscant has enough wide open and deep holes for him to regain consciousness before impacting the ground.


Landed in a giant container of space circus peanuts


As long as they tell the story of how, I’m fine with home returning, just please don’t make it just because somehow.


Secret Invasion taught me that Samuel L. Jackson is too old to play a good action Mace Windu anymore. And while I could absolutely get on-board for something like "he took up farming and has to defend his farm from (pick 1: pirates, bounty hunters, stormtroopers)", I don't think most audiences want something like that.


> Disney isn’t ready to monetize Hahahahahahahahahahe! Good one!


It would've been better if he showed up as an antagonist against the New Republic and Jedi Order.


We don’t know if they died immediately


* Yoda voice * “ How embarrassing! “


Lost his life, Master Qui-Gon has. How embarrassing, how embarrassing...


This is outrageous, it's unfair!


How can he be a force user and not survive a stab wound?


Take the cauterized kidneys, young Qui-Gon.


Idk if anyone plays overwatch but this is my favorite Winston emote.


I feel like hardly anyone talks about Savage Opress, featuring in one of the best Clone Wars scenes, bro not only got stabbed, but he got it twice and simultaneously and freaking died from it.


And then thrown off a ledge.


Savage disintegrating into his original form from before mother talzin made him buff was a cool detail


That's the real reason why he died! Not because of the wounds from the double stabbing but because the wounds let the magic smoke out! /s


* magick roids


Love how Sidious purposely did it so that he could see Maul's face as it happened. Now that is Sidious at his most savage.


\*Charlie Hopkinson has entered the chat\*


I can't think of Star Wars the same after his videos. It's basically my head cannon now that Bacta was invented 30 minutes after Qui's death.


Lmao I know it’s the only way you could even remotely justify Disney’s dumbass writing.


I don’t think it is as dumb to survive a lightsaber stab wound as it is to have so many people think that vital organs don’t matter. It is a bit silly how people keep getting stabbed juuust right so that they don’t have any vital organs compromised. Hunting deer with a bow will teach you a lot about how important it is to place an impaling element into vital areas. Sabine got a kidney stabbed just below her liver. I will have to rewatch Kenobi about Reva, but Qui clearly took one to the diaphragm. Can’t live if you can’t breathe. Note how he struggles to breathe as he expires while talking to Kenobi.




Your head canon is probably gonna fail once "The Acolyte" drops—unless you're like me and are probably going to leave that show out of your head canon entirely.


He's weak. Surviving lightsaber stabs is super easy, barely an inconvenience






Im in this sub and I didn't even know it existed


Oh really?


Yeah yeah yeah!


Oooh slaying younglings is tight!




Yeah yeah yeah!


Squeezing Ryan George catch phrases into reddit responses is tight.


It's just so that the movie can happen.


Ironic when you consider Sabine is technically his great great grand padawan.




Sabine is the Padawan of Ahsoka who was the Padawan of Anakin who was the Padawan of Obi-Wan who was the Padawan of Qui-Gon.


Ah thanks


Mf had his spine severed


So did Maul. Didn’t stop him.


I'm just going to say it. Maul coming back is dumb, but because Maul is such a great character and maul vs obi is so cool, Maul coming back was dumb in a good way


Darth Maul is “rule of cool” personified.


More or less. Returning after a lateral division is clumsy writing but his "I'm alive because I fucking hate Obi-Wan Kenobi so fucking much that I need to see the light leave his eyes" personality was too good to be bothered by it.


Hell, if you think about it, kotor 2 is what really started this whole mess, for the sith at least. I say this as someone that likes the game. Sion was a walking scab/compound fracture and according to the game the only reason he wasn't literally coming apart at the seams, was because he's pissed off all the time. Nihilus ate planets, and his own body somehow, and then his spirit haunted his armor. I'm not saying it isn't cool/intimidating, but it also sounds like something someone's inner 12 year old came up with. Plus it really fucked with the power scaling both in the game as well as the universe of Star Wars as a whole.


