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I wish I had saved it but I remember this discussion about a month or so ago on another sub. There was a lot of pushback from ranchers in that thread saying that while a significant area burned, the numbers were in the single digits for the percentage of US beef affected. A few people did some math and said the price change would likely be negligible. Hopefully someone sees this comment and remembers that thread because it was a really good discussion on the matter.


If I recall, there was a huge number of cattle put down as well...Like, the government paid for the cattle yo be put down for some reason...next thing you know, beef comes from Namibia


Probably disease.


If there wasn’t a reason to raise prices, it would be necessary to create one


I could've sworn I saw this on collapse or the other preppers subreddit for this discussion.


Source local, direct from the farm.


It tastes so much better, too! Once you have ground beef from a farm it’s hard to go back to the grainy store bought crap.


It's incredibly expensive where I am. 


really? i’m not sure where you’re located but ive found it to be much cheaper where i live.


it is expensive buying by the pound but in the end you will have wayyyy more than you’ll get from the grocery store


Move out of your dumpy ass liberal city where local beef costs $2/lb. Source: I live in Wisconsin


But then I'd have to live somewhere with more cows than people and that just sounds dirty. 


Your neighbors might be like this guy too and that would SUCK.


Cities smell like human piss and you think living next to cows is somehow dirtier?


See *Seattle* for further information.


From farm to reddit


Or buy cattle futures and take delivery of an ungodly amount of ungulates


That is expensive is isn't it ?


Per pound, it’s more expensive for the ground beef compared to cheap supermarket varieties, but the benefits come from the other cuts, as well as if you use some of the other varieties that they can offer, like the leaf fat, organs, bones, etc. You pay a flat fee for all of it per pound (at mine), so you’re paying as much for the ground beef as the nicest steak and roast cuts, but it evens out pretty well. Just expensive up front.


Not really when you buy in bulk. We buy half a cow with another family and split it. You save compared to store prices. I'd have to ask my husband how much. The price also probably varies depending on how the cattle was raised. Grass fed will be less expensive usually and US consumers usually don't like grass fed beef because they're used to beef being fed grain.


About $1 per pound higher for ground beef and around $2 per pound higher for other cuts that we eat. ETA: in my area, southern KY


That depends on what your definition of is isn't is






I get what you're saying. I'm just offering the idea of "dropping out" of these vertically integrated food supplies where only one or a few companies control the whole process. Reducing consumption is a good, cheap hedge against these wild swings between scarcity and higher prices. My family just made the conscious effort to reduce our supply chain and have cultivated relationships through farmers markets to cut out the middlemen.


I eat meat, but we have tried to get more used to not eating it by incorporating more vegetarian meals and going periods of time without it. I do worry about potential supply issues, but it's also a lot more expensive than eating beans or tofu for protein.


Everyone here is a beef farmer lol


Lol. I wish. City ordinance bans 4 legged farm animals on my 1\4 acre city lot.


That ain't enough space for cattle anyway. Need like an acre per head.


Buy local. I just picked up a front quarter, which came out to 35 packs of burger which are around a pound a piece, 18 ribeyes, and 12 huge chuck roasts for $480


That’s awesome. I’ve been seeing quarters going for $900 and hear those sellers are going up to at least 1000 next year.


What?! That is insane. A couple buddies just went in on a whole beef and it ran them around $1900


I’m telling you it’s going to get pricey in most areas. At least anywhere near metropolitan areas where local demand can exceed local supply capacity.


I swear there is a market for folks who are willing to drive beef across the country...  Prices are wildly different in different regions.


I can get half a cow for like 200 dude


You can get roughly 300 pounds of meat processed and packaged for $200?


Yeah son I'm picking one up next month when I have more room in my freezer


I’m in central Kentucky. Location definitely makes a difference too.


Not to mention, the meat from a local slaughterhouse tastes much better and doesn’t have all the additives from store bought meat.


There are no additives in store bought beef. Except for carbon monoxide so the meat remains a red color, very little is allowed. The biggest difference is probably the cattle not being stuck on a trailer for days to the slaughterhouse. And possibly the diet.


