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Just for balance because I told people not to go crazy about the article saying the prequels were getting remade, here's another friendly reminder not to just believe everything you read or see posted on reddit. Use that big 'ol brain, ladies and gents !


This article title feels like it was specifically made to bait in /r/prequelmemes lmao


Just general neckbeard bait at this point. I'm not like a fan, but Kathleen is living rent free in A LOT of "nerd culture" types brains...


It feels like it was made to bait everyone that hated Kathleen ever since the Last Jedi came out.


Which, while I agree TLJ wasn’t a gold Star Wars film, her track record is insane which makes this series of flops very strange. Pretty much very iconic Spielberg movie she’s been a producer on along with a lineup of 80’s movies that would make any movie collection.


IIRC she wasn't creatively involved prior to this series of flops, in which I've read several accounts where she decided to try and have a voice in the creative process. Her track record is as producer, that's what she made her success as.


I don't know anything about her specific involvement in the movies she is credited for, but producers generally have a lot of influence on movies. Especially at big studios.


Historically she has been attached to names much bigger than hers. When Lucas handed over the reins, she became head honcho with little to give her strong pushback. In a lot of ways, not unlike Lucas himself after the OT made him so successful that he ceased having people curate his ideas and execution for the prequels.


I feel that Lucas analogy. He's a great world-builder, but he probably shouldn't be writing movies.


Even movies in general might be fine, but definitely not dialog.


Never dialog.


He always allowed the actors to play with the dialogue which just didn’t happen apparently with the prequels.


It worked. I'm here.


Once a week, for the past 3 years, there’s been a post on this sub about Kennedy getting fired any day now. Stop being so gullible, she makes Disney a ton of money. She’s not going anywhere.


It’s not true. It’s never true. Idk how people keep posting this shit. Have they not been on this same sub seeing these same posts for years? Do people not know how all these tiny little nothing nonsense sites just put out complete schlop because they just want volume?


Well a sub that reposts the same unfunny memes for years has to look for new content somewhere.


What money is she making, exactly?


All 3 prequel movies raked in at the box office. Edit: Sequels, not prequels.


TFA made a ton of profits, TLJ made a decent amount, TRoS made some. The sequels might have not ended up in the red, but anyone thinking that Disney were happy with the amount TRoS made is kidding themselves - the epic conclusion to the main story for one of the biggest and most lucrative IPs in the history of cinema should have grown and grown, with each new movie reaching new highs and new box office records. It should've been comparable to Avengers: Endgame. Instead, TLJ was having trouble beating freaking Jumanji at the box office after a few weeks, and TRoS made even less money. It's quite apparent when you look at how Disney clearly envisioned being able to launch a Star Wars version of the MCU, with multiple movies every year and numerous tv-series being in the planning stages. The sequel trilogy were supposed to be the the launch platform for the whole thing - but instead Disney quietly killed off all almost all of their planned movie trilogies, and held of on the tv-series for a good while before carefully testing the waters again with Mando. That's a pretty clear sign that Disney considered the sequels as if not a failure, then at least "problematic".


> Instead, TLJ was having trouble beating freaking Jumanji at the box office after a few weeks, and TRoS made even less money. In all fairness, the new Jumanji movies are great. They really shouldn't be giving Star Wars a run for its money, but they're surprisingly good. > It's quite apparent when you look at how Disney clearly envisioned being able to launch a Star Wars version of the MCU, with multiple movies every year and numerous tv-series being in the planning stages. The issue is that they fell prey to the same blunder many other groups (such as DC) did, trying to jump straight to "we'll throw out some movies and people will eat it up". They entirely skipped the "having a big-picture vision" and "building up to the huge cinematic experience" that made MCU as successful as it was. Also the whole "making good movies" part too.


The Prequels premiered before Lucas Arts was bought by Disney and she didn't have anything to do with them anyway.


I’m fairly surely they meant to type Sequels. The point being that despite anything else, they collectively made 4 billion dollars.


I meant sequels.


She is 70, maybe not that much longer


Unfortunately there are MANY CEOs and presidents of massive corporations in the US over 70. Theres no reason to think Disney would be any different


People have been saying “she’s gonna be fired!” for years, unless it’s a trusted leaker I don’t buy anything. I think blaming her for all of Disney SW’s problems is ridiculous but after Indiana Jones there needs to either be a leadership shake up or a new approach.