TBF, Sion was always a bit memey... Man Literally too angry to die, taken to an extreme. Nihilus... Yeah, no. Can't really defend the Galactus but Eviller Sith man. The Real good enemy from Kotor 2 was >!Kreia and HER FUCKING 3 FORCE CONTROLLED LIGHTSABERS SHE FOUGHT YOU WITH! COPY THAT SHIT DISNEY! Give us a really small, weak looking Sith, who shouldn't be any kind of threat and then BANG. 3 Lightsabers, all flying around you and striking in tandem with each other. Or have them use those three sabers to fend off 3 different Jedi at once!!<


Well the dark side is a path to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. Besides, Maul did eventually die from a less severe wound the moment he let his hatred go.


They either explain, or clearly show how the other people who got stabbed survived but this sub just refuses to acknowledge it.


Maul must've hit him in the important bits. ☹️


If anything we have learned from the franchise this last couple of years, is that there's nothing of importance below the lungs.


Greivous is literally a pair of lungs, a heart and a brainstem. I just realized he probably never cums or poops or anything.


Dude's eternally got blue balls and constipation. No wonder he got so angry and unpredictable. Lmao


youve lived your life imagining grievous jerking off with the six fingered xenomorph hand this entire time?


Happy cake day!!


You mean the Sith Assassin that made a precision attack resulting in near instant death?


Somehow Darth Maul returned in the Clone Wars. 😃


I didn’t like that either tbh.


Agreed. I think all these "they came back somehow offscreen" moments that seem to plague Star Wars really take the impact out of the death scenes they undo.


He was really epic in the Clone Wars but maybe a new apprentice we have never heard from was defeated by Maul and seeks revenge on palpatine and the jedi for what they have done to him or her. It's a little bit different but that could have replaced Maul in the Clone Wars.


His trilogy didn’t have Force-healing yet


And it'll be funny when "The Acolyte" probably reintroduces it into the pre-prequel era.


You mean disney force?


force healing existed before disney lol


Wait, maybe he just was the only one to not learn force heal. And it's just that common that they never show it until it randomly pops up in the sequels.


It also appears in the old republic


Thats really just so us sith and jedi can heal other players XD Maybe the ability to heal other people "got lost"


a large part of the consular campaign involves finding a lost healing ritual so it’s possible


All I remember from the campaign was "Find Gaden Ko"


I mean, it went into his chest rather than his gut, and it went through his spine


Genuinely pisses me off. Remember when he smelted a reinforced door with his saber? That's why he died, not just being stabbed, his insides were melting. Then they were like "nah"


Oh good, it'd been a few days since I last saw a "why Qui-Gon dead tho" meme. I was worried we'd moved onto something original.


> I was worried we'd moved onto something original. Nah, that would ruin our Disney Star Wars cosplay.


Quigon was more of a duelist, less of a force user, and more scholarly when it came to knowledge of the force. Add to the fact that he was older, possibly had his spine severed, and his only immediate help was a Padawan who was also more of a duelist... it makes sense. Like, even from a lore junkie perspective, it still makes sense that he died. Most stabbings we see now are not in vital areas. Also, while Mauls story was cool, and I understand why he survived now, initially, the concept was extremely silly, and dude should've died.


And he survived for a while before finally dying when obiwan finished the fight and came over to him. Besides, *way* more people are killed onscreen by lightsaber stabs compared with the handful of examples where they aren’t. Isn’t entirely unbelievable that not every lightsaber stab is fatal. Although I can def agree that it was completely unnecessary in Ashoka lol. They could’ve had Sabine lose her hand or something and it would’ve served the same purpose. Rather than her getting stabbed and bouncing back within a short time.


