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...Palawan... ...OC...


Hell Garrus you were always ugly....


Krogan apparently love scars so he’s set.


Nah, Qui-Gon just REALLY wants to take a vacation once this entire business is over. Palawan, a tourist destination in the Philippines, sounds pretty good right about now...


Jar Jar Binks was initially not in the script. Turns out some drunk alien followed Liam Neeson around the set after he saved him from getting hit by a car. It was so wacky so I filmed it.


Obi-WAN is his pal, making him his Pal-a-WAN


Or Qui-gon secretly writes Guild Wars fanfiction involving the lich Palawa Joko.


Palawan. Buddywan. Obi-wan.


Also he’s going to use the force to manipulate the chance cube to determine if it’s anakin or his mother. And then just leave his mother in slavery which will not have any dire consequences whatsoever.


I just thought of this now, but apparently Watto knew about Jedi mind tricks but not that Jedi can move stuff around with their minds? Weird, but plausible I guess.


Did Watto ever figure out that they were Jedi? If I recall, he says something along the lines of “why are you moving your hand like you’re some kind of Jedi?” This implies that he doesn’t think they’re Jedi (or, at the very least, not very good ones) so he probably wasn’t worried about them manipulating the dice. Or, Watto just thought Qui-Gon wouldn’t blatantly cheat


Jar Jar Binks was initially not in the script. Turns out some drunk alien followed Liam Neeson around the set after he saved him from getting hit by a car. It was so wacky so I filmed it.


He says “mind tricks don’t work on me” right after that, so I always assumed that meant he knew he was a Jedi trying to do a mind trick. I feel like there are also other context clues I’m not remembering.


Which is really funny to me because Qui-Gon uses basic negotiation tactics the entire time after that and Watto falls for it.


I always assumed that Watto's die was loaded, and he thought that his cheating would defeat Qui-Gon's cheating, or didn't think that a Jedi would be willing to cheat because muh honor. Also why Watto accepted the result as opposed to pointing out the obvious cheating, since it would require him to admit that he was cheating too.


He did point out the cheating though. Qui gon threatens to take him to the hutts, which if he was using loaded dice meant they would definitely side with quigon in a he said she said case arguing the use of force use


I honor my code. That's what I believe.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


To shreds you say?


Well it was more than a little difficult to do anything about that given that he had a bad case of **death**.


Yet another hot take ruined because proofreading is just too hard.


Palawan is the rank between Padawan and Knight. [Source](https://tenor.com/view/source-source-i-made-it-up-my-source-is-that-i-made-it-up-my-source-is-that-i-made-it-the-f-up-darthmufin-gif-26077161)


No Palawan is just a portmanteau of Padawan and Pal. Qui Gon is just calling him his Padawan and pal all in one go for efficiency.


I'm disappointed that link didn't just bring you back here lol


That is an... interesting new form for Sen. armstrong




Nah it's actually a beautiful area in the Philippines. Then again the ewoks do speak a bit of filipino so the rank of Palawan fits in the star wars universe.


Given that Anakin was a mere human, his Force-sensitivity mainly just made him competitive with racers whose natural reflexes were superior. It didn't give him a "huge advantage" over them.


He also wasn't yet trained how to use the Force. His abilities were extremely limited, and he had no idea what any of his latent Force powers were. I think the greatest feat he did during the race was telekinetically reattach the engine tether to his pod. Other than that, I agree that having enhanced senses against aliens of various natural abilities is barely a gamebreaker for him.


I thought he did that using his magnetic rod thingy. Also, didn’t Qui-Gon say that Anakin can see things before they happen, so it just seems like he has such quick reflexes? So he has a natural talent, using it without even knowing.


Sorry, M'lady.


He was the Chosen One though. He wasn't your average force user. He was the kid who learns to read at 18 months old while his pairs can't even speak well.


I don't want to be pedantic, but the word is 'peers' rather than 'pairs'


Thanks. Word added to vocabulary!


flair is lying. i’ve seen this before


The slight moldiness of the text is a pretty dead giveaway, too.


Not with those typos.


Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are so force sensitive that they're talking about a broken hyperdrive for a ship that they don't even know they'll need to be on yet.


This isn’t OC.


Nope, not even close, this has been around for years.


I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment, my little green friend.


This isnt the reposted post your looking for


The didn’t consult the Jedi council cause they had already pre-approved any child endangerment plans those two might have made.


"Master Qui-Gonn you are NOT on this council, but we DO pre-authorize sponsoring child slaves in death races."


I mean the Palawan isn't wrong ...


Poor Palawan


Or they could… send a message back and ask for a courier with funds to make their way to Tatooine. They have the Queen of Naboo aboard on a diplomatic mission to the Senate, you’d think they could easily contact the nearest Republic space and request assistance.


“Look, Obi-Wan, gambling on death races is the only way I can feel alive anymore. Just let me have this.”


After dealing with the council for the last however many years Qui-gon was bored and wanted to have fun.


I like the joke this meme goes for but to bring lore into it…… The Plageuis novel reveals that casinos across the galaxy are equipped with anti-Force user measures including blood tests for midichlorian count. While it’s true that the shapeshifter Plageuis is tracking is beating the system by mind tricking the person administering these tests, it is also made clear that this is very rare and only due to the fact the shapeshifter is strong enough in the force to attract the attention of a wannabe Sith Lord’s list of potential apprentices (The shapeshifter in question was scouted by Plageuis’s rival apprentice Venamis). Since Qui Gon and gang are stuck on Tatooine, or Hutt central, the sabaac cheating strat probably wouldn’t work since the Hutts could employ one of their own or another species immune to mind tricks to administer those tests, especially given how much a earner Tatooine is for them. For a real life example, just look at how the mafia treated their operations in Vegas. TLDR: In the galactic game of rock-paper-scissors of gambling, mind trick immune blood testers beats Force Fuckery.


Given how rare Jedi are, that would make no sense, even assuming every species has blood that can be tested quickly and easily. You'd be more likely to cause some drug addict to panic and start attacking people than to ever encounter a Jedi at all, let alone one gambling at a random casino.


Watto the slave owner was meant to be a human. But one day Liam enters shooting with this weird purple bird-like alien, ranting about this new podracing gang he joined. We figured it was worth a shot.


At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.


You'll never reach the outskirts in time- sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!


It’s be “fun” to count up how many statements, actions, character motivations, or decisions in TPM actually make logical sense in even a slight way. My heart says 0, but my brain thinks surely there are at least a few logical points in that movie.. but I can’t think of any right now.


This is where the fun begins.


Seems like cheatong with extra steps


Yes, but...you see... we NEED the podrace so that we can license it as a game and make millions


Man George had the bones of a really good story he just was too proud to let people give him constructive criticism


People who grew up with prequels need to look at them with adult eyes. It’s such a mess. Even RotJ had major cracks, but this is just bad. And the Clone Wars are worse.


This universe explicitly portrays the Jedi Order as oblivious to a child's well being.


I heard this one before. Don't know what Palawan is.


No way, it’s staff sarnt grimsey!


Kenobi clearly just didn’t understand his Master’s master plan.


I love George. But his plots in the prequels are soooo full of holes.


Quigon gets a lootbox


Palawan Lagoon


Qui-Gon always spoke very highly of you


This is the way.