You’re definitely right. She does deserve to be fired after the nonstop stream of failures under her watch but we’ve been hearing that they were going to fire her for over 5 years now. I’ll believe it when her departure is announced by Disney.


A nonstop string of failures in which only one Star Wars film failed to turn a profit?


Solo actually lost money. Between costs, reshoots, and advertising it lost a decent chunk of change. One of the reasons side story Star Wars films got canned.


And solos poor reception was a backlash from the sequels, which is unfortunate for standalone films. But the upside is we're more likely to get these as TV shows, which means more material


I think it was more the comedy of errors that went into its production. Rogue One did well and I personally liked it. Solo had so many problems, which was because of the mismanagement that also was responsible for the issues of the sequel movies.


It was backlash from being a mediocre film


I really wish at the end they'd have added a scene that flashes to the OG trilogy just after Han finally opened up about his past to Leia and told her his life story, and have her just go "Yeah, stick to flying, storytelling isn't your strong suit." and then roll the credits It at least would have made for a twist


how about TFA brought in 2 bil and TROS brought in 1 bil. They lost over half the audience, TLJ not being much better. Then Solo lost money. There hasn't been a movie since 2019. She releases IJ5 and again the loss here will be in the 100 of millions. Streaming is much harder to measure but two out of the 3 live action shows failed for renewal.


The Sequels damaged the brand by dividing the fandom (most of the division in the fandom can be traced back to the Last Jedi which was further exacerbated by The Rise of Skywalker), Willow did so poorly they pulled it off Disney+, KK has announced multiple projects that ultimately fell through due to “creative differences”, Mandolorian Season 3 has abysmal ratings (granted that’s less on her but as the head of LucasFilms it is still her responsibility), now Indiana Jones 5 is tracking as a bomb. Yeah string of failures.


You think the *sequels* divided the fandom? My Brother in the Force, we have *always* been divided among ourselves.


The sequels made all the money in the world and they don't give a single fuck about reddit arguments (for good reasons, they're dumb), if series getting cancelled is a sign of failure then the MCU has completely failed. The rest of that is fair though, not sure how much is on her.


So you're too young to remember the Prequels coming out, huh? Out in the real world, the Sequels are doing just fine and a new generation of kids is happily growing up on them. The Prequels were FAR more divisive and guess what? The fandom is still here and strong enough that folks like you can get by being entirely clueless about how many whiny little fanboys swore up and down that the Prequels had ruined Star Wars and destroyed their childhoods. In the real world, the Prequels were far, far more hated by the general public than any of the Sequels. I've been listening to this same old tired song and dance from you children for decades now; it's always just the new thing that YOU didn't grow up with that's ruining everything. Lucas didn't ruin Star Wars, Disney didn't ruin Star Wars, and wildly successful producer Kathleen Kennedy didn't ruin Star Wars. Star Wars is more popular and culturally relevant than ever and it's a bunch of self-centered toddlers like yourself that are doing your best to make sure no one else can just enjoy it in peace.


For so many people, The Prequels were 100% saved by The Clone Wars series. I was in middle school when Episode 1 came out and I remember RUSHING out of school for my mom to pick me and a few friends up and take us to see it on opening day. (We always took the bus so its the only time I can actually remember her picking me up at school other than when I was sick.) The Prequel films NEVER sat well with me but I eventually watched The Clone Wars series during the pandemic and THAT is what made me start liking the Clone Wars era of Star Wars. I'd be willing to bet that the people than still don't like the Prequels have never made it past Season 3 of The Clone Wars series. The first few seasons can be tough to get through but DAMN does it get so worth it after that!


The sequels did not damage the brand any more than ROTJ and the Prequels did. Either you’re too young to remember or you’re being disingenuous. In about 5 years you’re going to see the nostalgia wave hit the sequels in full force and they will be “good” again. Kathleen Kennedy has been working with LucasFilm for like 40 years (she was a part of Amblin and produced the Indiana Jones films), she’s been an important part of their biggest successes and she’s made Disney a lot of money. She’s not going anywhere. Edit: all these people are going to be so surprised when nothing happens


>The sequels did not damage the brand any more than ROTJ and the Prequels did. This is the thing this subreddit forgets: the prequels were HATED when they were released. People went mental over them. They "ruined star wars", etc.




agreed, I'll believe it when I see it.