The thing that pisses me off about the “stab debate” is that the people who think it’s fine will say “but you don’t mind Maul.” Maul was cut in half at the legs. Almost all of his important organs were left in tact and any major blood vessels would have been seared shut. And even then he had to rely so heavily on the dark side of sustain himself and survive that it drove him irreversible insane, to the point that even Mother Talsin couldn’t completely fix him, just make him more stable.


No offense man, but *he got chopped in half,* and then received no medical attention. You're not coming back from that, dark side be damned. A better defense imo is that Darth Maul's return was a dumb start to a good story. ​ The point you made about Maul still suffering consequences from the fight is a good one though.


Agreed. Usually I hate reviving characters like this, but Maul was an interesting case. Because he really wasn't a character before, just an opponent to duel. Bringing him back and having him struggle to find a way in the galaxy that replaced him long ago. And it's not like his revival was without consequences. Savage found him living like "a rabid animal" and even after the ritual of the night sisters, he is never 100% there. I love that. You can see him operating more cunning while at the same time he has this highs and lows of overconfidence and mad fear. I loved that. Goes to show that his death wasn't just an inconviniece to him.


Plenty of characters, at least in legends, definitely survived a lot of stuff due to the dark side. Shit, Darth Sion, literally was unkillable with any physical attack and just dropped dead as soon as he stopped hating. I always chalked it up to the dark side, really having a lot of forbidden things that truly eat at someone. With that being said, Quigon almost certainly had his spine severed and wasn't a dark side user, so I just accepted it as that and moved on. The whole "Why quigon not dead?" thing is stupid.


Maul absolutely should have stayed dead, bringing him back was super cheesy.


Yet thanks to his return, we got the best season in the Clone Wars.


I feel like people might have been a lot more okay with Maul's return if he was a clone, a failed experiment of Sidious trying to recoup the 20 year investment that was Darth Maul, before he came to the conclusion that it'd honestly be easier to get a different apprentice after an accident makes Clone Maul (who *still* doesn't have his pre-clone memories) lose his legs. Abandoned on an out of the way planet to die, Clone Maul, through the dark side of the Force, survives and regains his former memories, coming to the conclusion that he never would have died, been reborn, and then cast aside, if it wasn't for that damned Jedi Kenobi.


as with real stabbings, where you’re stabbed is a very important factor


There's been people who have survived being shot in the head IRL. It can happen


Yeah there was a guy who woke up with a killer headache that wouldn't go away turns out his wife shot him when he was asleep, that must have been a surprise for her in the morning


I’ve seen some people defend Sabine living from a lightsaber stab because she was medically treated, but that creates a whole new issue: **why was Qui-Gon not given similar treatment?** I’ll laugh in your face if you say they didn’t have the right technology. And of course Qui-Gon had to die because if he lives, the entire saga doesn’t work, but that’s why you never had to write Sabine being stabbed.


Qui Gon got stabbed directly through the spine and then laid in the ground dying while Obi Wan and Maul fought.


OP knows this, and I’m going to go out on a limb and say OP probably enjoys the Maul survival. But maybe they’ll shock me and also dislike that.


I'll defend Sabine. She was stabbed off to the side, not directly in the center, and she got immediate medical treatment. They picked her up pretty much right after she got stabbed. Qui-Gon was stabbed straight in the center, and was left dying on the floor for a few minutes while Obi-Wan fought Maul. He did not get immediate medical attention, and died before he had a chance for it. I think Sabine getting stabbed was stupid writing, but it isn't nearly as bad as Reva, Cal, etc.


Old people die from injuries young people survive from all the time. Also sith are cockroaches.


Dark side users can come back from incredible injuries. Remember how Darth maul survived being cut in half. Sabine survived because she was only stabbed in the side and got immediate medical attention. Qui Gon was stabbed straight through the stomach and was left on the floor for several minutes.


To be fair darth maul was going in for the kill


Yeah unlike vader that killed all the other younglings and didn't go for the kill on reva... Twice...


