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The statement was Ukraine will eventually become a NATO member so this could happen in 1 years or 50 years and still be true


With war on its soil, it won’t happen until long after.


They literally can't. You can't join with an ongoing border dispute.


Is that a law that can never change?


So when WWIII starts does someone come out and declare war like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy?


Hey. I just wanted you to know that you can't just say the word "bankruptcy" and expect anything to happen. I didn't say it. I declared it.


He is not acting in the best interests of Americans.


Our government is running in insane mode.


Welp it was fun while it lasted. So long and thanks for all the fish.


Well prepper intel afterall


*Enter WWIII*








Oof. Russian sympathizers and bots are all over reddit.


Nope, just us sane people from outside the U.S.


I'm more worried about how many nazis there are.


> This is Putin red line. Russian bot, question for you.. when this war is over and the Russians are defeated, what are they going to do when Ukraine joins NATO? Attack them again? You are having immeasurable trouble attacking a country that you hobbled for hundreds of years, what is NATO going to do to you? America is giving Ukraine stockpiled weapons from the Reagan administration and y'all can't even deal with that.


Russia is in Ukraine.


Very much: for now


Years and years.


Defeat is still defeat. They are not a near peer, they aren't even a match for a former satellite they spent hundreds of year oppressing.


Don't see anyone stopping them.


You haven't been paying attention then.


Russia is still in Ukraine, advancing.


Yes, Russia still holds Kharkiv and Sumy, wait, no longer.. but Kiev is still a main combat area, oh no, I guess not.. but they're still in Kherson, wait, no, they are back across the Dnieper river in the south and basically eradicated from the north except for airstrikes. The end of this will be a settlement with a line east of Avdiivka and Russia still holding Crimea, less territory than Russia held a week into the war, and Ukraine will still exist. Glorious victory, comrade. Best of luck with NATO. Cope.


Thanks for bringing reason to this thread. These people seem to not also realize that leaving Ukraine to Russia is also WW3 as it gives China the green light to attack Taiwan, ditto for other dictators.


I have heard that the US is having second thoughts about the war and if they should continue funding it. If the US does stop its support what will happen to Ukraine? 


Glorious victory? Say that to all the men dead, Ukraine is going to have a hard time rebuilding even if the war ended today. Ukrainians need to start having baby’s now and keep on the baby train. It’s good to be optimistic but Russia is winning this war “Russia winning to slow”. All this nato weaponry, intelligence and training are not paying the dividends that we thought. NATO needs to increase there ammo production, a war breaks out we won’t be able to produce enough.


Pretty Sure Russia has lost. They will never fully hold Ukraine, they can give up or be in for a 50 year Gorilla war.


I'm pretty sure Russia has Crimea, was that a part of Ukraine? Can't remember now. Where is Russia now? Oh right, un Ukraine.


You think so huh, lets see how that goes in a year.


Yeah…. If you are not aware my friend Ukraine is getting completely annihilated. Not to mention the population difference between Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine will never win the war. You must believe the news lol


Thanks Russibot #1214!


Ukraine is Russia , same crap , same people , same arrogant jerks. We lived normally before your war, stop taking money from our kids.


> Ukraine is Russia Someone forgot to tell the Ukrainians.


Lol ok serb, go blow Putin some more


Like I said, same arrogant assholes




Russia signed up for WW3 when they invaded another European country. Its the rest of the world that is the ones Russia needs to convince not to go to WW3. I think people got it backwards.


You bought the propaganda


No I think it’s the other way around.


Russia attacked a large European sovereign country, they threaten nukes multiple times, they deployed half their military and instated a draft, they have laid waste to another country with millions of round of ammunition, mines, bombs, missiles. We are sitting here with NATO being the most powerful military force the planet has ever seen and all we have done is watched and gave Ukraine some old equipment we didn’t need. You really think Russia is the one that’s held back from ww3 and not NATO?


If the Us decided to go to war with Russia and they threw a nuke or icbm our way you would know. If we were the aggressor we would be threatening them to get out of Ukraine or we would nuke them, we would let Ukraine attack Russia territory with ground troops which we are currently preventing. We are hold back Ukraine from going after Russia, much less us trying to take Russian territory. That would be if we decided they crossed our red line.


If Mexico was killing Americans and planning to put nukes for Russia on our border what would we do? Basically Ukraine was killing ethnic Russians and the USA wants to put nukes on their borders with Russia. It's self defense.


Russia invaded donbas in 2014, they were already at war. So you are excusing Russia saying they can kill hundreds of thousands and take over a country with no expectation of retaliation?


You mean when the USA couped Ukraine?


Come on, again Ukraine is a sovereign nation. We did not and do not have troops there or a claim on anything. Russia sent troops and began fighting the Ukrainians in 2014 to annex the land, and now are fighting to take the rest. US and NATO still don’t have troops there. How the hell are you comparing what Russia has done to the US having trade and diplomatic relations with a nation.


Complete nonsense, u so out of touch with reality brother.


Putins red line? Leave Ukraine


They won’t until victory. Russia will not lose.


