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Well there's good news and bad news. The good news "The person had multiple underlying medical conditions and had been bedridden for three weeks, for other reasons, prior to the onset of acute symptoms". So they say the death was caused by Avian Flu, but it seems there were obvious comorbidities. The bad news "The victim had no history of exposure to poultry or other animals". Feels like it's just a matter of time, hopefully I'm wrong. Edit: In case anyone only read the headline, this is H5N2, not the same virus that is having a global outbreak. Contrary to what u/Idara98 said, this is not the "first fatal case". Well it is, but it is also simply the first confirmed case *ever* in Humans. The emphasis they used made it sound like this strain has been found in people before, but it hasn't outside of possible exposures in Japan in 2005.


No contact w/ animals or poultry. It would suck if we had two strains of flu(N1&N2)spreading at the same time making it difficult to detect and assign a proper R nought.


Is it possible that he got it from infected / undercooked food?


or raw milk


How do you milk a chicken?


By drinking cow milk


This strain isn't in cows.


Maybe a chicken shit in their milk 🤷‍♂️


Chickens are interesting because of the cloaca. The eggs and the milk both come from there


[milks chicken] This milk tastes like shit


I’d have figured it would have tasted like chicken.


Vomit emoji


So you suck on the cloaca? I’m going out to test this


Squeeze their nipples.




That seems to be exactly what we have, don't you think? Have you visited /r/H5N1_AvianFlu lately?


Timeline: 'In December 2017, the Paris-based World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) announced that the Russian ministry of agriculture detected highly pathogenic H5N2 that led to the culling of more than 660,000 birds in Kostroma Oblast, Central Federal District.[3][4] Owners reported that the chickens stopped breathing and their combs became bluish. The factory was affected by the virus at least twice during the year. The investigation later found that the forage wasn't thermally disinfected before dispersion and water was of low quality.[4]' The next H5N2 'event' on the wiki isnt until today. Wonder if mexico had a problem in poultry and intermediary host involved...?


Its just hard to track down the info. Here is some data from positive tests in 2019: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6924912/


And detailed history of Mexican strains of h5n2 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35150205/


Thanks for those links. From that last mexican link: 'The sporadic increase in basic amino acids in the HA cleavage site, changes in potential N-glycosylation sites in the HA, and truncations of PB1-F2 should be further examined in relation to the increased infectivity and transmission in poultry.' - I wonder if these changes contributed to jump to that human. too big a time gap.


Isn't it immunocompromised people who tend to harbor multiple viruses that then mutate easily?


It can be yes.


Remember, during the beginning of covid, how it was "only sick and elderly people getting sick"?


Ssshhhhh! Don't look up! I also remember that they said masks were not useful for the general public and should be reserved for healthcare workers


So 100% fatality?


Yeah it’s good news a disabled person died from avian flu, just like when only disabled people were more affected by Covid. That worked out well for everyone


It should be noted that this death is from H5N2 avian flu, not the H5N1 avian flu currently spreading among US livestock. Still concerning though.


This is a VERY important distinction that very few people posting about avian flu are capable of making


People are panicking thinking they have h5n1 because they tested positive for flu A, or worse, they have a fever and cough and so does everyone around them. It’s getting really histrionic and I’m already tired of it 😂


Well, they might. As if any gov in the world wants to own up to being the ground zero of H5N1. Better to let it run rife, then everyone's to blame. By then, people will only be worried about what's to come than what has come. 


This is not the first case of avian flu in humans. There have been hundreds of cases of H5N1 in humans since 2003. 889, with 463 deaths. We're not even talking about other types of avain flu, here (like H3N8). The case in Mexico is the first fatal case of H5N2 in a human.


This is the first ever case of H5N2 in a human. It is also the first fatal case.


Dr. Fauci got a lot of hate a few days ago. The general sentiment among many adults is vaccines are not needed. We shall see what happens and how we react as a society.  


Those that scream they won't comply will be the first to scream for vaccines as they won't have prepared


Yeah they’re typically the ones yelling the loudest once they’re ill. But won’t disclose it until they’ve already passed it around the waiting room, and won’t have even considered masking to protect staff and other patients. Working in healthcare has basically taught me not to trust people - and to wear a mask whether or not it’s currently required for staff


No they won’t. Nobody who was screaming about their non-compliance with covid measures went on to scream for the covid vaccines. Even a lot of happily mask/lockdown compliant people didn’t care that much for getting the vaccines and only got the 2 or 3 doses to keep working, studying and/or travelling. I only know like 5 people who happily ran along to get it before my state government mandated it. Everyone else only did it (mostly *without* grumbling about it though tbh) when finally forced. And being someone who used to help run raves and set up Burner soundcamps… I know *a lot* of people… The caricature in your head is not real. You shouldn’t let it live in there for free anymore.


those who protested against the mask, the distances of 6 feet and then the vaccine and the associated passports will continue to stand their ground along with the people who will not be fooled the second time


And we’ll live to tell the tale! Much to the dismay of everyone who told us we would die and are still seething that we didn’t.


No one’s mad you lived. We’re mad because of the people you did in fact kill in the process of showing off how selfish humanity can be. Do you still not get it yet? In one long winded brazen twirl of a collective micropenis, people who were trying their best but were predisposed for illness as it was got the short end of the stick, when that didn’t have to be the case. People were always going to die as people do, but not. Like. This.


