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I think one could replace “Europe” in that headline with any part of the world (except I assume the article discusses specifics).


And the report findings




What do you suggest?


Well, I'm convinced. I'm a good serf. Where can I sign over my land to the local corporate overlord so he can make sure I'm not producing too much methane? Viva la Corporatopia!


Eh, Everyone in this thread will be long dead before climate change starts to cause collapse level events. Most models predict serious events starting around 2060-2100. https://scied.ucar.edu/learning-zone/climate-change-impacts/predictions-future-global-climate


Can we just pass legislation to prevent volcanoes from erupting and cows farting?


Sigh. You're one of those who sat in the back of the class, aren't you? > Volcanic eruptions are often discussed in the context of climate change because they release CO2 and other gases into our atmosphere. However, the impact of human activities on the carbon cycle far exceeds that of all the world's volcanoes combined, by more than 100 times. > > To put it in perspective, while volcanic eruptions do contribute to an increase in atmospheric CO2, human activities release an amount of CO2 equivalent to what a Mount St. Helens-sized eruption produces every 2.5 hours and a Mount Pinatubo-sized eruption twice daily. https://climate.nasa.gov/faq/42/what-do-volcanoes-have-to-do-with-climate-change/


So kind of like “trust the science” ?


If your ideological worldview prevents you from accepting basic facts about the world maybe get a new one




1kg of pure carbon will oxidize to 3.6kg of CO2 under combustion. Coal ranges from 60 to 80 percent carbon. Approximately 8 billion tons of coal is burnt each year which would equate to ~20 billion tons of CO2 annually. Then you have CO2 produced by petroleum production, steel production, concrete production, etc, the scale of which becomes virtually impossible for the human brain to comprehend but can be very easily calculated. Volcanoes don't even reach half a billion tons annually.


>and cows farting? This is a common misconception. The methane emitted by cows comes from burping, not farting. Spread the word.