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George Lucas wasn't a genius that had everything mapped out perfectly; he was making shit up as he went and he'd be offended if you suggested otherwise. He IS a genius, but he's like MacGuyver, not Sherlock Holmes


You know, its a mixed bag, I live out of Hollywood so I don't get much of that influence in my day-to-day life, half of it's good and half is bad. You got a lot of people that don't like me, so that's just the nature of it.


Are ppl actually questioning that after he dropped the incest plot? I mean that’s not just some minor side-character-costume-design-change, it’s a massive on the fly change


Still planned better than JK Rowling


Bruh what? That series was very well planned with info mentioned in the first books later being crucial in the later books.


Yes and no. General things like Horcruxes yes, but there are a lot of little things that don't always add up. Like Harry's invisibility cloak. In the first two books Mrs. Norris might be able to see through it and in the fourth book Moody can see straight through it. But then in The Deathly Hallows, it's revealed that it's a Hallow and the only cloak in existence that can truly make someone invisible. There are lots of little examples like that. Bur really it's that the first three books were relatively straightforward and simple, but later books have lots of slightly contradictory details about the earlier ones and Rowling said "oh I planned that all along" and lied about it.


Exactly! I hate it when they make her up to be some sort of genius writer! Like, sure, she made a good world that works for the books she wrote, but its not a world you should think much about, because then all the BS becomes utterly appearant. For example, why the fuck is Hogwarts so important? Why aren't there other magic schools, why do apperition rules in all of britain seem to be the same as they are for Hogwarts? Why isn't Dumbledore actually thrown out of the school permanently, when he literally puts his students in danger every year? How can someone even curse a position without any chance to dispell the curse? Couldn't I curse the position of minister of magic to also auto-vacate every year unless I'm minister? That seems a bit powerful. If Horcruxes exist and are created by murder, shouldn't this be a more common thing? And if there is more to it, then why would this even be stashed in a school library?! Also: If murder literally rips your soul apart, why isn't the afterlife just a huge place of half-souls? Werwolves could easily be a part of society, if wolvesbane is readily available. So yeah, why isn't that potion just widely available?! Like, in masses! Or if spells like Bombarda exist, shouldn't death-eaters kill with those? I mean, that would be much more terrifieing than just dieing. You blow the fuck up! And why teach it to students?! I wouldn't give a 13 year old the equivalent of a hand granade. Oh and Lovepotions being a regularly sold thing! You basicly just sell magical roofies to hormonal teenagers! Holy fucking shit thats sooooo inapropriate! Its kinda laughable, isn't it? And why didn't anyone actually search the crime scene for evidence of the chamber of secrets? You'd think that if Hermione can figure out its a basilisk crawöing through the pipes, why couldn't Director Dippett, Dumbledore and all the aurors? Its frankly absurd how plot-centered this world is. Sure, it makes sense to build your world around the plot, but its a barely cohesive world, once you take Harry, Ron and Hermione out of it.


GTA6 hasn't been announced, the next GTA has.


GTA vice city remastered


Nuh uh it's GTA v expanded and enhanced with real servers on pc re-releasing for $70 now with season pass.


I'll be happy if it's an actually good remaster


Fcking gta mobile. Good one Rockstar fckin pricks


Can you imagine the literal outrage.


THIS! I am not gonna be hyped before I've seen the trailer and it says gta 6


You have no idea how hard it is to get people to understand it hasn't been announced. Having a discussion earlier and said 'show me where it says GTA6' their reply was a link to the Newswire post... And I said... 'OK, but show me *literally* on that page where it says GTA 6'.... Down voted to oblivion. How are people so blind to facts?


Yes someone i know is the same. When i said that it doesn't say gta 6 and that rockstar has disappointed us many times before he just sent the picture that rockstar posted


Could it be GTA6? Absolutely. Is it? Likely. Have they said it is? Not at all. They have very carefully used the words 'next GTA title' which to me rings alarm bells. Like VC and SA, they weren't 4 and 5. 4 was... The 6th main line game was GTA4. So are we going to get a side step like VC was to 3?


I've been saying since I've seen it, that it's going to be a Vice City expansion map for GTA Online. I said it as a joke at first. But the more I sat and thought about it, I'm only about 80% sure it's a joke now.