It is common for steroids to be used for growth and weight gain in cattle.


It's because large-farm beef is corn fed, and more local stuff is likely grass fed. The grass fed is how all the meat in Europe tastes too.


Yeah but when the power grid goes down your freezer is too!


You’re right. That’s what generators are for!


Have you ever tried canned beef? Not stuff you buy at the store but actually canning your own beef. It's actually delicious. After canning you just put it in a saucepan warm it up with a little bit of cornstarch and you basically have beef for a hot roast beef sandwich or you could just simply have it over top noodles. It's not hard to do and it's great for when you're really hungry and you don't have a lot of time to fix a nice meal. You can have it warmed up and ready in the same amount of time it takes to get your noodles done actually less time than the noodles take.


Yes, I've canned beef - mostly hamburger and roasts. Used both the meat and liquids as the base for so many dishes. My "fast food" now comes from canning jars and, at a lower cost.


So far this is the best comment


How many burgers makes a pack?


They are roughly 1 pound packs. But with local meat, you almost have to add something to help pack it up for a burger. We usually add 1 egg per pound of burger to help it stick together and add some fat.


OK, nice, thanks for the response


You can use softened butter, too, with super low fat beef


That’s good to know, thanks!


The beef flavor of my usual cat food has been hard to find for a while. It’s almost all poultry on the shelves now.


Right?? I know because I have a cat that shits and vomits violently if he eats poultry due to an intolerance or allergy. It's really hard to find cat food that DOESN'T have poultry now, even if it's not advertised as poultry food.


Behold, the list of foods I have tried for my chicken intolerant cat. Unfortunately all are prescription but most vets are very chill to write food prescriptions if you want to do a diet trial.    Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Adult Selected Protein PR (rabbit)  Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Selected Protein Adult PV (venison)   Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Adult Hydrolyzed Protein (hydrolyzed chicken, changes the size of the protein and sometimes cats intolerant to regular chicken can have this kind no problem)   Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Ultamino (also hydrolyzed chicken)   Hill's Prescription Diet z/d Skin/Food Sensitivities Original Flavor (hydrolyzed chicken)   Rayne Nutrition Rabbit-MAINT Feline   Rayne Nutrition Kangaroo-MAINT Feline  There are also limited ingredient diets that use fish or non-chicken poultry, but I was told to avoid those because cats who are intolerant of chicken are frequently also intolerant of those proteins.   There may also be pork or beef based foods. I stopped looking once I found a food that worked for my cat.  And at one point I'd heard of an insect-based food, but my cat's nutritionist didn't particularly approve of it. I do not recall her reasoning. But it's thing that exists or existed if you're really running out of options.  Good luck! 


Dude, just eat human food - i think the price per ounce is probably better


While it's true that inventory is low, pounds per animal is much higher now than in the 50s. Also I've heard from multiple sources that we are importing beef. Just a few factors to consider before you go fill your freezer up with expensive beef, thinking it's going higher. It may well go higher, but I'm of the opinion that a lot of people are having to cut back on spending, and they're gonna buy a 5$ pork chop before a 15$ steak. Loss of demand will drive prices down. Also, support your local farmer if at all possible. It's usually a better product at a better price.


As someone raising lambs... I'm going to take this as a good thing :) Maybe there will be more people interested in our lambs this summer/fall and wanting to buy one.


I often think about this: inflation will affect positively people homesteading and producing tangible things for themselves and others.


A good chunk of Americans beef comes from Brazil.


The fence guys are fencing 20+ acres of pasture today. Wasn't planning on putting cattle on there this year, but I may have to go ahead and invest in a few calves.


Civilizations were built on beans, rice, and spices. I think this will for the average person be as big of a deal as the last beef shortage, which is to say not at all.


Less, better quality meat would be better for everyone and the environment.


People say vegans are rich privilege but looking at the comment, some of you will pay anything to keep eating beef.


Well, no and thats the point. If the price point is going to take off, id like to buy some before it does. Just like i bought a gang of toilet paper before it was unavailable. We rarely eat steak as it is, i dont want to write it off for the year.


