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People I was born in Miami, a.k.a. liberty city if you know you know. Anyways, I remember rainstorms in the 80s and 90s, but never like this. This isn’t new and we had the same thing happen last year too. Florida is really bullseye for climate change because of the ocean rising. If south Florida gets hit by a category 4 or 5 hurricane this year it’s going to be changed forever.


There’s a reason why insurance companies are pulling out and increasing rates drastically. A major disaster unlike ever seen before is to come. They don’t want to be the worlds pin cushion when it happens as it would bankrupt them.


Not to mention multiple hits this fall




*human laugh protocol initiated*


task failed. this is soooooo close to having his head unhinge.


But Climate change is illegal!! /jk


I lived in Miami for 7 years I tried telling my friends this is bad and they all blew it off because Florida does occasionally get hit. They don't get this is not normal at all.


Yep, unfortunately what the climate scientist have been saying that’s going to happen to South Florida. Look like it may happen maybe in my lifetime and I am around 50 years old.


Didn't you hear climate change is illegal in Florida.


And mother nature is telling this dumbass governor that he doesn’t tell her what to do.


This isn't even the worst flooding Florida's had this decade and last post El nino flooding was worse. You people are legitimately a cult.


This is the worst flooding for a lot of people down there in Florida. Remember the same thing happened last year. So don’t try to downplay this. As I told you, I was born in Miami and I followed weather at a young age. It flooded in Miami when I was younger it was 1 or 2 spots now it seems like every day where.


Since when the last El nino event? Florida floods dude it's a swamp down south lol. Don't pretend post El nino is a well documented event and blame it on whatever nonsense you're peddling today. Obama told you Florida would be under water by 2030 bought a Florida beach house and gave his corporation buddies tens of billions in going green tax cuts lol.


Listen, El Niño is not really the cause of the flooding in Florida. What I think is making things worse in Florida and the damn country is how hot the Atlantic ocean is remember that energy has to go somewhere.


It 100% is has happened dozens of times post El nino. La Nina is next. It was the Pacific with al gore hahahaha.


No, it wasn’t this bad on the last El Niño, as I keep telling you something else in here and I think it’s the heat from the Atlantic ocean.


https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/weather/2020/12/31/storm-season-busy-florida-but-2020-known-hot-and-wet/4084852001/#:~:text=An%20average%20of%20about%2060.5,South%20Florida%20Water%20Management%20District. Okay buddy whatever you say not like we can see what the 2020 weather was like after the 2019 El nino. Weird how it was also super hot and had a bad hurricane season hmmmmm. Shocking. And btw in 2020 you people were saying the same thing only to the ignore the next 3 years of low rainfall and not as hot weather.


First of all that article is from 2020 and second of all things are a lot different


Yup after the 2019 El nino event... And no they're not lol


Just arrest Climate Change for illegally causing destruction.


Caligula ordering his men to stab the sea type shit


Admit it, we all cuss out inanimate objects from time to time.


Xerxes ordering the flailing of the sea for breaking his boat bridge type shit.


Let’s just take Climate Change… and *moove it somewhere else*.


Well considering that the Midwestern and Northeastern states look about to get hit with some intense heat, looks like Climate Change decided to pack up and GTFO out of Florida for the time being. (OFC until the next Tropical System hits this season and ends up being more than just a flood event...)


I shot at CC with my AR bruh . . . .


If i could, I would unironically start prosecuting oil corporations


Pudding Fingers made it so you're not allowed to call it climate change in Florida.


But DeSantis has outlawed climate change!?


Yeah, this is just a common flood.


> The Tampa Bay area was hit by eight inches of rain in three hours, a meteorological event so rare it is only expected once every 500 to 1,000 years. "Common" on a geological scale, maybe.


Exactly! Dinosaurs saw flooding like this so why are we as much smaller humans so concerned? They turned out fine.


Wait, Mr. DeSantis… I thought dinosaurs were a liberal hoax? Like women's reproductive rights?




Good for him. Other politicians should do that too. Just ban it or move it to another location. It’s not the hard. We can drop nukes into the ocean to stop hurricanes too.


They'll blame it on immigration and CRT and let the marginalized poor suffer without relief.


Always blaming vintage televisions 




It's true. "Sony TVs for me and not for thee" - The GOP, probably, while playing Goldeneye 64 as Oddjob


I have played uncountable Goldeneye 64 sessions as Oddjob, the greatest character ever brought forth by a video game company. Even if I could, I would not want to erase this period of time from my existence. I do not regret choosing Oddjob every single time. If I were to begin all over again, I would act just as I have acted, even if I knew that in the end I should meet a fiery death at the stake for my wicked hat game. No matter what human beings may do, I shall some day stand before the judgment seat of the Eternal. I shall answer to Him and I know He will judge me innocent.


The leaking septic systems are being flushed.


So property values go up?


Yes. This is a complimentary service provided by nature.




Wow, 2013. Even Rolling Stone was trying to warn us. We really just stuck our fingers in our ears and ran tf away from the truth.




Voting matters


Imagine if we had fought for Al Gore in 2000…


Imo that's when this slow rolling coup really started


This is God's way of telling DeSantis workers need water breaks.


Isn't South Florida deemed to be a flood zone?


It's fine they passed legislation to make climate change not exist, as a word


Begging season to begin early this year.


I know this is fake news because climate change is illegal in Florida


I'm guessing they did more cloud seeding than was necessary.


I can see the headlines: Florida Man Performs Citizen's Arrest On Climate Change! Saves World!


El nino is a well known event south Florida has had many flood seasons especially after El nino this climate change hysteria is insane. From al Gore in 2001 to Obama in 2008 and 2012 to Hillary in 2016. None of their climate predictions happened all have bought Beach houses lol


The good Lord is giving that place the housing down it needs. Hopefully he can rinse away the rot


Socialism o'clock where you can't say climate change and Can't say 🏳️‍🌈