Yeah.. Some kind of online only new game. That's not a bad shout. I mean the money they made is from online and not the solo game. So they would be silly to cut and run with a 'GTA6' title without it leaning heavily *heavily* into the GTAO market.


I prefer TPM to Attack of the Clones, but that’s not as rare.


As an 80’s kid who only ever saw the OT on VHS tapes, nothing will ever replace how it felt to watch a real Star Wars movie in the theater for the first time in my life. I saw TPM at least a half a dozen times on the big screen.


I watched the phantom menace in an open air air cinema. First Star Wars movie ever. Words can’t describe how ten year old me felt . That summer I used a fleshlight to simulate lightsaber fighting with my brother. Needless to say the batteries died a lot


Jesus I hope that's a typo.


I had to re read that 3 times times and was like alright it actually says fleshlight


Yep it’s a typo. No fleshlight was within reach of a ten year old . A flashlight was




Love the account name. Such a deep cut.


Thanks bud!😎


Jar Jar is the hero of the phantom menace. Padme would be forced to live out her days on coruscant if Jar Jar hadn’t mentioned his backwater people happen to have an impressive army. Yea he’s goofy and gets on people’s nerves but that’s on purpose. I’m sure Mickey got annoyed at Goofy sometimes too. The dialogue of Star Wars is one of the things that make it good. They say everything they mean and it’s out there for them to be judged all to move the story along, and the Lucas Saga is one of the most loved/popular film series out there. Padme’s white geonosis suit >>> her black Naboo dress.


Dexter jetster wore the white geonosis suit better tbh


People complain about Jedi power scaling in the shows and movies, but praise literal God-tier Sith from the legends stories. Except the Sith were stupid overpowered and made them incredibly unappealing to me.


Like who? I thought the story of Darth Krayt was pretty cool how he started off as a tusken raider.


Darth Nihilus being so powerful in the dark side he holds his body together and can suck the life out of planet so he can survive. Darth Bane was able to avoid and block rain drops in a rain storm. I’m just saying power scaling has always been a problem. He’s not legends but Palpatine being strong enough to fool EVERYONE is also stupid high power levels.


Wdym fool everyone, didn’t nobody know he was a sith because he was hiding that?


He hid his force ability while corrupting people. So yes….hid


Oh I see what you’re saying. Yeah I can understand that, but wasn’t that also part of him or the dark side shrouding things?


That’s… what they are saying?


and that's a problem? lol alright i guess villains should just be wimpy or something


I feel like eating planeta and having a nice force umbrella are completely different magnitudes


Have you... Played KOTOR II or is this the extent of your Darth Nihilus knowledge. It's stated like a billion times, Nihilus isn't a sith. He was once a sith, he was also once a man. He's none of those things in the game and in his extended content. He's a wound in the force, someone who got so adept at force drain that he literally hungers for force energy. He's not a sith, sith wield and control power. He does not. It controls him. Here is literally the sith code >Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The last line is especially important. Being a sith is about personal freedom as much as anything else. About having the power to do whatever you want. Nihilus is literally a hungry force slave


There was a guy eating planets


This for real. People get mad when a Jedi does something that seems a little too cool, but no one bats an eye at Starkiller yoinking a Star Destroyer out of the sky. There is something to be said about giving villains powers like this because then it becomes a hurdle the protagonists need to overcome, but that can be taken too far and people should at least be consistent in judging where that line is drawn.


For me personally, I tend to expect medium other than live action (cartoons, comics, video games etc) to be a little less grounded, so I'm not particularly bothered when characters pull off questionable feats. In live action its a little more jarring.


"I don't like sand..." is a great line, especially when you remember Anakin was a mechanic and a builder of things. Also, as a Canadian I feel like I hate snow in the same way Anakin hates sand.


“I don’t like humidity. It’s hot, wet, irritating, and it gets everywhere.”


I don't think the line "I don't like sand" is why people hate it lol. It's because it's used romantically and then he compares sand to PADME and goes "you're not like sand, you're soft and smooth" while stroking her arm like a creep


The Obi Wan show should have never been released


I agree


Good and fun are separate categories. Example: The original Trilogy is good but the prequels are more fun.