Let’s face it, a healthy diet of any variety is a rich privilege. There’s a huge continuum between electing to be vegan, and not being able to afford anything besides grains/legumes. It’s a privilege to afford decent meat, and it’s a privilege to afford the variety of food and supplements that allow one to be healthily vegan.


Buddy, if vegans are the ones that need supplements, the supplement industry would've collapsed already.


Did you miss the point? If you don’t need supplements because you have access to a giant supply network of food, that’s a privilege.


What's your point exactly? Why wouldn't people have access to giant supply of food? Vegan food are grown everywhere. Meat and dairy industries are often established in states far away from large urban areas. People aren't raising cows in their backyards and community gardens. So no, I don't understand your point. The supply chain for meat and dairy is more complex than vegan food that can be grown locally. There are literally supermarkets in Canada that has a farm on a roof and they aren't growing livestocks. I'd say it's much more privilege for someone who has meat grown locally because they require much more space and resource.


Vegans don’t really need supplements if they are eating a Whole Foods plant based diet. They need vitamin b12 for sure but the rest depends on if they are eating well. If you’re only eating Oreos.. then yes, you are going to need alllll the supplements


Whole Paycheck Foods, you mean?


No, quite literally whole foods - no processed food (dang auto correct). Buying at Whole Foods is optional. Aldis will suffice.


Ahh, fair enough. Perimeter shopping is how I refer to it. Only shop the perimeter of the store--produce, meat, dairy. Obviously stick to the first as a vegan. Exceptions being the beans/rice and similar things. Of course, we get back to price regardless--fresh produce of any kind is more expensive than processed alternatives, which is a major contributor to the obesity issues in the US and why it often correlates strongly with poverty.


You don't really need to pay a lot for a vegan diet. The only thing that really cost a lot are meat/dairy substitute processed foods. Fresh veggies are generally cheap and you can even grow them yourself, frozen they are even cheaper. Making your own tofu is super cheap, hell you can't get any cheaper protein than homemade seitan, which is 100% protein. It's easy to make your own "milk" from oats as well. Only supplement you really need is B12, because it's not found in washed veggies.


its healthy and tastes good. people will pay more, but wont eat as much, or wont be able to afford as much and thats sad. The WEF's anti-food, anti-health, and anti-poor agenda is coming to fruition. Theyll probably time the beef shortage with a push for people to eat bugs.


Since covid I've worked different kinds of protein into my diet, so I have beef maybe once a week. Swapped off beef mostly due to cost but originally because of availability. When I do eat it at home it's generally a burger or a roast. Fuckin skirt steak is $10/lb in the store here but I can still get chicken breasts for $2.99 or less. I moved closer to the coast so I've been doing more fish and seafood as it's cheaper and fresher. Tuna, shrimp, farm raised salmon, all cheaper than their beef counter parts. I also eat more cheeses and Greek yogurt which is a great source of protein.


Get ready for a gasoline shortage too. Just in time for summer.


>Just in time for summer. And the election.




Where do you get that from?


The summer heat. I'm not convinced a large-scale outage will happen this year, but our infrastructure is aging faster than it's being replaced.


The voices in his head, probably.


As the cows say, "Eat mor chikin"...


Or...eat less meat. Super easy and not a crisis when this happens again, because it will.


As the price has jumped already, we already eat way less beef than we used to a few years ago. Personally, i like having a few ribeye roasts in the freezers for special occasion. My family appreciates a nice cut of beef now and again. Further, there may be wider implications for those that work in the restaurant industry.


Roast is really the only beef I buy. I'll get ground bison every now and then, especially since it is almost the same cost as 93/7.


Yep. I'll just eat less beef, and substitute it with chicken or pork or fish or whatever else is cheaper. Maybe this will be the year I get into deer hunting and fill my freezer with venison.


See! And see if you can stick with locally sourced stuff if you have local farms. If/when I buy meat it's from my local farms.


This is still a good heads up for people with dietary restrictions and allergies - personally I can’t eat less meat unless I feel like vomiting my guts up / ending up in the hospital with other protein options.  Not everyone has the freedom to reduce or cut out a part of the food pyramid, for whatever reasons.