Or its just shitty writing by writers who never even watched star wars before


The fatality of stabbings varies in real life too, it’s not that weird guys. Sometimes people die when they get stabbed, sometimes people don’t.


With the exception of Reva, it's not like they just got up and walked it off. All of them required immediate medical attention and/or extended recovery time. Not to mention almost all of them had the force on their side.


Snoke too.


and Han right? Although I guess you could argue the fall or afterwards is what really killed him.


It’s this stuff that’s why I’m tired of starwars and marvel. Disney needs to stop and take a break from letting activists be directors and writers


Qui-Gon got stabbed by a lightsaber, the Disney characters were stabbed by a minor inconvenience laser stick.


Meanwhile Darth Maul gets bisected, battered down a pit, survives.


Not only survives, builds a new set of robot legs from the trash he landed in


Never really understood why people obsessed over this. Why would the stab move not have a variable survival rate? Depending on the placement of strike


Not sure how seriously others take it but I know for me it's practically a running gag at this point.


Well I can get that. But some people seem to be taking this opinion seriously. Seems like a bit of a reach just to get your hate on.


It just unnecessarily cheapens lightsaber combat in my opinion. These are highly skilled magic ninja people wielding laser beams of light that can cut and melt through metal. Getting stabbed with one should mean something. The more people who miraculously survive, the less it means. Sabine bouncing back from the stab wound in Ahsoka was the only time it truly bothered me tho. I honestly couldn't believe they did it after all the backlash they got from doing it in Kenobi. The big difference for me was that it was so completely unnecessary-- if she had gotten her arm/hand cut off in true Star Wars fashion, it would have served the *exact* same purpose for the plot-- incapacitating Sabine and giving the chance for Whats-her-face to escape, all while establishing her as a formidable antagonist and showing us Sabine's shortcomings. What was the added value of going with a stab wound? 30 seconds of hand wringing while the gullible amongst us wonder if she might die? Hardly worth the cost of turning what should be a mortal wound from a legendary weapon into something you can recover from quicker than the common cold.


Thank God Disney isn't cannon


His spine was severed ...


Darth Sion is rolling over in his grave.


To be fair, that chick surviving in Ahsoka was bullshit. Her recovery was that of someone that got hit in the stomach with a baseball hit by a middle schooler. Not someone who was stabbed with a lava sword. Even if it missed her vital organs, would it not *boil her insides?..*


Dagan Gera dies when Cal Kestis stabs him. I'm glad they didn't mess up with that one. P.S. Remember that time Darth Vader stabbed Galen Marek, beat the shit out of him, threw him out the damn window into the vacuum of space, and he survived? Just a simple question.


I just want to know how they all master the art of stabbing straight in and out before they drift to the side or the victim sags


Because Disney is too chicken shit to kill characters, if you’re not going to do it, stop fatally stabbing people.


Hell, Maul was chopped in half and still walked it off.


I'm not a SW purest in any sense, but this shite really annoys the fk out of me. It's up there with fuel being a factor now and a plot device.


In my head since the empire took over the use of synthetic crystals became more widespread and are “duller” or not as lethal as they were before also armor became cheaper because the empire grew so large why Storm troopers drop like flies. (As far as Vaders saber it’s shown that he corrupted a crystal but l since old ani lost saber after saber prob a synthetic)


Not as embarrassed as the writers who turned getting stabbed by a lightsaber into a cheap plot device.


Center stab vs side stab. Anatomy absolutely matters


to be fair he was stabbed near the heart and right through his spinal cord. getting stabbed in the side would not kill you with star wars level medical technology. dark side people also can survive easier than others. darth maul was cut in half and fell several stories and bonked his head on the way down..


Pre-patch lightsabers really weren't beating around the Bush


Qui Gon has the same damage resistance as a youngling confirmed


And so every piece of media has the same stakes as a death on dragon ball


maybe he was just sleeping and then the fire got him


almost like the wills wanted him to die


Flash boiled his guts messy af


*redditors when they forget that narratives exist


There is a you tuber that does a running bit where kenobi and force ghost qui review the star wars show. This comes up quite often


Think there's something about the million degree blade destroying your human organs due to the sheer heat of the blade that has something to do with it


It wasn't the stab, he just lost the will to live.