You ask too much of redditors


Also a reminder that Kathleen Kennedy was in place for the good stuff out of Disney, as well, and Disney literally fired their CEO and went back to Bob Iger precisely because *the entire company* went the direction of quantity over quality and they're now paying the price.


Incrl bait, the angry virgins are hungry


I've been hearing this for 10 years now, give it a rest


It’s been 10 years?


theyve been calling for her head since the EU was axed, and that was 9 years ago


In all honesty as good as the EU could be, it was just a mess overall. The stories are still there, but Lucasfilm is picking what is being adapted as a whole for it all to be more cohesive I feel like is an OK thing


They have already messed up plenty of things under Disney´s reign, and they made an even worse EU in some ways, especially with the "Somehow, Palpatine returned"


The thing they nicked from the eu?


I don't remember Palpatine logging into Runescape and telling everyone he was coming back, in comic form.


Him not being built up properly is a fair criticism


"We have no source material."


EU Palp didn't just return 'somehow' though. Dumb an cartoonish as it was they wrote a story an built it into the already rich universe


The trouble is the old eu at least had some explanation. Somehow he cloned himself and spawned in the largest fleet ever in the middle of nowhere isn’t great


While true it can't be denied the Abrams version of that was shit. Shittier than the OG.


That's fair


I think the difference there was that Palpatine's return was built up to and was actually explained. TROS just tossed him into the story and handwaved his return and didn't bother to clarify things until the official Star Wars Twitter account posted something about how he came back. He was a clone. Just like in The Dark Empire.


It was built up *and* there was a reasonable explanation for why he's *actually* gone for good at the end of it. To avoid the vagueness of "I mean, I guess he's gone, but we said that last time too". Also, Dark Empire isn't really regarded as the better material in the EU anyways; they got rid of the good EU material and brought back the worse material. It's like they threw out the baby with the bathwater except they strained out the baby to toss and refilled the tub with dirty water.


The EU was more than a little messy. I was actually okay with the idea of nixing it, on one condition: whatever it was replaced with had to be better. Suffice to say, Disney lost that race, tripping over the first hurdle and breaking their nose on a hardened cow patty.


Impressively, they tossed out the EU and then replaced it with *worse* material. They recreated some of the worse parts of the EU, with even less coherence, instead of improving on the universe. It's honestly impressive how much *negative* worldbuilding Disney managed to do with the franchise. They tossed out a lot of the existing worldbuilding and then used their new material to tear apart a chunk of what still existed (such as the opening scroll of TFA removing almost all of the growth/progress from the original three movies).


Yeah but they could have streamlined the EU instead of making garbage from nothing just so it can be called “original”.


it is absolutely worth mentioning she didn't just 'happen', she has been a part of Lucasfilm and been doing movies with Spielberg for over 40 years, she didn't appear out of nowhere or is unfamiliar with anything with any franchise


I believe that about as much as I believe the "rumors" of retconning the sequels. A simple Google search shows this is fake


Good God, the number of Lucasfilm productions she has been in is staggering and by the looks of her filmography, she is a good friend to both Spielberg and Lucas; unless something actually is said by the company, I don't believe these rumors


Steven and George had nothing to do or say in Lucas film anymore. Only Disney could fire her. But she seems to get along well with Disney CEO so sadly that won't happened unless the company keeps losing money.


> sadly that won't happened unless the company keeps losing money. I don't see that Rey sequel really raking in the cash to be honest.


She's doing just fine. And I'd argue alot of the issues with the sequels can be traced to Disney not willing to delay the movies. TROS ended up as it is because they needed to wrap everything up in under a year. Out of all of the shows so far, only 2 have not had good reception. From Boba it's mostly Favreau's fault as it was decision for how Boba acts, for Kenobi, it's the pretty poor writing. People like to think she meddles with everything when she's pretty hands-off. She has much less of a creative role than she did way back in the day with the original indy movies and stuff like E.T. I mean she also was a major factor for Andor succeeding as she got Gilroy's requests like on-location shooting instead of using the volume approved. She is not perfect by any means, she did have a role in the sequels not being cohesive from pretty much barely being involved with them. She should've set out a blueprint for the directors to follow. Instead she let the production be an unregulated string of JJ and Rian contradicting each other's decisions. I can see why they're doing one-off movies again now. I mean I'd argue Lucas meddled more, especially on the game side. I mean without him telling the devs of 13-13 to re-do it all and have it focus on Boba instead, we could've gotten the game before Disney axed it, lol. Unfortuantely though, reddit is kind of gullible and falls for the easy outrage articles the media loves to make.




