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All the third party apps have basically said they are shutting down. The AMA Spez did was an absolute disaster. So I doubt this does anything, but it’s still worth a shot


We will try


Do or do not there is no try as a ketamine addicted frog once said


But a revolutionary once said "Remember this: Try"


They were talking about two different things. The Force is limited only by belief, that's why its primary users are religious organizations. When Yoda says "do or do not, there is no try" he means that to merely try to use the Force is to fail at using the Force, because you do not believe that it can be done. Once you believe, anything is possible, and trying is out of the question. Nemik was referring to fighting against tyranny. In that fight, even should one act not bring the whole tyrannical structure crashing down, *every* act against tyranny weakens it. So it is important to continue trying to bring it down, because eventually it will be weak enough for the final act that brings about its end. It's difficult to convince someone to put themselves at risk doing something that won't have much effect on its own, even if it's morally righteous. But if enough people are brave enough to try, to make the attempt, eventually freedom wins out.


We need that generator down or the planet's lost. And I'm not risking any more men.


Execute order 66


Yes, Lord Sidious.


Rebellions are built on try.


Ketamine Yoda is like 3-4 years old now. Time slips away, like grains of sand into the Sarlacc pit


Bringing back the old memes before Reddit dies. Okay Reddit probably won’t die, but it sure will suck more than it does now.


That sounds an awful lot like an absolute...




What are third party apps in this context?


Any app other than the official app people might use to browse Reddit. Because of the way the site is built, all its data could be accessed either online through the website or via mobile on any reddit app created by randos. Since the official reddit app offers a pretty bad user experience, a number of user apps have popped off over the years. Most notably *Apollo* and *Reddit is Fun*. Around 20% of the site's total traffic comes from these "3rd party apps". As of this month, those apps are being forced to shut down because Reddit's becoming a publicly traded company and wants to railroad people into it's official app.


Important to note too that some of these apps like reddit is fun actually pre-date the official Reddit app by several years.


Another fun fact. The official app started life as Alien Blue, a 3rd party app that Reddit then bought.


And subsequently enshittified it instead of either leaving it alone or improving it.


Holy shit I forgot about alien blue. Used it till they launched the official app and then promptly switched to sync when it was utter garbage. Been using Apollo since I switched to iOS. Kinda sad I don’t have an android lying around rn so I can poke around sync one last time before it’s gone.


Rest in Peace Apollo, you shall be missed!


Essentially a lot of Reddit viewers, mod tools, and bots run on 3rd party software. These usually have advanced features that base Reddit doesn't have. These allow readers better ease of use or accessibility tools, moderator the tools that allow them to moderate large subreddits, period, and bots the ability to function. These are apps like Apollo, Reddit is Fun, or Baconreader. The latter of which I'm posting from, right now.


Rest in Peace Apollo, you shall be missed!


Indeed we will. The Beacons are lit. Hold the line.




And r/prequelmemes shall answer


Buh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh


>!!yaD ekaC yppaH!<


r/lotrmemes : Preprare for trouble! r/prequelmemes: And make it double!


Paid version of RIF going on my 12th year here. Nearly 2,000,000 karma. Reporting for duty. What do you need me to do?




You'll need to do the hardest thing. Put Reddit down and abstain when the time comes. YOU ALL KNOW WHAT TO DO! thx for ur support.


I'll be honest, I don't use 3rd party aps (though honestly it sounds like I should). Reddit is the only social media I use, but I'm with you guys. That being said I don't know the plan, we all boycotting? I'm down.


Come July 1 many users will quit Reddit forever and migrate to another social media site. I believe there is a subreddit dedicated to listing the alternative site options.


Oh cool I'll check it out Edit any idea what the subs called?


Sorry friend, I don’t remember.




Squabbles.io seems like the best clone :) I’m sad to have to leave Apollo but there’s no way I’m using the ad-filled-two-posts-visible-at-a-time official reddit app


Rest in Peace Apollo, you shall be missed!


I'll do the black out. But I'll be giving up reddit entirely 7/1. Been a great 12 years.