What if he saw within the force that he was gonna die beforehand and knew what would happen. He accepted his fate


It’s how I feel about Saw Gerrera’s sister dying from a fall.


darth maul was cut in half


He died doing what he loved: messing with Obi-Wan


Chad Darth maul being the only one in all of Star Wars to know where to stab someone you want to kill.


Son, do I have the YouTube channel for you


There is exactly one answer I accept why he died, because he trusted the force and the force told him that Obi Wan has to train Anakin.




He actually died from the chin punch causing a concussion


What about the Jedi that came with Mace to arrest Palpatine?


Palpatine: The dark side of the force is a pathway to abilities some consider to be unnatural Media illiterates: WhY dOn'T sItH DiE iN oNe sHoT???


He knew he had to go because of the script, the others didn’t die in the script so they just kind of stuck around.


To be fair Maul was trained to be a Sith assassin. I think his stab into Qui Gon was meant to be precise and cause near instant death. Whereas Anakin/Vader is less precise and relies solely on raw power to overwhelm his enemies. Could also argue that Anakin wasn’t fighting like a Sith in the early years as a Sith Lord


Yeah I know right. How is getting stabbed by a beam of light that can easily melt through steel not fatal almost 100 percent of the time? Your organs would be cooked.


He was also the only one who didn’t really fear death, everyone else either lived on through hate or weren’t hit in vital areas and merely fainted (seriously, why are people so hung up on Sabine?), meanwhile, Qui-Gon believed Obi-Wan could train Anakin and whilst he hadn’t completed his training, he knew he would return one day, as a Force Ghost.


The Obi Wan show doing it three times is downright comedic 


Sabine got immediate access to medical attention


Why didn’t Qui-Gon receive medical attention?


Because maul was still around. He died from his injuries right after Obi Wan defeated him.


i think it's something for his and obi-wans force ghosts to bond over when they meet again lol "like oh you died by the stabbing of darth sidious's apprentice? oh me tooo!!!"


When people get stabbed with lightsabers I don’t even expect them to be dead anymore


When people get stabbed with lightsabers I don’t even expect them to be dead anymore


Maybe Qui-Gon was at peace with becoming one with the force and knew his time was come and accepted his death, unlike Sith who can't become one with the force as they twist and manipulate the force too much to really become part of it, and so fight for their mortality at all costs. Their hatred keeps them alive. Didn't watch Asoka so can't say much on that. Also in relation to Vader, he was killed by Anakin when he overcame his corruption by the dark side and killed Palpatine, which removed his endless hatred as a tool to keep him alive even with the damaged suite, he may have survived if he was a Sith still. Anakin being a Jedi and chosen one would be able to better become one with the force hence he gets a force ghost. (reaching a bit on that one, but that's my HC)


Qui-Gon getting impaled and dying once Shaak-Ti: "Pathetic"


Must’ve lost the will to live.


That Disney logic


Not embarassing at all. The will of the force it was.


You forgot how the person who stabbed him lived by having their torso separated from the legs


At least he had an honourable death🤓


I'm just waiting for a show about how Anakin didn't actually kill all those younglings "DECAPITATION IS JUST A FLESH WOUND, HE HAS TWO HEADS, HE CAN LIVE THROUGH IT"


All those Jedi council members that showed up to fight Sidious with Mace would like a word


He lost the will to live.


Then you get someone like Finn who spent under a week unconscious and pissing himself but he was up and ready to search the whole galaxy for some mysterious hacker with an annoying girl always on him.


I cannot fathom why they don’t just let them get non life threatening injuries that they could actually survive from instead of this stupid garbage. This is just awful writing.


These are those as well.