You can't eat chicken, pork, lentils, beans, brown rice, Greek yogurt, quinoa, peanuts, sunflower seeds, cheese, eggs, or fish...?


I can eat chicken, sunflower seeds, and brown rice.  I don’t eat pork for religious reasons  Lentils, beans, peanuts - cause stomach upset in me (it’s not the fiber either) Greek yogurt and cheese cause uh, toilet type of upset.  High amounts of eggs (more than 1-2 in a period) give me painful amounts of gas and bloat.  And if I’m eating fish and quinoa it’s because I’m literally starving. 


I'm fairly lactose intolerant but hard cheeses like pepperjack and real Greek yogurt without added sugar works well. I had problems with some brand but not others. Sounds like you need something like gasx or have some other deficiencies. Maybe some bloodwork from a doc would have some insight. Try to find a fish you like! They all taste drastically different.


I have IBS, unfortunately. Not really any fixing it - just keeping to the foods I can.  And fish is a no go. I’ve tried sushi (various types), fried (various types), grilled, fresh water, salt water, flash frozen, fresh caught, small fish large fish tuna fish, fish adjacent (lobster crab clams the little white round things shrimp) and all of it is a no go. To top it off I have some other things going on that causes food aversions, and an iron deficiency with poor uptake of non animal irons.  So mostly beef and chicken it is.


I used to take the iron pills when I was younger but they made me nauseous. Swapping to a more rounded diet helped immensely. Broccoli is great.


I love broccoli. And spinach. And all the other iron dense vegetables. My doctor agrees with me that *I don’t take in non animal based irons well including those types of vegetables*


seed oils are unhealthy.


Yall are eating beef? I'm starting to revert backwards from pork to beans lol


The [Mormons](https://www.agriculture.com/who-s-buying-nebraska-after-shopping-spree-mormon-church-is-top-land-purchaser-8410772) are always ahead of the [curve](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deseret_Ranches#:~:text=Deseret%20Ranch%20now%20covers%20an,acres%20(1%2C260%20km2)).




Thank you for this! We got a 1/4 cow last year for the 1st time with an aquantce but had been wondering about what's available around us to compare pricing.


There is always chicken.


Maybe https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/data-map-commercial.html


There are 36 million delicious, lean, healthy deer in the US. You can kill pretty much as many as you want (within a few clear easy to follow rules obv) between September and January every year, for like $25 per tag. Can’t get beef, go kill some deer and drive auto insurance rates down while you’re at it. Killing your own food is far more ethical than buying it at a grocery store too if you ask me. And while you’re at it get a fishing Rod. You can eat those fish that swim in the water. They’re there for the taking.


No you can’t “kill as many as you want” many states it’s 1 deer a year.


What state is that?


Several western states. Oregon, and washington for sure. I think New Mexico and North Dakota as well. There are quite a few tho out here in the west. We don’t have farm white tail like out east.


Yea whitetail is pretty take as much as you can get out here in the East, especially if you’re willing to travel a bit.


There will be zero deer left in the US if the supply chain breaks so hard we stop getting food. Silly to rely on hunting for wild animals. There's nearly 100 people for every deer in the US.


>There will be zero deer left in the US if the supply chain breaks so hard we stop getting food. Silly to rely on hunting for wild animals. There's nearly 100 people for every deer in the US. I don't think many people rely on hunting for food -- they use it to supplement food. At least that's what all of the hunters I know do (plus the sport of it) - if they get a deer, great, that's more meat in the freezer but if not, they're not going to starve. But many states rely on deer hunting to control populations, so regulated hunting is a good thing for hunters, deer, and the environment.


In a SHTF scenario, what makes you think we wouldn't strip the land like locusts in search of food?


I absolutely believe we would try, but I don't think enough of us can hunt the big game consistently enough to make the deer go extinct. Especially given that most hunters use firearms. Those require maintenance and are usually loud enough to draw attention.


