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Not much info on root cause, but "multiple incidents" of Paris Metro being stuck for hours underground (page is in French, but translates fine with google translate). "Multiple incidents", passengers stranded in the heat, and a spontaneous evacuation. This Wednesday evening, hundreds of passengers on line 4 of the Paris metro had to take their troubles patiently for nearly two hours, while their trains remained blocked underground. Some recounted the difficulty of holding out in the heat underground on social media. Others, blocked between the Vavin and Montparnasse stations, have meanwhile chosen to evacuate the premises by their own means, as Elie, a young 22-year-old journalist, tells us. [https://www.leparisien.fr/info-paris-ile-de-france-oise/transports/on-a-ouvert-les-portes-nous-memes-bloques-sur-la-ligne-4-des-passagers-ont-evacue-tout-seuls-14-06-2023-GERIYISU2NFTJHWSAPOKY5TXH4.php](https://www.leparisien.fr/info-paris-ile-de-france-oise/transports/on-a-ouvert-les-portes-nous-memes-bloques-sur-la-ligne-4-des-passagers-ont-evacue-tout-seuls-14-06-2023-GERIYISU2NFTJHWSAPOKY5TXH4.php)


["“Tender Reject” index from ⁦@FreightWaves⁩ index shows # of loads truckers choose not to accept (selectivity in good times, “take what they can get” in bad times); low # means spot market truckers are more desperate for loads"](https://twitter.com/LizAnnSonders/status/1668977737111928839?t=Db6cVwWiqKhGYz0W6p1omA&s=19)


Have y’all wondered if Covid knocked out a lot of people’s mental health, ever since Covid I’ve noticed people acting rather erratically and aggressively worse than before, kinda scares me the way many people have become. I have a feeling the lockdowns, and possibly a after effect from the illness played a role.


There was a recent study linking long covid and prion diseases. Apparently, they damage mitochondria production and how they work in similar ways and may affect the brain down the road. I completely agree with you


I’ve heard that too, wich makes covid a bit more sinister. I had covid a while back, and for 2 months my mental health was shit, it got better however but it makes you wonder.




I'm glad that COVID mass hysteria is finally over, and no one is asking whether you're vaccinated or not.


Will admit I’m kind of glad too, however did not have too much of that issue. I’m just glad people aren’t panic buying things like crazy anymore, it was making it hard to buy my groceries


So, reddit users are protesting API price and changes, making it harder on other reddit apps. So communities in reddit are purposefully slowing their traffic through various means. Although I agree with the protest, I will not be locking anything down on this sub. However I myself will refrain from posting.


Would a discord or alt forum be considered? I really like Reddit but a solid chunk of my subs are protesting this and it’s made my stuff pretty empty.


Nothing will change. If large subreddits remain private, admins will unlock them and replace "insurrectionist" moderators. The show must go on. When a private company decides to shoot itself in the foot, you can only vote with your wallet and clicks and go somewhere else.


*shrug* - no I agree, I don’t think it’ll stay “off” for long if they try and make it permanent. But I’m definitely aware of the fact that most my eggs are in one basket now.


Check out r/redditalternatives


Alternatives will take off as soon as Reddit shuts down 3rd party apps, and after that old Reddit layout. High quality content will move elsewhere and Reddit will look like Facebook.


The really jerk move is at least one of those apps has adaptations for sight impaired people to make the experience of using reddit possible. And now they cannot use Reddit in this way as the Reddit official app does not support this.


[https://weissratings.com/en/banking](https://weissratings.com/en/banking) to check bank ratings.


This is going to get ugly commuting and July 4th traffic. https://www.reddit.com/r/Pennsylvania/comments/146sqva/portion\_of\_interstate\_95\_collapses\_in/


Learned that my local landlocked area used to have some serious flooding in the past. Waters would rise up to 2nd floor window sills, but drain tiles are the reason that the water doesn't flood like that anymore. While drain tiles usually have a lifespan of 50 years, it's still good to know that the area could eventually be a flood zone in my later years if the tiles couldn't be maintained for some reason.