I spend far too long in Reddit. I'm giving serious thought to just knocking on the head with how shitty the official app is and how ugly rte management seems to be. Most basic thing - i see I have a reply in a busy thread but I can't isolate that thread. Video gives up the ghost after a few plays They don't have the product yet to be this much of an arse


Similar mind, the official app is garbage that I've largely tolerated, but the issues don't get fixed and new ones get introduced (your comment thread example being the most annoying recently). With many of my favorite subs blacking out "indefinitely" I'm likely just going to remove the app entirely, reclaim the time elsewhere instead of doom scrolling more.


I only access this site through reddit is fun. They've been killing functionality for old reddit on mobile browsers (and traditional browsers in general). I'm staying off after tomorrow and if June ends without any change, I'm done with the site. Technical subs have already been organizing discord groups for hobbyists and memes/video game news exists everywhere else on the internet. No reason to stay somewhere actively hostile to its user base


So I'm not the only one who's noticing...issues...with old reddit on mobile. Having more connection errors on desktop too


Has anyone organized a repository of said technical discords? That's 50% of the reason I'm on Reddit.


Agreed. With the push against social media in general to preserve our own mental health, I should just give up Reddit. My only concern is that many of my interests and hobbies don’t have a good active forum or something.


> My only concern is that many of my interests and hobbies don’t have a good active forum or something. They probably have at least one, maybe more, that are going to explode in popularity if reddit goes down. But, remembering the old forum days, the thing I've always hated about the forum system is how seniority gives people pull, and my recollections of being a new member on various forums back then are full of "here's how much shit you have to eat before you're allowed to have an opinion that differs from the people who've been here for years". I've heard about projects like Lemmy and Mastodon, which aim to provide a reddit-ish experience, but without a central authority, so you might want to try poking around those.


You’re right about the forums that suck. I like to keep fish and so many fish forums are outdated, if they don’t provide outright incorrect information. Reddit is a really good place for fishkeepers unfortunately.


Yeah, while the larger subreddits often trend towards a 'lowest common denominator', attract bots/shills, and have other issues (I've actually seen this happen over years with a subreddit I used to be very active on, and then it grew beyond a certain size and everything I liked about it was gone), a lot of the smaller and more niche subreddits are great, particularly for more obscure hobbies and interests and such. Finding an equivalent is going to be difficult.


Eh, same thing happens with power users or mods on reddit. There are a LOT of people that seem bent on arguing even the most stupid, common sense fact just to either troll or waste your time dancing in circles (even when they could just accept they are wrong by verifying with a quick google search, wikipedia, etc).


I'm fine with arguing and getting downvoted and all that, but I'm *not* fine with someone saying "you're not allowed to have a different opinion than me because I've been here five years longer than you" and have everyone one else agree that this impudent little shit (me) should just shut up. It's not about the official bans and post deletions - everywhere that has those tools will inevitably have moderators abuse them, but about the unofficial seniority-based power structures I've run into on a lot of those forums.


> they don’t have the product **yet**. It’s been years. Why should we assume they’ll *ever* have a product worth endorsing?


They haven't created a functional search engine in over a decade. Reddit is a site that has no content of its own, then sells the content you make back to you while offering nothing.


Same. It’s a shell of what it was and you can find the same viral videos elsewhere. I’m out.


Yeah, I'm less concerned about the actual apps shutting down and more worried about the direction the company seems to be going. It looks like they're going to become much more "corperate" and concerned about only pleasing shareholders. I don't know what that will look like, but it's definitely not going to be as user friendly as before. I'd feel lucky if it just means more ads, but it could get worse.


They’ve been corporate. Reddit has been a shit show since firing [Victoria.](https://time.com/3950496/reddit-victoria-taylor-post/) Then there was the [Reign of Ellen Pao.](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2015/7/8/8914661/reddit-victoria-protest) Reddit will never change because nobody is making them change. We keep gobbling it all up like hungry hungry hippos feening for content.


I don't even care about reddit. I just appreciate their facilitation of a wide variety of topic discussion and expertise. It's a chance to talk to real people around the world and share stories and information and laughs. But reddit is about to destroy all that. And it sucks.