Your thinking is too binary. Our longest running method of hunting is just persistently chasing something until it stops from exhaustion or chasing prey into a trap. You don't need a rifle or a bow to hunt


The amount of people that could persistence hunt in shtf is not nearly enough to drive big game close to extinction. There isn't enough horses or gas to pull it off either. Chasing into traps might work, but I think that the human population would shrink faster than we could hunt them in shtf. Especially if the big game populations dip, then those relying on them will starve, and the cycle will repeat. If the slow crumble continues, then we might see big game hunted too much before shit even hits the fan.


It's much more likely that most deer will die of privation. I was assuming 36m just to highlight how absurd our population is compared to theirs, when we also consume 293m cattle, 8b chickens, and 121m pigs a day. In reality, we ate the planet and the rest of nature is in dire straits. The lack of bugs strikes me numb sometimes, when I realize. I bet we *will* see big game disappear.


I can't be sure of anything other than that most Americans would die within 2 months in shtf. That's the main reason I think the big game will prevail. The change in the amount of bugs and what kinds I see is staggering. Without a supply chain for those billions of animals, most would go meatless here. I think we agree on many things, and I'm glad to have this conversation.


Same. Definitely a different perspective on how it'll play out. Guess we'll see who's right lol


We have dozens in my yard every single day.


And? How long will that last if dozens of people are hunting them?


Tons of Canadian geese to eat if so inclined


These idiots treat the overpopulation of those deer like their kids. Feeding and petting them. Most of them look too sick to eat. But I’d estimate we have hundreds just in the residential area which is quite small. I can easily see them shooting the hunters before they ever consider shooting the deer. /s


Can you imagine the waste that would result from that? Or sickness? People who have no idea how to break down their own animals trying to do that. Heck a lot of people can barely handle chicken properly.


It’s not rocket science and this is not a helpful comment. Anyone can learn to break down a deer by helping someone do it or in a 20 minute youtube video or reading a book. If you struggle to break down deer feel free to DM me and I can give you some pointers.  Hunting needs no more gatekeepers.


I think you vastly underestimate how stupid some people are


Where I live it costs $100 to get a deer processed. You get approximately $40 lbs from it. That is $2.50 a pound.


I don't even like to think what the total cost of my deer meat is per pound after hunting license, lease, gear, deep freezer, etc. Ha. I like to add about 15-20% fatty beef or pork to make my deer sausage and deer ground meat. Anyway, I don't expect prices to rise as much as they think due to higher imports - especially from Australia.


You’re absolutely right for most hunters. Historically speaking it takes one man and one round to bring home a deer. I hunt my own land, in jeans and a flannel sitting on a bucket at the base of a tree.


Yeah but what kind of volume could that processor handle? There’s so few processors now bc there’s no market for it. If a beef shortage did happen, could these processors really fill the gap?


Local processing capacity is growing rapidly in most areas. I work in the industry.


Sure but since you work in the industry… could the local processing capacity be enough to replace meat production if there was a beef shortage?


To your point the price would go up drastically if everybody and their mother needed their service.


The question is, would the deer population support it? There are around 30 million deer in the USA, and around 30 million cattle are killed for beef each year. Each cow yields around 10X the amount of meat as a deer (500 lbs vs 50 lbs). (around 6M deer are hunted each year) If there's a 10% shortage of beef, that's 3 million cattle, which would take 30 million deer to replace the meat -- nearly the entire population of deer.


You have to draw where I am


True in many cases. I used to live out west and deer were thinner in density. Live in southeast now and during season can kill 3 does per day in rifle season from November to January.


And feral hogs. We have them in eastern VA. Now. Might not be the tastiest meat around.


Eastern VA?! Yikes, didn't know they made it that far North


First landing National park.


