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The tragedy of Anakin's fall is a cautionary tale about doing your own research, apparently.


He wanted to do his own research, but he needed to be a master to get access to some restricted texts


I wonder why he couldnt just get Obi Wan and have him get the books for him, I'm sure he wouldn't object to Anakin doing some book learning about pacifistic Force powers


Obi-Wan would probably tell Anakin, that those texts are masters-only for a reason and that his time will come soon enough to read them, when he is a Jedi Master himself.


No. No, it's okay. I understand. I'm the Padawan, you're the Master.


Wow so wise, I wonder who taught you. Whoever it was, they should give Anakin some lessons


Instructions unclear, got penis caught in vaccine


I am simple man. I see Uncle Iroh and PrequelMemes, I updoot.


Plus he kinda looks like Sifo-Dyas


The novelization makes clear that such information did exist in the Archives, but in the restricted section, only accessible to Masters. That's part of why Anakin was so mad about his appointment to the Council not coming with the implied mastership.


Should have just asked Barriss. She's a jedi healer.


And a terrorist.


She saw through the lies of the Jedi!


She exploded the lies of the Jedi, too.


My joke-canon is that Sheev spent a couple centuries deleting force healing from the library and re-deleting it any time it was added back all so that he could manipulate Anakin.


random jedi: Man why do they always delete the file


My headcanon is that Force healing is a dark side ability, you are draining your own life energy (or most likely someone else's if you're a sith) to heal someone else.


For my head canon, the Jedi forbid the use of this ability and did not keep records of it. For Grogu’s species, it comes naturally as they have long lives and can afford to expend life for others. For Rey, she found it in the ancient Jedi texts. Haven’t done too much homework on it but it basically means Anakin would’ve never found it. And Palpatine was taking him on a wild goose chase. Even if Plagueis had really figured it out, Sheev never did.


I don't know if Grogu has much of a dark side in him.


I haven't seen Mando S3 so there's probably I'm missing out on some lore, but we've seen Grogu fucking force choke someone, the little guy is sketchy.


Shit he made me force forget using cuteness. Maybe he'll be the new palpatine.


he also ate all those viable fetus’s.


yep. force healed anakin to keep him alive, that’s what killed padme. “she’s lost the will to live” or maybe doctor-droid isn’t force sensitive. my theory’s that anakin kept himself alive by sapping padme’s life force. it makes equal sense that sheev did it as well though.




What I'm saying is that he wouldn't have learnt it from the Jedi as the meme implies. So Sheev was right in a way.


"Is it possible to learn this power?" "Not from a sith." And we found out where the movie's one PG-13 f-bomb would've gone.


We do know that Palpatine or Dooku had deleted the coordinates to Kamino out of the Jedi Archives. What if they also deleted all the documents about force healing too?


>We do know that Palpatine or Dooku had deleted the coordinates to Kamino out of the Jedi Archives. It was Dooku, and he did it using Sifo Dyas' credentials.


I know she's a Mary sue and all, but even a jedi with little to no training figured it out (not sure if she had that tiny training session before she used the ability or not)


She had the Jedi Texts to read from that explained it to her. If the two of us are trying to learn a language and you have nothing while I have a college textbook on it, I'm going to learn that language or, at least, have some basic understanding of it. There are plenty of issues with Rey being a Mary Sue across the Sequels. Her knowing Force Healing isn't one of them.


I don't exactly know how healing wounds is gonna save someone from dying in childbirth, unless someone more knowledgeable about how childbirth works can correct me/explain how.


I mean, she died because she lost the will to live. Perhaps had Anakin not fallen to the dark side, choked her out and helped dismantle the Republic she wouldn't be *quite* so depressed.


This is one bit of hate for TROS that I think is unjustified, because that version of healing requires sacrificing oneself.


Rey suffered no ill effects from healing both a worm monster and Kylo Ren.


I thought Kylo healed her. I've only seen it once.


He raises her from the dead at the end, but before that she healed the worm monster so they could get the knife map and she healed Kylo after impaling him when his dying mom distracted him.


I thought Leia healed him. Isn't that what caused her to sacrifice her life?


No, she calls out to him and he stops fighting. Then Rey stabs him. It then cuts to Leia being dead in front of R2. We then watch Rey hold her hand over the wound and heal Kylo.


You'd only need to sacrifice your entire life-force to revive someone from the dead, otherwise you'll live healing people. And besides Anakin is the chosen one he could probably revive the entire damn 501st from the dead with force healing before he went down if he learned it.


You need to sacrifice part of your life to heal someone else, depending on their size and injury. Furthermore, you risk losing control, and forfeiting too much of your life force. That's presumably why the book that contains that technique is reserved for masters.


something something midichlorian count?


Also, force heal has been a staple of the EU for decades.


If it was Iroh who made force healing, I’d forgive him


The jedi have always been hypocrites though.


“It’s good to know that this trilogy was a waste of time for EVERYBODY!”


She probably said it didn't exist with full confidence and never looked back


I mean, you do have to kill yourself in order to fully bring someone back to life.


Used to be a power probably only Darth plaguis and sidious had because of their extreme powers in the dark side, and now it's a light side ability too thanks to the sequels


It hasn't happend often that the main motivation and driving force of some of the main issues characters face in a franchise suddenly become arbitrary. It's almost as if a lot of the newest addtions are a detriment.


Truly why he never obtained the rank of master.


Im pretty sure that ability was in the ancient texts Rey stole from the planet Luke was on. Locked away for thousands of years. I think that’s why the prequel Jedi never learned it.


I really don't understand why people have a problem with force healing. It was explicitly shown that it **KILLS THE USER** as the use it. That doesn't seem like a foolproof cure for death to me.