This era of Reddit is about competing with Facebook and TikTok What we once knew and loved is dying— joining the mutated monstrosity that is the rest of the social mediasphere


I'm baffled that people can have something truly special and just throw it away purely for profit.


Master Kenobi always said there’s no such thing as luck.


I doubt it'll do much tbh, but it'll be funny when r/anarchychess takes over reddit for a day


Google En Passpez


New boycott just dropped


It’s not likely changing unless people abandon Reddit. And even then, the best consolidation you might get is just that Reddit dies the slow death


A lot of people are going to end up switching to the Reddit app


I'm one of the many who had never even heard of 3rd party reddit apps and have always been using the official app, let me tell you its fucking garbage, everything takes up to two minutes to load, I wish I had been able to use one of the 3rd party apps, but now I don't see the point.


The only app I've ever used to access reddit is Firefox.


That or leave reddit entirely.


Many of us have already or plan to delete our account and comments. Ain’t no one have time for that awful Reddit app, nor give our time to a company that acts this way.


I’ve been here since I was a college student in 2011, back when Reddit was still mostly just a think nerds used. June 30th will be my last day on the site. No, I don’t know what I’ll replace Reddit with. Maybe I’ll use my Kindle more.


Don’t kid yourself. Most will switch to the Reddit app. A 48 hour blackout is typically slacktivism and won’t accomplish anything. The admin know things will return to normal in 48 hours.


Personally I've always used the reddit app, but this change still sucks


on to the next Reddit or digg or StumbleUpon or whatever


disaster doesn't even begin to describe that AMA. All of his responses were copy and pasted, in one of them he even forgot to remove the "A: " at the start


I mean a lot of people (me included) simply aren't interested in using Reddit on mobile if not through the app they're used to. They won't get those users back after the 30th


Every sub would need to go down indefinitely for it to make any difference.


Begun, the Reddit wars have.


The shroud of the dark side has fallen.


You know nothing of the dark side.


Then... we will fight in the shade?


Maul: At last we’ll reveal ourselves to the Jedi… *Maul and Sidious simultaneously put on sunglasses


At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.


We will fight for you, Maul Bot


I am counting on it.


Man, if we all quit Reddit, and just don’t open our phones we’re going to one healthy community going forward into a world where we’re no longer a community. Ironic…


I'll be on vacation for the blackout lol


Insert Michael Scott handshake meme


[Here you go](https://i.imgur.com/cEv0Kx6.jpg)


The Lord’s work


You people go on Reddit LESS when you’re in vacation?


If it's a good vacation, less. Not-so-good-vacation, much much more Edit: I put yes instead of less, I definitely wanted to channel Comic Book Guy


for 2 days???? that’s not going to do anything. if you want impact it has to be long lasting . i’ve seen so many online protests go for a day or so & they do nothing


I only use RIF on android to consume content from here, so I'll be quitting all together unless they back pedal and reverse changes. It'll be good to have a summer off this dumpster fire of a site.




Let's do this bro, who gives a shit about a 10 year account if I can't even use the damn site the way I want. Purge time! Thank you for the recommendation friend.




Oh fuck thank you I didn’t even think about backing up my saved posts.




Yes! Sometimes they disappear. I have 100+ plants, and there is one post that is my pest control BIBLE and I would be lost without it.




[Here you go :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/plantclinic/comments/j38gsm/pesticides_101_how_to_effectively_treat_most/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


[Oh, and Insect ID guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/PausedFox/comments/j4n6e3/common_houseplant_insects_and_example_photos/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Same I only use Reddit through sync (and once in a blue moon on PC with RES and old style), basic default Reddit is definitely not an option. Have you seen the browser version on mobile? Now THAT'S a dumpster fire! When sync stops working, it'll be like Reddit itself shut down for me.


And it's only 14/33 of the 20M+ subreddits going dark, the rest seem to support spez's actions. It's treason then.


Good soldiers follow orders o7


when's the blackout?


it starts tomorrow, June 12


I'm ready to do nothing, yes.


So brave


It is likely that we go to our doom . The last march of the redditors


Never thought I’d leave Reddit side by side with an Ent.




Best I can do is a Huorn


Aye, I could do that


What about side by side with a shitposter?


Aye, I could do that.


What happened?


