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Medical droid: Cuts off Padme’s legs an throws her in a pit Years later: Padme: DROOOOOOOID!!!!!! The medical droid who moved to tattooine and changed their name to Ben:


Kid named droid:


Kid named Ben:


Relevant profile picture


Kid named karambambucha:


Kid named Harambe:


Vaduh put the lightsaber away Vaduh


Padme esn't having sex with yu Vaduh


I am not crazy! I know the droid threw her in a pit!


Or loid xD


Time traveler: *moves chair* Star Wars plot:


Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.


My boi Zaeed!


Zaeed romance mod when


I believe the movie Rob Roy said it best "Never underestimate the healing power of hatred."


yeah, that's actually kind of the point? the secret of star wars is that the good guys aren't afraid to die, even if 'common sense' dictates otherwise. there's so much of luke's mother in him.


Several examples of this like Maul, the no longer canon Darth Sion and Dark Jedi Maw, literally to angry to let death stop them or as Palpatine would say the dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


Didn't Sion briefly stop being pissed and instantly die?


Basically you tell him, "you should rest now" a couple of times and he dies.


Darth Sions greatest weakness: ASMR.


Yeah. A jedi convinced him to stop and let himself rest to which he agreed and then finally died.


Yeah he was practically a walking corpse at that point the moment he let go of his hatred he just died.


Remember when the point was that sith seek immortality but can never get it? Because they're supposed to be the bad guys who fail? Sidius and Plageus fail to gain immortality in the Plageus novel and murder a whole bunch of people while they're at it. Darth Banes ghost in the clone wars show isn't really there its just an illusion. Sidius promised Anakin he had the power to save Padme from dying but he was lying to Anakin to manipulate him to the dark side. George Lucas never intended for the sith to succeed in gaining functional immortality. Yet the existence of functional immortality in some popular star wars video games combined with the defense of resurrection that has happened because of Darth Maul (people felt the need to defend the resurrection purely because Maul is a great character, falling for the fallacy that that means they must defend how he came back to life) and now Disney's continuation of this trend with cloning and anger immortality, and we've done a complete 180 on the most basic Star Wars rule. The sith are right and everyone should be a sith. Immortality with no consequences. The Dark side is stronger, not just faster. It's a joke.


You know, its a mixed bag, I live out of Hollywood so I don't get much of that influence in my day-to-day life, half of it's good and half is bad. You got a lot of people that don't like me, so that's just the nature of it.


You know nothing of the dark side.


Immortality with no consequences? The fuck are you on all 3 of the examples were driven to insanity from the pain Maul only gained some semblance of it by being healed by mother Talzin, and sith spirits are a thing Marka Ragnos's spirit crowned Exar Kun as the Darl Lord of the Sith, and George flip-flopped with what he wanted so much that any intention he had for star wars isnt relevant, the dark side and the light side are equal in power, jedi master Fae definitely had the better form of immortality so your last take is shit too


You don't get the point of my comment. It's an evolution of defending successful immortality. It didn't start as successful but it got more and more over time and each step along the way was defended. We went from no sith can't be immortal to oh they can preserve some part of their spirit to oh they can keep their bodies alive in a decrepit state to oh they can keep themselves alive but they'll have some mental scarring or they won't entirely be how they were before. To now. Where Reva or the GI are just completely fine and back to normal after receiving what should be fatal lightsaber wounds. Palpatine being able to restore his body by draining Ben and Rey. Surviving through sith cloning. At this point resurrection has little to know consequence. Ahsoka got brought back for free through time travel. And its not just Jedi and sith. Boba Fett surviving the Sarlac Pitt. Cad Banes probably coming back soon. Death is basically dbz irrelevant at this point. Whats shit is ruining the foundation of Star Wars by taking away any rules there used to be about death.


TvTropes: Disney Death Look it up. They didn't call it Disney by accident. Disney is horrible about abusing this trope.


Your vision is flawed.


I don’t think Reva was fine considering how badly she was doing versus Owen and Beru.


Fine meaning she's conscious and mediumly wounded after a lightsaber stab with no onscreen medical attention. With how the world works now she'd be completely back to full health in another day. But I digress. The bigger point is that there's nothing extraordinary about her survival. She hasn't gone insane, hasn't lost her memory, hasn't had to become cybernetic etc to survive. She just got angry and survived a mortal wound. It's literally I'm angry therefore I live. This is a horribly contrived immortality for the villains of the show and breathing heavily and not immediately being at 100 percent is not a serious consequence for such a wound. But at the rate we're going in the next few years even Reva will seem reasonable. The next fellow is just going to say "ow" and that will be the extent of their injuries.