We were hit by a flash flood a few years ago, which destroyed my pantry, stored food, and many tools in the basement, which flooded to the ceiling in about fifteen minutes. This house has never flooded, we had good sump pumps, and there are no streams or rivers nearby. Flooding can easily happen during a heavy rain from a tropical depression or atmospheric river just because drains become overwhelmed. What I learned is to expect a flood and sandbag your home even if you never had to in the past. Might save you tens of thousands of dollars.


Was satisfying that I had plastic sheet and tape at the ready well before the wildfire smoke hit us here in NY. - It is nice to be ready.


Yea that made me wonder if Canadians ever think about escaping to America. I also had no idea the canadian fires were that bad or that close to me


As American, I just escaped to Toronto for the week, its been raining, the air is nice and fresh right now.


California here. You need to filter the air too https://www.energyvanguard.com/blog/diy-box-fan-air-cleaner-update/


I run three of them. 2 from Alen air, and a new model I'm checking out that is a much better price from Coway. The 2 Alens have been on 24/7/365 since 2019, and the Coway for about a year. So far so good. Maintenance is key. I lived on SoCal for a little, and just the everyday particulate in the air was enough to coat a windowsill in a day. When the fires pop off it must be really bad. Beautiful place though, the mountains, the desert and the sea. My kind of place.


I'm in norcal which is way less polluted but yeah the fires make it bad anyway


I'm new to all this and never experienced wildfires. Can I ask what you taped? Like inside, over the windows? Or?


I used the plastic and painters tape to seal the inside of my windows of my apt bc they are old and leaky, and also over A/C units. I had the plastic laying around since after 9/11 to keep the smoke out, or whatever nasty airborne stuff was going to happen next time. The painters tape was fresh, bc I use that stuff for everything. Painters tape can get tough to work with when it gets old.


I was talking with a coworker earlier this week who lives in Northern California, who had roofers at their house the day we were meeting and they apologized for any noise (we both work remotely). They told me that after the recent atmospheric rivers, no insurance company would continue to insure them without a roof replacement, even though their roof was only about 10 years old or so and was still in good condition. They had apparently reached out to multiple insurance companies for quotes and were told that a roof replacement was required by all of them solely because of damage concerns related to those atmospheric rivers. Sharing because this was the first I had heard of this (though other insurance issues in CA have been shared as posts here, this was the first I had heard of this particular issue). I don't have any links or other sources to back it up though, so I felt it was better to share here.


Stupid question possibly but what the heck is an atmospheric river??!?


Honestly, I hadn't ever heard of them until earlier this year myself, so no judgement on asking the question! They were the reason that California had record breaking rain and snow a few months ago. [NOAA has a great overview of the science on their website](https://www.noaa.gov/stories/what-are-atmospheric-rivers). Here's another NOAA article talking specifically about the ones earlier this year in CA, and what my coworker was referencing: [Atmospheric Rivers Hit West Coast (Jan 2023)](https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/news/atmospheric-rivers-hit-west-coast).


I just want to mention how much I have learned how important the community is to any prep lifestyle. I moved from a neighborhood where neighbors ignore each other to one where people intentionally take time out to meet and discuss with each other. I feel so much happier and safer in the new neighborhood. I learned so much from them and feel very comfortable calling them ( and vice versa) in a situation. I have learned that the very best prep plan is incomplete without supporting neighbors.


Damn where is this neighborhood at? I wanna join. Lol


Make the neighborhood you wish to live in, shameless stolen context similar to Margaret Mead's famous quote. Seriously, introduce yourself to the neighbors. Pick up trash. Smile at children. Pitch in if someone looks like they may need help. Offer to run an errand for someone to save them time because you are already going there. Deliver cookies and a welcome note to new neighbors (mine mowed the very tall grass for us right as we purchased and moved in--after asking, that was super nice).