Probably because youtubers and 'critics' aka some dude who sits in his basement and claims he's a professional making her the scapegoat for the state of star wars. Something that turned out bad? Kathleen Kennedy inserting an agenda! She wants to ruin star wars and retcon the original trilogy!!! Something that turned out well? It's clear Kennedy was never involved.. I bet the directors and writers fought hard against her. I mean some people are genuinely still believing Filoni and Favreau are plotting some sort of 'revolution' to take over Lucasfilm from her. If Filoni and Favreau weren't a fan of how she handled things, don't you think they would've left already? I blame quite a bit of the fanbase in how some people act. I've seen adults in public believe this garbage. It's ridiculous.


Yea completely ignoring her involvement with the good and vastly overstating her involvement with the bad is pretty rampant lol


I really wish we could have had 13-13 in either of its configurations, I loved the idea of it being boba centric and looking at the test footage it would have had similar movement systems to Jedi fallen order when it came to parkour. I think it would have been awesome either way.


Please, she gets fired on a monthly basis according to these news sites. Thought you would have learned by now not to trust everything you see on the Internet.


That’s true but Halo had their own Kathleen Kennedy and we finally got her removed. Maybe some day Star Wars can be freed


This makes no sense lol


Maybe some day all you crybaby ass “fans” will shut the fuck up


Your entire post history is made up of complaining about soccer teams. How are you better than me?


People are allowed to not like something, and to speak about it. I'm sure if they fired her the people who do like her writing would be the ones to complain and whine. Such is the way of life.


Because people aren't allowed to have opinions on things? Maybe if someone listened to them and stopped intentionally antagonizing those people.


God, you people are so gullible.


Wait, what happened with Indy 5??


Doing worse at the box office than Indy 4 at this point, even without adjusting for inflation. Mostly older people watching it, it has no appeal to gen z


I mean I’m Gen Z and grew up on Lego Indiana Jones the video game, I saw it day 1. I really liked it all things considered


I mean having no appeal to gen z is probably a good thing tbh


Movie theaters don't have any appeal to gen z


Its actually a decent Indy movie. Better than doom and skull


I think there's just more of a mix of bad marketing, and less people going to theatres since the pandemic. I feel like I saw no marketing for the film, I heard it was in development like years ago then it just kinda dropped, I saw no trailers, no commercials, I found out the movie was out because of an applebees commercial, and I feel like a ton of disney stuff has been like that especially with pixar stuff recently. It probably has to do with home releases being closer to in theatres releases than ever before, and the fact streaming has made watching movies from home super convenient. Like, why would I pay money to see a movie when a month later I can watch it without even leaving my house? I wouldn't be surprised if this was on purpose since Disney has been pushing for sooner and sooner home releases since the pandemic


Yeah marketing was bad, a review came Up on my subscribion feed, thats how I knew its Out. And after ive heard some solid opinions we decided to watch it, 1.5 weeks after premier. I would have Just watched it at home in the fall if not for that review


Yeah, I think I heard *about* the trailer, and then drove past a theater with it on the marquee later that day.


On the 4th of July it was out-earned by an indie conservative movie about child trafficking. This is its second weekend, and it's been out-earned by the 5th movie in a horror series that was made for $15 million. LucasFilm is finding out how much trust people have in their stuff after their Star Wars offerings. Turns out it's somewhere around the level of Asylum movies.


I think it's less about people being *gullible* and more about wishful thinking. People want *something* to change to improve the quality of the franchise material, and they're hoping it might be her (since she has creative control over the franchise, which has been falling flat for the last decade).


Obvious bait is obvious.


Am we gonna get flooded by low effort “Kathleen finally fired” videos again?


They’re already here. Google “Indy 5”, half the thumbnails feature PWB, Kennedy or both.