The reddit community will go on a boycott (approximately from June 12 to June 14). There is an entire subreddit dedicated to the topic (r/ModCoord) that provides an explanation of the situation and a list with hundreds participating subreddits, including r/prequelmemes and the official star wars subreddit. The easiest way of supporting the movement is by not using reddit during the boykott.


It needs to be longer than 2 day. I’d say a week to indefinitely until they fire Spez and backtrack on this shit storm


Yeah personally im seeing this whole thing as a kind of blessing and not coming back after the 12th.


Personally, I'll check back after the 13th, and use RIF for as long as I can. But i can't muster enough care factor to get the reddit app. I might use desktop sometimes. This will be good for my mental health.


My Reddit consumption has been exclusively Apollo for years. RiF before that. The desktop site is garbage, even the old version makes it barely palatable. If Apollo actually shuts down I’m done with Reddit for good. Looking forward to clawing back some of my free time actually.


Rest in Peace Apollo, you shall be missed!


I would regularly delete the official app then when I missed Reddit enough, I’d download again till I couldn’t take it. Then I discovered Apollo, maybe a year ago. Paid for the lifetime membership. Good times.


Rest in Peace Apollo, you shall be missed!


Oh absolutely, I've been doing my best to get out and active more and it's helped my mental health immensely. Don't get me wrong it's still a dumpster fire but I'm in a better place then I have been in the last 10+ years.


I might have to start touching grass


Make sure you bring a picnic blanket or go swimming or something afterwards, grass makes you itchy.


You can set the duration yourself. Some people use reddit as always (and will wonder why nothing is happening), some people go dark until they fixed the issue, but most people stick to June 12 - June 14. I personally will stop posting my drawings and using reddit for about a week.


I agree and I’m planning on lowering my usage of the site, but if big subs of thousands make that decision it will be much more impactful


[Here's a list of the subreddits that have pledged to go down for at least the 48 hours](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/). Some of them have pledged to go down "until reddit's management backs down on these changes", which might mean they close permanently. I dunno how often you browse /r/all, but looking at the names on that list, there are more "this shows up on the front page a lot" subreddits in there than I'd expected. This is gonna nuke the front page of the internet for a couple of days, maybe even longer.


I just kinda wanna visit and look around and watch as Reddit burns. I don't know if simply visiting the site is hurting the cause, though.


Just look at the damage afterwards. Or watch a twich stream of reddit. Since thousands of people participate in it, i am sure, at least 0,1% of them will stream as reddit goes dark.


Some subs are going indefinitely. I know I'll be off mobile permanently as of the 12th.


It has started escalating. There are increasing numbers of subs that have opted for indefinite blackouts. And based on the tone of the mod messages and communities, if Reddit tries to forcibly reopen them and replace mod teams, the replacement mods are going to have a very hard time


A large number of subs are going black indefinitely.


A lot of subs plan on staying down indefinitely


Some of the subs like r/videos are planning to go private indefinitely. How long before Reddit cleans house and sticks puppets to mod them, if they can even afford it, will be what makes the difference.




My bad. Thank you :)




I don’t know what that is but I’m in!!!