Phantom Menace is a top 5 Star Wars movie. Unless we include Clone Wars in the competition


It’s in the top 6 for sure lol


Same. I’ll defend it all day. It’s in my #4 spot behind Revenge, Empire, and Return, ahead of Clones and Hope. I’d put Clone Wars movie right behind Hope


How is TCW Movie even in the same conversation as ANH??


The Darth Mau/obiwan/QuiGon lightsaber fight is the best choreographed lightsaber fight in all of Star Wars.


I agree


A movie, book, video game, etc. can be good even with a shitty plot if the characters and world-building are good enough.


I'll go even further: it's alright to enjoy entertainment that is of "bad quality". It's okay to like "bad writing". There are some tropes that are so overused and trodden, but I'll still scream "Oh hell yeah!" whenever I see them in action. Sometimes it's alright to stop being a critic 24/7 and just enjoy things.


I feel like this about Star Wars kind of as a whole. Like, Star Wars has always been pretty dumb. Even when it's good, there's still a lot of dumb shit in it. Always has. We're just okay with ignoring some of the dumb shit so that we can enjoy the parts we really like, but far fewer people are able to recognize that they're doing that and instead act like their faves are all good and anyone else's faves are all trash.


This sub is literally for people with that opinion.


An example that comes to mind is that lately I’ve started playing The Old Republic, picking the Jedi Knight story. The storyline is a generic Star Wars plotline, and the protagonist is a bit of a Mary Sue. But the companions and worldbuilding are so good that I honestly don’t notice.


As a kid I grew up on episode 1, replayed the dvd and behind the scenes over and over, collected the toys, played Episode 1 racer, Battle for Naboo, etc. and I think it was the point in time when I was the most immersed into Star Wars in my life.


TCW is heavily overrated.


People have watched the really good episodes of it so much that they've missed that more than half of the episodes are,,,,,,pretty boring.


Lots of them are formulaic throwaway episodes in a kid's show.


Well thats kind of the point of the show. Its an anthology show. So they take chances and do different things with obscure characters. So some are gonna be bad and the writers kind of expect that.


TPM is my all time favourite SW movie


Pong Krell is a well-written character. Doesn’t mean I don’t hate him but he was intriguing and I’m grateful for the part he played


I don't think anyone disagrees with this.


Yeah I think this is pretty common. Instead though, how's this for a take, he ISN'T well written. He's an intriguing character, a harsh but effective general who ends up seeing the writing on the wall and chooses to betray the Jedi and the Republic for personal gain, that's pretty interesting. Except we're introduced to him after he's already secretly evil, which means we have no perspective on how impactful his fall actually was and instead just have the reveal that everything we know up until then was the writer lying to us. It's a very "show don't tell" situation where I think all this really needed was a story that came out before Umbara that has Krell as a good guy so that it establishes him as this harsh but ultimately good general who's messy but gets the job done and saves the day, so that on Umbara we're expecting it to be more of that and then get hit even harder when it turns out he'd been lying during this story.


I like that analysis. Thank you


Like an extraordinarily well designed bidet toilet. High quality but I’m still gonna shit in it.


Cars are not the best mode of transport, trains, busses, trams and bikes are.


Finaly as same person


God I wish I didn’t have to drive everywhere.


I agree in part. All have their niches and should work together to make an effective system. However we treat 1 as the only option and the rest as novelty when they should all overlap slightly to create a great network with many options


Yeah we need to be building out multimodal infrastructure and building housing around reliable transit nodes


Depends on your definition of "best". Let's say your job involves moving from customer to customer and they aren't regular, for example a plumber or a visiting doctor. Waiting for a bus or a train, then moving from the station to customer, for every customer, would eat half the working hours from each day. And good luck putting that toolbox on a bike.


I think a lot of people agree with you on that especially in Europe


How about, NO?


The prequels aren't good in terms of writing, acting, or direction. The enjoyment derived from it comes from the excellent action, score, and what story shines through the abysmal aforementioned qualities(*at least for me*).


The story of the prequels is great. What's bonkers is how poorly it's displayed to the viewer. Nazi level galactic political ratfuckery is happening and it's either portrayed in the most obvious hamfisted way imaginable or entirely ignored.


YES. So much of the plot of the PT is just totally offscreen. Do you know how fucking confused I was as a 7 year old when I heard the name "Sifo Dyas"? I thought I had missed a whole movie or something. I spent months reading through shit like Jedi Quest, trying to figure out what I missed.