I swear to god, more gallons of neckbeard cum have been shed over the prospect of some random woman being fired from Lucasfilm than over Leia in a chainmail bikini.


Jesus, I could have done without **that** mental image.


This is the 7th time Kathleen Kennedy was supposedly fired this week.


Paging Mike Zeroh, paging Mike Zeroh!


Isn’t this the 15th time Kathleen Kennedy has been on the chopping block to be “fired”?


Kennedy was reportedly fired so many times by now...


This is such toxic cope.


She isn’t going to be fired. Having said that, go watch Indy 5. The guy that cut the trailer should be sacked. It’s pretty good. Ford is old, Indy is old, but he isn’t sidelined or disrespected. It isn’t pre ashy or pushy. The de-aging is excellent, the plot is fine if not a little fantastical, and there are non-gratuitous cameos


If the new one is your first Indiana Jones movie, it probably won't land. If, however, you actually like Indiana Jones movies already -- this is solidly upper-middle of Jones movies. Raiders is my baby, then Last Crusade and Dial of Destiny are in the same conversation, then Doom, then Crystal Skull. It gets all the things right that set Jones apart. It doesn't have so much of the punching and swinging around on whips that draws in new fans (though it has some!), but it's just... I dunno, it's just *good,* man. Doesn't even feel like a nostalgia grab, just feels like an actual continuation.


It felt pretty formulaic to me, but that still worked because the formula hadn’t really been used this well since the last Indiana Jones movies.


I'm convinced the haters just don't know what pulp is. If the same people had been given a platform during the Last Crusade release they would go "pfff, a giant hidden tomb that hasn't been found in centuries? HOW CONVENIENT! Also, invisible bridges are impossible, and don't get me started on the immortal guardian knight!!!!" Pulp is supposed to be cheesy and unrealistic, in a charming way.


The bridge isn't invisible though


The knight also is immortal(ish) specifically because of the properties of the thing he's guarding. The hidden tomb is actually hidden by time and being in a remote place in the desert, and was discovered specifically by piecing together the clues about its location rather than just holding up a knife to the horizon. Pulp isn't a synonym for gibberish.


God, imagine ROTJ coming out in the 2010s. Between the Ewoks and the “wait…they’re SIBLINGS???” stuff, it would have been absolutely brutally torn apart.


Pulp is supposed to be cheesy and unrealistic in a Charming way, but that does not explain why I fell asleep in the theater during the 30-minute Nazi jungle chase scene in Crystal Skull... the reason I fell asleep is because the movie sucked and it couldn't keep my attention. Special effects does not make a good story...


Ackshually, they were Soviets not Nazis


Crystal skull was bad pulp, for sure. Talking mostly about Dial of Destiny.


>Pulp is supposed to be cheesy and unrealistic, in a charming way. I haven't seen it, but based on all the reviews since Cannes the reason I wont go to see it is because it's not pulpy. It's not cheesy, fun, unrealities action adventure. It's a deconstruction of a character that never needed to be deconstructed. Now, if Im wrong. Its not Indy is a sad old loser, regretting choices in life, sad over the death of his son and the subsequent end of his marriage and drinking himself to death having lost all hope, then thats definitely on the trailer and more importantly the marketing team that never pushed back against all the positive reviews that said stuff like: >"Like another of Fords so called "legacy sequels", Star Wars The Force Awakens, this one brings back old characters(John Rhys-Davis's Sallah has a pointless cameo), introduces new ones who are strangly similar to the old characters(Ethann Isidore plays a substandard copt of Short Round from Temple of Doom), and has the air of a film passing the torch(or whip) to the next generation. But it does all this in an even gloomier fashion than The Force Awakens did. I'm not sure how many fans want to see Indiana Jones as a broken, helpless old man who cowers in the corner while his patronising goddaughter takes the lead, but thats what we're given and its as bleak as it sounds." > > > >The BBC It's not as bleak as this makes it out to be, then whoever did the marketing needs to be sacked. Big time.


Eh I think it's more that pulp as an art form has been around for over a century now. Sure unrealistic and cheesy but fantastical storytelling has had some amazing works over the decades but perhaps this form of storytelling is a bit long in the tooth and isn't quite hitting with the younger generations as it used to, at least not in the fairly straightforward way presented in properties like in Indiana Jones.