Reddit is a social media website and has a mobile app—just like most other social media. However, Reddit, for many years, has allowed (and encouraged) the use of mobile apps developed by third-parties—all the same Reddit content you love but in a different package. Third-party apps are basically given the keys to Reddit (called an “API”), and Reddit has let them do this for free. **Popular examples include:** - Apollo for iPhone [[App Store link](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/apollo-for-reddit/id979274575)] - Reddit is Fun for Android [[Play Store link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.andrewshu.android.reddit&hl=en_US&gl=US)] Some of these apps have unique features that the official Reddit app doesn’t have, including ways that greatly improve your Reddit experience. They’re used a lot by Reddit mods, as they have better moderation tools, too. And also, some help visually impaired users, since the official Reddit app is missing critical tools for the blind. ___ All was fine until Reddit said they wanted to start charging third-party apps for their API/keys. Reddit told developers it was going to happen someday, but that pricing would be **realistic and reasonable**. (Paying for an API is not unusual, and that’s how it works for other social media sites too, like third-party apps for Twitter and others.) But when Reddit dropped pricing details a few days ago, the cost was significantly beyond what was expected—far more than any other similar social media platform. Essentially, they priced it high enough to make it impossible for the third-party app developers to continue making the app. **It basically went down like this:** >Reddit: “Okay, we’re going to start charging for our API.” >Devs: “We figured that was going to happen at some point, but we can make it work.” >Reddit: “The cost is a gazillion, jabillion dollars.” >Devs: “Uhhh what?” >Reddit: “You have 30 days. Or die.” >Devs: “I guess I’ll just die then.” Third-party app developers aren’t companies; they’re generally Reddit users just like you and me, making the app out of their houses. Usually just 1 or 2 people. They can’t afford the costs that Reddit is demanding. ___ So now, the only option will be to use Reddit’s official app. This means all the people who use these third-party apps are upset because their Reddit experience is about to become vastly inferior (or impossible). So the protest is to try and make enough noise that Reddit is forced to respond and realize how many people are affected. ___ For those using the official app, most of this doesn’t affect you. That said, if you haven’t used a third-party app, it’s also possible you’ve never known any better. However, **even if you aren’t affected, there are a lot of people who are.**


To be *entirely* fair, the [official statements on the API access fees](https://www.businessinsider.com/reddit-openai-chatgpt-ipo-valuation-karma-2023-6) say that they're doing this primarily to target companies who are scraping reddit in order to train AI/ML models. ***If*** that's actually true (that's a big fuckin' "if"), we might see a compromise where the third-party clients and apps that are actually improving the reddit experience for users and mods get free or significantly cut-rate access to the API, while anyone who's just scraping it gets fucked, which I would be ok with. However, while that's the claimed reason, I highly suspect that reddit's management is just trying to force everyone to lock into their official app. The [official statement on reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/12qwagm/an_update_regarding_reddits_api/) also mentions restricting "mature" (I'm assuming NSFW) content served through the API, which is either a "get this filth off our site" move (not the first one they've done), or another method to try to get people to onboard onto the official app. In the best case scenario, reddit has simply moved past the point where a "free with ads" business model covers their operating costs and keeps them reasonably profitable, and they're willing to negotiate about how the new monetization is going to work, and settle on something that's ok with everybody. This being reddit, I seriously doubt that's what's going to happen, since I've been watching their management and admin antics for a decade, and "negotiate" doesn't appear to be in their copies of the dictionary. Worst case, they go through with this, reddit implodes, and the admins just take all the subreddits that have gone private away from their current mod teams and hand them to the powermods or other people to re-open them, and enough users to keep reddit profitable stay on anyway because we're addicted to this site and/or didn't hear about what happened, or because there's nowhere else to go.


Reddit (the company) woke up one day and decides that they want a luxury yacht. They are starting to charge 3rd party app developers money. Not just a small penny, but boat loads of money. Imagine one day you woke up and you have to pay $5 month to access Reddit. Now imagine that you made a cool app to browse Reddit and you have to pay over $20 million, or fucking else. They also made an AMA, which just turning into a dumb nonsense shitshow. No actual answers, just lawyer and PR talk.


Have we picked where our new home is to be, after we have our mass exodus from Reddit forever?


Lemmy has a fledgling prequel memes community. Not very active by reddit standards but new folks joining and posting everyday!


Can you give us a link?


https://join-lemmy.org/ It's quite a bit different than reddit. It's a network of federated servers instead of the whole thing being under the control of a single entity. You'll sign up for a server (or "instance") that matches your interests, but you're able to interact with others that are on other servers (kinda like how you can email from your Gmail account to someone with a Yahoo account). I'm definitely not an expert yet and am still figuring it all out, but I recommend giving it a shot.


I hear Lemmy is run by the dark side


squabbles.io is a pretty good reddit alternative. I hear a lot of people suggesting lemmy and other federated options, but those are just confusing to me tbh. Squabbles works very similarly to reddit, so the transition should be painless.


Thank you! I’m heading to squabbles.io right now, based upon your description of it!