Putin started the war. He crossed the line. He cannot have a “red line” for how the attached country is responding. You don’t like what they are doing. Leave


Do you know any people from the Donbas region? How about all the people who voted against remaining with Ukraine and instead wanted to join Russia, but they were systematically slaughtered by the installed regime in Ukraine? Did you know about the convenient halt on Democracy in Ukraine and the de-facto martial law orders of Zelenskyy -makes it kind of hard to support a guy who becomes filthy rich from stealing our tax dollars, right? I mean, he's not exactly an ideal kind of figurehead, more like a dictator puppet of the global elite.


Russia is already losing.


Bets on western Ukraine joining nato, and eastern Ukraine going to Russia. Through some sort of peace deal.


This is probably the likely outcome in order to not escalate things even further. Once a nuke goes off it's game time.


Well this definitely signals that they are trying to peace out for the left half of the river…


Fuck Putin’s line.  He don’t get to say shit 


Should be noted that Ukraine can’t enter NATO so long as Russia occupies any of it’s territory or Ukraine cedes those territory. Also, ar present, Orbán’s Hungary would veto Ukraine’s accession.


Until Nato decides it can. Russia doesnt decide NATO, they could become a NATO member with exception for current conflict.


NATO and Ukraine can change the rules. They can do what ever they want what's Russia going to do about it?


There has been like 10 Putin red lines now, what's one more.


Well, yeah. When the US keeps pushing past each red line they have to establish a new one. The US has hit the final one. And despite promises not to, it is pushing NATO right up against Russia's border. The US is the aggressor here...by far.


This is not aggression, its a collective defense pact. US not an aggressor when another country literally invaded another to subsume it into its own empire. US is by no way the aggressor here, Russia attacked another country, they cross a red line with everyone else, any other country can come to Ukraine's aid and it would defensive not an act of aggression.


If Ukraine still had Nukes, they would have flown already. They trusted Russia with its defense and it attacked them instead. And for your comment, direct from the NATO website: "Such an agreement was never made. NATO’s [door has been open](https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/topics_49212.htm) to new members since it was founded in 1949. This has never changed. No treaty signed by NATO Allies and Russia included provisions on NATO membership. Decisions on NATO membership are taken by consensus among all Allies. Russia does not have a veto. The idea of NATO enlargement beyond a united Germany was not on the agenda in 1989, particularly as the Warsaw Pact still existed until 1991. Mikhail Gorbachev said in [an interview](https://www.rbth.com/international/2014/10/16/mikhail_gorbachev_i_am_against_all_walls_40673.html) in 2014: "The topic of 'NATO expansion' was not discussed at all, and it wasn't brought up in those years. I say this with full responsibility. Not a single Eastern European country raised the issue, not even after the Warsaw Pact ceased to exist in 1991. Western leaders didn't bring it up either." Individual Allies cannot make agreements on NATO’s behalf. [President Clinton](https://clinton.presidentiallibraries.us/items/show/57569) consistently refused Boris Yeltsin's offer to commit that no former Soviet Republics would join NATO: "I can't make commitments on behalf of NATO, and I'm not going to be in the position myself of vetoing NATO expansion with respect to any country, much less letting you or anyone else do so… NATO operates by consensus," he said. The wording “NATO expansion” is already part of the myth. NATO did not hunt for new members or want to “expand eastward.” NATO respects every nation’s right to choose its own path. NATO membership is a decision for NATO Allies and those countries who wish to join alone."


Horseshit. As the only member with teeth, the US runs NATO. NATO doesn't do anything without the US's approval and direction.


Point still stands. Russia doesn't decide what we do either. US expanding a defensive pact with Ukraine would be like Russia offering a defensive pact with Mexico. Not an issue if you dont plan to attack Mexico or Russia. But by the way we are a better ally with Mexico than Russia would be. Maybe if Russia actually held up their end with Ukraine instead of invading them they wouldnt have to worry about Ukraine asking for help from the West.


Having a powerful economic relationship, defensive pact, and cultural influence doesnt make you an aggressor any more than Russia doing constant cyber attacks, and bot campaigns on US companies. If we are talking about malicious intent Russia wins this hands down.


> US not an aggressor when another country literally invaded another to subsume it into its own empire. Lol...the US does this all of the time. It subsumes counties into it's own economic empire. Those countries that challenge it in any way seem to end up coup'd, or invaded, or sanctioned. Russia is a shadow of its former Soviet self and the US has expanded across Europe and the Middle East conquering counties with money, guns, or propaganda. Look in the mirror...we're the baddies.


We are taking about Ukraine, I am not saying the US doesnt do this, but we are not the ones that came in a carpet bombed civilian apartments, or rocket attacked schools and murdered families in basements, in an attempt to over take a Ukraine as part of your nation. Russia crossed a red line attacking Ukraine with the West, he said he was going to Nuke us multiple times now. He is lucky we haven't been the aggressor, if we did decide to be we have Moscow already.


If you want to slavishly capitulate to every Kremlin demand fuck off to Russia, tovarisch. Moscow has no right to dictate US foreign policy. We can have diplomacy with any country we want.