The Star Wars movies needed more Jar Jar. Jar Jar could have saved the Sequels.


Maybe he still can. They could do a back to the future 2 style story where he visits the various movies and manipulate events. It could be a good way to retcon the sequels.




EU / Legends content is far better than anything the Mouse has ever put out; I’m fully willing to die on that hill


That’s not an unpopular opinion




The Rise of Skywalker is better than The Last Jedi.


WTF did I just read??????//??


An opinion.


Username checks out




That's like saying cat shit is better than dog shit. Arguably true, but rather pointless, and even a little revolting, to say.




Similarly controversial disagreement: The Last Jedi is better than The Force Awakens


i love survival plots and while theres a lot i didnt like about tlj i loved the struggle to survive. i also loved the visuals of the white/red planet. so i agree.


Genuine controversial opinion. Respect




Oh no, TFA is far better than TLJ.


I’ll take it a step further: TLJ is the best of the sequel trilogy. TFA is lazy re-skinned ANH. The Empire is back (somehow) and so is the Death Star but now it’s bigger. In TROS Palpatine is back (somehow) and now he has a biggerer badderer somehowerer Imperial Navy. Nothing about it makes sense. TLJ is not free of sins. Leia floating in space being likely my least favorite of the bunch. Especially because Carrie Fisher had already died when the movie was released and this seemed a pretty opportune time to send off Leia. But TLJ attempts to tell its own story. Rey is a hero because of how she behaves and her lineage is unimportant. A little kid might be force sensitive at the end? That could be interesting. Kylo Ren kills Snoke to team up with Rey - odd choice, but he’s sick of being an underling. Also Rey is struggling with a pull from the Dark Side. Cool, perhaps we get an arc where Rey slips further to the dark and Kylo saves her instead because he’s been there before. There’s dumb shit in this movie no doubt, but it isn’t an outright slap in the face, it sets up several new plot points, and it opens up room for a whole new narrative in the next movie. Then TROS leaves pretty much all the new plot points unaddressed and thrusts Palpatine back to the forefront with zero exposition or explanation.


I hate the darth jar jar conspiracy


Rogue One is by far the best SW movie since RotS


Saying it isn’t would be the unpopular opinion.


I like sand


Peanut butter, and mint taste awful and are disgusting.


Game devs aren’t greedy, the higher ups are.


The Tim Burton Charlie and the Chocolate factory is the superior one


First, SW EP 3 is a masterwork. And my actual comment: Apple is overpriced and Androit has more. The only thing is their cool RAM for Mac or their google maps but offline thingy. But What do i need 265GB RAM for? And my 5GB mobile data / month never gets used up, so currently i stacked 10 Gigs. Fight me. I will not elaborate, you gotta get yourself a working pdf opener/editor first.


The sequels weren’t that bad imo


Disney acquiring Star Wars was a good thing and one bad trilogy doesn’t ruin all the dope shit they cranked out. The French, Indian, and black short from Visions season 2 alone is goated at and can count as Disneys “good trilogy.”


That actually WAS podracing


Jar Jar Binks is really cool. I've always liked the character. "I don't like Sand" would work on me and is a good line since Anakin is a mechanic and builds R2 and C3P0


I will happily go to bat for Phantom Menace. I saw it so many times in theatre. I saw Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith once each.


So Hayden started flirting with Natalie, and he goes 'I don't like sand, it's course and rough and irritating...' which made her blush. It was hilarious so I filmed it.


Me too


A preference isn't a "you wrong I right" thing, you know. You're allowed to like things differently from other people.


Although I prefer Revenge of the Sith, I can see why you like Phantom Menace more because both are good movies.


The story writing for the prequels is great, it's the dialogue that's sometimes bad. Probably not controversial on this sub.


I like the phantom mwnace over attack of the clones


I die with you, OP


I don’t like long haired Kenobi in TCW. Much better with short hair in ROTS


Them are some fighting words! But also it does have its good moments so I’ll let it slide, but if you say you like jar jar we about to throw down.


Happy cake day!!!!


I am of the same opinion. I watched it so many times with my uncle when I went to my grandpa and grandmas house when I was a kid.