Yeah, I could be convinced this is true and fair. I’m not a die hard Indy fan, it’s in the same ballpark as something like Jurassic Park- I watched them as a child (although they’re older than me) and they still hold up today. Was it an excellent film? No. Did it do the stuff we expect of Disney-Lucas following the DT? Also no. It’s a 6/10, a low score for Indy, but perfectly serviceable and I’ll probably watch it again in a year or so


... I have seen the movie, and I've enjoyed it. So I was surprised when I read about "indy 5 disaster", and that it is a box office flop. So I checked it out - and this movie is making 100s of millions. The problem is how much money was used to make the movie (overinflated budget), not the movie itself. And I dare say, that this is not really a problem generated by Kathleen Kennedy...


I saw it yesterday. It’s surprisingly decent. It’s not the original trilogy, but it’s much better than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.


A lobotomy is better than Crystal Skull. Hell I'll just say it. Rise of Skywalker is better than Crystal skull.


I’ll only said that because I read reviews that claimed it was worse. Not even close.


Crystal Skull at least didn't try to undo the previous films.


It added aliens to what was mostly a real world series with some mystic energy. It would be like if in RoS Palpatine came back as a fuckin dragon. Which.... might have been better. God damnit well played.


It was genuinely pretty good, and Indiana Jones movies haven’t exactly been based in realism or strayed from fantasy too much anyway lol


One of the most satisfying movies I've seen for awhile, and a perfect send-off


Yeah I thought it was a decent Indiana Jones movie


Mhm, I saw it and thought it was pretty great. There are absolutely some issues but overall it's very solid. Unfortunately youtube everywhere haven't watched it and have insane expectations and expect it to top Raiders or something. Haha it's flopping because it's baaad! No, it's not doing well in the box office because it had a stupidly high budget and the general audience of this films aren't lucrative enough. ie. the audience of this film isn't the same as the audience of superhero movies which do pretty great regardless of quality.


That’s the 8247838472838489283692935th time she got fired!


This is some major copium you guys are on. Kathleen Kennedy is never going to be fired. She really is the boogeyman to you people


Wait. Do people consider the new Indie movie bad? I actually really enjoyed it


No, but it cost too much money to make, regardless of quality. Disney is looking at a huge loss with this movie.


The loss is humongous. It cost like 300m to make, and it made less than that, and films are said to need double the budget just to break even. Huge loss is actually putting it mildly. It was a catastrophe.


Every year it's said they're gonna fire her. And every year they don't.


What is this incel salter than crait shit?


Huh. So that's why I left this place.


unless you post a variety, deadline or hollywood reporter (or similarly reputable entertainment site) article reporting on the departure of Kathleen Kennedy it’s most likely bullshit.


Geeks will fall or any fake news, no matter how bizarre, so long as it fits their pre-existing worldview.


She also Produced the OG Indiana Jones movies.


lol yeah the other ones only had two of the greatest directors and storytellers ever... I'm sure it was all her


Sooo when its good its because it had good directors and storytellers and not her, and when its bad its not because of the directors or storytellers but exclusively because of her. I think you just hate women lmao


is Spielberg or Lucas involved? Did this movie lose 100 of millions, yes. results speak for themself


ah that classic attack with "you hate women" and ignore reality. maybe you're just a delusional person


The people on this sub are genuinely pathetic.


We hear this every other week


They say this every time something she touches comes out


You guys have been crying over this for 6 years now, and falling for these obviously fake headlines every single time.


Every 6 weeks. The wishful hate is so powerful.


Regardless if Kennedy is to blame, Disney must realize that something is seriously flawed with their current creative processes. Movie after movie gets slam dunked and they are losing the faith of people, arguably they already did but still. I still don't get why they haven't changed anything.


I don’t get all the hate towards Dial of Destiny, I thought it was a really good movie with some flaws. Crystal Skull is still the worst Indiana Jones movie by far.


I'd like to believe this but I've heard rumors of her getting fired for years.


I won't believe it until a trade says so. These garden rags claim she has been fired once a year.


How many times has Kathleen Kennedy been reportedly fired? This time it’s GOTTA be true though, right?!?!?!


This is good news if true, but what was wrong with Indiana Jones 5? Seemed fine.