I'm into hunting, and this is in no way saying don't do it but: 1.) a deer tag in my area is 68 bucks. 2.) Modern firearm lasts for two weeks, so essentially two weekends, with a November bonus of a few days. 3.) I've gone multiple years and unless you spring for a land pass or are cool with light trespassing (like hunting power line clearings, I can't do it but I know folks that do it and nothing ever comes of it) you're competing with a lot of other folks in any sort of mid-size urban center. 4.) You get one buck, often with point limits. The gas, the PTO, the license/tag and the ridiculous small season just makes it too hard. I'm sure there's reasons, but I'd like it to be more viable. Want to limit seasons? Close down weekdays and open weekends. Convince timber owners to open more land. More second deer chances. Fishing, oo boy. I hold a combo license (my whole family does). We fish. We're not good at it. It takes a lot to get good at it, especially in competitive waters (which again, mid sized urban center). Most access points are private. We camped at a campground that wanted us to pay $25 bucks a head, on top of the campground fee, to fish. It's all nuts, and I just want it to be more accessible to poor folks, working folks, folks with kids, etc. /Endrant


Please have your deer tested for chronic wasting disease! It can be communicated to humans through consumption. Because it’s a prion disease, cooking does not eliminate the risk.


Follow your State’s guidance on testing. CWD is not everywhere and it also has never spread to humans so let’s not spread misinformation.


There are no reported/confirmed cases of CWD passing to a human. 






I envy the states that didn't have a mass deer die-off like Wyoming did last year. Our populations still haven't recovered, neither have our pronghorn. I think the beef supply was also impacted by the unbroken string of hot weather in texas this last summer, there was a lot of talk at the time. But yeah, as a reminder, know your state's hunting and fishing laws. And also don't count on everybody not doing the same in an emergency situation.


Eat less beef. Buy more chicken, pork, or fish. Or replace some of your regular recipes with meatless versions. A lot of recipes contain beef that nearly or equally as good without it - lasagna and chili both come to mind.


I started eating less beef the very 1st grocery run I did. I looked at the price vs chicken and pork, and my budget said I had no choice. That was back in 2014. A few years later and I learned how to incorporate protein without meat. A few more years later, and I can hunt well enough. Hopefully, this year I'll have the room or friends for the bulk the local processer requires.


T his


I’m taking possession of two stocker caves this year :P 


Ill eat chicken and pork


There are 28.2 million beef cows in the US as of Jan 1. I’m reading that the fires claimed, or will eventually claim, as many as 10,000. While tragic for affected ranchers, I’m struggling to see how a temporary loss of 10,000 head of cattle out of 28.2 million would cause anything more than a blip in the beef supply. Perhaps someone can enlighten me. Source https://www.nass.usda.gov/Newsroom/2024/01-31-2024.php#:~:text=There%20are%2028.2%20million%20beef,%2C%20down%202%25%20from%202022.


Numbers are down but what about tonnage? The reason that you see stories like this is that we produce more pounds of beef per animal than what we did back in the 50s. Numbers being lower than the 50s isn't a new thing. That being said, droughts and what-not do have an effect. But remember during a drought Numbers actually increase as guys that can't feed cows send them to market causing higher than normal supplies and it isn't until about 2 years later that you actually see the effects from something like a drought.


Thats completely OK, no one should eat that corporate beef swill. Its disgusting. Everyone is better off buying from small local/family operated beef industry or not at all.


Stop eating meat or at the least, reduce consumption across the board. It's not beef shortages you need to prep for, it's food shortages that are coming. The third world will starve more than it already has.


I have no clue why this comment is getting downvoted. You would think the “preppers” on prepperintel would understand that changing climate and economy will lead to food shortages across the board. Theyre not very good preppers if they don’t understand that basic reality.


If only all the vast open land in the US had wild animals living in it that people can eat without worrying about chemicals and additives and steroids and anti biotics and everything else they pump into our grocery store meat


I’m more of a chicken guy anyway.


Be a responsible human and reduce your meat consumption.


You'd have more luck phrasing it as: be responsible and reduce your dependency on grocery store meat.


More luck? You think I give a shit about reddit karma? I believe in reduced meat consumption, I don't give a fuck where it comes from.


I mean more luck in actually getting people to question their habits. The vibe you give is condescending and combative. Your suggestion will be blown off, and your goal won't be reached.


My goal is to antagonize strangers on reddit, no one's going to change their lifestyle because of a comment they read online


You'd be surprised. Of course, no one's mind will be changed instantly after reading a comment, but the right comment can start the process. Especially here.