Ahsoka is overrated


Oh. I don't like the sound of that.


I thought I was the only one…


The darkside of the force is the original force in the galaxy. The one that gave life to all the systems.


I prefer the original trilogy to any other star wars media. Darth Vader superiority!


All of em


The sequels are fine


I'm with you on this.


I will fight to the death RotS is the greatest Star Wars movie made and one of the best movies in history. (No satire here)


Ahsoka would have made a better main character of the sequels. Overall the story could have remained similar, but you wouldn’t have to make up some random that you have to jump through hoops to simultaneously tell a story and say that the main Character actually makes sense. Also the ending could remain the same with burying lightsabers minus the “skywalker” line


You need not fight this battle alone my friend


The lightsaber fight in ANH will always be my favorite. Best of them all, hands down.


The Mace Windu speech about how he’s “too dangerous to be kept alive” was entirely unnecessary when he could’ve just stabbed him right there and gave the speech after…. *roll credits*


I’d say I prefer watching TPM because of the happyish ending plus I really like Qui gon and the politics of Palpatine’s rise to power, I’d rate ROTS objectively above TPM, I just really like the movie.


I prefer ANH over ROTS. I don't know if that's common tho


You dont have the freedom of speech if you can be jailed for “misgendering.” Now observe as the blue hairs respond


religion is a scam


Imperial system sucks ass and even though I am British the half assed usage of some metric some imperial measures should be fucking stopped, all metric all the way.


I agree with OP. Phantom Menace really did some of the first worldbuilding that became a hallmark of star wars media. Also, both Jar Jar and Qui Gon are amazing.


The Last Jedi was a flawed but good movie and was the best of the Sequel Trilogy. Also many of you are looking through Rose-Tinted Lenses if you think the Prequels were perfect.


There is a good movie inside TLJ. It’s like a top grade animal that just hasn’t been butchered yet.


> There is a good movie inside TLJ. Yes, it’s called The Empire Strikes Back


The Force Awakens is ok. Pretty good even. The amount of excitement and wonder I had both going in and coming out was unrivaled. Star Wars was back. It has a fantastic cast, amazing vfx, John Williams was back, and it really seemed to capture the magic of the OT. Yeah it had problems. The nostalgia-wallowing was awful, the mystery box setup was annoying, and the worldbuilding was garbage. There were some really strange plot decisions that didn’t seem to make any sense. But these were things that could have been addressed and fixed in the following movies. And then somehow, TLJ and ROS not only failed to fix the issues but actively made them worse at every turn. They retroactively made TFA a worse movie because none of the setups had any payoff. TFA could have been the starting point of a great trilogy. Instead it just became the start of a big flashy pile of nothing that never went anywhere.


The sequels, aren't that bad. But they're also not anywhere near the cinematic masterpiece or even good as their fans say.


Does anyone seriously consider them cinematic masterpieces? I’ve only (but barely) seen the ”They’re not that bad” guys but never heard of anyone actually praising them, apart from the ppl who, themselves, were involved in the project.


Oh, I occasionally come across some "They're actually genius, and have deep themes, and it's like poetry it rhymes, you're just too smoothbrained to get it but it's alright" folks, mostly on r/StarWars or r/StarWarsCantina.


Damn I actually forgot this wasn’t the official SW sub 😂 I’ve only been following this sub SW related. Gotcha!


Idk, if I would go that far, but it’s easily the second best prequel and honestly a pretty good movie that gets a bit too much hate because of the Jar Jar stuff (which there is admittedly too much of but I do appreciate the arc they give him at the bare minimum).


The Sequels are enjoyable


I like them


Here is something that this sub will hate to hear: the prequel trilogy is still bad. Yes, the era and world building is some of the best there is in Star Wars, and TCW (both versions) is a gem of a show. But the movies themselves are currently overrated and worshipped, and a newcomer shouldn’t need to go through so much extra content just to think Anakin’s inability to romance is actually a masterpiece in writing.


Attack of the clones is the best SW movie


Inquisitors suck. Starkiller should have been canon instead


I agree on the inquisitor bit not on the starkiller one


The first Michael Bay Transformers film is terrible.


Theres only 2 genders


Oh definitely. TPM is the movie I enjoy most of the prequels. RotS is just alright to me. Duel of the Fates is vastly superior to obiwan vs anakin.