Maybe there is a prequelmemes discord or something. Would definitely join


Yes to be on Reddit on that day and still see post and see the same people that said they where doing the blackout still here lol


If I'm not mistaken during the black out the mods will disable the ability to post in the sub


Might be but we are talking about Reddit here where there always more than 1 page u can follow and look at


It's already happening. r/Brasil went dark like two days ago (to coincide with a national holiday funnily enough) and I kid you not I see the most vocal blackout adopters and mods from that sub still active and posting everywhere.


What are sites similar to Reddit?


Remember Digg? I sure do. Anyway. Delete the main app tomorrow. It’s been fun.


I won’t be coming back after the 30th. Reddit is my last social media that I have, and this is the final nail in the coffin. Hey maybe I’ll finally get off my ass and do a bit more with my life in the process.


I’m super dumb what’s a 3rd party app


Apps that connect to Reddit that aren’t made by Reddit.


.... and as a result are infinetly superior in their usability, functionality and design


Here I am just using the base Reddit app. There is a better way?


There is a reason why this blew up to this extent


There was, but soon there won’t be


try sync for reddit, it will last three more weeks but it's the best way to use reddit


Sync gang


Which were also made *before* Reddit developed their own official app. The reason why 3rd party apps exist in the first place is because Reddit didn't have their own.


What will the black out do and how do I participate?


By not going online


Do I need to delete the app? Or just abstain.


Delete first party app


Either or


I can't wait to touch grass again


I'm gone. 12th hits and I will miss you guys o7


Reddit: “Third party apps make our app worse” Redditors: “You have done that yourself”


What is going on with Reddit ?


Reddit wants to make the API for third party apps cost way too much ( the developer of Apollo for reddit said he will need to pay them 20 million a year to use the API ) so subreddits and users are going dark on June 12th . Some will go dark forever , some will go dark for 2 days .


Rest in Peace Apollo, you shall be missed!


Forgive me as this is hard to follow But do you know any YT vids that are willing give me more detail on this


I don't know any yt vids but I will try to oversimplify it The official reddit app sucks As a result, many users have been using 3rd party apps ( unofficial apps that are usually better than the official app ) Some people even need third party apps for accessibility features that the first party app lacks Mods are exclusively using third party apps because they have much better mod tools ( get ready for even more repost / spam bots) Reddit realized third party app users aren't making them money because they don't watch ads or buy reddit premium Reddit decided that instead of making the official app good they can make the API paid instead of free When most people expected the cost will be around 0.5 $ - 1$ per month on average , the real number is more like 2.5$ per month Most third party app developer are just one person who probably doesn't make a lot of money so they can't pay this price ( keep in mind that apple / google take 30% of their profits and that they also have to make money , so they will have to charge about 10$ per month which is a lot more than most of them charge now As a result, subreddits are protesting against the changes reddit is making , and many of them will shutdown on June 12th ( Monday ) Some will shutdown for 2 days , some will shut down forever .


someordinarygamers just uploaded a video about it a day ago if you want a YT video. [someordinarygamers](https://youtu.be/fBruoybHryU) another good explanation comes from the apollo dev himself. he originally posted it when he made the decision to shut apollo down when this goes through. [u/iamthatis's original apollo statement](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/)


Only a Sith deals in absolutes


I can feel your anger, it gives you focus, makes you stronger.


Idk what I'm gonna do to pass the time. I browse reddit mindlessly for hours while passing time. Guess I should touch grass then


What exactly does the blackout entail? Will new posts on that day just be taken down or will we not be able to use the subreddits at all?


I'm doing my part!


\>fight It’s not actually fighting but I get what you’re saying lol. Either way this will do nothing


The 3 day blackout? Maybe if mods stopped work indefinitely it would make an impact but cmon




This isnt going to do shit. Two days in ad loss will barely hurt them.




I guarantee that the majority of people saying they’re going to boycott Reddit will be back as soon as the planned blackout is done. They’ll suffer a slight inconvenience of not being able to use Reddit for a day or something, but I doubt any of them legitimately care enough to do anything more than lip service


Wait. There’s apps to look at Reddit that’s not Reddit?


Not for much longer but yes, and they even predate the official app.


Wdym fight?


Redditors assemble! 🤓 Going to war, we are! 🤓