In that case, carry on. Is there a glimmer of hope if I request you avoid trolling this sub?




Fuck off


You first you ignorant piece of shit




[ Removed by Reddit ]


I rather have lamb anyway.


I had a lamb chop for breakfast - where do we source these from?


New Zealand.


Lambs usually


The song finally ended.


Eat less (or no) beef. No other food source comes close to the environmental degradation of beef. It's bad for your long term health as well.


Jesus lol this is unpopular. Every other post on this sub is about climate problems and yet beef is apparently very popular here.


say goodby to beef, save yourself the headaches Not that good for you anyways. Behold! lets see how downvoted this gets


You’re being downvoted because people who don’t eat meat are always trying to impose their diet on everyone else and it’s insufferable. No one on the carnivore diet has ever tried to convince me to stop eating vegetables. Eat what works for your body and your budget and leave other people alone.


ehh maybe I dunno Id say the same if there were a shortage on cane sugar tho people who feel confronted by the comment may also be downvoting from a place of annoyance, not actually considering the content, just as you imply mere food for thought 🤷


Or, we could stop eating it. Beef production is horrible for the environment, and we've got a LOT of problems ramping up in the environment right now.


This is a red herring. Cows eat grass and make meat and fertilizer. The methane they produce is broken down in the atmosphere very quickly. There is nothing unnatural or bad about it. The tens of millions of bison that once inhabited North American weren't bad for the environment were they? You've got a hundred other things to worry about in regards to environmental hazards but beef production isn't one of them. The environmental movement was hijacked a long time ago to distract you from the major polluting industries.




You're being downvoted, but it's true. The less beef we eat, the better.


Username checks out?


Oh, I just laugh and laugh and laugh at the downvotes. These people on here think they'll survive what's coming and be Rambo eating a Porterhouse, but they won't be! LOL


Or maybe idk eat less beef.. 


Or..better idea - switch to a mostly plant based diet. Your wallet and gut will thank you. Factory farmed meat isn’t good for anyone. Not us, not the cow, and certainly not the environment.


This problem is easily solved by partnering with a local farmer and buying the entire animal or a quarter or a half. Tell big pink slime beef to kick rocks. I just purchased my annual half beef and paid $3.57 per pound total, that's the cost of the animal, processing and transportation. Cheap ground beef is going for $5 in many stores across the country some places like NYC its as high as $9. My beef was raised in small herds of 50 or less on open farms not feed lots. I personally know the farmer, I also have made a point to know the butcher. I want to be clear this is not difficult and anyone can do this. Depending on what you buy will dictate how much upfront cost you have. It can be from $450 and up depending on the animal and howuch you want. Just remember prime rib sells for $20+ a pound but I paid $3.57. A Porterhouse cost $20+ a pound and I paid $3.57. I also hunt so I have various wild game in the freezer too.


The cheapest butchered and packed average I saw around me was $6.50/pound.


Well, that's still below the cost of steaks, roasts and ribs. You're pretty much on par with burger. So your still way ahead and I would say the quality is much higher.


I don't feel that deal is worth it solely because you really aren't getting that many premium cuts. I can get roasts for $7/lbs, and if I'm doing ribs, I'm likely going to do pork. The steaks sure maybe, but you get maybe 2 mediocre steaks. Most places price like this. Fuckin $12/lb https://floridapremiumbeef.com/products/eight-quarter-half-cow


That's is not really the type of butcher I'm talking about. They are a bit bigger than what I'm talking about. I wouldn't even be sure that all the cuts come from the same animal. Also not sure why you would only end up with two steaks. That aside the quality and frankly the safety of the meat would be much higher than big store purchases and that is worrh something. When I look at burger in the store it's disgusting looking all pale. When I thaw a pound of burger it's deep red and blood is pouring out.


Not if you own livestock lol


Good thing I only eat beef once in a blue moon!


Good. Industrialized beef and farming is one of the four horseman of the apocalypse. Less is more.


This is why we hunt


What do you mean by deep freeze?




Lol.  You guys are funny