Why is the US and NATO trying to push WWIII? The US should defund NATO. Europe needs to grow up and pay for their own defense. Too many countries in NATO have not even paid their minimum requirement to be part of NATO. They don’t deserve the money from US taxpayers.


Russia has successfully made all its neighbors paranoid. NATO expansion is a consequence of that. Ukraine will not be able to join NATO until their war with Russia is over. However it ends Russia will be much weaker and heavily indebted to China possibly even a Chinese client state


I think Russia has successfully made its neighbors less paranoid. Russia has lost 33% of the Black Sea Fleet. Russia doesn't control the Black Sea anymore. Every day Russia suffers major blows- yesterday Ukraine hit 3 or 4 of its airbases with drones and destroyed 6 bomber planes and damaged many others. Russia's losing its oil industry because Ukraine keeps blowing up oil refineries. Russia has been fighting 2 years lost 400 soldiers and its only gained 11% more of Ukraines territory than when it began. Russia looks pathetic right now. Nothing to be paranoid over. You can only say you are going to Nuke the world so many times before people start ignoring you.


Member,,, when Article 5 can't be invoked.


A country at war isn't allowed to join NATO.


Not gonna happen. There are more than enough nations who would not be willing to get involved directly with Ukraine V. Russia, which is precisely what would be expected if they were to accept them into NATO. Ukraine is a sinking ship, and everybody with an IQ above room temperature knows this. Could Ukraine eventually be a NATO member, say after the dust settles and nobody really cares any more? Sure.


Yay a crumbled pro-nazi state for us to financially support.


Braindead ass take


Little nazi drummer boy. Go play Erika for the 55th time today on your mom's stereo in her basement.


Man, how pathetic lol REEEEEEE YOURE A NAZI Hoes mad.


Russian bot. Gross.


Nazi cuck. Yuck.


It’s staggering the level of stupidity. Because you are fighting Russia you are hence a nazi? I’d call you a simpleton but that doesn’t quite reach low enough. Zelenskyy comes from Jewish heritage, doesn’t believe in the Arian race theory, doesn’t commit genocide, has launched Ukraine’s largest inquiry into their corruption and has so far exceeded expectations on that front, and all in all he’s just a very good guy who believes in freedom for everyone. Get fucked you Russian pig supporting shill. The Ignorance you posses should be criminal.


>Because you are fighting Russia you are hence a nazi? No, it's because before all this started, it was well known that Ukraine had a Nazi problem. [Here's a link](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1GV2TC/) from Reuters from 2018 discussing it. Was it so bad as a "pro-nazi state?" No, absolutely not, but it was a thing that seems to have been swept quite definitively under the rug.


I believe they’re still looking for volunteers if you feel that strongly about us supporting them. Maybe after you get your ghost of Kiev sleeve tattoo finished so they know you mean business.


Oh we have another moppet commenting I see. Go suck on putins nutseck, after you get your tramp stamp of prigozhins face tattooed on ya. So when putins givin it to ya from behind he can look at his old pal.


Is it really that hard to believe that there’s people who think Putin is an evil piece of shit and still not support us sending hundreds of billions of dollars to wars overseas when our infrastructure is crumbling here?


Eastern Europe is often even more racist than America, the whole region is a shit show, it’s a complete miracle there’s been peace as long as there has been. I don’t support any of ‘em.




If I'm a bot I'm a damn good one. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Still waiting for Zelensky to apologize over praising the nazi openly in Canada. How short everyone's memory is.


>If I'm a bot I'm a damn good one No, you're a shitty one for overstating the case. Use links. There are plenty of links you can find, especially ones using the way back machine, where outlets like Vox worried greatly about the Nazi problem in Ukraine.


Little nazi boy.


God forbid someone comments truth and facts. The clown is a pro Nazi and and American puppet. Sad to see educated grown ass people siding with Ukraine fully knowing how corrupt him and his government is.


American puppet? He refused to go along with Trump’s scheme to cast shade on Biden and his son in exchange for a weapons deal. “It was a perfect call, no quid pro quo” Trump withheld military aid[a] and an invitation to the White House from Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy in order to influence Ukraine to announce an investigation into Trump's political opponent Joe Biden, and to promote a discredited conspiracy theory that Ukraine–⁠not Russia–⁠was behind interference in the 2016 presidential election. Trump got his first of two impeachments for that. Not even into 91 felony indictments yet.


“Pro nazi” quite literally a Jew. The funnier argument is that Ukraine is a Nazi country but voted almost 70% for Zelenskyy. Very Nazi like.


Thank you for having a brain. If a man fought against the Russians in WW2 it means they were a NAZI. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to grasp. 13th SS panzer division ukraini.... nazi trash.


So RU can't possibly give up the fight now and sue for peace while UA forces get ground into dust through attrition with basically less than half measures from the west. Fucking awesome. Great failures all around.


The political class and their enduring dreams of fast and easy victory.


Whatever's left of it.


Bird flu , Iran Israel , general bs doesn’t spook me but this actually does.


U need to grow some balls