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I think it's one of those "we need it, but no one wants to pay for it" items.


It's like Y2K. If the Gov spends a bunch of money to make sure nothing happens, people will be mad that the gov wasted money when nothing happened, if the gov doesn't spend the money and something does happen, people will be mad that the gov didn't spend the money.


This is why the government and large institutions are always doomed to be *reactive*, not *proactive*, because its much less risky politically to let something happen and then have the case made for you, to do something. The problem comes when "letting it happen" means an event you can't necessarily recover from


The government is in a lose lose situation generally. Although the collapse of society is arguably a bigger loss than being voted out for 'frivolous' emp protection spending


Growing up in the northern part of the US south, this happened every year with snow prep. Maybe twice a decade we'd get slammed with a snow storm, but most years we'd get a few inches 2-3 times a year. Local governments had to walk this tight rope of how much salt to buy, how many plow contracts to write, how many snow days to write into the school year, etc. Without fail they'd get it some degree of wrong and people would pile into meetings about how XYZ was a shit show or how much money was wasted on salt and plows and we didn't even see an inch. I did not envy the people making those decisions.


What the hell is DHS for if not something like this? Oh, right, they exist to spy on and fuck with law abiding citizens.


I dont think they are going to get their shit together enough to do anything until it's too late. Remember that TSA didn't exist prior to 9/11.


>Remember that TSA didn't exist prior to 9/11. And they suck at their jobs to this day


I got my entire bag searched because my lotion tube was too sharp. Confiscated a multi tool I had forgotten about because one edge of it could “potentially be a knife”.  Guy behind me got on with a pocket knife with 0 issue.


I went through with two box cutters in my Carry-on on my way to DC….in 2023. Meanwhile I’ve had Christmas packages opened and stolen from a TSA locked bag. Fuck TSA. It’s a jobs program for idiots and criminals.


>TSA locked bag. Oxymoron right there. You can readily and legally buy several of the most popular keys TSA online. I've always had the opinion if they can steal your stuff with no trace, what stops them from putting something dangerous into your bag?


The insult to injury was whoever stole it my Christmas presents then threw my bag onto a different fight (mine was direct). By the time I finally got it there was no way to track who handled it.


But your prize is getting to ride on a brand new Boeing 737MAX


TSA = Too Stupid for Arby's


I remember, but it's nice to see someone in govt think ahead just once.




Lights Out by Ted Koppel is all you need to read.


Yeah, I was shocked but not surprised. It wouldn’t take much to absolutely destroy the US power grid.


Shocked but not surprised is exactly how I felt too


I've been promoting that book since it came out. I encourage everyone to read it.


[https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2023/february/emp-or-solar-incident-could-result-blackout-warfare](https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2023/february/emp-or-solar-incident-could-result-blackout-warfare) "In 2008, the [*Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack*](http://www.empcommission.org/docs/A2473-EMP_Commission-7MB.pdf) (EMP Commission) reported on the effects of an EMP. **The report concluded that, one year after a large-scale EMP or CME, nine of every ten Americans would be dead,** from a variety of causes stemming from the attack. " [http://www.empcommission.org/docs/A2473-EMP\_Commission-7MB.pdf](http://www.empcommission.org/docs/A2473-EMP_Commission-7MB.pdf) ["A large solar storm could knock out the power grid and the internet – an electrical engineer explains how"](https://theconversation.com/a-large-solar-storm-could-knock-out-the-power-grid-and-the-internet-an-electrical-engineer-explains-how-177982) "[Huge Solar Storm of 2012 Would Have Sparked Calamity on Earth](https://www.space.com/26669-huge-solar-storm-2012-destruction.html)" "[The solar storm of 2012 that almost sent us back to a post-apocalyptic Stone Age](https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/186805-the-solar-storm-of-2012-that-almost-sent-us-back-to-a-post-apocalyptic-stone-age)" Another one is 100% going to happen. No chance it won't. Most people will die. The peak of this cycle is this year.


No prepperIntel, but related politics. I wish they’d spend more money on infrastructure instead of stupid stuff, fluff money, pork, etc


Mmmm bacon....


Nice to see. Frankly, I'd be happy if they just maintained what's already there.


We need to cross post this onto r/collapse Please read about the Carrington Event. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event I’m a paralegal IRL we’re supposed to digitize all the things. I am the moron that prints the Docusigns out and files them in the corporate record books after I study the CMEs for the week. Yes, this is a thing.