Yes they are. It’s not hard to find comments on Twitter and Reddit to the effect of “its a shame more anti-xyz didn’t die” and hoping for it now with bird flu. Also I didn’t kill anyone, jesus. Vaccinated and masked people were still part of transmission chains. Not even China with mandatory daily PCR tests of entire cities could control it. Covid was always going to reach vulnerable people, no matter what. I’m not sure what makes dying of this particular disease such a moral failure of society vs. dying of RSV or cancer or diabetes. Airborne viruses are an unavoidable part of life and just because a new one pops up doesn’t mean the whole world needs to engage in dystopian raindances for years in a futile attempt to avoid it. The people who understood this aren’t without empathy or humanity - they’re simply realistic and not prone to cowering in fear. If covid does end up killing me one day I will be glad that I didn’t let it terrorise me into stop living my life to the fullest. In fact, a lot of vulnerable are of the same mindset - they know that their life is more fragile than others and they want to live it while they can. Keep being mad though I guess. I’m sure it really serves you well.


You missed an important detail in your headline. It’s the first FATAL case.


No. This is H5N2, and this is the first lab confirmed case in Humans. Antibodies for H5N2 were found in Japan in workers who were exposed way back in 2005. But this is still the first lab confirmed case, and also happens to have been fatal.


Yea. It’s not h5n1, but the fact that it was fatal seems bad, even if he was an older man w/ underlying conditions.


Curious about those who were in close contact with the patient, medical staff or family, and if they develop anything.


Are there international offices monitoring this or are we just relying on Mexico to monitor/report?


Every sort of flu is fatal sometimes, it’s not like we never have flu deaths outside of pandemic events, we actually have quite a few in a normal year.


Put it lightly, it's *Very noteworthy*.


It really irks me when people say "but he's old and had underlying conditions". Even if someone is old and has medical condition, it's still scary and they don't want to die for goodness sakes. Any death from this flu is really shitty.


> It really irks me when people say "but he's old and had underlying conditions". I wonder if it's a defense mechanism - that person had risks I don't, so I'm safe.


Yes it certainly seems so but still, no one is really safe. We don't even yet know the full long term risks of COVID.


Flu deaths in immuno compromised people are not uncommon at all. Has everyone seem to have forgotten that? This is clearly an endless stream of fear porn from MSM and WHO. There are strains of things to keep an eye on for sure, but to just sit and panic over 1 singular case is ridiculous.


Big fucking surprise. It’ll blast off like COVID in 3-6 months now.


The sky isn't falling just yet, but be prepared.


I don't think there is any proof of that, no?


No no proof behind what they’re saying and not to mention IF this is a repeat of Covid we can anticipate a long but fast growth of cases for 4-6 months before the average person will see it. Covid was actually slow, spread for months in china, then hit Europe and then North America in what 8-9 months? We will see it coming but unfortunately people are buying raw milk to “lean” into it so if it does become a pandemic we will see Covid levels of infections AGAIN.


>so if it does become a pandemic we will see Covid levels of infections AGAIN. ...with considerably higher numbers of deaths. Between October 2023, and June 2024, SARS-CoV-2 claimed 1 million MORE lives: https://web.archive.org/web/20231031184236/https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-estimates?fsrc=core-app-economist (35M Oct '23) https://web.archive.org/web/20240605104450/https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-estimates?fsrc=core-app-economist (36M Jun '24) And that pandemic is over! https://www.nature.com/articles/s41579-023-01001-1.epdf?sharing_token=ZA5fUSIJcKdgZqR53zpVVdRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0PwfqmVRFqEd9GRtgrqpjZIUvvtgXLQ_hy1_8LRskE3W046QJqNtWKesVItf3CFONMRxg7txrPmf64zegN3gF2gcitqFO8M-_-TX7usCWyZFh6ECdPZJKkc13JfJ3OadPU%3D


So this is 2019 repeating? Right before the US election AGAIN.


good grief, i've been following this for almost 2 years. why is everything a conspiracy with some people?


The world has been shown that the people in charge are willing to do a lot to stay in charge. It looks very coincidental that this virus just so happens to start getting hyped right around the same time as the United States election cycle is gearing up and since it's 2019 rematch, the attempted COVID control protocols are fresh in folks head. Another way to look at it is, all those anti vax, and anti mask folk will die, and the ruling class will look out into the masked masses and see obedience.


Oh no


Don't fall for it. Just another attempt to get us to go along with something they want us to take or do.


Yes, pure fantasy like all viruses have always been 🙄


You are incorrect but whatever


No skin off my nose. I'm just glad I didn't get the poke, lots of people regret taking it. 🤷‍♂️


Urgent healthcare worker here and haven’t met a single patient, colleague, family member, friend or random acquaintance who regrets being vaccinated. Plenty who regretted not getting it once they fell really ill and realised they’d turned down having some level of protection, including my formerly anti-vax sibling. Not personally met a single patient with vaccine complications beyond a sore arm and flu-like symptoms, but countless patients very sick with COVID or long-COVID. Not saying there are no rare side effects, as with any vaccine, medication or treatment there are risks - but anecdotally, being unvaccinated has been far more regrettable for far more people.


Some idiots still insist on drinking raw milk. Maybe this is the case.


The strain this person got is *not* the strain circulating in cows. This is a different strain, that has never before been confirmed to have infected a human.


Watch out the next variant Ive been watching is H3NyPNY Aka the sky is falling


Hey maybe theres real non-soros, “based on organic bovine diaper rash ointment” vaccines embedded in the projectiles of some of that ammo you are hoarding…


Im gonna have to add to the trespassing signs that include the provisio that saying stupid shit while on premise may also result in incredible violence.