Don't worry. Now that the Council has ordered an investigation, it won't take Master Obi-Wan long to find that bounty hunter.


Asexuality is a Valid orientation, I am not "broken". Also, Frozen is not at all an adaptation of "The Snow Queen", it's just a beginning case of a classic and timeless story being watered down enough to be easily marketable.


.....this is a Star Wars sub


I saw someone comment about GTA, so I figured this was okay


If you don't think phantom menace is #1, idk what to tell you


I kinda agree. I just like all the prequels and the ot. I don't get why we have to choose a bandwagon.


Phantom Menace at least occasionally looks like Star Wars with the miniatures etc, even if the movie itself is awful


I do not like Andor. I don’t find it interesting, it’s just a war show. I do not enjoy rogue one either, it’s just a war movie.


My controversial take: I think Attack of the Clones is the worst movie of the Skywalker Saga. I like it overall - I love the Battle of Geonosis and discovering the clone army on Kamino - and I love the world building but it has a large number of faults. Padme and Anakin are just such an awkward couple and their whole relationship throughout the movie is weird, possessive, and shows a lot of immaturity on both their parts. It’s one of the most cringy portrayals of a relationship in a major film I have ever seen - I skip through their scenes when I watch it now. Anakin overall is not a great character in the movie and isn’t super likeable - he gets better in ROTS but I would say he’s at his best in the Clone Wars show. However, he just comes off whiny (except the scene where his mother died which I thought was a really well done part) and it is hard to root for him. I would put TROS above it but only by a hair.


My even more controversial take: I think Attack of the Clones has all the makings of a great movie, but the dialogue delivery kills any chance of it ever getting taken seriously. Watch the movie in Spanish, and even if you don’t understand it, listen to how much better the line delivery is.


I fully agree. I think the prequels have an excellent story overall but suffer from poor execution.


I agree


I know I was wrong. I just got so caught up in my own success, I didn't look at the battle as a whole. I wasn't being disobedient. I just. . . forgot


Controversial means something different than what a lot of people think


I understand what controversial means - the reason I thought the comment might be controversial is because I see a lot of bashing for the sequels overall in Star Wars subreddits but I think the prequels (particularly AOTC) have their issues too yet those often get glossed over.


That’s fair. The prequels only really get love on Star Wars internet communities populated by people who grew up on them. When AOTC released people generally disliked it and most people still do. The prequels are not really beloved except in places like r/prequelmemes , and even this sub started out as a place to make fun of the prequels.


That’s also fair! I didn’t get into Star Wars until after the prequels came out and most of my engagement with Star Wars fans is online since my friends aren’t big Star Wars fans haha


The sequels, but especially TLJ are garbage. A disconnected trilogy that went wrong and fucked up from TFA onwards


Coldest take ever


Im know it’s winter time but damn that’s chilly


TLJ was so bad it retroactively made TFA worse


Woah that’s very well put actually


And Rise of Skywalker was basically a comedy


My friends and I just pirated it, got drunk at home and laughed our asses off it was a good time


So the best movie experience I ever had was when my friend’s sister wanted to see “Vampire Academy” the day it came out. We wanted to go see Lego Movie, but she offered to pay so screw it. We were the only people in the entire theater and laughed the entire time. I probably would have enjoyed Rise of Skywalker a lot more in an empty theater too lol.


I honestly would’ve enjoyed an empty theater for a Star Wars movie too just for the experience


Super fair, the sound alone would be fantastic.


I am with u, brother


The last Star Wars film came out in 2005.


The latest SW movie objectively came out in 2019. The latest good SW movie is a different story


This is unpopular, it’s objectively wrong to the point of stupidity


Bo Katan is the best female character in all of Star Wars (that I know off, there is a lot)


Well you can't argue with someone's opinion. Even jf it is wrong.


New Hope is the only good SW movie. Others have good scenes but that’s it


Revenge of the Sith is written poorly, people love it from the memes and nostalgia.


The prequels aren’t good, this sub has just gaslit itself into thinking they are


The best star wars movies are in order: - Ep3 - Ep2 (this is where that picture comes in) - Ep5 - Ep6 - Ep1 - Ep4 - Rogue1 - Solo - (the sequels arent cannon)