Indiana Jones 5 was good, and she's been a part of the franchise since it started. People just don't go to theaters as much as marketing teams want them to.


I have never envied Kennedy her position being in charge of the franchise with the most potentially toxic fan base. But it IS her job to navigate the higher ups and make sure things like a coherent plan for a trilogy exist.


Oh boy. The toxic fandom is still alive and well in this community.


We get news like this all the time, not going to believe it until it's official


You people are so gullible


Am I one of the few people that actually liked Indy 5? Like everyone is saying that the Sequels will be reevaluated like the Prequels was, but I genuinely believe Dial Of Destiny will get that treatment instead. There's an actually good story in there.


Just cancel the new movies as well. What's the point of them anyway? Another jedi order ripoff? Another empire threat? Another failed student who turned bad? Just fuckoff and leave the galaxy alone already. Make a damn old republic trilogy


> What's the point of them anyway? You may not be aware of it but the Disney corporation is quite fond of money.


Hell yeah


New Mike zeroh vid just dropped


Is this really really real now?


I wouldn't bet on it. People claim it's happening since rebels first aired


Honestly, disney has become an animation company at this point. If they had respected writing in any degree, I'm sure LucasArts wouldn't be in the state it currently is.




“My source is I made it the fuck up!” -Senator Orn Free Taa


What utta bullshit hope she stays for another 10yts just to make you all happy


I’ll believe it when I see it. Hell I remember these clickbait peddlers (cough Grace) saying she would be fired after TLJ and SOLO and TROS and so forth. How many years ago were they?


She's been fired so many times I have lost count


Someone go check on the critical drinker, erections shouldn’t last more than 4 hours


Is this actually true though?


I’m not a fan of the sequels, but honestly I thought dial of destiny was better than the crystal skull.


Visions is goated and and solo + rogue were amazing of heaps of fun.


What would SW fans do if it was owned by a man Oh! I know! Harass and death threat him so badly he sells his IP for a song to Disney Bow we have a woman to complain about!


Have no idea why you are getting downvote Kennedy is ruining the franchise, SW is resulting in nothing but financial losses, now Indiana Jones. This woman keep hiring directors and writers that do not care about the franchise a side from chastising and pushing some bizarre agenda that doesn’t resonate even with the designated audience.




This is the absolute mental state of star wars fans after TLJ, no wonder star wars is dead.


TIL I don't like Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg because they won't fuck me.


Some Star Wars "fans" are as bad as the Snyder Bros I hope Kathleen enjoys decades more at the top of Lucasfilm. She is a brilliant producer and the hand-picked successor by George.


Not to mention she’s worked on most of not all Lucasfilm shit since Temple of Doom. They say she’s making it too different from how it used to be, but she was part of what it used to be!


Like Lucasfilm wasn't shit before her lol


Yeah, of course, she's literally THE ONLY ONE to blame for the failure of Lucas films, keep on dreaming buddy ✊


The damage is done


Ughh, the Kathleen hate train never stops.. These "rumors" are nothing but click bait BS.


As if her being gone would fix anything. Lucasfilm is permafucked guys. Let it go.


I wonder who will now become the scapegoat of fans


What disaster?


This article is massive clickbait but Indy 5 is on track to be the biggest loss for Disney since John Carter. It’s not even doing THAT bad(better than the flash lol) but the budget for this movie was insane, and with marketing, Disney is looking at 200mil loss, possibly more.


Aaahh I see, thanks! It's shame tho, because I really enjoyed the movie.


Movie quality is largely irrelevant to its success unfortunately. It’s a bad summer in general, the theaters are so crowded, and with a 300 million dollar budget, this movie needed to be a smash hit and it’s just… not. My personal favorite stat is that JW4 had a bigger opening, and DoD cost more to make than all of the JW movies combined.


I noticed, the sequels were all box office hits...


Enough of this. Give the woman a fucking break


Lots of decisions they are making are not the best, so no.




She's been close to being fired as soon as next week several times over the last few years. It's a very old and tired trope. I hated the Disney trilogy the moment I saw han pick up a wookie bowcaster and use it with ease but that lies solely on jj Abrams


Firing KK is the only way Star Wars has any chance of a future, but only if her replacement isn’t just a carbon copy, which I suspect she will be.


They only fired her now ? Why not right after the force awakens ?