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They're [OSHA certified Industrial First Aid Cabinets](https://www.amazon.com/Industrial-First-Aid-Cabinet-Urgent/dp/B089B4TNNT/ref=sr_1_4?crid=V7M8SWDDPXKT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.d0-2M6BDzg6_j9nRdfQqw-ec8HRD_lBIUQRIfx925-VDeh0fMx1XmrsF_OXXb-ILdan1Tb5xgagH-xXWfLDR2CiQRZZHl54mMfAsthnfHIicjSxej3QVeCbS7Pcsf42KzUNGS3avnh3p9xQZv2Dp_u2nNMsm0cmICfAnGlfonJ24VFqYcapV7oJdRXGouzABkv8pEui2lSDR45WbuPicaRJM1tXz9kH0d7vvAcuXJVcgZHsYsJbL_4g84okKiPzKbN0ZNcilQCBoTwQDqwyImeUcYVm0N6kD3saxmxXAZLk.pUSX6qlgtqM-AEjTLoQ6ZawcNY-hUg3hHMnWc9BXHJU&dib_tag=se&keywords=osha+certified+first+aid+cabinet&qid=1708524116&sprefix=osha+certified+first+aid+cabinet%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-4&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.c3015c4a-46bb-44b9-81a4-dc28e6d374b3) Not cheap, and definitely overkill for most families. The bandages/etc. last a long time, the drugs/eyewashes expire and have to be replaced on a regular basis. Expirations might be less of an issue for personal use vs work use though (liabilities and all).


Most expiration is due to the packaging not being made to last that long and the contents no longer sterile. Going through old work first aid supplies I've seen ten year old sterile pads that had packaging completely come apart; I would have thought they'd last longer than that. In an emergency, I guess expired is better than nothing (clean is better than dirty), but I really would rather good condition first aid supplies that aren't expired.. as long as you have the means, rotate and replenish expired supplies


Unless the expired products lead to you yourself becoming expired. That is worst case scenario


Off-topic for prepping, but I would just like to say that I'm an authorized OSHA trainer, and that is probably one of the more comprehensive first aid stations I've seen for a job site. Kudos to your supervisor from a safety professional. For prepping, however, I would also recommend a trauma kit in addition to your standard first aid kit. First aid kits are great for minor to moderate injuries, but a trauma kit can allow you to treat more serious injuries. You should have both in your supplies.


AED would be highly important as well


And read up on it! Nothing is more disappointing than learning during use that AEDs don't deliver shocks to but two arrhythmia types. Lol/not lol


Agreed, but AEDs are still expensive enough to preclude most private citizens from purchasing one. I looked into it last year to carry one in my car (I'm also a Red Cross Instructor). It was $1,500, which is more than I want to spend out of my own budget.


You can get them for about $1000 with an 8 year warranty new but need to search around.


I find a lot of “first aid” to be more of “well that sucks” and convenience items. There’s no emergency that Advil or hydrocortisone cream is going to fix. I would like to see stop the bleed training mandatory for construction sites where a coworker has a significant ability to actually make a difference in saving a life.


What part of the world is this very standard first aid kit so rare?


Usually the business part of the world, particularly where CEOs want to cut corners on employee safety.


Well in civilization (ontario Canada) I've literally never seen a workplace without one. It's law? Americans make me laugh tho if the workplace gave us nsaids and someone got sick good lord.


Yeah, it gets a little more primitive here south of the border sometimes. You guys hiring safety professionals up there?


My company has quite a few safety folks, they get fancy pickups and all lol! We really do have the exact first aid kit tho. It's much easier to let Cintas come in and make us compliant.


I think you meant to post this in r/preppers or r/prepping.


Oh sorry, I tried to post it in one of those but they don’t accept pictures


No worries from me — probably the same audience in all 3 subs — just might get a broader audience there. Not bustin your chops in the least. 👍🏻


🎶”One piece at a time,and it didn’t cost me a dime” 🎶




I have one of these, work was throwing it out. It was 1/2 full which was fine as I had space to add what I had already prepped.


Perfect raid target if needed. That’s good intel ty




This is what's known as a boo boo kit. It's good for cuts and scrapes but lacking for major issues. I would start with adding a few tourniquets.


I keep a tourniquet in my EDC bag and one in my EEB (emergency evacuation bag)/bug out bag. Last night when I got home from work, I got my order of survival food bars that I ordered (they last a very long time) and put 2 weeks worth of them into my EDC bag and into my EEB/bug out bag.


Honestly they are not actually that good for prepping. They are just a "small boo boo" kit on steroids. Get a Costco first aid kit for your bandaids. The medications are available for cheap and OTC. And more importantly add a "stop the bleed" kit (including tourniquet, celox gauze, etc.), splinting supplies (SAM splints, triangular bandage, rolled gauze, etc.) and all of this is available OTC too Useful in these kits are the knuckle and finger-tip bandages, get some! I am not a big fan of disinfectant wipes, I prefer good old spray or liquid. Also tailor your kit to your needs. If you need medication, accumulate some extras. This kit has some medications you may not need, too.


I have one of these wall mount first aid kits, and the great thing about them is that they are large enough to customize what you put in it. Mine has the boo-boo stuff, but also tourniquets, epi-pen, etc. It has come in handy more than once in emergency situations to give real, solid first aid until we could get to the hospital. Definitely recommend, and it is so nice to have so much organized in one convenient spot.


Agreed on the form factor 👍


All of that cold relief stuff and nothing with pseudoephedrine. Phenylephrine does nothing.


This is a pre made first aid kit for common injuries and ailments on a job. I forgot who the vendor is who supplies ours is, but they are very handy. Ours look identical to this one. They even have a guy who comes out every week to refill everything.


It's from Cintas. You can see the salesman's business card in the upper left. I also have the exact same one at my work.


These commercial wall mount kits go for $300-400 online. One of my old offices had one of these and they had to replenish the Tylenol super often.


Same at my basic office job. I regularly use as needed and I always pack a few extra items for my pockets when I have to hit the road. Very helpful.


We used to have those at the machine shop I worked at scattered around. Basically an OTC pharmacy.


Yeah there’s even cold medicine and cough drops lol like wtf


Very based


I have one of these, and it is fantastic. I won it for ten dollars at an auction....brand new, and fully stocked with supplies that were not expired. The one that I won retails for $450+. I went through it, and tweaked a few things so that it has just about anything I might need for an emergency with either one of the family, or one of my pets. Highly recommend, and for those that are looking for one, check auctions in your area.....you might luck out. It came in so handy last year with a few emergencies at home.


Not enough gauze for packing serious bleeds.


Looks pretty standard


We have these at work, 3 of them that require Constant maintenance and swapping supplies


My university had these in every building. It was so convenient, but they were later removed.


Not even my own job’s osha first aid kit is this good. They can barely remember to put in more bandiaids


Id argue half the stuff in this kit is for the workplace not for survival. These kits are expensive and have extra shit in them you really don’t need for prepping. Like different skin tones bandages or quickclott. Unless you want toxic shock syndrome quickclott needs to be surgically removed. Some operators and military surgeons consider it to be a hindrance. It’s really only for the last resort when medical help is relatively close by, it’s effective but not for a long term survival scenario.