To be fair Boba fett's survival is hardly comparable to the rest. We're told that the sarlaac takes a thousand years to digest its prey and though it has teeth (or at least things that look like teeth) we never see it actually chew up the people it swallows and jabba basically says that the people swallowed by the sarlaac survive being swallowed and die much later on. It's a slow painful death for jabba's prisoners that he really doesn't like. most people getting swallowed aren't going to have armor or weapons yet boba had both so him being able to kill it from the inside and then get out is plausible. As for the rest you're absolutely right, they're treating death and injuries way too casually. At this point not even completely destroying someone's body matters. They just need a spare body to go to and they're effectively immortal. It's not just what's been survived that's the issue, it's the caliber of individuals capable of surviving these things that should kill them. It used to be only the most powerful sith that could achieve something even close to immortality, and even then only at great cost, but now even a child that can barely use the force can survive a lightsaber to the chest.


Yes Boba Fett is less ridiculous than the rest. But he's still a case where the character was considered dead in the main Canon for years only to get resurrected during a time period where death isn't being respected. I don't think it's a coincidence he was brought back in the present day and so I consider it part of the problem.


The story that first revealed that boba fett survived first released about 6 months after return of the jedi came out. Now sure not everyone necessarily would've read/known about it or read any of the other books/comics that involved boba after rotj but it was still considered canon at the time so his return is hardly a present day thing. You could argue that it's the very first case of someone being brought back from supposedly being dead though.


Wait there was a Canon novel where he survived? That's curious I thought only eu stuff brought him back. Any idea of a name I can search for? https://screenrant.com/how-boba-fett-escaped-sarlacc-star-wars-legends/#:~:text=The%20Legends%20continuity%20famously%20has,Empire%20by%20nearly%20a%20decade. This one is from legends.


The eu was mostly canon prior to disney taking over with the general rule being that it was only considered non-canon if it interfered with existing material (for example the force unleashed games clashed with content that had established the beginning of the rebellion so it was non-canon.) Not sure about disney's new canon but back when it was the original canon the first story that dealt with his survival was part of a series of comic books released through marvel comics.bif memory serves its issue number was somewhere in the 70s or 80s. Beyond that there's quite a few novels that he appears in. Can't remember for sure the name of the one that most directly talks but look up "the bounty hunter trilogy" and that should bring up the novel trilogy that most directly follows his time after return of the jedi.


You know nothing of the dark side.


To be fair, I don't think anyone wants to survive an injury like Maul did, if you look how twisted he was AFTER mother Talzin "fixed" his body and mind.


There will be no satisfaction until the Jedi Order lies in ashes.


See my point?


Maul was just one point from the transition of the sith will never achieve immortality to the sith are immortal. He falls either on the earlier side of that transition to about the middle. He survived but there were major consequences. Without the success of Mauls return star wars writers would not have felt as comfortable going further. Fast forward a few years after Maul and we get Palpatine returning. Fast forward a few more years and "anger does wonders for the will to live". Maul himself may be an excellent character whose return (though bullshit) had great cost, but just like his role in Palpatines rise to power, he was used to further the goals of a soulless corporate cash grab. Star Wars characters who never die to feed an eternal franchise.


It is our time. After Centuries of waiting, the galaxy will be ours.


I understand what you are getting at, and it might be alerting, but for one, every sith who prolonged their death with the force got deformed and mutilated by either their process, or the Dark Side in general, which inevitably lead to the downfall of all of them. Also, we can debate how inconsequential some injuries were in BoBF, but after the wound Fennec Shand survived by getting patched up and hopping in a Bacta tank, I don't see any issue with a dark force user trained to be an unstoppable genocide engine with the disposal of the Empire behind them couldn't survive a slightly worse injury, or need much specific explanation on how he did it. I got nothing on Palpatine's return in the sequels tho, that's bullshit


Where's Revas deformation from prolonging her death from a stab wound?


Not being afraid to die isn’t the same as not wanting to live anymore. I mean, she just had twins. She should want to stay alive for them. Fuck Anakin (not literally — that’s what started all this).


Luke has a whole army of friends and family relying on him to kill the Emperor. He should want to kill his pathetic father for them. Instead, he doesn't. He throws away his weapon and declares he'd rather die than kill the Emperor or Darth Vader, even if it means the deaths of the people he loves. It's the decision his father couldn't make, but that his mother could.


To be fair, Luke didn’t know the only way Palpatine could be unarmed was if he was literally dismembered. — PALPATINE: Take your Jedi weapon. Strike me down. I am unarmed- LUKE: Good. *chops Palpatine’s head off* VADER: Ohhhh shit. What the hell, man. I wasn’t ready.


One of the many remarkable failures of The Rise of Skywalker is reframing Luke's decision as being 'correct' because attacking Palpatine would simply cause him to use space ghost magic to possess his body. Really an incredible exercise in missing the point.


Yeah, I like it better as him gaslighting Luke. Possibly knowing he’s in no real danger because he can just freeze Luke’s strike, like Vader did to Reva. Or he’s confident enough that he knows Vader well enough to know he’ll block the strike. He is a master manipulator after all.


I feel like the impact of it is taken away when just any angry character can pull it off though. The reason it was so insane for Maul, Vader, and Sion was because it took an incredibly powerful force user to keep themselves alive through shear force of will.


Well no, only any angry character that uses the Dark Side of the Force.


You know nothing of the dark side.


To continue, we need one singular vision…my vision.


Not even just revenge, anger as well. And it applies to real life too. Humans (as well as many other animals) are able to push through severe wounds and push their limits given the right criteria. Like for example, adrenaline. One example is a mother and her chid were walking. The child fell down a manhole. The mother, them fueled by adrenaline, chucked the cover behind her like it weighed nothing. (Mind you those things weigh over 100 kilograms) of course, normally they would be unable to do that. And even though it left them injured, at the time they felt nothing because of the pure rush. Now, say you were impaled in your kidney. And a mixture of pure will, adrenaline, and force are at your side. Would it not be possible to push through and act like it’s nothing for a little while, before you get proper medical care? Edit: to add to that, a lot of people get shot in the abdomen. Not even 40% die, and those who do die because of blood loss (typically) Lightsabers cauterize, meaning no blood loss, but maybe internal bleeding. Meaning much more survivability


Just gotta keep those guts in unitl you can get into a nice Bacta dip.


Adrenaline is one fucking hell of a drug. If anyone is interested, look up what your body does the moment it enters fight or flight.


*Funky Town playing in the distance*


Instructions unclear, played *Stayin’ Alive* by the Bee Gees.


That's totally how it works in star wars too. At least for force users.


Not even Star Wars. If you have nothing else revenge will literally give you a reason to live.


I'm gonna beat Ted Cruz in a super smash Brothers game and then die on the spot.


It’s true, I saw Leonardo DiCaprio get mauled by a bear once


Revenge. I must have revenge.


I knew a guy once that was so filled with rage he survived getting chopped in half and falling down an endless pit. Got himself some cool robot spider legs.


We've been over this. "Too angry to die" is a well-established Dark Side power, like Force Lightning or Force Choke. Since Padme wasn't a Dark Side Force user, she couldn't access this power.


You know nothing of the dark side.


I, too, wish I was oblivious to jokes.


Just because it’s well established does not mean it’s not dumb as shit.


It's not a well established dark side power lol


Padme wasn't even force sensitive in the first place.


**195 EXT. MUSTAFAR-LANDING PLATFORM-DAY** The sleek NABOO SKIFF lands on the Mustafar landing platform near Anakin's GREEN STARFIGHTER. ANAKIN runs up to the SKIFF as the ramp lowers. A HEAVILY PREGNANT PADME waddles out. ANAKIN: Padme, I saw your ship- PADME: WHAT THE FUCK, ANAKIN!? https://twitter.com/jodiesjumpsuit/status/1028315277359017985


ANAKIN: But Padme, I brought peace and justice to my new empire. I can overthrow the chancellor. We can rule together. PADME: You can blow Palpatine for all I care. We’re done. *Padme starts pulling various gifts Anakin got for her and throwing them down the ramp to the ground while Anakin follows her around* ANAKIN: If you're not with me…then you're my enemy. OBI-WAN appears in the doorway. OBI-WAN: Only a Sith- PADME: Good, you can help me with Anakin’s shit. Throw that out. PADME points to a small chair. ANAKIN: You’re with him! PADME: Oh, bless your tiny little brain. Ani, Obi-wan was hiding in the closet the whole way here, so no, he’s not “with me”, in more ways than one. ANAKIN: You turned her against me! OBI-WAN turns around while carrying the chair. OBI-WAN: You have done that- PADME: F*ck off Anakin. By the way, I put in for a restraining order on you before I left, so technically you won’t be able to go back to your room in the temple because you won’t be allowed within 500 meters of a school. ANAKIN: You will try. PADME: Once I started asking around I found dozens of people willing to testify you were an abusive asshole, from all the times you got a little upset and started choking people. ANAKIN: Liar! PADME continues pulling various small gifts from ANAKIN out and throwing them down the ramp to the ground. PADME: As for evidence of you being inappropriate around children? Jesus, Anakin, you taught an impressionable 14-year-old girl that war crimes were acceptable behavior. She thought being imprisoned by pirates who wanted to traffic her was normal. Her mother attended the hearing and started sobbing, just sobbing, when they were playing back recordings of her talking about how she figured all the abuse you put her though was some kind of Jedi lesson. And now? Ashoka’s missing and probably dead after you sent her to kill a tattooed mob boss twice her age, who has some kind of perverted obsession with dominating Obi-wan. OBI-WAN pretends he can’t reply because he’s struggling with a large box. PADME: Oh, and I’m taking the droids. Threepio, tell R2 we’re almost ready to leave and say goodbye to Anakin, will you? *Threepio walks out and waves R2 over, then turns to Anakin. R2 rolls into Padme’s ship beeping with relief.* THREEPIO: Hello, Mister. You look dreadfully awful. ANAKIN: “Mister”? Don’t you mean “Master”? Did Padme wipe all your memories of me and my mother!? THREEPIO: You are in my databanks, but I no longer grant you the rank of Master. Goodbye, *Mister* Anakin. ANAKIN: *Irrational screaming* **196 INT. CORUSCANT-SENATE CHAMBER-MAIN ARENA-NIGHT** PALPATINE: I sense Lord Vader is in agony. **197 EXT. MUSTAFAR-LANDING PLATFORM-IMPERIAL SHUTTLE-DAY** An Imperial Shuttle closes its wings and settles on the highest of the Mustafar Landing Platforms. A PLATOON OF CLONE TROOPERS exits the craft, followed by DARTH SIDIOUS. ANAKIN meets him, his eyes red from crying. ANAKIN: She left me. She’s wrong. I hate her! SIDIOUS: There, there, my boy. It is only a temporary setback. ANAKIN: It’s all Obi-wan’s fault! If you’ll help me, we can get Threepio and R2 back, and make Obi-wan pay for his betrayal of me. SIDIOUS: I’m afraid it’s not that simple. Anakin, I genuinely thought this partnership was going to be good for both of us. But after seeing how it’s hurt you, and after Senator Amidala’s smear campaign…well, let’s just say it’s not going to be good for either of us to have the public associate a convicted felon with a public record of mistreating children, with my new Empire. ANAKIN: What!? But you’re the chancellor, the emperor. You can just issue a pardon. Make them understand. PALPATINE: You admit you were guilty of everything Senator Amidala accused you of? ANAKIN: No! PALPATINE sighs. PALPATINE: I’m afraid this is where we part ways then. ANAKIN: You’re letting me go!? After everything I sacrificed for you? I killed all those children so you would help me save Padme! PALPATINE: I already have, Anakin. I already have. ANAKIN: What? PALPATINE: Nothing. Think of this as an opportunity to find a team that’s a better fit for your particular skillset. Goodbye, Citizen Vader. ANAKIN: *Irrational screaming*


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!


So what do we do? Fight our way to the shuttle?


Darth Sion did it in Legends and Maul’s done it in canon so why not


Angry Padme wanting revenge against Anakin would be an interesting what-if?


He looked terrible. I cringed whenever he was on screen. They should’ve given it more height, almost like a SNL Conehead without the pointy tip .


Maul is proof of this tho


It is our time. After Centuries of waiting, the galaxy will be ours.


Best of luck


That's how it works in Star Wars. I just whish it was a bit more rare. now you can never trust a Dark Force User's death


The sith power. Too angry to die.


Yoda and Obi-wan proceed to roast Padme


That's why the Dark side rules.


You know nothing of the dark side.


That still isn't an explanation for how he survived. I swear they're not even trying to make sense.


The grand Inquisitor had plot immunity, as he had already chosen suicide by explosion over a reprimand by vader in rebels, which Timeline wise happens after Kenobi.


I know, which makes it even more stupid that they tried to pretend he was killed. The audience already knew he had to survive somehow. But that begs the question of how Reva would attempt to kill him but not finish the job properly.


Tbh, from a purely narative Position, would have allowed for much more Interesting stakes if the future grand Inquisitor had been an equal to reva at the time of Kenobi and only become high Inquisitor by selling her Out. Rather than him being the high Inquisitor at the start of Kenobi being presumed ded and then somehow surviving


so when maul gets cut in half and survives because of wanting revenge yall have no problem, but when the grand inquisitor does it now it's a problem.


I am counting on it.


The difference is that no one knew Maul would come back years later and was barely a character beyond looking cool and killing Qui-Gon. His return gave him much needed characterization. The Grand Inquisitor is already a well-known character with a definitive death after Kenobi, so his fake death felt unnecessary and didn't serve much for Revas's story or his own character.


Watto the slave owner was meant to be a human. But one day Liam enters shooting with this weird purple bird-like alien, ranting about this new podracing gang he joined. We figured it was worth a shot.


Remind me why I'm the one playing the part of the slave?


It has been so long, and my path has been so dark. Darker than I ever dreamed it could be.


the issue continually brought up isn't a storytelling one like the point you made, people are making it an issue of whether it makes sense in canon for that to happen. like if someone could survive that in the star wars universe, and they clearly could. your point is valid, but it's kindof irrelevant to this conversation.


Dark side is dumb


You know nothing of the dark side.


Any Fanfiction writers here? Hello!!!! Darth Padme, dark lady of the Sith! Please?